Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 741 Super diet pills and sober medicine


Seeing thousands of media personnel crowding the entire press conference, Pei Qing was quite satisfied, which was the embodiment of appeal.

In the past, if they wanted to gather so many media, they might not be able to do so even if they paid money. Now they only need to make an announcement to the outside world, and all the media will sign up to participate voluntarily.

Pei Qing walked slowly from the backstage to the front desk, and said with a smile on her face, "Welcome all friends from the media to the Tai Chi Group's annual press conference."

As soon as this was said, there was a round of applause below, Pei Qing waited for a while, and after the applause was sparse, she continued: "We have a lot of content in this press conference.

There are not only upgraded versions of existing products, but also many new products that will be unveiled to you, which will definitely make your trip worthwhile, because we will have revolutionary technology releases. "

Hearing her words, the media in the audience immediately became excited. If they hadn't known that the questioning session hadn't come yet, they couldn't help asking what the revolutionary technology was.

Pei Qing then introduced their upgraded products. The first thing she introduced was the personal diagnostic equipment. Compared with the previous generation, the new product has a more powerful chip.

In the past, they used chips with a 90-nanometer process. Although they have a certain degree of intelligence, due to the limitation of computing power, the gap with Ye Zishu's imagination is still a bit big.

It's just that in this era, such intelligent products have exceeded the imagination of many people, so many people are also willing to pay for it.

The upgraded chip this time makes the computing power more powerful, the degree of intelligence is higher, and the usable functions are more powerful. It can already be used as a personal computer with weaker functions.

The improvement of hardware capabilities will inevitably bring more powerful functions. Compared with the previous generation of personal diagnostic equipment, they have mainly increased the following points in terms of hardware capabilities:

The first is that the ability to handle affairs independently has been enhanced. This device can be directly connected to the display through wireless and used as a temporary computer host.

There are two technologies worth mentioning here. The first is powerful computing power. Personal diagnostic equipment is as big as a watch. It is already quite remarkable to be able to achieve such computing power.

The second is the wireless image transmission technology that can replace the data line, which shows that the wireless transmission technology has achieved ultra-stable, high-capacity transmission technology, and the delay has basically reached the level of wired information transmission.

Secondly, the 3G mobile communication network connection technology is realized on the personal diagnostic equipment, which uses a virtual electronic card, and the future smart phone can realize the multi-purpose function of one card.

That is to say, consumers who apply for a mobile phone card can realize the ability to use mobile phones and personal diagnostic equipment at the same time, which is a great boon for those who forget to bring their mobile phones.

Then, the electronic payment function is realized on this device, which can use short-distance radio frequency technology to directly swipe the card for consumption like swiping a credit card, saving the trouble of carrying many physical credit cards.

You can also use the provided image scanning function to scan the QR code for payment. With this device, you don't need to carry a wallet when you travel around the rivers and lakes.

Moreover, the short-range radio frequency technology can replace all electronic cards. For example, you don’t need to swipe your card to enter the subway, you can just swipe this device directly. There is no need for manual operation in the whole process, and the intelligent program automatically manages the functions.

Finally, a language translation function is added to this device. With this device, it is equivalent to carrying a professional translator with you, so you don't have to worry about language communication barriers when you travel around the world.

Using this device with smart headphones can realize simultaneous interpretation and make business communication smoother.

The biggest upgrade this time is the function of smart wear. Since everyone likes it so much, Tai Chi Group will naturally improve its capabilities in this area, so that this device can be used in more scenarios.

As for the diagnostic function, since it has been done well enough before, it is already difficult to upgrade. Unless there is obvious improvement, there is no need to upgrade every year.

The price of new equipment is still US$2,000 per unit. After the new products are launched, the old products will be sold at a reduced price. As for how much the price will be reduced, it depends on the market reaction.

Taiji Group used personal diagnostic equipment as the opening scene of the press conference, and it really had a good effect. After hearing these functions, many people felt that it was so convenient to own such a device.

Pei Qing didn't go into details about other small features. For example, compared with the previous generation of equipment, it has a full waterproof function, so you don't have to worry about water getting in if you put it in the water directly.

For example, the wireless charging function has been realized, and it can be charged immediately by directly placing it on the wireless charger. This is a sci-fi operation in the eyes of others, but it is a small function worth mentioning in Pei Qing's view.

In addition to the functional changes brought about by the hardware, a large number of software services have been added this time, such as the built-in customer service of Fengming Technology.

Customers can ask any questions through this service, including emotional consultation, emotional chat, legal consultation, professional consultation, scheduled reminders, delayed greetings and other functions.

The electronic payment function mentioned above is also because of the built-in financial service software of Danque Financial Services Company. Through this device, any financial service of Danque Financial Services Company can be used without barriers.

In fact, it’s not just these, many software services under Phoenix Technology are built into this device, but unlike ordinary software installations, these functions on this device are fully managed by artificial intelligence.

Because the watch-sized screen is difficult to perform difficult operations, only by using artificial intelligence to manage, users can use these functions without barriers.

For example, if a user wants to chat with a friend through a certain software, he can directly wake up the artificial intelligence, let him directly establish a connection with a certain social friend, and then chat freely like a phone.

If you want to watch important news or interesting news that happened today, you can directly let artificial intelligence broadcast it. Users only need to wear a bone transmission headset, and they can walk on the street and learn about major events in the world while shopping.

However, if you want to enjoy such rich functions and services without barriers, many of them need to spend money to open related services, which is equivalent to transplanting the original smart secretary and other functions to this device.

Then Pei Qing introduced the medical equipment used by medical institutions. There are not only existing equipment and system upgrades, but also many new products. The main purpose is to enrich their product system, which is not too eye-catching.

However, when introducing pharmaceutical products, it caught many people's eyes. Among them, two pharmaceutical products are the most eye-catching, and the first one is a super weight-loss drug.

According to Pei Qing, even a 200-jin fat man can lose weight within a month after using their super diet pills, which was impossible for any diet pills before.

And the whole weight loss process is not uncomfortable, but the number of times you need to go to the toilet will be a lot, because the metabolism in the body is accelerated, and the impurities and water in the body need to be discharged.

Of course, if you just use weight-loss drugs, the skin will be particularly loose after weight loss, which is very ugly. If you want to keep the skin firm after losing weight, you need to use auxiliary drugs.

In any case, this is the good news for all fat people in the world. They can lose weight relatively comfortably without going through hard exercises, and can also reduce the occurrence of diseases caused by a large number of obesity.

In fact, there is also a digestive drug that has a weight loss effect. This drug cannot make people who are already fat lose weight, but it can make people who lose weight, no matter how much they eat, they will not become fat.

It's just that this kind of medicine needs to be taken for a long time. The principle of use is to increase the food-digesting colonies in the human stomach, so that people eat a lot of food is actually digested by these colonies, and the human body does not absorb much.

This is also the reason why many people don't get fat no matter what they eat, because their gastrointestinal bacteria are different from ordinary people, and most of the nutrients are digested by these bacteria.

Generally, one pill of this kind of medicine can last for a week. During this period, people can let go of taking it and fully enjoy the pleasure brought to them by the delicacies of the world.

The second type is hangover medicine. There are endless traffic accidents caused by drunk driving around the world, but many business activities have to drink alcohol. This is a dilemma.

Moreover, drinking too much can easily lead to physical failure and even shock. If not rescued in time, it will cause death.

The problems caused by drinking are already social problems, but alcohol consumption is a huge industry, and it is impossible to ban it directly, which is very detrimental to the economy.

So there is room for this hangover medicine to play a role. As long as you take this hangover medicine, you can wake up your mind in half an hour, and within an hour, you can restore your limbs to the level before drinking.

That is to say, this hangover drug can get rid of alcohol paralysis within an hour, and even completely restore to the level before drinking.

Except for these two eye-catching drugs, many of the remaining drugs are drugs for the treatment of common diseases. There are already similar products on the market, but the products of Tai Chi Group have better effects.

These conventional medicines were actually developed by the researchers in the Taiji Group using the medical research and development system provided by Ye Zishu, and Ye Zishu would definitely not waste time on them.

Regardless of how much revenue these conventional drugs will bring to Taiji Group in the future, the above two eye-catching drugs are expected to bring 500 billion yuan in revenue to Taiji Group every year.

As for the medicine that Ye Shu intends to provide to Taiji Group to treat neurological diseases, since he is busy with virtual reality, he has no time to pay attention.

In fact, mental illness is already a high-risk disease that cannot be ignored. Although the disease itself is not fatal, it will cause a large number of patients to commit suicide.

Every 40 seconds in the world, a person with mental illness commits suicide. Compared with passively ending life, this way of ending life is more difficult to prevent.

Moreover, mental illness can also cause social harm, endangering people around you or people who have nothing to do with it in society, but this kind of illness is difficult to treat, and the main focus is on prevention and control and counseling.

This is why Ye Zishu feels that it is necessary to develop a whole set of drugs to treat mental illness. In addition to making money, the number of mental patients will also increase rapidly with the intensification of urbanization in China.

Especially now that they are all only children, they have been pampered since they were young, and when they face various pressures in society, or just because of the troubles brought about by growing up, they can be overwhelmed and their ability to withstand pressure is weak.

In addition to this kind of mental illness, there are also many neurological illnesses that are difficult to treat. For example, vegetative state is a kind of neurological injury disease. Whether you can wake up depends entirely on God's will.

These two diseases are not closely related. Most of the aforementioned mental illnesses are actually caused by differences in the secretion of related hormones in the body. By regulating the secretion of hormones in the body, the therapeutic effect can be achieved.

The latter is caused by physical nerve damage. In order to cure it, the nervous system needs to be restored. It is a therapeutic drug aimed at the recovery and conditioning of the nervous system.

Although there were some eye-catching medicines at this press conference, compared with last year's press conference, they obviously paled in comparison. Fortunately, everyone can understand.

No matter how strong the scientific research strength of the Taiji Group is, it is impossible to continue to be "open" like this. On the one hand, there are fewer and fewer new drugs to be developed, and on the other hand, scientific research requires an accumulation period.

The sudden outbreak of the Taiji Group last year, I don't know how long it took to achieve this effect, but many people think that it is impossible to achieve it in a year.

Although it is incomparable with the pharmaceutical products presented at last year's press conference, these pharmaceutical products presented at this press conference are still god-like existences in other pharmaceutical companies.

The reporters on the scene are all well-informed people. The medical products that Taiji Group has released today will bring them an industrial scale of trillions of yuan.

This is a terrifying existence in any company, even in any country, it is an achievement that cannot be ignored.

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