Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 746 Makes people think carefully and fear


On January 15th, Ye Zishu returned to Xi'an. After three months of continuous experimentation, coupled with the support of perfect technical data, the virtual helmet research and development project team finally made the finished product in the laboratory.

Ye Zishu came to Xi'an this time, on the one hand to see how the virtual helmet they made, and on the other hand to personally participate in the construction of the super quantum computer.

The new year is coming soon, and he hopes to speed up the experimental work and arrange the industrial production work before the new year, so that the construction can start directly after the new year.

After landing in Xi'an, he immediately went to the virtual helmet project team of Baihu Technology Company. When he saw dozens of people discussing a helmet placed on the table, Ye Zishu's eyes lit up.

When they saw him coming, everyone consciously gave way. Ye Zishu greeted these researchers with a smile, and then said, "Is this helmet fully functional?"

"We don't know whether this helmet is effective or not. We strictly made it according to the information you gave Mr. Ye, and all the parameters and standards meet the requirements stated in the technical information.

At present, there is only one virtual helmet, and there is no supporting virtual test environment. For the time being, we cannot know whether the virtual helmet has achieved the real goal. " said the person in charge of the virtual helmet project.

The virtual helmet alone is actually useless. The communication and computing modes used in it are completely different from the traditional methods. Even researchers like them don't know what to do next.

They just made all the hardware according to the technical information of Ye Zishu, and then assembled the virtual helmet according to the design drawings.

To use a virtual helmet, two conditions must be met. The first is the driver. Unlike traditional software programs, they have not yet mastered the program to drive quantum hardware.

Moreover, these programs contain a large number of quantum communication and computing algorithms, which they have not yet mastered. Without the support of these things, the virtual helmet is just a pile of iron lumps.

The second is the support of the background program. This is not necessarily the virtual world. Any background program that can be connected to the virtual helmet is valid.

It's just that due to the different communication protocols, this virtual helmet cannot connect to any current Internet pages, and there is no feeling at all when it is worn on the head.

Ye Shu was not surprised by this, but said to them: "You find someone to call the quantum computing project team over, and your next job is the research and development of super quantum computers."

Hearing his words, someone immediately left and went to the quantum computing project team. There are about 40 scientific researchers there. The quantum chip used in this virtual helmet is the result of their work.

Ye Zishu picked up the virtual helmet on the table,

Look left and right, microscopically, it is almost exactly the same as his design, with a very strong sense of science fiction.

Press the button next to the helmet with your hand, and the virtual helmet, which was originally in the shape of a complete helmet, immediately spread out, which is convenient for the user to wear.

Ye Zishu put the disassembled helmet on his head, and after about 5 seconds, the helmet closed again from the disassembled state, covering his head tightly.

The front light-shielding glass is a color-changing glass. When the rated current passes through, the glass turns black, blocking light from entering the eyes and creating an immersive experience.

When you need to see the outside situation, your brain only needs one thought, and you can turn the dark glass in front of you into transparent, which is full of high-tech feeling.

It's a pity that the helmet he's wearing only has a mechanical control program, but no conscious control program, and he can't turn the color-changing glass in front of him into opaque with a single thought in his mind.

The virtual helmet will change the internal shape according to the shape of each person's brain. The purpose of this is to allow the user to use it in the best condition, so as not to cause discomfort after a long time.

Ye Zishu tried it out. Wearing this helmet, the comfort is very good. It doesn't have the stuffy feeling of being tightly wrapped, nor the feeling of being squeezed by the surroundings.

After trying it out, he took off the helmet and said, "Now this virtual helmet lacks the core driver, just leave this work to me.

When the people from the quantum computing project team come over later, we will have a meeting to make arrangements for the development of the super quantum computer, which is the key to the success of the whole system. "

Everyone naturally has no opinion on what he said. Now that he is a big boss, they will believe whatever he says, just like they developed this virtual helmet like a blind box, and they have no doubts.

The boss said that this helmet can immerse people's minds into the virtual world. Although they murmured in their hearts, they didn't question it, and they still worked hard to experiment according to the technical data.

This is the authority established by Ye Zishu. Baihu Technology Company has completed the construction of two satellite systems in such a short period of time, as well as the research and development of many military equipment. His contribution is the greatest.

It can be said that in the eyes of these scientific researchers, he is a god-like existence. There is no problem that he can't, it depends on whether he is willing to do it.

In fact, these so-called quantum materials do not work in a special state, and the actual performance is mediocre. Only in a special electromagnetic state can they show very lively and sensitive quantum characteristics.

As for these special electromagnetic controls, he didn't take them out at all, but integrated them into the core control system. These researchers, they just followed the gourd's drawing and developed these hardwares.

It is not that no one doubts this, and thinks that it is very unlikely that brain-computer interaction can be realized with these hardware, but no one questions it face to face, because they know that they may not get an answer even if they say it.

In addition, Baihu Technology Co., Ltd. itself is a special company. From the first day they entered the company, they were told not to ask what they should not ask, and it would not do them any good.

About 5 minutes later, people from the quantum computing project team came over, and Ye Zishu took them to the conference room to make arrangements for the next work.

"Just now I looked at the virtual helmet, and it feels very good. During this period of time, I was researching the virtual world and found that classical computers simply cannot support the operation of the virtual world.

Even the quantum computing technology you currently have can't satisfy the consumption of computing power in the virtual world, so next, our main job is to conquer super quantum computers. "Leaf Book said.

When everyone learned that the quantum computer technology in their hands was not powerful enough, they were really surprised. The quantum computer they got in their hands had thousands of bits.

Regardless of the fact that there are only thousands of qubits, the computing power is incomparable to the sum of all the computing power of all classical computers today, which can be said to be a qualitative improvement.

And such a quantum computer can't satisfy the calculation of the virtual world. They don't know what the so-called virtual world is like in Ye Zishu's mouth.

In their cognition, isn't the virtual world just another form of online games? It's just that the scene is more grand and the performance is more real.

Their thinking is still at this level, and they never imagined that the virtual world Ye Zishukou is really building is a world, not just a game world.

Seeing their expressions, Ye Zishu knew what they were thinking, and didn't want to explain too much, but they wanted to know anyway, so they didn't intend to hide it.

So he said: "The virtual world in my mouth is not the same thing as the virtual world in your imagination, the most common virtual world we have is the game world.

The game world is only similar in shape. As long as the model on the surface is removed, there is no supporting material behind it. Such a virtual world is definitely not what we need.

If we are just making a game world, why should we bother so much, we spend so much time and energy, it must be to make a real virtual world.

At the very least, it needs to be built from elementary particles, so as to form a virtual world similar to the earth. Although the flowers and trees in it are calculated by simulation, they are no different from the real world.

In this virtual world, the physical characteristics of reality are still applicable, biological characteristics are still applicable, chemical reactions, etc. are also applicable inside.

In this virtual world, when our consciousness enters it, it is difficult to distinguish the gap between reality and virtuality. We can feel the taste sensations such as ups and downs, and we can also smell various olfactory sensations such as fragrance and smell.

It is even more able to feel the changes in body functions and the pain after injury. All human beings can feel in the real world can also be felt in the virtual world. "

Ye Zishu simply described what the virtual world should look like, but everyone on the scene was shocked. This is not a virtual world, it is like creating a real world.

It's just that this real world is born in electronic equipment. If it continues to operate, life may also be born naturally in it, and even intelligent life will appear.

When many people think of this, they are a little terrified. To put it bluntly, this means that they have mastered some of the abilities that only gods have. They can act as gods and control the fate of characters in this virtual world.

On a larger scale, is the real world they are in now real or virtual? Are they people with completely independent personalities and freedom of thought, or are they in a virtual world created by another group of people?

We all like to control the fate of others, but when our own destiny is controlled by others, the feeling of chills all over the body fills our mind in an instant, which is not a good feeling.

Seeing the changes in the expressions on their faces, Ye Zishu said with a smile: "Although it may appear as you imagined, it is still difficult to achieve according to the current technology.

What's more, we are all scientists. It's okay to make bold assumptions, but you don't have to scare yourself. You can just verify it carefully. There is no need to panic too much. "

-----Off Topic-----

Sleepless tonight! ! !

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