Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 744: The virtual world is finally completed


Ye Zishu said that the retreat is a real retreat. Since returning in October, he has never left the house. Except for eating and sleeping, all the time is spent on the construction of the virtual world.

Although Pei Qing took Ye Zishu to the hospital for an examination last time, and the examination result was fine, she was still a little worried when she saw Ye Zishu's condition.

How can there be a healthy person who sleeps at home all day long, and the sleep time is too long. Except for eating, he wakes up and sleeps the rest of the time.

She even asked Ye Zihua if his brother had this problem before, but Ye Zihua said, "Sister-in-law, don't worry, my brother slept all day before he went to college."

Hearing Ye Zihua say that his elder brother had been in this state for 10 years, he immediately felt relieved, explaining that this is not a disease, and as for the reason, only Ye Zishu himself knows.

Ye Zishu felt very fulfilled during this time, and he could learn new knowledge every day. Although it was a bit difficult to understand, he was still intoxicated by the pleasure of wandering in the ocean of knowledge.

With the accumulation of his own knowledge, the virtual world in the virtual laboratory has become more and more real, and the sense of accomplishment also makes him feel very good.

The experience of creating a world from scratch is beyond the reach of ordinary people, but it is certain that this happiness should belong to the Creator God, but he is fortunate to have this experience.

He clearly remembered that at the beginning, this virtual world was just like a game screen, it seemed to have everything, but it obviously revealed a fake taste.

After reaching 20% ​​simulation fidelity, the situation has changed a lot. The surface of the world looks so real, with mountains, waters and fields, and all kinds of animals come alive.

But if you put these things under a microscope, you will obviously feel that they are different from the real world. This kind of authenticity is just superficial authenticity, but it cannot be compared with the real world.

At this level, it is the limit that existing computers can simulate. The five supercomputers he uses can barely maintain it, but if he wants to go further, the gap in computing power is too large.

Even with tens of thousands of supercomputers, the simulation accuracy cannot be improved, because every 1% increase in the future means an increase in massive computing power.

It was also under such circumstances that he moved the entire project to the virtual laboratory. Only here, there will be no limitation of computing power, and the project can continue to be carried out when the computing power is not up to the standard. .

When he came back from Xi'an in October, he retreated directly, ignoring everything outside, concentrating on learning knowledge, and applying it in the simulated world every time he completed a section of knowledge learning.

After a period of 3 months,

From the original 25% simulation degree, it finally reached 50% simulation degree in January, and finally completed the first goal he set.

50% of the simulation degree can already simulate the microcosmic world, that is to say, the flowers and trees he sees now are the same as the real world in terms of the overall sense and the microscopic level.

To achieve this, it is necessary to calculate the operation of each particle, and then gradually build up from the particle level, using various theoretical knowledge to form a macroscopic world.

It is precisely because in order to achieve such a degree of simulation, it is necessary to build up from the micro level, and to build a huge world, it must be supported by the huge micro world.

Behind all of this, massive computing power is needed to support it. At the beginning, he simply piled up classic supercomputers in the virtual laboratory to run.

But when the simulation accuracy reaches 30%, even if hundreds of millions of classic supercomputers are installed in the virtual laboratory, it still cannot meet the computing power demand.

So it began to be changed to a quantum computer, a general-purpose quantum computer, and the computing power obtained is unmatched by hundreds of millions of classical supercomputers. This is the horror of quantum computers.

However, with the gradual improvement of simulation fidelity, the original simple general-purpose quantum computers are also increasing. After reaching 40% simulation fidelity, the number of quantum computers has also increased to tens of thousands.

Seeing that this method would definitely not work, Ye Zishu had to stop to study quantum computers, hoping to obtain more powerful computing power.

Because the quantum computer he used at that time was a technical solution he provided to Baihu Technology Company. At first, he thought that this kind of quantum computer would be enough to support the required computing power.

As a result, he was severely slapped in the face, because the further to the back, for every 1% increase in realism, the required computing power will increase by tens of thousands of times, instead of following a linear increase.

Improving the computing power of a quantum computer is actually very simple. You only need to increase the number of qubits, and every additional qubit means twice the computing power.

When he increased the qubits of the quantum computer to hundreds of millions, the computing power problem was finally solved, but it was not as simple as a simple increase.

Because the more qubits, the greater the error. When he started to use such a high-qubit computer to simulate the world, a collapse occurred.

This is because in the low-qubit state, 99.9% of the error is acceptable. When this is expanded to tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of times, the actual error caused by this error rate will be very high.

Moreover, in order to pursue authenticity, the simulated world is related to each other. If the error in a certain place is too large, the impact will not be local, but will spread, resulting in different results.

When it is a little better, the simulated world is not the same as the world you want. If it is bad, the whole world will collapse and collapse, forming a world fragment that is not related to each other.

For example, originally a string representing the computing power of iron, due to errors, iron has become aluminum, or even any other element. As a result, the various mineral compositions of the world have changed.

Specific to the various tools made of iron, there was a clear performance, but due to calculation errors, the results were far from the target and could not meet the design requirements.

This is only the result of a small error. He remembers the first time he used such a high-bit quantum computer to simulate the world, it collapsed directly, and he didn't even last for a second.

Therefore, it is not difficult to increase qubits. The difficulty is how to continuously reduce the error rate as the qubits increase, which takes a long time.

It took him half a month, and after a lot of data collection and learning about quantum computing, he finally reduced the error to one billionth power of 2 in the state of hundreds of millions of qubits.

At the same time, a more powerful error correction system has been added. As long as it does not collapse instantly, the errors generated can be corrected in the subsequent calculation process through this error correction system.

And his so-called 50% real simulation degree is not actually the entire universe, the scope of the simulation is only the solar system, and the microscopic observable scale has only reached the atomic level.

That is to say, at present, only the real environment of the entire solar system can be simulated. If we observe with a microscope in the virtual world, we can only observe the operation of various atoms.

If you want to use high-energy physics equipment in this virtual world to check whether there are particles smaller than atoms, you cannot do it. For example, quarks cannot be found in the virtual world.

It's not that Ye Shu can't do this kind of lower-level calculations, but with a quantum computer with 100,000,000 qubits, it can't do lower-level calculations either.

What's more, the lower level should be the world under Planck's constant. If the world is really calculated and constructed on the basis of Planck's constant, then the real simulation degree of the world may really reach more than 80%.

But if you do this, the required computing power will be even more terrifying. It’s not that quantum computers can’t continue to increase computing power, but whether the energy efficiency ratio produced is cost-effective is a question worth considering.

The purpose of Yeshushu's implementation of this system is to simulate military training in the real world, and economic value needs to be considered. If it is not affordable, it is still meaningless.

The reason why he only simulates the world within the solar system is that he doesn't know much about the deep space universe, and his main learning direction during this time is not in the deep space universe.

In other words, he didn't focus on cosmology, not because he was not very interested, but because he had limited energy, and it would be good to be able to learn the knowledge around him.

And he believes that if you just blindly study top-level theories, you will never finish learning, because this is a problem of Tao begets one, one begets two, and two begets three.

Learning the top-level theory is just learning at the level of three. This three is not constant, but changing, just as we all know that the world is composed of several elementary particles.

But the macroscopic world I see is colorful, as if as long as possible, new macroscopic things will be born every moment, almost inexhaustible.

In the same way, if you want to simulate the real universe, you should not analyze the theory from the macroscopic level of the universe, but start from the most basic world composition method and use huge computing power to simulate.

But there is a problem with doing this, that is, it is impossible to replicate a world exactly like the real world, that is to say, the computing power meets the needs of simulating the entire universe.

The virtual world constructed from microscopic basic elements will not be exactly the same. In a word, there are no two identical leaves in the world.

It is also possible that the world built by giving basic elements is much bigger than two leaves, or even completely different.

This kind of uncertainty cannot satisfy his current needs, that is to say, what he is pursuing now is to have a world that is exactly the same as the real world, at least on the surface.

Then it can only be built gradually from the macro level, which is why he has to learn so many macro level theories during this period, otherwise he would not have to go through such trouble at all.

After completing the construction of the basic theory, Ye Zishu used the earth image taken by the remote sensing satellite system and directly used it. A "real" earth was constructed in an instant.

Looking at the landscape inside, Ye Zishu's professional eyes can't see through any flaws, and everything appears to be thriving.

If it is not known that this is a virtual world, and there is no one around, it is easy to give people the illusion of interlaced time and space. People who are not strong-willed may regard this world as the real world.

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