Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 727: Medicinal Food Hall


What I thought could be done in an hour or two, but it took 4 o'clock in the morning to finally get it done. Halfway through, Pei Qing saw that he was still busy with it, so she quickly apologized and acted coquettishly.

This time he came up with a total of five functional drink formulas and a full set of production technology, focusing on vitality, body fluid, stomach nourishment, nutrition, anti-aging, etc.

Among them, functional beverages that mainly focus on nutritional supplements are the simplest. You only need to add the nutrients needed by the existing human body, so that the human body can easily absorb them and have a good taste.

It takes a little more time for the taste, because the recipe for the good taste was given to Kirin Beverage Industry Group. Although this is the main functional drink, the taste cannot be exactly the same.

So it takes a little effort to make the taste suitable for drinking, but not exactly the same as the products of Kirin Beverage Industry Group, so you can't stagger the competition.

The drink that focuses on vitality is actually a combination of sports drinks and energy drinks in the previous life, but the raw materials used are different, and the functional effect is very significant. If you drink more, it will not cause a great burden on the body.

And it also has a certain effect of relieving fatigue. Unlike caffeine-based products that forcibly stimulate human nerves, this drink actually has the effect of actively repairing fatigued nerves, rather than stimulating them.

In other words, if the fatigue is relieved after drinking this drink, it means that the overall state has been changed and the body has gradually returned to a slightly healthier state.

But this effect is not unlimited. If you are too tired, even if you drink this drink, it will not be able to make up for it completely. If this happens, it means that you can't stand it anymore and you must rest.

Otherwise, sudden death would easily occur. He hoped that Taiji Group would indicate this in the product description to avoid irreparable consequences.

The drink that focuses on promoting body fluids is mainly to solve the problem of dry mouth of consumers. As long as you drink this functional drink, you will feel very good in your mouth, and your appetite will also improve a lot.

It is easy to understand that the drink mainly focuses on nourishing the stomach. It is very effective in solving minor stomach problems. Long-term drinking is very effective in nourishing and strengthening the stomach. It is very suitable for children and the elderly.

The main anti-aging drink uses original raw materials and has certain medicinal value, but it is food grade and will not cause serious consequences if you drink too much.

Drinking this drink for a long time can promote the metabolism of human cells from the inside out, not only can delay the speed of human aging, but also moisturize the skin.

Of course, the effect is definitely not as good as the bioactive liquid. The main focus of this drink is the overall effect. In the future, this drink should be the most popular product.

In fact, he also thought about making a functional drink with the effect of nourishing yin and strengthening yang.

But after thinking about it, forget it, Tai Chi Group's health products already have this function, and the effect is much better than this.

Moreover, the effect of such a product is too good to be used as a daily drink. The effect is very weak, but it does not have much effect, and there may be unpredictable consequences after long-term consumption.

If everyone is restless all the time, it is not a good thing for the society. In contrast, health care products are more controllable. Consumers will not drink too much health care products as drinks, and basically take them according to the regulations. .

The price of functional drinks must be higher than that of ordinary drinks. Ye Shu also suggested that Taiji Group set the price higher, hoping to set the price at more than 5 yuan, so as to stagger the competition with the drinks of Kirin Beverage Industry Group.

The price of beverages of Kirin Beverage Industry Group in China is actually very cheap, basically around 3 yuan, because if it is too expensive, the market will not accept it.

But functional drinks are different. Everyone drinks this kind of drink because of the main function. Those who need it are still willing to pay a slightly higher price.

Regarding the medicinal food part, he spent the most thought. First of all, he needs to make a list of edible plants and animals on the earth. Fortunately, Qilin Agricultural Development Group has ready-made ones.

But he needs to do a pharmacological analysis of everything on this list, and also pay attention to their strong medicinal properties, and what kind of people are suitable for use, etc.

If it weren't for his profound knowledge, it would not be an easy task to complete this task. In addition to paying attention to the properties of the medicine, he should also pay attention to the taste of the food. After all, it is not medicine, but food. If it is difficult to swallow, the effect will be better. Not suitable either.

In addition, he also needs to consider the level of acceptability. Some products are too expensive and not suitable for ordinary people. He hopes that Tai Chi Group is not dedicated to serving the rich, which is meaningless.

Of course, if consumers can afford the price, there is nothing wrong with using some expensive ingredients, but from the perspective of cooking, the effect is actually the same, and the purpose is to let the rich have places to spend their money.

The second is the research on the production process. Although Ye Zishu's cooking is very ordinary, it doesn't mean he doesn't understand it. It is not easy to reach the intermediate level of medicine and biology recognized by the virtual classroom.

To standardize the processing of food materials is to make better delicious food on the one hand, and to maintain the effect of raw materials on the other hand. The effects of different processing processes are very different.

Don't think that you can just take ingredients with medicinal effects and process them casually. He needs to standardize them in order to bring out the full effect of the ingredients.

The last is reasonable collocation. The above are the effects brought by a single ingredient, but some needs require comprehensive effects. This involves reasonable collocation, which can not only achieve comprehensive effects, but also enhance the effect of each other.

Of course, the ingredients here are also very particular. The ingredients we often eat actually have certain medicinal value. How to mix and use them also needs to be carefully considered.

After completing these tasks, with the assistance of artificial intelligence, a special medicinal diet management system was developed, which not only entered this information, but also added a lot of principled theories.

The reason for adding a principled theory that does not target specific foods is mainly to make the whole system highly flexible, rather than simply following his information, which seems very rigid.

Based on these principled theories, the artificial intelligence can combine the medicine and characteristics of each ingredient he sorted out to achieve independent matching. The effect may not be as good as his own matching, but it will not be bad, and there will be no adverse effects.

In addition, this system is also a complete management system, from food material procurement to sales tracking, which can take care of all the details of the business process.

Medicinal food is different from ordinary food, and its business model is different from that of ordinary catering. In most cases, consumers need to make reservations in advance, and then they will buy relevant ingredients, process and cook according to the steps provided by the system.

Although dine-in and ready-made medicinal food products are also provided, these products are basically popular, which means that the effect will not be particularly good, and it is difficult to meet special needs.

So in the future, their sales may be mainly takeaway, but compared with ordinary food, medicinal diet also has a lot of attention to the time of use. If the best consumption time is missed, the effect may be much worse.

For this reason, he also specially provided a set of distribution equipment, which adopts vacuum preservation and heat preservation technology, to ensure that after distribution, there will be no major changes, and there is no difference from eating dine-in.

Of course, with such a set, the cost is naturally very high, but people who have this kind of need generally don't care about money so much, and they are the ones who can afford it.

Ordinary people would not buy the medicated diet that helps wounds heal here. Using the medicine directly means spending more time. Spending extra money to buy medicated diet will make you feel distressed.

But for rich people, spending more than medicine to buy additional services for this purpose can not only shorten the recovery time, but also make the body and mind happy.

The price of this kind of medicated diet will basically not be lower than 100 yuan. Considering the current economic level, the price is still very expensive, and the consumer group is destined to be only a small number of people.

However, when the economy develops and people have more money in their pockets, such prices will not be unattainable. In addition, medicinal diet is not a daily food, and it is rare to eat it several times a year, so it is still affordable.

To make a good medicinal diet, the selection of ingredients is also very particular. Different varieties, different years and different seasons of ingredients have different effects, and some even have no effect at all.

If Taiji Group wants to do a good job in the supply chain of ingredients, it is best to cooperate with Qilin Agricultural Development Group to create a special medicinal food supply chain system to ensure that every ingredient is qualified.

Their own front-end sales prices are very high, and they are able to bear higher food cost. It is not difficult to build a breeding and planting base for this purpose, but it is also a very necessary thing.

Therefore, in this system, there is also a complete set of food material standard system, and he also provides a testing standard and testing equipment, so that he can know every food material well.

For this reason, he also provided a set of planting and breeding technical standards for each food material. According to this standard, while taking care of the effect of the food materials, it can also properly improve the planting efficiency and reduce the cost of supply chain construction.

In addition to these, in the entire supply chain system, every ingredient needs to be traceable, and at the same time, it must be anti-counterfeiting to avoid shoddy products in actual operation.

The market value of ingredients like this is also very high, and it is very likely that someone will drop the bag in private, or use it for other purposes, so it is necessary to supervise the ins and outs of each ingredient without leaving any dead ends.

This requires the use of a whole set of technical means to solve it. Ye Zishu did not provide detailed technical information, because the technology is ready-made, and only need to provide a set of strict prevention and control procedures and standards.

Then let the Taiji Group follow this set of prevention and control procedures and standards, and find other companies under it to develop it. The difficulty is not high, but it is just an application of existing technology.

Ye Zishu even chose a name for this industry, called "Medicinal Food Hall". The three words simply and clearly highlight the characteristics of this catering industry, and consumers can understand it at a glance.

At the same time, some opinions were put forward on the decoration style of the store, so that they can focus on traditional charm on the basis of modern materials, which not only conforms to the traditional aesthetics of our country, but also looks high-end and atmospheric, and does not fall into the cliché.

In terms of operation, it is not limited to the domestic market, but can also be developed abroad. However, it is necessary to do a good job in relevant science popularization work and popularize the concepts related to medicinal diet. This work has obvious advantages for them.

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