Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 748 If you can better achieve your goals, you should cooperate


It seems that everything is ready, but Ye Zishu dislikes that the virtual helmet he is holding is too big, it is very inconvenient to carry, and such a big virtual helmet is also very easy to expose.

Others would definitely not believe that he would wear a motorcycle helmet at any time, and the gap between the virtual helmet and the motorcycle helmet is very obvious, and outsiders will know that there is a big secret in it.

Therefore, according to the existing conditions of the laboratory here, he personally designed a retractable virtual helmet, which was folded to form a fist-sized sphere.

Objects of this size are not only easy to carry, but also do not arouse too much suspicion. At most, they will be considered as decorations, and the probability of leaking secrets is much lower.

Of course, the more complicated the mechanical structure, the easier it is to be damaged. The virtual helmet he designed also has such shortcomings, and only he uses it himself and doesn't care if it is damaged.

And in doing so, the battery capacity carried by the virtual helmet is small. If it is not connected to the power supply, it can only be used continuously for 8 hours, and cannot work continuously for a long time.

However, Ye Zishu is very satisfied with this. It is very convenient to use electricity in modern society, and he will not use this kind of equipment in places without electricity for no reason.

Products of this black technology level are generally only used at home or in the office, and will not be used in public places. Both their own security and confidentiality are relatively poor.

After finishing all this work, the time has come to the end of January. The work behind Ye Zishu is divided into two parts. He will stay in the laboratory during the day and work with the entire project team to tackle the research and development of super quantum computers.

Because the structure of super quantum computers is very sophisticated and complex, it may take a lot longer to understand and manufacture them by themselves.

With the addition of Ye Zishu, this step can be omitted, and the task can be directly assigned to each person. The parts that are not understood will become very easy to understand after his explanation.

In the evening, I went back to my resting place, and started to use the virtual helmet and quantum laptop to sort out the technical information. Many tasks have been delayed for a long time.

I promised Huanyu Group before that I would give them the technology of shipbuilding and civil airliner manufacturing years ago, but it turned out that it was delayed until the Chinese New Year, and it was a bit unreasonable not to give them to them.

During this period of time, they have been recruiting talents in shipbuilding and civil aviation technology manufacturing, among which the number of technical personnel in the civil aviation industry is the most scarce.

In order to gather enough talents, they don't pursue so-called high-end talents, but they will want any relevant talents with scientific research ability.

These talents are not top-notch, not because their ability is poor, but because there is no such environment in China before, and there is no place for them to learn top-notch knowledge.

Huanyu Group believes that such talents are worth cultivating. As long as they join in, it is entirely possible to cultivate them in a short period of time through actual project practice.

For this kind of technological product, as long as you have a solid foundation in science and engineering, you will basically not be bad after one or two projects. At least there is no problem in becoming a qualified aviation industry engineer.

It's just that if you want to become a top aviation industry talent, you must have a solid technical foundation. You need to have excellent imagination and strong organizational skills, and you can no longer be limited to scientific research on a certain technology.

Compared with the lack of talents in my country's science and technology industry, large-scale science and technology engineering talents are the most in short supply. The reason is very simple, that is, there was no such condition in China to train such talents.

If you want to cultivate large-scale scientific and technological engineering talents, you need to invest in a large number of large-scale scientific and technological projects. In the past, there was not so much money in China, and there were not so many projects to cultivate.

It's different now. Most of the companies under him are actually not short of money, so many large-scale scientific research projects have also been launched one after another. It's just a large-scale scientific research project customized by themselves, and the research and development progress is relatively slow.

Therefore, the many systematic scientific research projects in Ye Shu's hands are particularly valuable. Although they are also in a subordinate position, they can fully understand how systematic projects should be done from the technical information he provided.

As long as they can learn a little bit, it will be of great benefit to improving their engineering organization capabilities and solving systematic engineering problems.

Like the high-speed rail scientific research project he gave, as long as the participants can fully study and participate in it, they will have enough experience accumulation for similar engineering scientific research projects, and they will be able to complete system upgrades independently in the future.

Top talents can also grow into top scientific research and engineering talents from this kind of systematic engineering, and have the ability to lead the team to overcome more complex systematic engineering.

Ye Zishu first started to sort out the technical data of ship manufacturing. In order to save costs and improve the integration of the industrial chain, he hoped to realize the development of dual-use technology for both military and civilian use.

The ship materials are completely handed over to Kirin Basic Industry Group, which has strong steel smelting and alloy casting capabilities.

Handing over the materials business to them will not only make full use of their huge production capacity, but also effectively reduce production costs, while also digesting their own huge production capacity.

In the future, the materials used by Baihu Technology's naval equipment will also be handed over to Kirin Basic Industries Group. There is no need to divide it into several companies, which would be a waste of resources.

Huanyu Group is responsible for the various parts and components of the ship's organizational structure, such as large steam turbines, and Baihu Technology Company will not be responsible for manufacturing such equipment in the future.

In order to save costs, Baihu Technology will not get involved as long as it can manufacture parts for civilian enterprises, not even naval equipment manufacturing.

He intends to hand over the overall manufacturing part of naval equipment manufacturing to state-owned shipbuilding enterprises, and does not intend to build a separate shipbuilding industry chain.

In the field of naval equipment manufacturing, Baihu Technology has positioned itself as the design department, technology authorization department, and key component manufacturing. As for other production links, they will all be handed over.

Through the construction of the military aviation equipment manufacturing industry chain, Ye Zishu fully realized that it is not necessary to hold all of Baihu Technology in his own hands. If it is necessary to cooperate, it will cooperate and delegate power.

He is considering whether to sell the military aviation industry chain currently built by Baihu Technology to relevant units and let them be responsible for production. Baihu Technology is only responsible for the design and authorization of new technology research and development.

In this way, Baihu Technology Company is in an asset-light operation state, and does not need to maintain a large staff size, but the profits are the most lucrative, and it does not need to spend too much energy managing these industries.

In the past, he still fell into the inertia of thinking. In the civilian field, his enterprises are all in the construction of the entire industrial chain, so that they can be consistent from top to bottom. As long as there are no problems in management, there are basically no serious defects.

But now he realizes that there are serious shortcomings in this way. In the process of building the industrial chain of military aviation equipment, Baihu Technology Company has spent too much money.

If this is still acceptable, then the manufacturing of naval military equipment will cost more, and each advanced warship requires more funds than aviation military equipment.

It is also the realization that if we do this, we may spend more money, and the terminal price may be higher, but the profit margin will be lower.

That's why we want to integrate the industrial chain, so that each company can do what it can and has industrial advantages, so that the cost can be reduced as much as possible and the terminal price can be reduced.

If you want to make dumplings, you must have two prerequisites. The first is that you need more budget. This aspect requires the support of the country's economic strength, which is an objective factor.

Another premise is that the price of the terminal should not be too high. If it is sold at the price of the old m, even if you have money, you won't be able to buy much.

In order to be able to build a navy that is readily available and has a certain deterrent force as soon as possible, he must plan carefully and reduce the price of equipment to the lowest level.

He doesn't care how much money he makes on this, but he cares more about building a powerful navy in a short period of time, which is closely related to his core interests.

A powerful navy is a symbol of a world power. Compared with the development of the air force, it needs more financial support and takes longer to build. Only by gathering more forces can the construction time be shortened.

As for the established aviation and military equipment industry chain, he intends to hold it for a period of time in the hands of Baihu Technology Company. It depends on the situation, and it cannot be handed over for no reason.

With these ideas in mind, when Ye Zishu sorted out the shipbuilding technical information, it did not completely follow the civil ship technology, but took both into account.

Try to improve versatility when building the industrial chain, while taking into account production efficiency and reducing production costs. This is the key to enhancing the strength of the navy in a short period of time.

In the past, it would have taken more than 3 months to sort out these technical materials, but with the help of the virtual helmet, it only took him 5 days to sort out these materials.

Moreover, the sorted out technical information is more detailed than before, and he will omit the parts that could be saved before, so as to save his time.

As long as you can understand the technical information given now, you can basically do it step by step according to the information, and there will be no major technical problems in the middle, and they don't need to constantly test and adjust.

The compiled technical information was handed over to Huanyu Group, and many other materials were given to companies under Kirin Industry Group and companies under Xuanwu Technology Company.

However, most of the technology owners are Huanyu Group, and other companies are commissioned production enterprises. Without the authorization of Huanyu Group, these things they produce cannot be sold outside.

Then he spent another two days to complete the design work related to naval military equipment, and at the same time, the parts that were not suitable for civilian use were also placed here at Baihu Technology Company.

For example, the nuclear power plant required by the aircraft carrier is not suitable for Huanyu Group to be responsible for. They currently do not have the qualifications to develop and manufacture such equipment, and they need to obtain a license.

After doing this, Ye Zishu and the management of Baihu Technology held another meeting to prepare the layout for the next naval equipment research and development, and at the same time explain their business ideas.

The management was a little surprised by his thoughts. They didn't expect that the boss, who likes to catch him, would be so open in the field of naval equipment manufacturing.

Baihu Technology Company only needs to complete the design verification and system integration work. Basically, it does not need to build a large number of manufacturing plants. It is completely like a technology research and development enterprise.

However, these managers are happier. The main reason is, of course, that this can greatly save the time and energy consumed by Baihu Technology, and allow the entire project to be completed faster.

Secondly, the change of Ye Zishu is what they are willing to see, which shows that he is not single-minded, and will still adopt flexible changes in the face of different situations.

For a genius like him, the most troublesome thing is a tendon, and he can't be forced, otherwise he will quit the job completely, and he will quit.

He only needs to express his views clearly. As for how to do it and which state-owned enterprises to cooperate with, he doesn't need to worry about it at all. These managements are much more skilled than him.

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