Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 752 From Cooking to Housekeeping Robots


Maybe it was because he didn't want to disturb Ye Zishu's life, or because he really had something to do. After talking about Huanyu Group, Wang Chuanfu got off the car halfway and didn't follow Ye Zishu back.

After returning home, Pei Qing became concerned about this matter. Super magnetic levitation can be regarded as a super technical project. It would be a pity if it cannot be promoted.

Faced with Pei Qing's worries, Ye Zishu just smiled and comforted her. Although he proposed two solutions, he didn't know whether they would actually work or not.

Knowing that he didn't intend to go into details, Pei Qing stopped asking, but went to cook. Ye Zishu returned to the study and communicated with Ye Zihua about this matter.

Ye Zihua said that there is not a big problem in terms of funds, but it is not a small difficulty to make this happen. It can only be said that it is necessary to obey the fate of the people and not be too forceful.

Then Ye Zishu asked about their insurance business. The insurance business of Tidal Investment Company had actually been approved in November.

But they still have a lot of work to do to get the business up and running, and they haven't launched a business yet, so he's not in a hurry and let them do it slowly.

He has very high requirements for the insurance business. The targets are not domestic insurance companies, but international insurance giants. Only in this way can they be competitive. Domestic insurance companies can only survive under special circumstances.

Now Ye Zihua is working while studying, and he is much busier than before. He is in the capital, and he doesn't have time to come and get together.

After dealing with these matters, Ye Zishu directly turned off the computer and went back to the living room. Pei Qing had already cooked the meals, and she was sitting alone on the sofa, waiting for him to finish his work and have dinner together.

"Why didn't you call me?" Ye Zishu asked when he saw Pei Qing sitting alone on the sofa watching TV.

"We'll talk about it when you're done, and there's no rush!" Pei Qing threw away the remote control in her hand, stood up, and said with a smile.

After hearing this, Ye Zishu smiled, held her hand, let her take a seat first, served her a bowl of rice, and said with a smile, "Thank you for your hard work!"

"What's the hard work here, isn't it just cooking a meal!" Pei Qing felt very pleased with his words, but she said something else.

"What do you think of the idea of ​​developing a domestic robot?" Ye Zishu asked.

Unexpectedly, Ye Zishu thought of developing a housekeeping robot to replace manual cooking because of cooking a meal. This kind of thinking jump made Pei Qing stunned for a moment.

"Of course it's good, but ordinary families shouldn't be able to afford it. If ordinary families can afford it, then all the restaurants outside will be closed." After Pei Qing came to her senses, she directly pointed out the problem.

This is not to say that the value of the industry will not increase. In fact, if there are such robots, there will definitely be a higher economic output value, and the national economic aggregate will definitely increase faster.

But all the money was earned by him, and it did not benefit ordinary people, especially those who opened restaurants, which will be severely damaged, which is very detrimental to social stability.

In the absence of a complete set of distribution system adapted to the robot society, although the excessive use of technology has brought prosperity on the surface, in fact there will be many problems.

This is also an important reason why he dare not use fully automatic production lines under his own banner. If he only wants to make money and does not find a way to put the money into the pockets of ordinary people, he will not make any money in the end.

The common people have no money, and his industries are useless even if the technology is advanced. Any technological development must benefit the public, so that there can be positive interaction.

He said before that he is just a manager of wealth. It is not a lie. He uses his industries to increase the value of social wealth, and then distributes the wealth in every possible way.

Then let the people have enough money to consume, buy these commodities, return them to these enterprises, and then redistribute them, forming a closed loop of capital flow.

If new commodities are added, the government needs to issue more currency to increase the money supply in the market, increase the consumption capacity of the people, and have stronger purchasing power, so that new commodities can be smoothly digested by the market.

According to this theory, if assets are transferred overseas, it is actually plundering domestic social wealth. If this continues, the funds in this closed loop will become less and less.

This is also the reason why he is not interested in many capitals. Capital naturally likes freedom, because it can guarantee the safety of capital, but it is not a good thing for society.

"In fact, this is easy to solve, and it can be rented out, which is equivalent to hiring a robot housekeeper for each family.

Calculated based on the average monthly income of domestic residents of 1,000 yuan, if we launch a robot housekeeping service that only costs 500 yuan a month, there should be a large market. "Leaf Book said.

Hearing what Ye Zishu said, Pei Qing couldn't help but said, "It's so cheap? Will it be difficult to pay back?"

Pei Qing actually didn't know how much the robot cost. Anyway, the price of the robot currently launched by Qinglong Technology Company is quite expensive, but at the current level of technology, it is a top-notch technology product, and many people still pay for it.

It’s just that the cheapest one costs 100,000 yuan. In fact, this kind of robot can’t do practical work. It can only provide voice service work, and its usefulness is actually quite limited.

This is also the reason why this robot is widely used as a shopping guide, because the shopping guide only needs to talk about it, and does not need to work with hands, which perfectly fits such a scene.

Obviously, such a robot cannot do housekeeping services, and even the one-million-dollar robot launched by Qinglong Technology Company cannot be fully qualified for housekeeping services.

If this standard is followed, the price of a housekeeping robot must be at least one million yuan. If the service fee is charged at 500 yuan per month, it is not worthwhile at all.

In fact, the cost of manufacturing robots is not that expensive. Qinglong Technology Company only sells such high prices because of its advanced technology and market monopoly capabilities.

There are only three key technologies for robots. The first one is artificial intelligence, which is provided by Phoenix Technology. Although it needs to be adjusted, the cost is almost negligible.

The second is the control system, including software and hardware technology, which has cost Qinglong Technology Company a lot of scientific research costs.

The third is the sensor. In order for the robot to sense the external information, the sensor is essential. Qinglong Technology Company itself has a good technical reserve in this area, but it needs to be made smaller.

As for the simulated skin on the outside, it is just to make the robot look more like a human being. It doesn’t matter if it is there or not. If it is more high-end, it will not affect the actual use.

The cost of the 100,000-yuan robot they sell is only 20,000 yuan, while the actual cost of the million-yuan robot is actually less than 100,000 yuan. The main cost is the cost of the motion control system and sensors.

The cost of their tens of millions of robots is actually the same, but they just use better bionic skin, which looks more like human beings, and they are completely cutting the leeks of the rich.

If he is allowed to do it, it is absolutely possible to make a robot with lower cost and better effect, it depends on whether he is willing to do this.

In the past, his energy was limited, and his limited time needed to be used where it was needed more. Robots were not yet necessary, so he ignored this.

Now that he has a brain-computer interaction device, his work efficiency has been greatly improved, and he seems to be able to do such insignificant things with ease.

"The cost depends on how it is done. Judging from the technical level, there is a reason to sell it at a high price. Judging from the production cost, it is actually not very high." Ye Shu said.

"Even if the cost problem is solved, how to solve the employment problem caused by replacing labor?" Pei Qing asked.

Ye Zishu smiled even more when he heard this, and said: "This is even simpler, you only need to limit the types of services that the robot can provide, so that the robot can only do the services it should do, and not do other services at all.

For example, housekeeping robots, the most important services are home cleaning, childcare and elderly services, and can also provide cooking services, but the types can be narrowed, so they can only cook some home-cooked dishes.

Even in order to allow users to separate the services according to their actual situation, they are divided into household cleaning services, clothes, shoes and hats services, child care services for the elderly, family catering services, and so on.

Each service is charged separately, and some are charged by the hour. For example, taking care of children and the elderly is more suitable for charging by the hour, which is more flexible. "

Pei Qing nodded after hearing this. Such words can solve some problems. Although it is inevitable that some people will lose their jobs, the total amount should not be very large.

At present, domestic service is not so popular in China. There are various reasons. The main reason is that people are not rich enough and there is no extra funds to pay for such services.

This is also the reason why Ye Zishu thinks that it is not a big problem to launch housekeeping services. If there are already a large number of employed people, they must not do so without full preparation.

Of course, the main reason is that Qinglong Technology Company has made a good start. Facts have proved that everyone has a high acceptance of the emergence of robots, and it has not caused a huge panic at the social level.

Although robots are indeed excellent in participating in shopping guides, they cannot completely replace human shopping guides. The combination of the two makes it easier for real shopping guides.

"These ideas of yours are very good, and I support them, so that our home life will be much easier, but the domestic market should not be very large. Everyone is still used to living a frugal life, and they would rather work harder than pay the fee. .” Pei Qing said.

Her words revealed the actual situation in the country. Now the housekeepers are all from difficult times. If they want to make them pay a large service fee for a little easier, many people are not willing.

"What you said is true, but it's only temporary. When everyone's income is higher, they will still adjust their consumption habits. Let alone human beings, any creature wants to live an easier life.

It’s just that everyone didn’t have much money before, and when everyone’s money is enough to meet the needs of life, the remaining money will naturally be invested in services that improve the quality of life. "Ye Zishu said with a smile.

He is not worried about this. In fact, consumption habits have a lot to do with the social environment. As long as everyone has spare money in their hands, they will naturally be willing to spend money on it.

"You are right, but that time has not yet come. After the per capita monthly income exceeds 10,000 yuan, there may be relatively strong market demand." Pei Qing said.

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