Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 747: Quantum Laptop


Of course he thought about this question, after all, the whole virtual world was created bit by bit from his hands, and he also had such wild thoughts at first.

After it bothered him for a while, he felt that there was absolutely no need to worry about it. Regardless of whether it was true or not, with his current ability, he was powerless to change it.

With such unfounded worries, it is better to take every step of the way in a down-to-earth manner, and it is not too late to think about these issues when you have the ability.

What's more, in the virtual world he built, in fact, there is no way to give birth to animals like humans. Even if biological technology is used, behind the birth of creatures is the support of programs based on computing power.

He believes that unless the animals in the virtual world can produce intelligence without the support of the computing power behind them, they can be regarded as real creatures and can be compared with the real world.

The reason is very simple. There are really higher-level creatures creating a world. What is their purpose? They can’t just want a group of marionettes. I believe that no higher-level creature has such leisure.

As for why he was able to obtain a golden finger like the virtual space, he didn't want to understand it either. He had also considered whether there were high-level beings, but he still couldn't understand the reason for their doing so.

At this time, he gave full play to his rare and confused approach. If he kept struggling with these things, he would only plunge himself into panic all day long, which was completely unnecessary.

Seeing that everyone's face finally looked better after hearing his words, Ye Zishu continued: "The quantum computer we will manufacture this time will reach hundreds of millions of qubits."

As soon as he said this, the head of the quantum computing project team said: "With such a high qubit, if the error rate is too high, will there be serious problems?"

"You asked a very good question. I must have considered this question. After comprehensive consideration, I made the qubit to the billion level, and the error was reduced to one of the tens of billions of two.

Coupled with powerful error correction capabilities, such an error rate is sufficient to ensure that the quantum computer operates according to our requirements without crashing. "Leaf Book said.

Hearing what he said, the people in the quantum computing project team immediately performed a simple calculation in their minds. According to this error rate, there will indeed be no major problems.

And they also believe that Ye Zishu will not just talk about such a serious issue. After all, the key to success or failure is not the number of qubits, but whether the error rate is small enough.

In fact, if the error rate is ignored, the qubits of a quantum computer can grow almost infinitely, but the error rate is too high, and no matter how large the qubit is, it does not make any sense.

Because the error reaches a certain level,

Even if there is an error correction function, it is difficult to correct it. It is better to shrink the qubits to improve the accuracy.

"I will stay here for the next period of time. If you have anything you don't understand, you can ask me directly, and I will give you an answer in time.

Due to time constraints, you may have to work overtime during this period. If you plan not to take annual leave, your salary will be tripled during the annual leave. At the same time, after the end of this project, you will be given a one-month vacation. "Leaf Book said.

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone at the scene glanced at each other, and then the two project team leaders immediately expressed their willingness to stay and work overtime, striving to complete the project as soon as possible.

Ye Shu didn't know whether they were sincere or not. In view of the urgency of time, he had no choice but to do this. After the super quantum computer was manufactured, the following things could proceed as scheduled.

"I know this is a bit embarrassing for you, after all, the Spring Festival is a day for family reunion, and it is not easy for everyone who has been busy for a whole year.

As compensation for you, if your family members are willing to come here to celebrate the New Year, the company will pay all the expenses, and at the same time give each of your family members 5,000 yuan for the festival. "Leaf Book said.

Hearing what he said, everyone had no objections. Although 5,000 yuan was only half a month's salary for them, it was a huge sum of money for their family members.

After the meeting was over, Ye Zishu returned to his office and put the technical materials that he had prepared long ago into the technical data management system of Baihu Technology Company by category.

Then he started to write the core driver of the virtual helmet on his laptop, which took him a day just for this program.

Compared with existing computer programs, the quantum chip program is obviously much more difficult, and it involves many brain-computer interface algorithms and various quantum control programs, making it even more difficult.

The next day Yeshu came to the lab with the written driver program, and then installed the driver program on the virtual helmet.

At this point, the virtual helmet is considered a complete body. Ye Shu put on the virtual helmet with the driver installed, and it is no longer as unresponsive as before.

After putting it on and waiting for 10 seconds, his consciousness entered a space, only the size of a room, and the inside was empty. This space was constructed by the virtual helmet with its own quantum chip.

Due to the computing power, only such a small space can be built. If the space is too large, the consumption of the quantum chip of the virtual helmet is too high, which is unnecessary.

His consciousness formed a person exactly like him in this space, and walking in it was no different from walking at home.

As soon as his consciousness turned, a huge screen appeared in front of him, showing that he was requesting a connection, which was an attempt to request a connection from the back-end virtual world.

Since the virtual world has not yet been built, the connection request will definitely not be successful. After three consecutive failures, the system asked whether to continue the request, and Ye Shu directly clicked No.

Then Ye Zishu built a lot of things in the originally empty room, according to his bedroom, but it was only built with imagination, and there is still a certain gap between it and the real world.

No matter how good his memory is, he can't remember all the details. Before there is a concrete image, it is difficult to detect the lack of details in the memory.

After he rearranged his personal space according to his memory, he could clearly find that the furnishings in the room were obviously different from his bedroom.

Then he looked for these differences, and slowly filled in the missing parts with his own memory. After half an hour of busy work, he finally made up the differences that had been discovered.

This is also one of the shortcomings of human memory, that is, it is difficult to think clearly at once, and it needs to be slowly associated with a little bit of clues in order to slowly complete the memory.

As mentioned earlier, if you want to preserve the memory, you must complete the technical problem of silent copying of the memory. If you need to rely on this kind of associative memory to copy, the copied memory is incomplete.

When he appeared in this small room-sized space, he knew that the virtual helmet was a success, otherwise consciousness would not have appeared here at all.

After taking off the virtual helmet, Ye Zishu immediately ordered his temporary assistants to help modify his computer and install quantum communication chips and signal converters.

These parts are ready-made, and after being installed in his computer, he no longer needs to manually write these technical materials in the future, and can just rely on his brain to imagine.

After spending an hour or two modifying his laptop, he tried the effect and found that it was not satisfactory, because his computer simply couldn't handle the data he had imagined.

As long as his brain is spinning faster, the computer will crash, which means that his fairly advanced laptop is not capable of terminal computing tasks at all.

Helpless, he decided to make a quantum laptop for himself, so he directed the temporary scientific research assistant to start busy with this matter. As for the other scientific researchers, they each received tasks and went to work.

Quantum notebooks are generally not very difficult. Quantum chips are readily available, and they only need to reach thousands of qubits. The computing power is enough to beat any supercomputer.

The error rate of thousands of qubits is also easy to handle, and there is no need for such a complicated error correction system. The real difficulty is actually the problem of data storage.

The virtual world he built has no storage function, because there is no storage medium that can store such a large amount of data, and even a single picture cannot be stored.

If you want to do it, with the existing technology, you can only build another virtual world, but there is a time difference with the first virtual world, and you can use the second virtual world to see what happened in the first virtual world.

This is like a parallel universe. The reason why he travels through is that he doesn't think he is still in the original universe. It may be that he is in the same parallel universe.

Of course, this is just his guess. Maybe there is a way to store the operation data of the entire universe. Anyway, he himself does not have this ability, at least he has not found a solution.

But when it comes to his personal notebook, it is not so troublesome, and there is no need to store quantum information, just convert the quantum information into the current data storage in real time.

When the remote sensing satellite system was developed, Baihu Technology Company had super-large-capacity data storage technology, as well as super-large data output and input technology.

It only needs to apply their technologies to the notebook. It took him several days to get this done. After the update, although the notebook shell has not changed, the inside is completely different.

With the blessing of quantum chips, the computing power of this notebook is higher than that of all the computers in the world combined, reaching 2 to the 1000th power.

The storage space has also reached the 1eb level, which is 1024x1024tb. The storage space is both a hard disk and a memory, and there was no obvious boundary between the two.

After the Quantum Laptop was completed, he put on the virtual helmet and set up the connection information, and he was connected directly, but what he saw was a huge screen.

Then he thought about some things, and found that it was not displayed on the screen. These illogical thinking data were considered invalid data by the system and were discarded directly.

When he starts to think of something complete and logically related, it will be displayed on the screen in the form of words or pictures.

Seeing this, my heart is full of excitement. I no longer need to manually type the keyboard in the future. I just need to lie at home and use the virtual helmet to directly copy the technical data in my mind. The efficiency is at least a thousand times higher than now.

Of course, the level of efficiency depends on whether his thinking is fast. If he can't get out for a long time, his efficiency will naturally be greatly reduced, and his logical thinking will be too chaotic, which will also reduce his efficiency.

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