Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 750 How to solve the huge construction funds of ultra-high-speed maglev

After completing the sorting out of the civil aviation industry materials, another week passed. Seeing that the Chinese New Year was coming soon, Ye Zishu had to stop working.

I went to the super quantum computer project team again to check their research progress. They have been working on error correction systems during this time.

In fact, the error correction system of a super quantum computer is more complicated than the super quantum computer itself. Without the support of this system, a quantum computer is just a decoration.

Especially for a supercomputer with such a large number of qubits, after an error occurs, if the error is not corrected, it will only gradually enter the collapse stage, and in the end it will take a lot of effort, but it may not get anything.

Although the error rate is low enough, but for a super quantum computer that is calculating all the time, if there is a little error, the accumulated error is still very large.

The error correction system is to solve this problem. It can find the errors generated by the operation of the super quantum computer in a very short time, and make reasonable corrections to the errors based on the calculation traces.

It can even be said that the most important thing in a super quantum computer is this error correction system. There were also quantum computers in the previous life, which can also achieve hundreds of qubits. As long as you want to do it, it is not difficult to continue to increase qubits.

The difficulty is that the error rate is too high. He uses more advanced quantum chip design to reduce the error to an acceptable range, but if you want large-scale continuous operations, an error correction system is essential.

If it is a calculation in a short period of time, it is not necessary to provide such a system, because the time is short, and the errors generated are difficult to accumulate and will not cause too much overall impact.

However, the virtual world is running non-stop, and it is performing huge calculations all the time. As long as there are errors and accumulate over a long period of time, problems will occur.

The error correction system is actually constructed of a large number of quantum chips, but it only performs verification operations and can intervene in the operating quantum system.

The time error between the two will be at the femtosecond level, which means that if an error occurs in the running quantum system, it will be corrected within the femtosecond level.

Since the time is too short, and the error is not formed in a large area, it will not cause too much impact on the running system, and it is completely insensitive during use.

Seeing that they have basically completed the research and development of the error correction system, they immediately feel relieved. The rest of the supporting facilities are relatively simple.

Although these supporting facilities are relatively complicated, they are not so difficult to understand. As long as you follow the technical information provided by him, you can do it step by step, basically it will not take too much trouble.

After reading the progress of the project here, Ye Zishu packed his luggage and got on the plane to the capital. His next job is very simple, that is, to read the report and hold the annual meeting of the high-level industry.

Just as Ye Zishu was on the plane flying to the capital, Huanyu Group officially released a message on its official website, informing the world of the progress of their ultra-high-speed maglev train project.

In the past, they did not disclose any information on ultra-high-speed maglev trains. No one knew that they had research in this area, not even the official ones.

Because all projects are run internally and do not require external support, as long as they really want to keep it secret, it is difficult for the outside to obtain relevant information.

Their release of this announcement means that they have completed all technical research and development work, and even established supporting industries, which have actually met the requirements for mass production.

Next, what they need to do is to build a verification ultra-high-speed maglev track, and in order to reflect the full performance of the ultra-high-speed maglev train, the construction distance should not be too short.

If a verification track of tens of kilometers or even more than ten kilometers is built as before, it will simply not be able to run at the peak speed of the ultra-high-speed maglev train.

So if they want to build, they must build a maglev train track with a length of hundreds of kilometers, which is also explained later in this announcement.

When Ye Zishu's plane landed, Pei Qing came to pick it up in person, and to Ye Zishu's surprise, Wang Chuanfu also followed.

"You came so far to pick me up from the plane?" Ye Zishu asked jokingly.

"If that's the case, I guess I won't be the president for long!" Wang Chuanfu also said.

"The Chinese New Year is coming soon, why are you running this way?" Ye Zishu stopped joking and asked the reason directly.

"Our maglev train has completed all the technical work, and even a standard maglev train prototype has been manufactured in our factory.

Now we need to carry out experimental operations. This time, we are here to communicate with relevant railway departments, and at the same time explain the situation of ultra-high-speed maglev trains with high-level government officials. "Wang Chuanfu said.

"How's the situation?" Ye Zishu asked as he walked.

"The situation is not particularly optimistic. Everyone agrees that our ultra-high-speed maglev train technology is okay, but the problem is that the construction cost is too high." Wang Chuanfu said.

Ye Zishu didn't reply immediately, but invited Wang Chuanfu to get in her car. Pei Qing was very considerate and didn't intend to disturb their conversation, so she drove behind Ye Zishu's car alone.

What Wang Chuanfu said is the fact that such ultra-high-speed maglev trains have very high requirements for track construction, which increases the cost of infrastructure construction.

In addition, their orbits are made of permanent magnet materials, although they are not made of rare rare earths, because if all of them build ultra-high-speed magnetic levitation, the world's neodymium rare earths will not be enough.

So he provided special steel alloy technology, coupled with a special forging method, which can make ordinary steel into permanent magnets, but due to the complicated process, the cost will definitely not be low.

In addition, the technical difficulty of ultra-high-speed maglev trains is relatively high, the technical content is there, and the price is much more expensive than ordinary trains.

For the construction of maglev track, the minimum cost per kilometer is 300 million yuan, and the average cost per kilometer may be around 400 million yuan, which is about twice as expensive as the construction of the 350-kilometer high-speed rail track in the previous life.

This quotation is actually much more expensive than Ye Zishu estimated. It's not that his estimate was inaccurate, but that Huanyu Group must take its own interests into consideration.

Huanyu Group believes that this very mature and ultra-high-speed maglev train technology with absolute competitive advantages is fully worth the price, rather than calculated based on actual production costs.

According to their simulation tests, their ultra-high-speed maglev train can run at a top speed of 980 kilometers per hour, and can reach a speed of 850 kilometers per hour when it runs stably for a long time.

However, the actual energy consumption is much lower than that of ordinary high-speed rail, and the energy consumption per kilometer is less than one-third of it, and the higher the load capacity, the lower the energy consumption per unit weight.

And the price of their trains is not cheap. In the previous life, a high-speed train only cost about 170 million yuan, while their ultra-high-speed maglev trains cost 400 million yuan each.

However, compared with ordinary high-speed rail, maglev trains will have a longer service life and lower maintenance costs, which can save a lot of costs in this regard.

The domestic railway sector is basically losing money year after year. It must not have so much money to build ultra-high-speed maglev trains. It needs state financial allocations or loans from banks.

Many high-speed railway constructions in previous lives were actually financed by the local government, and the railway company itself paid part of the money, because no single unit could complete such a huge fund-raising work.

Where does the money come from is a question that has to be considered. He doesn't think the cost is very high, although the cost per kilometer is a bit high, but the operating cost and transportation volume are not comparable to the ordinary high-speed rail in the previous life.

We should not only focus on the shortcoming of high cost, but also look at the overall operating cost. Only by reducing the overall operating cost can we serve the public at a lower price.

In order to further improve the operating efficiency of the ultra-high-speed maglev train and increase its revenue-generating capacity, it is built according to the standard of both passenger and freight transportation, and it is also built according to the transportation capacity of heavy-duty railways.

The standard is much higher than that of ordinary passenger high-speed rail, because he believes that it is difficult to earn back the cost only for passenger transport, and only the mixed operation of passenger and freight is the way to get back the cost as soon as possible.

In the previous life, the logistics cost of our country ranked very high in the world. The reason is very simple, that is, most of the domestic logistics transportation depends on road transportation, so it is strange that the cost is not high.

If you want to reduce the cost of domestic logistics and transportation and speed up the logistics turnover, in addition to continuing to strengthen the water transportation system, you must rely on railway transportation on a large scale.

The highway only needs to be responsible for the transportation tasks of terminal logistics, so that the logistics cost will be reduced by at least 5 times. This depends on the ultra-high speed, otherwise it can be reduced by 10 times.

Only by allowing railways to play a greater role in freight transport, can the economy of various inland provinces in our country hope to grow, and there will be no phenomenon that the price of goods in county towns is much more expensive than that in big cities.

"They just disliked the high cost and didn't explicitly reject it?" Ye Zishu asked after thinking about it.

"I didn't refuse it, I just said that I want to study it!" Wang Chuanfu said.

"Although the overall operating cost of ultra-high-speed maglev is lower, the initial construction cost is too high. One unit alone must not be able to afford it, and multiple funds are needed to make this happen." Ye Zishu said.

"Which aspects does Mr. Ye think can be involved?" Wang Chuanfu asked.

"I think three parties can participate in this investment, the ZY government, local government and private funds, no matter whether they are loans, finances, or their own funds." Ye Zishu said.

Wang Chuanfu shook his head and said: "Boss Ye is right, but it is difficult to implement, although our country's economy has been developing rapidly in recent years.

However, there are also many places that need to be built in China. High-level governments need to spend more funds to support the development of remote areas, and local governments need to spend more funds for regional economic development.

Apart from the industries owned by Mr. Ye, the private capital is relatively weak. They don't have enough funds for their own development, and they don't have any extra funds to invest in this long-term plan.

If it is ten or eight years, the three parties may have spare money in their hands, but now they need money in all aspects, and they simply cannot afford so much money.

Even if it is through bank loans, the bank may not be able to get so much money, and too much money invested in it will also affect the speed of development in other aspects of the country. "

The fact that Wang Chuanfu was able to address so many issues in such a short period of time shows that he had considered these issues before, but he just felt that the feasibility was not high, so he did not make this suggestion.

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