Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 728 Are there semi-finished foods now?


When Ye Zishu woke up the next day, Pei Qing was making breakfast, and when she saw him get up, she asked, "How long have you been busy yesterday?"

"It's four o'clock in the morning!" Ye Zishu said while washing.

Hearing this, Pei Qing felt that she had gone too far. Compared with the existing main business, these two businesses were not worth mentioning at all, and there was absolutely no need to bother Ye Zishu to do it.

"If you know it's such a trouble, forget it!" Pei Qing said apologetically.

Ye Zishu glanced back at her, and said with a smile, "It's okay, this is not just your business, it's also for me in essence, it's just an embellishment for a long-term research work, I don't think it's too hard."

Hearing what he said, Pei Qing felt a little better, and then said: "After washing, hurry up and have breakfast."

After Ye Zishu finished washing, he came to the restaurant and saw fried dough sticks. They were different from those sold at the breakfast shop outside. They looked much better and were much shorter.

So he asked, "You actually made deep-fried dough sticks?"

"I didn't make this. I went to the supermarket yesterday and found this kind of ready-made fritters for sale. You just need to heat it up and you can eat it. So I bought some and came to try it." Pei Qing explained.

"This idea is very good, which company made it?" Ye Zishu asked curiously.

Such food, as long as it is safe and the taste is not bad, is simply the gospel for lazy people, especially for people like him who like to stay at home and don't want to cook. It is very suitable.

He believes that such semi-finished food will definitely have a big market in the future. If there is a chance, he will definitely let Tidal Investment Company invest in it to make it bigger and stronger.

As a result, Pei Qing rolled his eyes at him, and said angrily: "You are still the president of Kirin Industrial Group, and you don't even know what business and products it owns, and what you do is quite unqualified."

"A product of Kirin Food Industry Group?" Ye Zishu asked.

"What do you think, now that the domestic food industry is mixed, how can I just buy something from outside and come back to eat? I must check the brand. I can buy it home with confidence when I see that it is a product of Qilin Food Industry Group." Pei Qing said.

"I didn't expect them to have such an innovation!" Ye Zishu said with a smile.

"It's really good. It tastes better than the fritters fried in the breakfast shop outside." Pei Qing praised fiercely.

This kind of food greatly saves the workload of these housewives, and can balance life and work, and the quality is quite good, so eating is much more at ease than outside.

This food must be industrially produced,

It came completely in accordance with the standard procedures. If it was a small brand, Pei Qing would have to worry about the safety standards being unqualified, but Qilin Food Industry Group has no such worries at all.

Because whether it is Kirin Industrial Group or any of its companies, any safety issue basically means that a large group of management members will be dismissed from get out of class.

This dismissal of get out of class is very serious, and the entire system under his banner is very large. As long as he dismisses get out of class for this reason, it means that he is completely divorced from this system and cannot be accepted by this system.

If you leave get out of class for other reasons, you still have the opportunity to transfer jobs. Even if you leave the company completely, you can still find a job in another company under its umbrella. It's just a matter of whether the job is good or not.

But as long as there is a safety accident, basically the skin will peel off if you don't die. In this case, even if one management wants to do this, other management will not agree, because they are also jointly and severally liable.

Don't think that only those who make decisions are responsible, and the entire management team will be punished, it's just about the severity of the punishment, and food safety and life safety are the highest levels.

As long as these two kinds appear, basically none of the management can escape, and that is the issue of the severity of the punishment. That's why Pei Qing feels that she can rest assured to eat the food of Qilin Food Industry Group.

"I can keep some semi-finished products like this at home, and I can make some to eat when I'm hungry, so I don't have to bother others to deliver the meal at noon." Ye Zishu said.

Hearing what he said, Pei Qing didn't know what to say. Call him lazy, but he has been working all the time, and the level of hard work is no less than that of their executives.

Let’s say he is diligent. He even finds it troublesome to make noodles. It’s not that he doesn’t know how to make noodles, but he doesn’t want to do it. People who don’t know the inside story will definitely think that he is too lazy.

"Then I may have to wait a while. After breakfast, I will go to Tianwen Medical College. They will start school tomorrow, so I have to go and see it before I can rest assured." Pei Qing said.

"How many days?" Ye Zishu asked.

"Maybe two or three days." Pei Qing said.

Although it's been a long time, it's understandable. It's rare for her to go there. She must understand all aspects. At the same time, she must communicate with all aspects of the school to convey the school's mission of Taiji Group and so on.

Maybe he would have to give a speech at the opening ceremony, encourage students to study hard at school, etc. Although these are not necessary in his opinion, they are very important in Pei Qing's view.

Taiji Group spends so much money to run this school, it is definitely not a waste of money, it must be necessary to exert its influence on this school at all times, at least to ensure that the graduates have a high degree of recognition of Taiji Group and are willing to join in.

They are not willing to cultivate students who end up at the expense of others, but they cannot force students to join the Tai Chi Group, so they need to exert a certain amount of influence.

Ye Zishu is understandable about this. Unlike him, setting up a fund to provide funding for basic scientific research in domestic universities is really not asking for anything in return, of course it would be better to have a return.

The reason is simple. Taiji Group’s school running is a corporate behavior. Every investment is expected to see the return it deserves. If there is no return for a long time, it may not continue to run the school, because it is meaningless to them.

However, Ye Zishu’s investment in basic scientific research is an individual behavior, and most of the personal behavior is also profit-seeking, but it is not as obvious as the profit-seeking of companies. This is a significant difference between individuals and companies when they treat the same thing.

"Why, you don't want to part with me?" Pei Qing asked with a smile when she saw that he was silent.

"I'm definitely not going to give up!" Ye Zishu said, he must not be stubborn at this time, and it is necessary to say good things according to the situation.

Sure enough, when he heard what he said, Pei Qing immediately laughed happily, women are sometimes so simple, if you say a nice word, you can be happy for a long time.

After breakfast, Pei Qing started to pack her things, and Ye Zishu also helped to pack, mainly bringing some clothes, as well as toiletries and cosmetics.

As a result, a box was full, which made Ye Zishu feel that it was very troublesome to bring so many things for two or three days on a business trip, but Pei Qing said that they were all necessary, so she didn't say much.

Sending Pei Qing to the airport, her secretary was already waiting here. After seeing Pei Qing boarding the plane, Ye Zishu returned home, continued to be busy, and continued the previous rhythm.

Another week has passed since the last time it was increased to 20% realism. In the virtual laboratory, he has increased the simulation realism to 25%, but it is still far from the 50% realism goal of the first stage.

Before, he still wanted to pursue 80% authenticity, but now he no longer has this idea. Even if he finally achieves it, it will take too much time to afford it.

So I decided to set the target at 50%. As long as this simulation fidelity is achieved, it can meet the requirements of use. At least on the surface, it is no different from the real world.

He believes that if the simulation degree of 80% is really achieved, even the laws of the universe must be simulated to achieve this degree of realism. Otherwise, it is a bit unrealistic to just stare at the earth.

He has already used all the knowledge he has learned hard over the past ten years, and it is only 10% of the real simulation level. In addition to studying hard during this period of time, the simulation level of reality has increased to 25%.

Don't think that you can increase it to 50% in a month, because it will be more difficult to make an appointment later, and now he has come into contact with knowledge that will take him a long time to understand.

It is still necessary to understand what this formula or law represents. It is not completely understood. As the level of knowledge deepens, it will only become more and more difficult.

Before, he always had a sense of superiority in IQ, but after this period of devastation, he found that he was just showing off to the outside world, and in the virtual space, he was not that smart.

This made him want to find out if there is a smart drug that can increase his IQ by several levels, but he knows that it will be futile.

It's not that there are no smart medicines in the virtual library, but that it may not be effective for him to take it himself. In fact, he has already felt that his brain has been developed to a certain extent.

Even if a smart drug is found, others may have a rapid increase in IQ if they take it, but he may not respond after taking it, and the IQ cannot be infinitely superimposed.

Although he believes that there is a way to continue to improve IQ, it is definitely not a solution that can be solved by just a prescription, because the easiest way to improve IQ is to increase the number of neurons in the brain.

This is like a processor. If you want to increase the processing power of the processor, you must increase the number of transistors. However, if the brain volume is certain, there will be a limit after all, and if you continue to increase it, you may face life-threatening.

So he can only continue to study in a regular manner. Even if he encounters knowledge that is difficult to understand, he has to try to understand it by himself, but it takes a long time.

Fortunately, in this process, he also gained a lot. The quantum technology that he had been thinking about before, after this period of study, has already taken shape, because the knowledge related to quantum is also an important part of the world.

As long as he completes the work of the world simulator, he can quickly complete the sorting out of quantum-related technical materials, as the so-called sharpening the knife does not miss the woodcutter, that's what it looks like.

At noon, I still asked the staff of the administrative department of Phoenix Technology Company to help deliver the food, and at the same time asked him to help deliver it in the evening. Anyway, it was a waste of time to ask him to cook the food himself.

After lunch, he was about to continue working, but he received an unexpected phone call, inviting him to a symposium on the future of military development, the application prospects of unmanned and robots.

Unexpectedly, the robot and drone products released by Qinglong Technology Company will not only affect the competition at the civilian level and the capital level, but also spread to the military field.

But thinking about it makes me feel relieved. The past life is a good example. Various unmanned equipment have appeared one after another. It is impossible for the relevant domestic departments to miss it. What's more, the advantages of these two aspects are already on our side, let alone miss it.

If it is a symposium, it may be to ask him alone, because these two aspects of technology are closely related to him, so just ask him alone.

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