Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 739 Can memory storage be realized?


Three days passed quickly, and the entire data collation process went very smoothly. The effect of the intensive study some time ago was highlighted, and I basically had a clear understanding of this area.

After completing all the data collation, Ye Zishu immediately notified the management of Baihu Technology Company, asking him to select elite and reliable personnel from within the company to form a highly confidential research and development team.

In this project, it is definitely not possible to use seconded scientific research personnel, and all use the company's own personnel, even if the technical level is almost the same.

Anyway, the technology was provided by him. As long as the experiment is carried out according to the steps, it is not difficult. As long as it reaches the level of an experimenter, it is enough for this job.

It took the company's management a day to form a scientific research team of 100 people. This project does not require too many people, and 100 people are enough.

After finding all the people there, Ye Zishu immediately went to Baihu Technology Company, and then held a small meeting with the management of Baihu Technology Company, mainly introducing the project briefly.

When they finished listening to Ye Zishu's introduction, their expressions were different, and some people were full of excitement. This kind of thing that can only be found in science fiction scenes is actually possible in Baihu Technology Company. This sense of expectation is very strong.

Some people feel that it is a bit nonsense, because the introduction of Ye Zishu is too sci-fi, and they feel that the current level of technology is completely impossible to do, and they suspect that Ye Zishu is a bit crazy.

Of course, most people would not believe that Ye Zishu would talk about this matter. Judging from his past performance, since he said it and organized a scientific research team, it shows that he has full confidence.

A thoughtful person even thinks of more things from his brief introduction just now. For example, is it possible to conduct a lie test on such a device that can realize the communication between man and machine?

In the eyes of many people, since they can read the thoughts in the human brain, they will naturally discover the secrets in the human brain. The use of this technology in the civilian field may involve many problems.

However, there is no problem at all when it is used in secret departments, so that national security can be greatly improved, and all lurkers will have nowhere to hide.

Some people also thought that since the thinking of the human brain can be read, whether it is possible to read and store human memory, if it can be realized, it means that many people can achieve immortality in the virtual world.

It would be a bit scary if we could achieve alternative immortality with cloning technology and memory reinjection technology. Although there are still many problems to be solved, the topic of immortality seems to be so close to human beings for the first time.

Some people also think about whether this technology will truly build a second world for human beings and form a virtual world with a very prosperous economy if this technology is civilianized.

In that way, although the real space of human beings cannot be expanded,

But the thinking space of human beings, or the real movable space will be greatly expanded, which is not comparable to the simple game world.

This means that many people can realize all activities in the virtual world that do not require physical exchanges. The boundary of human activities has changed from limited to unlimited, and the human economy has the possibility of further prosperity.

With the earth's resources, the human economy will fall into a bottleneck when it reaches a certain level. No matter how it develops, it will be difficult to make a breakthrough, because there are only so many resources, and the resulting population has an upper limit.

The size of the population actually determines the upper limit of the total amount of economic development, and also determines the upper limit of the level of technology, because the birth of super geniuses is also probable.

The larger the population, the more geniuses there will be, and the smaller the population, the fewer geniuses will be. These real geniuses are generally not cultivated by improving education.

The process of education and training is actually the process of discovering talents. People with high IQs will surely stand out as long as they receive education. As long as there is a sufficient population, there will be no worries about the emergence of geniuses.

Kirin Industrial Group has solved many problems of resource constraints. As long as the economy develops, it is not difficult to quickly increase per capita resources. However, the increase in population will inevitably bring about certain pressure on jobs.

Especially with the emergence of intelligent technology, ordinary workers will increasingly lose job opportunities, and the possibility of all people becoming engineers or scientists is very low.

This means that there are always some people who need to rely on government relief to live. There is no problem with these. It is not difficult to support a person in modern society.

But how to find something that allows these idle people to have something to do, or to be able to exert their due ability and create a certain value for society is particularly important.

Because if such a thing cannot be found, then the waste of social resources will also bring about a very serious social phenomenon, that is, more and more people will be willing to receive government relief.

Although in the era of intelligence, the government does not have to worry about not being able to afford it, because all production links are completed by automated equipment and robots.

However, the resulting social ethos will lead to the gradual degeneration of the entire society. The rich pursue extravagance, and the poor are willing to live on relief. Both parties enjoy themselves.

Although Ye Zishu is very opposed to high-intensity labor, he also opposes doing nothing all day long. If the whole society is addicted to pleasure, then the whole society will not be saved.

As long as a high-fidelity virtual world is built, these idle people can wander in the virtual world, and then they can obtain resources from the virtual world, and these resources can be cashed in real currency.

In this way, everyone will have something to do, and everyone wants to get more resources in the virtual world, so everyone needs to be proactive, so that it can effectively suppress the negative trends in society.

Moreover, the value produced in the virtual world may be much higher than that in the real world. On the one hand, the virtual world is infinite and does not need to be limited by resources.

On the other hand, all mental activities generated in the virtual world can be recorded, and the gathering of various whimsical ideas can be fed back to the real world.

To give a very simple example, if you want to study microscopic particles in the real world, you must spend tens of billions of dollars to build a collider, and the number of people participating is very limited.

But in the virtual world, it becomes extremely easy to do such high-input experiments, and everyone has the opportunity to become a top physicist.

Of course, all these assumptions are based on the reality of the virtual world. If the degree of reality cannot be achieved, it means that many results in the virtual world are not valid in the real world.

At the beginning, everyone just quietly thought about the various possibilities brought by this technology, but when someone mentioned the possibility of memory storage, the topic was completely distorted.

Faced with all kinds of exciting conjectures from everyone, Ye Zishu spread his hands helplessly and said, "Whether what you think can be realized, I don't know, but it is definitely not possible now."

His words directly interrupted everyone's imagination, and they began to gradually return to reality, and began to discuss the arrangement of this project, mainly the issue of confidentiality, which Ye Zishu specially emphasized.

Baihu Technology Company cannot disclose any information about this project to the outside world. If there is any such news outside, someone must come out and take responsibility.

After a small meeting with the management, Ye Zishu held another meeting with a research team of 100 people, mainly explaining the structure of this system, so that they can have a more intuitive understanding of the operation of the entire system.

As for why this design was done and what was the rationale behind it, Ye Zishu didn't introduce it in detail. After arranging their respective scientific research tasks, Ye Zishu immediately disappeared.

Back in the office, Ye Zishu had a bit of a headache. Although they put forward many unreliable conjectures, there are also many technologies that can be realized.

For example, memory storage, this system actually has the ability to read memory, but he can't just say it casually, because it would be a taboo.

The simplest reason is that if these officers and soldiers use this system, their memories will be recorded, which means that many military secrets will be exposed.

So in this system, he didn't make any reservations about any information generated by brain-computer interaction. In addition to being inappropriate to appear, there are also technical difficulties.

There is an essential difference between the way the human brain remembers and the way equipment stores. If the human brain remembers images to be stored, a large amount of memory is required, which is actually nothing.

The main reason is that the memory of the human brain is not complete, but fragmented. All kinds of memory present a network structure, not the pictures we often see, and they are all related to each other.

If the interrelationships cannot be preserved, it is meaningless to memorize them, and it is impossible to store these complex interrelationships with the existing storage system.

Another difficulty is that if a person's memory is to be obtained, it must be presented. If it is not presented, it will be difficult to obtain it through the existing brain-computer interaction technology.

In other words, if you want to store a person's memory, you must let the person recall it from beginning to end, which is impractical.

Because no one dares to say that he can recall all the memories in his mind, no matter how clear the memory is, it will be lost, and most of people's memories are remembered only when they are touched by the scene.

To give a very simple example, we have learned so much knowledge from childhood to adulthood, but no one can fully recall the knowledge we have learned, but when we see the questions, we can answer them.

If you really want to do it, a lie detector can do it, but for specially trained people, it will not be very useful, because after professional training, the brain can deceive itself.

His headache is not these problems, but the management of Baihu Technology Company can think of it, and other people can naturally think of it. Although they don't necessarily say it, guessing is inevitable.

This is also when he was in the management meeting, he directly denied the technical feasibility, without any muddle in the water. Fortunately, only he knew whether it was feasible, and no one else could prove it.

After finishing the technical information of the virtual helmet, Ye Zishu had nothing to miss here, so he asked someone to help him buy a plane ticket and prepare to fly to the capital.

Although living with Pei Qing is not so free, but at least there is a sense of life, he has to adapt to this kind of life, and can't always be nostalgic for the happy life of a single dog.

That afternoon, Ye Zishu got on the plane to the capital, and then he planned to retreat completely for a period of time, ignoring anything from the outside world.

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