Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 740 Stirring up the global medical situation


On November 15th, Tai Chi Group held a new product release conference. Compared with the conference held last year, this conference attracted a very large number of media, as many as thousands.

The reason is very simple. Taiji Group's performance this year is too impressive. From a company that was slightly profitable before, it has been directly promoted to the world's top giants, and it can even be said to be one of them.

Many of their special medical products have been sold all over the world. Although most of them are relatively expensive, they are much more effective than traditional treatment methods.

This not only makes Tai Chi Group the most profitable company in the world, but also makes them the most respected company in the world, not even one of them.

Many people rely on their medicinal products to get rid of the troubles of diseases, and many people rely on their products to bring them back to life. As the saying goes, saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda.

It can be said that there are not many people who don't know the Taiji Group now, at least in countries with a decent economy, the Taiji Group's name is like a thunderbolt.

Because the pharmaceutical business is too brilliant, the brand value of Taiji Group has been greatly increased, and their other businesses are also developing in full swing.

Skin care and cosmetics, which were originally looked down upon by everyone, have also become the absolute overlord in this industry. With excellent performance, it can be said to be unique in the field of skin care, unmatched by anyone.

This is not an exaggeration at all, unless people who really have no money, as long as they have a little ability, they will choose to buy their skin care products, because their products have the best effect and have no side effects at all.

Because their products are too brilliant, companies originally engaged in this industry have to downgrade their brands and turn them into cheap stalls. Some of them can't save face and simply stop operating this type of business.

Although this year is not over yet, in the first three quarters, the revenue brought by skin care products alone was as high as 2 trillion yuan, and there is a high probability that it will exceed 3 trillion yuan this year.

Don't think this figure is very high, it can only be said that this is just the beginning, according to the lowest price of their overseas sales is 4,000 yuan, it can only be used for one season.

If you buy it for a whole year, you will need to spend 16,000 yuan, with a revenue of 3 trillion yuan, which corresponds to less than 200 million customers. Not to mention developing countries, there are more than this people in developed countries around the world who have this spending power. point.

Therefore, there is still a lot of room for improvement in the international market. Although the price in the domestic market has been reduced by half, the consumption volume is not very large, which shows that there is also huge development potential in the future.

Next year, Leaf Book intends to increase the average monthly salary of its employees to 4,000 yuan, which means that the country will also generate huge consumption power.

spend half a month's salary,

You can buy skin care products that you can use for three months to make yourself look younger. There should not be many women who can refuse.

Due to the high awareness of their skin care products, the result is that the sales of their cosmetics have also increased significantly, and they have been promoted to the top ranks in the world.

Although the revenue brought by cosmetics is not comparable to that of skin care products, it is still a big business, with revenues of tens of billions of yuan every year. It is a pillar industry in any city in China.

The government personnel who didn't have much experience with Taiji Group's construction of the cosmetics industry in Chengdu at the beginning can be said to be grinning from ear to ear. They did not expect such a business to have such a high industrial scale.

Relying on the cosmetics industry, Chengdu has successfully caught up with the fast lane of domestic economic development, and the city's economic scale has achieved dozens of times of growth.

If it weren't for the even more terrifying economic development speed of the three provinces of Hunan, Jiangxi, Hubei and ah, Chengdu and even Sichuan would definitely rank among the best in terms of regional and provincial economic growth this year.

Taiji Group's personal diagnosis business is also in full swing. Their personal diagnosis equipment has been in a hot state since the press conference. Even if the price is high, many consumers are still willing to pay for it.

At the beginning, everyone focused on the smart wearable function of this device. It can be used in conjunction with the electronic products of Qinglong Technology Co., Ltd., and there are many trendy ways to play it. However, they do not believe the personal physical condition inspection ability promoted by Taiji Group.

The domestic audience believed it, because everyone is familiar with the diagnostic technology of traditional Chinese medicine, but the price is expensive and domestic sales are limited.

However, after a period of verification, it has been proved that this personal diagnostic device is indeed effective in physical condition examination, and the accuracy rate is very high.

As a result, more consumers flocked to it. In the first three quarters, Taiji Group sold 60 million units worldwide, and it is very likely to achieve sales of hundreds of millions this year.

Some countries even take the initiative to provide purchase subsidies to their residents, like many wealthy countries in the Middle East do this, because in their view, if the disease is detected in advance, the country can reduce a lot of medical insurance expenditures.

There are also many countries in Europe that allocate part of the funds from medical insurance to subsidize residents for the purchase of personal diagnostic equipment, but they are all countries with small populations. In countries with large populations, it is difficult for the government to support them financially.

People in countries with subsidies are naturally very active in buying, and countries without subsidies are not bad at all, because buying such equipment can actually help them save more medical expenses.

For example, Mr. M, many of them actually do not have medical insurance, and the number of people who actually pay for commercial medical insurance is only tens of millions. Most of the rest have no medical insurance, or medical insurance with a low payment ratio.

For them, with such a device, it can not only be used as a smart wearable device, but also monitor the health of the body at all times and detect diseases in the bud.

For people with full medical insurance, this device is also essential, because with smart headphones, it is equivalent to carrying a smart terminal with you, which can understand and deal with many things in time.

In the first half of the year, the sales of medical equipment for medical institutions were poor, because they did not have many exclusive medical equipment in this area.

The best sellers are the expensive fully automatic surgical equipment. Even if it is tens of millions of units, the number of units sold in the world is still as high as tens of thousands, and this number will increase in the future.

The sales of this kind of exclusive medical equipment are still good, but the sales of non-exclusive medical equipment are very mediocre.

Most of their sales are still in the country. Although domestic medical institutions have various problems, there are also many hospitals that are very optimistic about their products. The reason is simple. Buying their products does not require foreign exchange.

In addition, the domestic Tai Chi Group provides certain discounts, and there are not many high-tech medical equipment in China before, so there is not much burden of replacement.

If you want to use their medical equipment well, you need to match their medical system to achieve the greatest effect. Therefore, many powerful hospitals in China usually buy a full set.

In this way, with their advanced intelligent medical system, the work efficiency of the hospital will be improved several times, the hospital's reception capacity will be stronger, and the revenue will naturally be more.

However, foreign medical institutions have advanced medical equipment, and these equipment are also purchased at a high price, so it is impossible to change them at will.

Buying an expensive smart medical system for one or two sets of Tai Chi Group's medical equipment seems to be very cost-effective. If you don't buy it, their medical equipment will not take much advantage.

It is not an option to sit back and wait for gradual upgrades, because other medical equipment manufacturers will not wait for themselves to fall behind in this area, and will definitely step up technology research and development, hoping to catch up with the technical level of Taiji Group's medical equipment.

Although they were unable to develop such advanced smart medical equipment in a short period of time, they were able to occupy this market by relying on price cuts and long-term cooperation with the past.

Once their equipment is purchased, they will not be replaced casually in a short period of time, which not only hinders the development of Taiji Group's business, but also buys themselves more research and development time.

Although this method of killing two birds with one stone has reduced the profit margins of these medical equipment companies, they have given themselves a chance to survive.

When Taiji Group saw that many medical equipment manufacturers around the world cut prices and sold them, they knew that the situation was very bad. Unless they followed suit with a substantial price reduction, the situation would be very unfavorable to them.

However, if the price is greatly reduced, it will only benefit others, which they are unwilling to do. In order to deal with this situation, Pei Qing proposed the strategy mentioned by Ye Zishu before, which is to build an unmanned hospital.

Unmanned hospitals do not mean that they do not need people at all, but that they only need a small number of people to maintain them, and they can run well, and their efficiency is much higher than that of ordinary hospitals.

The unmanned hospital has realized automation in the whole process from diagnosis to determination of treatment plan, to surgery or taking medicine. Now with the service robot of Qinglong Technology Company, it even saves the number of consultants.

They do not really want to occupy the medical institution market by adopting such a strategy. Regardless of Tai Chi Group’s crazy opening of hospitals in China, they actually do not have this idea abroad.

If foreign hospitals want to make money, they need to be included in the medical insurance system, and their medical insurance is generally commercial medical insurance. Insurance companies cooperate with hospitals and have fixed partners.

Unless the medical institutions established by the Taiji Group in foreign countries reach a cooperation with insurance companies, it will be difficult to do well. The reason why they continue to do so is to force local medical institutions to follow their pace.

So they opened unmanned hospitals in important cities around the world, the number of which reached hundreds. At first, everyone didn't care, or even paid attention to this practice of Taiji Group.

But after waiting for the opening, everyone found that the problem was very serious. In countries like Europe with full medical insurance coverage, although the medical insurance is very good, it takes a long time to make an appointment.

As a result, many people still need to go to private hospitals for treatment, and public hospitals are hard to find. When they are in the queue, they will be cured.

However, the cost of treatment in private hospitals is very high. Under the promotion of Taiji Group, many people began to try to go to their unmanned hospitals for treatment. The reason is very simple, that is, it is much cheaper than private hospitals.

Although it still costs money, compared between the two, the unmanned hospital is the best choice for many ordinary people, not to mention that this hospital has the endorsement of Tai Chi Group, and they are not afraid of being cheated.

In fact, after trying it, many people feel that the experience is very good. They can basically see a doctor when they go. Under the guidance of the staff or the reminder of the device voice, they can complete the operation by themselves.

Then get the medical certificate printed out on the spot, and go directly to the unmanned medicine collection window to get the medicine. There is almost no need to wait in line during the whole process.

Of course, if the disease is more serious, the staff is still needed to assist in the examination, and if surgery is required, the staff is also required to provide necessary help and guidance.

With the efficiency at least five times higher than that of other hospitals and the number of personnel only one-fifth of other hospitals, unmanned hospitals occupy an absolute advantage in terms of cost performance.

As more and more people experience the high efficiency of unmanned hospitals, more and more people go to Tai Chi Group's unmanned hospitals unconsciously.

In less than a month, the unmanned hospital of Taiji Group has almost become a household name in the city where it is located. However, due to the distance from home, not everyone has the opportunity to experience it.

But even so, in just one month, their unmanned hospital was running at full capacity, and Taiji Group had to decide to open more unmanned hospitals.

This has made many hospitals very anxious. If this situation continues, the unmanned hospitals of the Taiji Group will completely occupy their living space.

At first they tried to suppress it through administrative power, but they were opposed by the people. For ordinary people, they urgently need efficient and relatively cheap medical institutions to solve their actual problems.

If it is really banned by the government, it means that they have returned to the original point. They have no choice but to wait in long queues or pay high prices to go to private hospitals.

Seeing that these medical institutions could not suppress Taiji Group's unmanned hospitals through administrative power, they thought of threatening business, hoping to prevent Taiji Group from expanding.

Many of their hospitals have purchased Tai Chi Group's medical products, and they threatened to stop their cooperation in the medical field if they did not stop their expansion.

Apparently such intimidation didn't scare Tai Chi Group, it would be better if they stopped cooperating, because it means their competitiveness is reduced.

Taiji Group has not stopped their pace of building unmanned hospitals. In some places, one or two new hospitals have been opened, and in some cities, four or five hospitals have been opened directly. Many medical institutions are anxious like ants on a hot pot.

This period is also the time when negotiations are most intensive. Many medical institutions even send management personnel to the headquarters of Tai Chi Group in person, wanting to communicate with them face to face.

Seeing the sincerity of the other party, Taiji Group is not aggressive. It is very simple to want them to stop their expansion, and that is to buy their full set of unmanned medical equipment.

Since you can't win, then join. Some organizations choose this way. Seeing that the other party is so knowledgeable, Taiji Group said that it can sell the unmanned hospital it is building to them.

In this way, they can open several hospitals with the manpower of one hospital, which not only improves the efficiency, but also increases the market share a lot.

And such an approach can deter ignorant medical institutions and let them fight among themselves, which is much better than Taiji Group fighting in person.

There are also smart medical institutions who see the opportunity and want to form a strategic partnership with Taiji Group and want to dominate the entire market in their region.

The Taiji Group will definitely not agree to such a condition. If they really let their family dominate, the Taiji Group will face a passive situation in this area.

Just using such tricks, in just three months, the business of Taiji Group has been greatly improved. Almost all powerful medical institutions are considering unmanned transformation.

Some people just take the initiative to do this because they see an opportunity to squeeze out competitors. Before opening a hospital, you can't open it just because you want, you must have enough skilled personnel.

It is different now, key positions have been replaced by machines, and the number of required personnel has also been greatly reduced, which creates conditions for their expansion.

There are also some medical institutions that are coerced by the market. If they do not change, they will lose the market. Even if they are selling iron, they must carry out unmanned transformation to enhance their competitiveness.

The most important thing is that the unmanned hospital has greatly lowered the threshold for opening a hospital, so that many capitals that could not be raised before have also seen opportunities, and the market as a whole is a pot of porridge.

No matter how chaotic the market is, it is a good thing for Taiji Group, because of this, their medical equipment sells well, and they can also earn a lot of service fees through the intelligent medical system every year.

Most of the medical equipment is a one-off sale, but the intelligent medical diagnosis system charges a service fee based on the number of patients. Although there are not many patients per patient, it is still considerable when added together.

The service fee of the intelligent medical system is charged according to the economic development level of different countries. For example, in developed countries, the fee per person is about 20 US dollars.

In developing countries, according to the level of economic development of the country, the charge per person ranges from 20 yuan to 50 yuan, which is generally lower than the manual registration fee. Unless it is a special case, the service fee will be higher than that of the local level.

In China, Taiji Group has provided greater discounts. The charges vary according to different cities, but none exceed 10 yuan per person, and service fees are exempted in some areas.

Because for the poor areas in China, even a service fee of a few yuan is unbearable for many people. At the stage when the economy is not fully developed, Taiji Group would rather not charge this fee, but also reduce the burden of medical treatment for the people.

For a standard unmanned hospital, the cost of equipment is as high as 100 million yuan, plus the annual service fee, so that Tai Chi Group can also earn a lot of money in this regard.

It's just that these actions are all carried out in the second half of the year. The current total revenue is not very high, but next year their business will show explosive growth.

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