Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 742 In the field of biology, we are still ahead


"The above pharmaceutical products are just the warm-up products for Taiji Group's press conference. Next, I will introduce our achievements in biotechnology to everyone." Pei Qing said with a somewhat excited expression.

When all the media at the scene heard this, their bodies, which were already sitting relatively upright, immediately became more upright, because Pei Qing used grand this time, which shows that they may make remarkable achievements in biotechnology.

"Although many of our medicines are biological agents, and our research in the biological field is not weak, it is a pity that there is no integrated technology.

If the industrial age represented by steel and machinery in the past few decades is the era of electronic semiconductors represented by computers and the Internet, then the era represented by biomedicine will follow.

In the next era represented by biotechnology, as a company with a sense of responsibility and sense of mission, we naturally don't want to miss it. In the fields of biological cells and genetic engineering, we also invest huge resources in related research every year.

We expect to benefit people all over the world by virtue of our leadership in the field of biotechnology, and to enjoy the fruits of technological progress from the development of biotechnology. "Pei Qing said.

Although Pei Qing's words are very important, because it reveals Taiji Group's thinking about the future, it is worthy of many people's understanding, but for many people, it doesn't actually mean much.

Just like everyone now knows that the current era is represented by computers, the Internet, and even artificial intelligence, but few have the ability to get on a car.

Many people can only take a glimpse of this field on tiptoe, but they cannot squeeze themselves into the industry and share the greatest benefits from it. Therefore, it is important to see the situation clearly, but lack of ability often does not help.

Enterprises represented by Phoenix Technology Company, Qinglong Technology Company and Xuanwu Technology Company have already occupied an absolute advantage in the fields of Internet software, computers and smart devices, and advanced electronic manufacturing.

It is too difficult to grab the cake from these three companies. The world's once famous companies in this field have either closed down or changed careers altogether, hoping to gain living space from the niche market.

In the same way, even if we know that the next-generation technological breakthrough is in the field of biotechnology and genetic engineering, the most important thing is whether we can seize the opportunity and take the lead.

Obviously, in these fields, Taiji Group is a latecomer, but no one dares to underestimate them, because they have already occupied an absolute advantage in the field of biomedicine in a short period of time, earning huge profits around the world.

Even in the genetic technology research, which was quite backward in China before, the Taiji Group has an absolute advantage. Their genetic research equipment has occupied all the markets in the world, and all competitors have been wiped out.

"The biotechnology brought out this time,

The scientific name is the induced cultivation of human tissues and organs by human cells. In terms that our common people can understand, it is the artificial cultivation of human organs and tissues.

Compared with the role, everyone knows that in the medical field, we often need to replace organ tissues, and it must be replaced, but there are many difficulties.

For example, the donation of organs and tissues from others will inevitably lead to a scarcity of supply, and will also give birth to a black industry. The technology that was supposed to benefit patients has been smeared with black.

Even if the tissues and organs are obtained, the pain of rejection will still be experienced after the replacement, and the life cannot be saved if the resistance cannot be overcome. This is already a difficult problem in medicine, and it is difficult to solve.

As the world's top pharmaceutical company, we naturally want to completely solve such problems, so the somatic cell induction cultivation technology has become a technology that we have to pay attention to.

Fortunately, after the arduous research and development of our scientific researchers, we have finally made revolutionary progress, fully met the requirements of the market, and completely solved the pain in the hearts of such patients.

We only need to provide active somatic cells of patients, and we have the ability to induce and cultivate any tissue and organ other than the human brain based on the active somatic cells of the patient.

The cultivated tissues and organs have all the characteristics of the patient's own benign organs. After replacing the damaged organs, there will be no rejection, and the patient's healthy body will be restored. "Pei Qing said.

Before Pei Qing could finish speaking, all the reporters at the scene stood up unconsciously, clapping their hands continuously, because they knew the greatness of this technology, and it was too amazing.

Scientists with this kind of thinking are like crucian carp crossing the river. Everyone knows that this is a huge market. As long as they have the ability to do it, they will definitely be rich.

But so far, all researches have stayed in the laboratory, and some people have proposed theoretical techniques about cloning, but there is no actual effect yet.

In the previous life, in the next year, British researchers will start the sheep cloning experiment. This experiment is very famous. The birth of the cloned sheep Dolly seems to be aware that cloning technology has made great progress.

In fact, the tissue and organ cultivation technology mastered by the Taiji Group is more advanced than this cloning technology, because they can induce somatic cells to evolve in any direction.

What cloning technology can do is to induce human cells into embryonic tissue. As for the directional induction technology behind the embryonic tissue, it is not as simple as cloning technology.

Conversely, the Tai Chi Group, which has mastered the technology of directional induction of somatic cells, can naturally clone any creature, and compared with the existing cloning technology, it has almost no side effects.

However, in order to prevent the abuse of technology, Taiji Group will restrict the use of many technologies within the Taiji Group. If experiments are required, the experiment process needs to be reviewed and passed before proceeding.

In fact, Kylin Agricultural Development Group has also used somatic cell-directed induction technology to produce meat, but there are also great limitations, and this type of technology cannot be used to directly produce complete organisms.

In other words, what Qilin Agricultural Development Group produces are meat tissues, not whole organisms such as cattle and sheep. The purpose is very simple, that is, it does not want to change the existing state of biological reproduction.

Not to mention these technicians, even Ye Zishu doesn't know what the consequences will be if this technology is flooded. For the sake of prudence, there must be restrictions.

The applause lasted for a long time, and Pei Qing had to press her hand to signal everyone to sit down quietly. When the press conference quieted down, Pei Qing said: "Now everyone is concerned about when it will be listed.

Here I can tell you in charge that we are not only fully mature technically, but also have established a relevant industrial chain and have met the listing requirements.

As long as the patient's active somatic cells are provided, we can complete the cultivation of relevant tissues and organs within a week, and deliver them to the patient as quickly as possible.

For details, please check our official website after the meeting, or you can call our customer service staff, they can solve many of your questions. "

As expected, the Taiji Group is nothing but a blockbuster. Such a cross-age technology is already a fully mature technology as soon as it is announced, which is very different from other companies.

Other companies often have to make a wave of publicity just after conducting research, and even if they make a little progress, they will also make some publicity, but they wait and wait, but they can't wait for their mature technology to appear.

The emergence of this project means that Taiji Group is in an absolute leading position in the field of biotechnology, and it can even be said that it is several blocks away from the current level of biotechnology.

The reporters at the scene may not have a deep understanding of the technology behind it, but the major pharmaceutical companies who watched the live broadcast through streaming media are well aware of what the technology behind it represents.

At least in the field of cell-directed induction and cultivation, the technology possessed by Taiji Group is second to none, and the gap with them is at least a few decades, which makes many people a little desperate.

Taiji Group seems to have been born out of nowhere, occupying the field of health care products, medicine, and medical equipment with absolute advantages, and now it will be in an absolute leading position in biotechnology.

This feeling of being unable to catch up no matter how hard you try to catch up makes people feel desperate when they think about it. This is the overall feeling of many pharmaceutical giants now.

The so-called industry pride before has disappeared in the face of Taiji Group's brilliant achievements. Now their only obsession is to catch up with Taiji Group's footsteps.

However, it is not so easy to prevent the Taiji Group from being superior to others. Only by integrating resources can there be a glimmer of hope. Perhaps in the future, it will be the beginning of the integration of the world's pharmaceutical giants.

Because they fight alone, their scientific research strength is very scattered, and at the same time, it is limited to the market and now Taiji Group is the only one, and their income has also been greatly affected.

And it is absolutely impossible to do scientific research without money. Don't expect the company to fall into operating difficulties if the scientific research results are not released by then. This is what they absolutely don't want to see.

Capital will promote the integration of these enterprises with each other to achieve a high concentration of scientific research resources and capital resources, so that it is possible to compete with Taiji Group, there is no other way.

Pei Qing didn't talk about professional technical issues in this regard, as if she was explaining the fact that if all parties need it, they can place an order directly from their official website.

In terms of product pricing, on the one hand, they need to take into account the market and not overprice. On the other hand, they need to consider affordability and make this type of technology as popular as possible, so that the technology has real meaning.

Therefore, most of them are priced at 100,000 yuan. This price is relatively expensive for underdeveloped countries, but it is completely affordable for developed countries.

Therefore, they still have prices for the third world, and they need to negotiate with the relevant departments of various third world countries to reach an agreement that is satisfactory to both parties.

In fact, they also adopt this method for their pharmaceutical products. If they do not reach an agreement with the relevant departments of these countries, they can only accept a unified price.

The reason for doing this is to strive for more interests, which are not only economic interests, but also political interests, so I won’t go into details here.

"The technology just now is really amazing. When I started this scientific research project, I, as the president, was shocked and thought it was impossible, but they did it.

However, compared to this seemingly amazing technology, our technology in vaccines does not give way at all. Preventing problems before they happen is the purpose of our Tai Chi Group, and curing diseases and saving lives is just a helpless move.

Vaccines are the primary technology for humans to fight against viruses. For this reason, we have invested a lot of scientific research resources, hoping to solve the existing viruses that have caused great harm to humans. "Pei Qing said.

Regarding vaccine technology, many reporters present did not pay much attention to it. In fact, humans have already produced vaccines for most viruses, but a few viruses that are very harmful to the human body do not have vaccines specifically for prevention.

However, when Pei Qing introduced Taiji Group's vaccine products in detail, many reporters were still shocked. For example, there is no special vaccine product for the HIV virus at present, and in fact there will be no such product in decades.

Other vaccines, such as hpv vaccines, etc., are also receiving considerable attention. Taiji Group will naturally not produce low-grade products like others, and will directly sell full-price products.

This means that the use of Taiji Group's HPV vaccine can prevent the existing viruses, which is difficult to achieve with current vaccine technology.

The most unbelievable thing is that Taiji Group has developed a full-price viral influenza vaccine. The reporters who don't know the difficulty are fine, but some reporters still know some information.

Influenza does not seem to be felt very much, because the fatality rate is very low, and people actually do not feel it deeply. In fact, many people die every year due to viral influenza. As long as the body cannot resist it, it means that there is no cure.

Unexpectedly, Taiji Group has developed a full-price viral influenza vaccine, which is a vaccine product that other pharmaceutical companies do not pay much attention to.

There are three reasons. The first is that the research of this type of vaccine is very complicated. Traditional vaccine technology has almost no possibility of success and can only prevent a small part of influenza virus.

The second is that the fatality rate is so low that many people don’t really care about it and won’t get vaccinated specifically for it, which means that the market may not be large.

The third is that the flu virus mutates too quickly and there are too many types. The vaccine that seems to be effective now may not be effective at all in a year or two. For many companies, it is the least cost-effective research project.

However, the influenza virus produced by the Taiji Group claims to be effective against all known influenza viruses. This achievement is certainly gratifying, but many people actually want to know what vaccine technology is used behind it.

Apparently Pei Qing didn't have time to talk about these technical issues. It could even be said that even the researchers of Taiji Group didn't study thoroughly, and the technology was in the hands of Ye Zishu.

Finally, Pei Qing introduced Tai Chi Group's new skin care products and cosmetics, which seemed a bit out of place with the previous high-tech products. It was also at this press conference that Pei Qing launched their perfume products.

Since there was no way to verify it on the spot, Pei Qing didn't intend to talk about it, but finished it as a routine and told the whole world that they just added this kind of product.

After the press conference, there was no question-and-answer session for the press, so Pei Qing went back to the backstage. After she had dealt with it, she went home and rushed back to cook for Ye Zishu.

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