Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 731 How much does it cost?


"Actually, it's normal for everyone to be surprised. Before starting this project, I never thought about doing this. It is really necessary to carry out research in this area because of practical needs.

Soldiers who have never been on the battlefield will never be able to become real soldiers. Only after experiencing blood and fire can they become heroes. However, they are also human beings, and it is impossible to send them to the battlefield casually unless necessary.

In addition to daily equipment training, if all live ammunition drills are used, the cost of consumption will also be very high. This is also a good choice when funds are relatively tight.

It can not only complete the drill and running-in of the equipment at a lower cost, but also achieve the purpose of live ammunition training in the real world, and there is no need to worry about real danger.

It can be said that as long as this system is developed, the changes will be very significant, and our country's military quality and fighting willpower will be improved several steps.

It is also based on this kind of thinking that I think that this system must be developed in advance. I just took this opportunity to ask you what you think about this system. "Leaf Book said.

Ye Zishu's words described his original intention of researching this system, and the reasons he gave were very sufficient, and they could immediately think of these benefits.

"Of course we don't have any opinions. We must be very clear about the benefits. As long as the development reaches the level you mentioned, we will definitely purchase it, but I don't know when it will be developed?" the other party asked.

"Actually, I don't have an exact time for when it will be developed, because the more the simulation is improved in the future, the more difficult it will be." Ye Shu said.

Hearing this, everyone was a little disappointed. It turned out that they were thinking too much, thinking that it would be developed in a short period of time, and they would have to purchase it for everything, because the increase in combat power brought by it was not a star.

Seeing their disappointed expressions, Ye Zishu smiled and said: "Actually, there is no need to be so disappointed. Since I mentioned it, I must be sure of it.

Although the specific time is not sure, but it can reach the level of practical application, and it can be completed by the end of the year at the latest. However, if you want to have a good experience effect, related supporting equipment is also essential.

Compared with software, which I can do independently, the research and development of hardware equipment, even if I provide technical support, it will take some time to become a real thing.

Therefore, it will probably be put into practical use in the middle of next year at the latest, and the time is not too long from now, less than a year. For such a major scientific research project, it should be the most efficient. "

Hearing Ye Zishu's panting words, everyone was a little bit dumbfounded, not to mention that there is no need to wait for a year, as long as such a research project can be completed, it is worth waiting ten or eight years.

Seeing the bright smiles on everyone's faces,

Ye Shu had to remind: "Because the technical level involved in this system is too high, both the system software and hardware are far beyond the current technological level.

No matter how much the research and development cost is, the market price is definitely high, and based on the need for confidentiality, the purchase model will not be the same as conventional equipment, but the lease model will be adopted.

The lease is divided into two parts, one part is the lease of the hardware terminal, that is, the full-sensing virtual helmet provided by Baihu Technology Company to you, each of which needs to pay a rent of 1 million yuan per year.

The other part is the service fee, which needs to be paid 10 billion yuan per year, and the number of uses is not limited. The more intensive the training you arrange, the lower the single cost.

Of course, if you don’t want to pay on an annual basis, you can also pay on a case-by-case and scale basis, but I suggest that it is more cost-effective to pay on an annual basis, so that the overall cost is the lowest. "

Everyone is not disgusted with the lease model he proposed. As long as the training purpose can be achieved, it doesn't matter whether it is purchased or leased. After all, this kind of equipment is not used on the battlefield and is a pre-war auxiliary facility.

But for the price he offered, it makes people scratch their heads a bit. If a battle drill with 100,000 people is held, it means that it will cost 110 billion yuan in rent.

Of course, they can also choose to rent less terminal equipment, but if the number of participants is too small, they can only hold tactical drills, so at least 50,000 units must be rented to complete the modern small-scale battle drill.

If it is leased according to this amount, it will cost 60 billion yuan a year, which is just like picking up money, and it is much more expensive than the purchase of real guns and live ammunition.

The price that Ye Zishu set out was also after consideration. Although 60 billion yuan is very expensive, if it is used reasonably, the cost saved for them will not be less than this.

The most important thing is to allow soldiers to experience simulation exercises that cannot be realized in reality, so that every soldier has the possibility to become an elite in all battles. This is the most important thing.

"Is it too expensive?" The person in charge said.

Ye Zishu shook his head after hearing this, and said: "This price is already a friendly price, the most talked about just now is the system software part, and everyone has already felt the technical difficulty in it.

Next, I will tell you about the technical difficulty of the terminal hardware and the technical difficulty of the background hardware. It is not calculated by cost, but by the level of technical difficulty. You will not think that I am a lion.

First of all, let me talk about the technology on the terminal hardware, which includes brain-computer information exchange system, information transmission system, five-sense perception system, brain nerve monitoring system, etc.

The technologies used here include quantum communication, quantum computing, quantum sensors, quantum detection technology, etc., all of which are top technologies today, and some technologies have not even appeared before.

The current research on quantum technology mainly uses quantum entanglement theory and quantum superposition state, and the corresponding technologies are quantum communication and quantum computing.

As for quantum sensors, human-machine quantum information exchange, quantum detection, etc., these are still undiscovered quantum theoretical sciences, not to mention that the technical level is also a comprehensive science.

If these theories and technologies are developed in a step-by-step manner, it is possible not to mention that it will take hundreds or thousands of years, but the scale of the expenditure is in units of ten trillion yuan.

If this system wants to run smoothly, it must provide massive computing power support. The current supercomputer, no matter how much it is used, cannot complete this task.

This requires the use of more advanced computers. Alternative computing technologies include photonic computers and quantum computers. The computing power of photonic computers may be about 10,000 times that of traditional electronic computers.

But even so, only small-scale simulations can be performed. Once the scale is expanded, such as simulating the entire earth, it will not be enough, and more advanced super quantum computers must be used.

The computing power of a quantum computer, even at the most basic level, is hundreds of millions of times that of existing supercomputers. If it is a little more advanced, it will be uncountable.

And such an advanced technology cannot be used for civilian use in a short period of time. You will be their exclusive customers. The advantages generated by this exclusiveness are nothing compared to the money that needs to be paid.

Such black-tech general products, if sold according to the market price, the price of hundreds of millions of yuan per unit, is actually not very expensive, but large-scale equipment is very difficult.

The reason why I proposed the lease model is that on the one hand, my interests are in it, and on the other hand, it is also considering the actual situation. It is the most friendly solution for you. "

There are people in their group who understand technology. After all, the purpose of this meeting is to ask about the feasibility of technology. If there is no one who understands technology, they may not understand it.

But when Ye Zishu mentioned so many applications of quantum, he was stunned for a moment. Quantum can also be used as a sensor? Can brain-computer interaction be realized? Can it also achieve cranial nerve detection to avoid brain injury?

They really can't imagine what the theory is here. Anyway, based on the current quantum theory, it is impossible to achieve the goals he said.

Ye Zishu is not for them to popularize science and technology. Even if he comes up with technology, it is just the production method of various parts and will not involve any theory.

And the most critical thing here is actually the software control system, which is the core technology. As long as this technology is in his hands, there is no need to worry about leakage.

When non-technical personnel heard what he said, they had nothing to say. It is not an exaggeration to spend 10 trillion yuan on research and development. They don't know if the research spanning thousands of years is right, but it will definitely be difficult to achieve within a hundred years.

From the perspective of technical content, if it sells for hundreds of millions of yuan, there will definitely be a certain market. Even if various research institutions buy it back for research, the quantity will be huge.

They dare not ask about the production cost, for fear that their hearts will not be able to bear it. If they are told that the production of such a device only costs 100,000 or 20,000 yuan, they are afraid that they will slap the table and scold profiteers by pointing at Ye Zishu.

Seeing that they hadn't spoken for a long time, Ye Zishu broke the silence and said, "You don't need to give me the answer now, you can go back and discuss it.

If I don't plan to use it, I don't have to work hard for it, and I can sleep well. I have been tortured enough for this matter during this time, and I can't sleep well. "

"We'll discuss it after we go back, and we'll give you an answer as soon as possible!" said the person in charge.

Ye Zishu nodded, this matter is over, and then he continued: "Actually, the global communication network that Baihu Technology Company will build next year has two communication modes.

One is ordinary electromagnetic communication technology, which is mainly used in the civilian field, and the other is quantum communication technology, which is intended for military use. You should also consider whether to purchase it. "

As soon as his words fell, the person in charge asked instinctively, "How much does it cost?"

It seemed that they were a little scared by his "lion's big mouth". The first reaction was how much it would cost. Fortunately, Ye Zishu had his own plan.

So he said: "There are two options for this, one is to pay as much as you use, just like the current mobile network, and the other is the annual service, so you don't have to care about the usage.

The first batch of global communication network construction needs to launch 256 communication satellites. The cost of launching each communication satellite is about 500 million yuan, and the total construction cost is about 128 billion yuan.

What I mean is that with an annual subscription, the annual communication service fee is 10 billion yuan. If it is paid on demand, we have to go back and add it up. We must not let ourselves lose money.

Some of you may understand the benefits of quantum communication, but I still want to mention that it is super confidentiality. This kind of confidentiality is not based on algorithms, but based on physical characteristics, which cannot be cracked.

The current electromagnetic communication technology is very easy to crack. Even the most advanced encryption algorithm is invisible to quantum computers.

Now that quantum computers are about to come out, there must be matching information security measures, and quantum communication is a communication method tailored for this purpose. "

They have become numb to the previous fee, because the fee negotiation of the previous two systems is basically the same as this one, at least the same level of service fee.

But they felt a little helpless when they heard the following words. The meaning is obvious, that is, they still have to use quantum communication, because after the emergence of quantum computers, the existing communication security methods have completely failed.

It is impossible to communicate unless the method of human transmission is adopted. The purpose of technological development is to make it more convenient and faster, and it is impossible to return to the ancient communication method.

"We understand what you mean, and we will go back and think about it carefully. How do you think this meeting will end here?" the person in charge said.

Ye Zishu naturally had no objection, said everything that should be said, and said: "Alright, let's go here."

After the meeting ended, Ye Zishu left the meeting place immediately, and didn't bother to eat here, afraid that they would complain that the fee he offered was too high.

He simply drove directly to the cafeteria of Phoenix Software Company to eat. He was afraid that he would give in if his heart softened, and Baihu Technology Company might face a shortage of funds for the next project.

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