Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 751 A little


"What if we participate in the investment?" Ye Zishu asked.

Wang Chuanfu was taken aback when he heard that, and couldn't help asking: "Do we have that much money?"

In his view, the boss's business has indeed made a lot of money, but a considerable part of the capital has been digested by Wancheng Foundation. In fact, other companies can only meet their own expansion and add a part of their capital reserves.

The cost of investing in super maglev is too high. The total investment scale is at least 20 trillion yuan. Even if it is built according to the 10-year plan, the annual cost is 2 trillion yuan.

With this fund used for other investments, it is possible to earn much more money than investing in super maglev. Especially for private enterprises, it is really not worthwhile to accumulate so much money in it.

In addition to these problems, there are still policy issues that need to be resolved. Now the railway construction and operation are completely dominated by the Ministry of Railways, leaving them no chance at all.

Even if the policy issues are solved and private capital is allowed to participate, if they only contribute money and do not participate in operations, when will the money be earned back is also a big problem.

The government department will not pay special attention to the issue of income, but as a private enterprise, it has to consider the issue of the rate of return. If the income is not as high as the bank interest, there is no need to bother.

"The problem of money is not a big problem, but how to operate it needs to be carefully considered!" Ye Zishu said.

"Then what about Wancheng Foundation?" Wang Chuanfu couldn't help asking.

In his view, this is to embezzle Wancheng Foundation's funds. Although Wancheng Foundation is currently only in and out, they also understand the importance of Wancheng Foundation and will not resist it.

If the funds that should have been given to Wancheng Jiye were used for the construction of super maglev, it would lead to a slowdown in the speed of domestic urbanization, and a large number of people would flow into the city, which would make the city even more congested.

Moreover, due to the relative scarcity of houses, the cost of renting houses in cities is high, which is not conducive to the development of urbanization, and the residents' sense of living happiness will be very low.

As a company, they naturally hope that individuals will have more funds for consumption, so that they can sell more products, thereby paying higher salaries to their employees, forming a virtuous circle.

This is also the meaning of the existence of Wancheng Foundation. The construction threshold of Wancheng Foundation is not very high, and a large amount of funds can flow to the hands of ordinary people through them, so that the money in the hands of the people will increase.

However, the threshold for super maglev participation is very high, requiring a very high professional level, and the number of employees accommodated is not as large as that of urbanization construction.

"I know what you think, Wancheng Foundation will definitely have a lot of funds,

I know better than you the importance of urbanization at the current stage, and this money will be invested by Tidal Investment Company in the early stage. "Leaf Book said.

When Tidal Investment is very cautious, its annual income can be close to 3 trillion yuan. If it is a little bolder, its annual income can definitely reach 4 trillion yuan.

The previous idea was to use part of the funds to purchase foreign high-quality assets, and the other part to invest in China. If we really want to build a super maglev, we can completely reduce the scale of foreign investment.

Compared with foreign investment projects, domestic investment projects are obviously safer, even if the rate of return is lower, it is acceptable.

What's more, he doesn't think that the rate of return will be very low for investing in the super maglev project. Although the construction cost is high, the overall operating cost is not high.

If the proportion of freight is increased to form a freight network all over the country, the benefits will be very large. Most importantly, it will be able to drive the economic development of areas with underdeveloped inland water transport.

Of course he knew about Tidal Investment Company, Huanyu Group also invested a sum of money, and now it is the largest investment and financial company in China, but no one can say how rich it is.

Because this is a purely private company, the main source of income is in foreign financial markets, and it also uses complex operating methods. Not to mention them, even within them, many people can't figure out how much money the company makes.

Since the boss said so, it must be that Tidal Investment Company has this strength, but I didn't expect such a private financial company to be so profitable.

The problem of money is solved, but how to operate it is a problem, so Wang Chuanfu asked: "Mr. Ye thinks how to invest is more appropriate?"

When private capital participates in such projects, the biggest concern is actually safety. The government department has absolute dominance. If it is just funding, it may not have any say.

It's not that I'm afraid that the capital will be swallowed up, but that the operating efficiency of the traditional method is too low. It will take a long time to get back the capital, and I don't know when it will be able to make a profit.

The industries under his banner are not bad. The capital is all his own. Like other private capital, it is all obtained through financing. The financing cost is very high. Once there are twists and turns, he may face great difficulties.

Ye Zishu did not go around in circles, but talked about the ppp model in the previous life, and at the same time made improvements for the construction of the super maglev.

According to his meaning, the railway department needs to be reformed and divided into two parts. One is a pure management unit, which only has the attribute of administrative management and does not have the attribute of operation.

The other is to run a company, which does not have strong administrative power, but only operational rights, so that the responsibilities are clearly divided, and it is not possible to be both a player and a referee, otherwise there is no way to cooperate.

Then Tidal Investment Co., Ltd. and companies with operating rights will carry out project financing cooperation, and determine the division of operating income according to the proportion of capital contribution.

To be honest, he is not satisfied with this approach, but he thinks that the possibility of success is relatively high, and all aspects are more acceptable.

So he proposed a more radical plan, which is to independently form a super maglev operation and investment company by Tidal Investment Company.

If this enterprise independently completes the investment and operation of super maglev, relevant departments can formulate and improve laws and regulations to restrict its operation.

In this way, as long as enterprises are given the right to operate freely under the framework of laws and regulations, there is no need to worry that handing over to the private sector will cause other problems.

The advantage of doing so is that it can give full play to the enthusiasm of the private sector, improve operating efficiency, and enable these lines to achieve profitability faster.

Moreover, doing so can also reduce the government's debt burden and allow the government's finances to be used to improve people's livelihood, which is much more meaningful than investing in such a large project.

Of course, the pricing of public service projects like this is definitely not random pricing by operating companies, but comprehensive pricing based on calculations of various costs and the impact on economic development.

It is necessary to make the business enterprise have the possibility of making money, and it must not have a major impact on the economy and people's livelihood. Within the scope of these two restrictive frameworks, the business enterprise can have more management autonomy.

What he values ​​is not the passenger transportation market, but the freight transportation market. If Tidal Investment Corporation is allowed to invest and operate independently, then he plans to connect the super maglev to every city with a population of more than 1 million.

If possible, he even hopes to be able to connect to every county, so that the circulation of goods in each county can be quickly transported to all parts of the country through the super maglev train.

Hearing what he said, Wang Chuanfu was stunned. He had such a heart, and he wanted to independently invest in the super maglev route. He really dared to think about it.

Seeing Wang Chuanfu's expression, Ye Zishu said with a smile: "Although I think this possibility is very low, it does not prevent us from providing such a solution. There is nothing wrong with trying.

What's more, we didn't take much advantage of it. The government just issued a license to operate, which can save a lot of government funds, and at the same time gain a super maglev network extending in all directions.

As long as this super maglev network is completed, our country will have the most advanced rail transit network in the world, and the effect of this on economic development is clear without thinking.

If the economy wants to develop better in the future, it is necessary to optimize the allocation of resources and improve the utilization rate of resources and operating efficiency, otherwise the economic development will encounter bottlenecks sooner or later.

Moreover, if domestic infrastructure construction wants to quickly keep up with the needs of economic development, it must cooperate with multiple parties, and those with money will contribute money and powerful efforts. Only in this way can they catch up.

And we belong to both the money and the ability, and it is definitely the best choice to entrust it to us to operate, it depends on whether the government has such great determination.

If it really doesn't work, we will settle for the next best thing and adopt a cooperative business model, but there will definitely be a lot of wrangling in the future.

Before reaching a cooperation, the detailed rules must be discussed in sufficient detail, and there should not be too much room for free interpretation, otherwise there will definitely be a lot of troubles later. "

Although Ye Zishu also said to try it out, Wang Chuanfu still felt a little whimsical, and couldn't help but said: "I'm afraid I will be kicked out before I raise it!"

"Your thinking is still stuck in the past. If you still hold the old thinking mode, it is impossible for the economy to reach a higher level. We must have new solutions to the new situation.

This is nothing more than the issue of control. The reason why the government is unwilling to give up is mainly because this is important to the national economy and people's livelihood, and to avoid unexpected things in private capital operations.

In fact, there is no need to worry at all. As long as the laws and regulations are formulated, everyone will act according to the rules. Even if there is an accident, everyone can negotiate and settle it.

In the final analysis, running a business is nothing more than a wage earner. The fear is that everyone wants to gain more power than they need. This will lead to problems. It is an inevitable choice for social development to perform their own duties.

Then again, this mode of operation does not touch the cheese they already have. It is just that we are preparing to make a bigger cake. The advantages far outweigh the disadvantages. "Leaf Book said.

After listening to his words, Wang Chuanfu felt that the reasoning was correct, but in this world, it is not really reasonable to travel all over the world. The actual situation is that all parties often do not think so based on their respective interests and positions.

Seeing Wang Chuanfu hesitated to speak, Ye Zishu said with a smile: "You just follow my instructions, we are not particularly anxious about this matter, and it's not like you can't run the business.

Next, you only need to do a good job in the shipbuilding business and the aviation industry. As for this matter, you will discuss with the relevant departments together with Tidal Investment Company.

Next, you don't need to participate too much in relevant negotiations, just leave it to Tidal Investment Company. You just need to do your main business well, and don't waste too much time on it. "

Hearing what he said, Wang Chuanfu didn't continue to talk about it. He really didn't want to spend too much energy on this aspect, but there was no way before. If there is no negotiation, the product will not be sold.

Afterwards, Wang Chuanfu began to chat about the preparations Huanyu Group had made for these two industries. After listening to his introduction, Ye Zishu also had a relatively full understanding of this aspect.

Most of the preparatory work they are currently doing is infrastructure work. Since they don't have specific technology, they don't know what equipment to use, so the docks, factories, etc. under construction are not equipped with equipment.

After the technical information provided by him is realized, these will be supplemented, and the industrial chain will be established.

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