Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 753 You are so willing!


Although 500 per month is very expensive, it is hardly worth mentioning compared with the cost. If you want a robot that can flexibly perform housekeeping services, the cost must be at least 100,000 or more.

If the service is provided at this price, it means that it will take 200 months to pay back, which is close to 17 years, and it will not make money at all.

That's why Pei Qing said that the market won't be very big, consumers think it's expensive, and the company doesn't make money, so there's no future for such a project.

If the average monthly income reaches tens of thousands of yuan, the service fee will definitely increase. Basically, everyone will accept 2,000 yuan per month, accounting for only one-fifth of the income, and now it has almost reached half.

Unless this kind of robot is used for international business, but this will face many problems, local people will think that the robot has taken their jobs, and protests are inevitable.

And if it is used for international business, the price is definitely not the domestic price. He really does not have the ideal of benefiting the whole world. It is just a business, and naturally it is to maximize profits.

In the absence of all parties, he still wants to launch such a service. Of course, he is not just thinking about it, but has practical considerations.

Now that everyone has begun to accept that robots can do some work in the commercial field, he wants to test whether it is possible to go further and let robots do more work.

In this way, society will make some dynamic adjustments due to the emergence of robots, which is much better than drastic actions, at least it will not cause chaos in the short term.

When everyone gradually accepts that robots take on more and more tasks, humans will adjust their own positioning, which can also promote the construction of relevant systems, which is much better than being unprepared.

"Try it, the emergence of robots is a huge change for human society, even stronger than any previous industrial revolution, and has the power to reshape the social form.

If it appears all at once and replaces most of the human work, it will inevitably cause serious chaos. Instead of this, it is better to appear as soon as possible and participate in social production through gradual changes. "Leaf Book said.

After hearing this, Pei Qing understood why he did this, and also thought it was a feasible method. In fact, it is completely unnecessary for human beings to participate in simple labor. It is better to focus on more meaningful things.

"When do you plan to do it?" Pei Qing asked.

"It should be in the next year, the technical difficulty is actually not very high!" Ye Zishu said with a smile.

"That's for you!" Pei Qing said angrily.

Ye Zishu smiled and did not speak, but lowered his head to eat, and quickly finished the rice in the bowl,

Scooped himself a bowl of soup, took a few sips, and said, "By the way, how is your new business going?"

"Which new business are you referring to?" Pei Qing asked.

"Let's talk about the concentration health products first!" Ye Zishu said.

After hearing this, Pei Qing didn't speak immediately, but sorted out her thoughts while eating, and then said: "The situation should be considered good or not."

"How do you say that?" Ye Zishu frowned and asked curiously.

"The sales of our health care products are still very good, but there are obvious differences between urban and rural areas, and urban residents basically buy them for their children.

However, the sales in rural areas are not satisfactory, only one-tenth of that of urban residents. As far as the rural school-age population is concerned, the per capita purchase rate will be even lower. "Pei Qing explained.

Ye Zishu knew that the gap between urban and rural areas must be obvious, but he didn't expect it to be so obvious. It was a bit beyond his expectation. The per capita income of rural residents is indeed lower, but they are much richer than before.

When Wancheng Foundation recruits, it basically recruits rural laborers on purpose. One is to increase the income of rural laborers, and the other is that people from rural areas work harder and endure hardships.

Ye Zishu didn't speak, but drank a few mouthfuls of soup, and analyzed the reasons for this situation in his mind. Apart from the obvious gap between the rich and the poor, he also came to two conclusions.

The first conclusion is that there are more children in rural areas. Although family planning has been implemented for a long time, rural families generally have three children, or at least two children. Only children are very rare.

This means that if each child buys such health care products, the cost they bear is two to three times that of urban families, and the burden will naturally be heavier.

It is even more impossible to buy it for some children. A bowl of water is needed, otherwise there will be more bullshit in the future, and it is better to have none at all.

The second conclusion is the attitude towards education. There is still a big difference between urban and rural areas. Although we have a tradition of attaching importance to education since ancient times, there are degrees.

The general attitude in rural areas is that if you can continue to study, you can go to school. If you can’t, you can learn a craft as soon as possible so that you won’t starve to death in the future. Even families with financial difficulties have to make choices among many children.

If you want to promote better, the best way is naturally to further reduce the price, but the current price is already the lowest, leaving aside the production cost, logistics cost and sales network cost, it is almost no profit.

As a commercial enterprise, it is not necessary to make money for social needs, but it cannot lose money, because this is not in line with business logic, and problems will arise in the long run.

"How is the foreign sales situation?" Ye Zishu asked.

"Overseas sales are not bad, reaching an average of 50 million stable customers." Pei Qing said.

"So many?" Ye Zishu asked in surprise.

Tai Chi Group launched this health product in August, and it is only a few months away from now. It is a bit surprising that there are so many stable customers.

You must know that the price abroad is much more expensive than that in China. A bottle of one day’s supply is as high as 50 yuan, and the price is 10 times that in China. This is still an FOB price, and the sales price is higher.

If calculated according to this data, if it is used continuously, it can bring more than 900 billion yuan in revenue to Taiji Group every year, which is much stronger than the previous health products.

Even if the unused leisure time such as winter and summer vacations is excluded, it can bring more than 600 billion yuan in income to Tai Chi Group, which is still very impressive.

"The main reason is that now that the golden brand of Tai Chi Group has been erected, when we promote it, we basically don't need to spend too much effort, which is completely different from before.

Everyone believes that we will not make false publicity, not to mention that we started with health care products, and everyone can gain more trust from consumers for our health care products than our medicines. "Pei Qing said with a smile.

After listening to Ye Zishu, she felt that what she said was very reasonable. Although Tai Chi Group had only launched four health care products before, each of them was real and effective, and the effect was very good.

In addition, Taiji Group is now outstanding in other businesses, and the level of trust in Taiji Group is not the same as before.

"How about subsidizing domestic income with foreign income?" Ye Zishu asked.

"That's not good!" Pei Qing said.

"I know what you're worried about, it's completely unnecessary, and we can change the game!" Ye Shu said.

"What are you going to do?" Pei Qing asked.

"First of all, let's calculate whether it is affordable. Let's calculate based on the number of 250 million school-age persons, and calculate the annual study time as 270 days, which will cost 337.5 billion yuan per year.

The sales income of your health care product abroad, even after paying taxes, is enough to cover this cost, don’t you think? "Leaf Book said.

Pei Qing nodded. In fact, the tax rate of health care products is not high, and there are export tax rebates. They don't need to advertise on a large scale, and the marketing cost is not high.

Leaf Book calculates these according to the highest figures. In fact, it is impossible to subsidize everyone. They are enterprises, not the government, and there is no need to be completely fair.

They can completely subsidize children from poor families, or even only subsidize children in rural areas, and no one will say that one of them is not, so the actual situation is even lower than this figure.

Seeing Pei Qing nodding, Ye Zishu continued: "This subsidy cannot be directly paid by Taiji Group itself, if you directly take your account, many things will be difficult to do.

You still give the money to charity organizations to subsidize students through charity organizations, so that you are still a purely commercial company and will not encounter bullshit. "

Pei Qing didn't expect that Ye Zishu would want to operate like this. This is tantamount to the Taiji Group's business with no reputation other than money, and it is a completely loss-making business.

"We will lose a lot if we do this. If we don't seek profit, we should get a good reputation, not to mention handing over such a large amount of funds to charity organizations, I don't feel at ease." Pei Qing said helplessly.

"I have a foundation named after me, which is now run by my elder sister, and currently only supports research on basic disciplines in domestic colleges and universities.

Although it seems a little inappropriate to entrust them to do it, it is also related to education, and others can't tell the big problem. Besides, the money is ours, so we can't tell others how to spend it.

As for the Taiji Group, it will still put a name on the foundation’s donation list, and it’s not completely unreputable, but it’s just that there’s no need to publicize it, we just do what we think is right. "Leaf Book said.

Hearing what he said, Pei Qing could only accept it. After all, she was just a professional manager, not the boss. The boss didn't care about money, so she couldn't say anything.

He just said: "You are so generous. Although it is impossible to ask for that much money, 200 billion yuan is still needed. Donate if you say donate?"

Ye Zishu smiled, and said: "Whether you bring money with you when you are born or die, why do you need so much money, and think about Fuze's descendants?

Even the emperor can't pass the emperor down from generation to generation, let alone the money, so we have to be careful. If you want to bless your descendants, you don't want to leave much money to your descendants.

It is to build a better world for the children and grandchildren, so that no matter whether the children and grandchildren are poor or rich in the future, they can survive in peace and stability. This is the most fundamental way. "

Although what Ye Zishu said is correct, it is just an ideal. No matter how great one's ability is, it is difficult to achieve this. It is better to only care about one's own family. This is the choice of most people.

Regardless of Ye Zishu's success, there are still many things that he cannot handle in one fell swoop. It is impossible for a single person to have the final say in society, but a collection of intertwined interests from all sides.

"Although the idea is very good, we are just a company after all. We can subsidize the company if we make money now. If we don't make money someday, this plan will come to an end," Pei Qing said.

"So this is just a temporary measure. I hope that through this method, everyone will see the actual effect. After everyone has reached a consensus on this, you will slowly withdraw.

At that time, either the government will be responsible for the cost, or each family will bear the cost after most of the families become rich. It is impossible for you to subsidize all the time. "Leaf Book said.

Hearing what he said, Pei Qing was relieved a lot. There are many reasons why enterprises cannot become the main body of public services, and the high instability must be one of the important reasons.

"Then we still have to work hard to turn this matter into a public matter, otherwise it's not a solution for us to carry it all the time." Pei Qing said.

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