Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 730 Science Fiction Comes into Reality?


Since Pei Qing was on a business trip, no one at home made breakfast, so Ye Zishu drove directly to the cafeteria of Phoenix Software Company to have breakfast after washing up, and then drove to the place where the symposium was held.

In fact, it was the address of the last symposium. When he arrived, there were already many people here, but judging by the rank marks, the level was much higher than last time.

Because compared with the previous symposium, this time the confidentiality requirements were higher, so after he came in, all irrelevant personnel went out, and all those left at the scene were those who were qualified to have access to information.

Everyone didn't intend to talk nonsense, and the other party said straight to the point: "I invite you here this time, mainly to learn something from you."

Ye Zishu had already prepared for this. When he came here and saw no one who looked like a scholar, he knew that what he thought yesterday was correct. He said it was a symposium, but it was actually asking him questions.

"Just ask!" Ye Zishu said.

"We know that Qinglong Technology is your industry, and we are very interested in their drone and robot technology, which is why this meeting is held.

Our question is also very simple, that is, is it possible to use unmanned equipment in the military field, and how long will it take for robots to be perfected? ’ asked their chief.

This question is really difficult to answer. If it is based on his ability, it won't take long. He is fully capable of taking it out now, at least it can achieve high practicality.

However, he feels that it is not a good thing for technology to advance too fast at once. If these robots and drones are already available in existing technology, he will definitely not allow them to appear on the market prematurely.

He has always insisted that technology and society must adapt to each other, and the emergence of technology requires a gradual process, so that society can easily accept and adapt without causing major problems.

Of course, this is only in the civilian field. Don't look at his industries in full swing, but the technologies or prototypes required by these industries have actually existed for a long time, but they have not yet matured.

Needless to say, such as communication and computer, many technological prototypes in the field of biotechnology have actually appeared. The technology he brought out has just passed the development stage and directly reached a very mature level.

But even so, he also behaved cautiously. Many technologies are only limited to internal use, and are kept secret to the outside world, let alone authorized to the outside world.

His current state is actually very contradictory. He not only hopes to achieve the purpose of overtaking on corners through technological progress, but also solve many practical problems, and hopes that it will not cause too much impact on society, at least reduce negative impact.

But when it comes to the military industry, he really has a lot less worries, otherwise he wouldn't come up with such black-tech technology as simulated reality,

He is still tortured until now.

Even if it is quantum technology, which one is not black technology now? He would still take it out without hesitation, and didn't feel that there was anything wrong with it. It is a common practice for military industry to always be at the forefront of civilian use.

He thought for a while, and said: "The unmanned equipment, in fact, has the technical conditions. In fact, the various military aviation equipment I designed leave room for unmanned equipment.

After unmanned transformation, these equipment can be used by man and man. However, unmanned requires the support of many basic support systems. Without the support of these support systems, it is difficult to exert combat power.

The global positioning and navigation satellite system, which was completed some time ago, is one of the supporting systems, but this system alone is definitely not enough.

A set of global satellite communication system support is also needed, and the research and development of this will not be completed until next year. If it is initially completed, it may not be until the year after next.

In fact, I also have a plan for unmanned equipment, but it will only start after the support system is perfected and sufficient technology accumulation has been completed.

We can't think about running before we have learned to walk, not to mention the fact that the current scientific research personnel are too busy. Although Baihu Technology Company has seconded more than 50,000 people, it is actually not enough.

Therefore, my plan for Baihu Technology Company is to fully consider the research of unmanned equipment after completing the existing projects. These projects include the trinity military capabilities of sea, land and air.

As for whether you want to study it yourself, I don’t care, but I think you can do some forward-looking exploration appropriately, but don’t invest too much energy.

Because once Baihu Technology Company conducts such research, your previous research investment may not produce results, and you will face a backward situation. "

Although there was a bit of arrogance behind his words, everyone at the scene did not feel disgusted. Instead, they felt that what he said was true, because the facts had already proved this point.

As for the overall meaning he expressed, they also understood, that is, there must be technology, but they are too busy. Whether it is himself or the entire scientific research system, the current strength has no time to take care of research in this area.

If they do their own research, it may be the expansion of strategic and tactical thinking, coupled with the necessary talent reserve, to lay a solid foundation for future formal research.

"As for the research of military robots, I don't think it is necessary for the time being, because it still needs a long development process, and it only needs to keep the civilian field in the lead.

The reason is simple. Blindly pursuing absolute military leadership will inevitably consume huge resources. The gains outweigh the losses at present, and it is enough to let civilians accumulate technology in this area.

What's more, even if you come up with such a cross-age technology, you can't afford it. A robot that is as intelligent and flexible as a human will cost at least tens of millions of yuan.

With this money, it would be better to purchase more advanced individual equipment, which would make a greater contribution to the improvement of combat power. I think that the current limited military expenditure should be spent where it can most enhance combat power. "Leaf Book said.

Regarding the robot, he didn't say that he couldn't do it, which is tantamount to admitting that he has the ability to realize it, but his point of view is also very clear, that is, it is not necessary at the current stage.

Although there must be a lot of international friction, the overall situation is still relatively stable. As long as our conventional military strength is improved, it will be enough to achieve the goal.

What he said was actually very rational. From the perspective of making money, he would definitely not say that, and he wished that the other party's demands were as high as possible.

Because entrusting research and development of this kind of technology means that a large amount of research funding needs to be allocated, which is of great benefit to Baihu Technology Company.

But it doesn't help much to improve the overall strength. At least in the next three to five years, there is no need to worry about international breakthroughs in this area. He still has a good understanding of the technical level of various countries.

I thought that there would be a meeting for a while, but I didn't expect him to stop it. The problem is, what he said is very reasonable, and he can't refute it.

The scene they originally imagined did not appear. They thought that Ye Zishu would take this opportunity to set out various conditions, and then they would start to negotiate with each other on these conditions.

I didn't expect Ye Zishu to be completely different from ordinary entrepreneurs, not to mention private business owners, even state-owned enterprises will fight for this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

However, Ye Zishu persuaded them to wait a bit, not looking at this matter from the perspective of their own interests at all, but looking at this matter from the perspective of the overall situation, which won the favor of many people.

No matter what his identity is, the status of a super business owner must not escape. Interests should be his priority, but this performance is impressive. First of all, he does not consider his own interests, but the interests of the country.

When the other party expressed that they understood clearly and were about to end the meeting, Ye Zishu brought up some projects he was currently working on to see what they thought about it in the future.

"Actually, I have been thinking about one thing, that is, we are implementing a defensive policy. No matter how well the equipment is developed, there are definitely not many opportunities for actual combat, unless we can sell enough equipment.

In order to solve this problem, I am developing a simulation program that simulates the real world, hoping to realize fully electronic training and exercises to achieve the ability to maintain sufficient military quality in a peaceful environment. "Leaf Book said.

Before he finished speaking, the other party immediately asked: "Is there really such a technology? Don't tell me this is just another application of the game. I still know a thing or two about the games of Seagull Interactive Entertainment, and they definitely can't meet our requirements. "

Hearing the other party's surprised and somewhat suspicious eyes, Ye Zishu was not angry, but said with a smile: "Do you think I will use the technical level of making games to do this?

I don’t know if you have ever thought about the virtual world, of course it does not refer to the current Internet, but human beings can put themselves completely in the virtual world through virtual helmets, as if there is a clone in this world.

In this virtual world, sensory stimulation is no different from the real world. There are pain, taste, smell, etc., which are almost the same as the real world.

If someone asks me what the next-generation Internet should look like, I think it should look like this, turning the virtual world into a second world for human beings. "

What he said was too sci-fi, and everyone was a little dumbfounded after hearing it, because it was simply too unimaginable, and with the technology they are currently in contact with, none of them can do any of it.

In terms of power alone, it is not an achievable task to realize such a scene, and how to achieve the same sensory experience in the virtual world as in the real world is also a difficult problem to solve.

Even if the above technical conditions are met, the completion of such a world requires a huge amount of human resources, and with the current level of human understanding of the world, it is still a huge question whether such a world can be built.

Now someone tells them that he is achieving this goal. If they are not surprised, they will be surprised. If it were someone else, they would probably be called crazy, because no matter from which point of view, it is impossible.

But now it is Ye Zishu who told them the news. Although the outside world did not confirm him as the first genius, they only know that he is rich and powerful, but they know him much more deeply.

Since he said that it is being realized, it means that the project is possible to realize, but it is only a matter of time, and according to his consistent style, it may be completed in one or two years.

"Your news is a bit indigestible for us. It's too sci-fi." They retracted their surprised expressions just now and said embarrassingly.

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