Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 729: The Ambition of Kirin Food Industry Group


After eating the dinner that was just delivered, Ye Zishu did not start working immediately, but logged into the management system of Kylin Food Industry Group to check their business status.

This company was established relatively late and only started this year. At the beginning, he only asked it to produce convenience food, because it was the simplest.

Moreover, in this era, instant noodles and other convenience foods are selling very well in China. In his previous life, he was his favorite when he was a child. Unfortunately, instant noodles with five corners or one yuan are relatively extravagant for many people.

Now that the economy is developing at a faster rate, and the wages of the common people are also rising faster, instant noodles are no longer such a great food, but there is still a lot of market space in the era of material scarcity that has just passed.

Unexpectedly, Kirin Food Industry Group would think on its own, instead of doing exactly what he ordered, which made him look at their management team with admiration.

Regardless of the simple production of semi-finished food, this is a kind of ideological liberation, and they can make such a decision because they have insight into social needs.

Without a certain degree of foresight and insight, it is difficult to break through the limitations of the times, make arrangements in advance, and provide consumers with services and products that they did not expect.

If you want to create a market and occupy a leading position in the market, in addition to your own strength, you must be half a step ahead of the market, so that you can eat meat, and the companies that follow behind will have a good drink.

Log in to their management system, check their business projects, and find that even a single page has not been displayed, and scroll down to the end, occupying a full 10 pages.

He calculated that there were about 100 business items displayed on one page, and about 1,000 items were displayed on these 10 pages. This number scared him a bit, but his ambition was not small.

He never thought that there could be so many processed foods. It seemed that there were only so many snacks that he usually ate, even if it was a staple food with a feeling of fullness, it was not a lot.

After carefully analyzing their items, they are mainly divided into five categories: canned food, smoked and preserved food, dehydrated and dried food, frozen food and self-heating food, which do not seem complicated.

But each category is also divided into many types, such as canned food, which is divided into canned fruit, canned vegetables and canned meat. There are many categories below,

Smoked and pickled food is also easy to understand. All kinds of bacon, sausage, bacon, ham, etc. belong to the category of smoked and pickled food. The following is a long time different meat quality, which is divided into different business items.

Dehydrated dried food is actually very easy to understand, such as common dried fruits, dried vegetables, instant noodles and potato chips, etc., all belong to this category, and are the types of food that people are most exposed to.

Only in the category of Kirin Food Industry Group,

It also includes various nut products. In the past, if you want to obtain these products, you need to go up the mountain to pick them, which is very hard, resulting in very high costs.

But under the Qilin Industrial Group, this problem no longer exists. He provided Qilin Agricultural Development Company with a complete set of seed production technology during the Chinese New Year.

This set of technology does not rely on planting to obtain seeds. It is a very efficient industrial production model that can produce a large number of plant seeds as required in a short period of time.

Nuts and other products are actually plant seeds, so Kirin Food Industry Group only needs to purchase such equipment and carry out industrialized production to continuously produce all nut products.

Even the newly cultivated nut varieties can be produced directly in the factory without the long process of planting and harvesting. This is the power of technology.

Therefore, their nut products are very rich, including almost all existing nut products, and the quality is of the highest grade, and the price is relatively reasonable.

Like the more expensive pine nuts in the previous life, their production cost is estimated at 10 yuan per kilogram. This is after taking into account the cost of equipment. If the cost of equipment is removed, the cost is only about one or two yuan.

This set of seed production equipment and system produced by Kirin Basic Industry Group will not be sold to the outside world. If Kirin Food Industry Group is not a brother company, it will certainly not be able to obtain this equipment.

Because the purpose of producing this kind of equipment is to solve the problem of the Kirin Agricultural Development Group's long seed cultivation time, and at the same time allow them to achieve large-scale breeding of excellent varieties of seeds in a short period of time.

The grain produced by Qilin Grain and Oil Industry Group before does not have the ability to grow, because it does not have biological activity, but is only a product composed of starch, protein and various nutrients.

If you want to produce food seeds that can be used for planting, you must use this set of more advanced equipment. Whether it is the advanced equipment or the market size, the price is destined to be high.

Even if it is a brother company of Kirin Food Industry Group, the price of purchasing a set of such equipment is as high as 1 billion yuan, and the annual production capacity is about 100,000 tons.

If it is used to produce the pine nuts mentioned above, it will take about a year to recover the cost, but as long as the cost is recovered, the subsequent net profit margin will be very high.

The meat raw materials needed for smoked and pickled food will be purchased from Qilin Agricultural Development Group. The meat produced by them can be supplied in unlimited quantities, and the quality is higher, and it is safe to use.

But when Leaf Book opened their smoked food progress, they found that they were basically in the pending stage, which meant that there was planning, but it had not yet started.

Seeing the column that did not meet the conditions, it turned out that the smoking materials were not available. After a detailed understanding, it turned out that they did not want to use conventional smoking methods because there were certain food safety problems.

Kylin Agricultural Development Group is developing a special plant for smoking, which can not only make the meat taste better, but also healthier than ordinary smoked raw materials.

Of course, these are relative. There is no product in the world that is absolutely safe. In other words, drinking too much water can also cause poisoning, and eating too much of anything can not.

Fortunately, their pickled foods are basically in progress, but some pickled foods take a long time, like ham, generally at least more than one year, and the taste will be better if the age is relatively longer.

For this reason, they need to build a lot of equipment for storage. It is impossible to directly dry them outside like ordinary farmers. Industrialized food must not only emphasize safety and hygiene, but also improve efficiency.

The special equipment they use can speed up the drying process, but it is also very limited. It can only shorten the curing time by twice at the fastest. Sometimes technology is not a panacea, but it has to be handed over to time.

Of course, they also have a way to speed up the process, which is to guide the meat cells to absorb more salt during the meat production process of the Kirin Agricultural Development Group.

Then this kind of special raw material is handed over to Kirin Food Industry Group. They use a cell stimulation technology, which can further speed up the salt absorption speed of the cells, and at the same time speed up the air drying speed of the cells.

However, this method of speeding up the taste is worse than the traditional method. If it is only used as a cheap pickled product, it is not a big problem. They also made a batch and put it on the market to see how the market responds.

Using this method, the cycle of making ham has been shortened from at least one year to just one month, or even half a month.

Although the taste of the ham produced in this way is a bit poor, it is not particularly obvious. According to them, the taste difference is about 10%.

But the price gap is huge, five times the price difference between the two. The average price of this kind of quick-cooked ham is about 10 yuan per catty, which can be regarded as daily consumer goods by ordinary people.

The ham made in the traditional way has a minimum price of 50 yuan per catty, and the higher the age, the more expensive it is. If it is five years old, it can be eaten raw, and the price is very expensive.

In fact, the ham made in their traditional way is not completely traditional, because certain technological equipment is still used in the drying process.

However, these necessary scientific and technological applications not only speed up the efficiency, but also improve the taste. Under his banner, he will not blindly pursue the original ecology, because it is not suitable for industrial production and is a backward production method.

Here, Ye Shu put forward his opinion. It is true that smoked meat pursues better food safety and better taste, but it is also necessary to make traditional food to provide consumers with more choices.

The safety of traditional smoked meat is not very bad. As an industrialized enterprise, when formulating standards, it is enough to control accurately, and there is no need to blindly pursue better.

Because he knows that market demand must exist, and if they don’t occupy it, they will be occupied by others. Sometimes it’s not what the company wants to do, but the result of market choice.

In the field of canned food, their work is the smallest, because the most popular domestic food is canned fruit, and there are not many such food factories in China.

Moreover, it is also a best-selling product for export. Canned fruit in my country is popular because everyone was poor at that time, and it is delicious to eat it, while foreign countries like to eat it because it is convenient and durable.

Since there are so many companies engaged in this industry, Kirin Food Industry Group feels that there is no need to join them. On the one hand, the market is relatively saturated, and on the other hand, fruit prices may be driven up.

Therefore, their canned food is mainly concentrated in canned meat and vegetables. Canned meat can help Qilin Agricultural Development Group digest production capacity, and canned vegetables require higher processing technology.

Anyway, the domestic market for these two types of cans is limited, and they are mainly used for export. The production capacity in this area is not large, and we need to test the market reaction. Anyway, they are not interested in selling cheaply.

They will improve the quality of these cans as much as possible, but exporting products is just to earn hard money, in their view, there is no need to do so.

Therefore, the export price of their canned meat and canned vegetables is not cheap. As high-end canned products exported, the domestic price is relatively cheap, but they must also have a reasonable profit.

Among the canned foods, there is one that is sure to be popular in Europe and the United States, that is canned caviar, the raw material provided by Qilin Agricultural Development Group, the price is extremely low.

However, after being processed into caviar or canned caviar by Kirin Food Industry Group, the price is much more expensive than ordinary canned food, but it is still much cheaper than their current price, and ordinary people can afford it.

Their main business is actually on dehydrated dried food and frozen food. The semi-finished fritters he ate in the morning belonged to the category of frozen food.

Others include frozen dumplings, reunions, frozen buns, frozen wontons, etc., with their advanced production equipment and abundant supply of raw materials, making them is almost effortless.

In terms of revenue, it is actually not that bright. In the first three quarters, only one quarter was actually in operation. The turnover was only about 10 billion yuan, and the profit margin was even lower.

Because it is basically in the investment stage, if calculated as a whole, it is still in a state of net loss. I hope they will gradually implement these planned projects.

In the absence of his participation, he is quite satisfied with the performance of Kirin Food Industry Group, and he is quite optimistic about the future development of this group.

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