Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 754: Kill chickens to make an example to monkeys!


"How is your vaccine business doing?" Ye Zishu asked.

"This business has just started not long ago, and the effect is not visible for the time being." Pei Qing said.

"How do you say that?" Ye Zishu asked.

The vaccines he brought out are very targeted and the effect is very good. According to his thinking, not to mention universal popularization, at least they should have a great response.

"These vaccines have undergone a complete experiment in China, and the number of experimenters has reached the standard, which fully meets the requirements for marketing, but in other parts of the world, this process has to be repeated.

This means that we have to wait in the international market, and there will definitely be no income in the short term. In China, although our prices are relatively low, not many people use them.

One is that everyone has not yet realized the importance of vaccination, and the concept of disease prevention is not so deep yet, and everyone has the attitude of saving as much as possible.

The second is that although these vaccines are very important, it is unlikely to be included in the national vaccine popularization plan in the short term and can only be borne by the people themselves.

In this environment, no matter how effective our vaccine is, it will be difficult to use it. In order to break this situation, we are planning a broader disease prevention publicity work. "Pei Qing said.

Ye Zishu did not expect that vaccine promotion would be so difficult. He thought that with such an advanced vaccine, it should be easy to promote, not to mention making a lot of money, at least not as half-dead as it is now.

Taiji Group's vaccines are actually very cheap in China, not exceeding one hundred yuan. If it was a few years ago, this was indeed a big sum, but it is not particularly expensive now.

If you are unwilling to spend even this amount of money, it is impossible to expect further price reductions, because the cost price is not low in the first place, and price reductions are also very limited.

The price of these vaccines abroad is relatively expensive, such as viral influenza vaccines, which cost 500 yuan, and exclusive vaccines such as hpv and hiv are even more expensive, costing tens of thousands of yuan.

Of course, these are all aimed at developed countries, and for developing countries, Taiji Group will also introduce preferential measures, but no matter how preferential they are, they are still much more expensive than domestic ones.

Hearing what Pei Qing said, Ye Zishu shook his head, he didn't intend to continue to take care of it, he couldn't expect the Taiji Group to take care of everything, the Taiji Group was already very responsible.

"What about your organ cultivation business?" Ye Zishu asked directly, changing the subject.

Pei Qing thought that Ye Zishu would come up with some plans for the vaccine, but she skipped it without thinking. She was a little surprised, so she asked, "That's all about the vaccine? Are you going to say something?"

"What more do you want? What we have to do has been done,

We can't do everything, we don't have that big shoulders yet. "Leaf Book said.

When Pei Qing heard what he said, she didn't continue the topic, but said: "Your words are more rational, unlike just now, it's a bit beyond our responsibility."

"These are two different things!" Ye Zishu said.

Pei Qing nodded and continued: "The organ cultivation business is very good. We announced in November that by the end of the year, we had completed 100,000 orders in just over a month."

Hearing this number, Ye Zishu was very satisfied. This number is almost the number of patients who need organ transplants in the world, and there are about 1 million people in the world every year.

For this business, there are not so many classifications of fees, all of which are 100,000 yuan. This is the FOB price, and the buyer needs to bear the transportation and maintenance fees.

Since maintenance requires a large amount of biologically active liquid, the price is very high. This cost is generally around 20,000 yuan, which means that the actual FOB price is 120,000 yuan.

If all the patients in need around the world order from them, the annual revenue will only be 120 billion yuan, which is not a small figure for other companies, but for Taiji Group, this income can only be considered acceptable.

In fact, Taiji Group still has a lot of room to raise prices. For those in need, as long as they can afford it, they will pay no matter how high it is, but they are unwilling to do so.

Advanced technology must ultimately be affordable for the vast majority of people. If most people cannot use it, the technology will lose its most important value.

It is also based on the idea that technology serves mankind, when Taiji Group promotes its business, it will set prices according to the level of economic development, otherwise it would not have to do so at all.

In order to avoid smuggling, they also need to spend a sum of money to maintain and combat smuggling activities, which is completely thankless.

Although the Taiji Group's actions caused a lot of controversy, after all, no one would be happy to pay high prices, but it also allowed them to gain a high reputation in developing countries.

For developing countries, they simply do not have the strength to compete in the field of biomedicine, so they can obtain products at relatively low prices, which is what they wish for.

As far as Taiji Group is concerned, if it does not treat it differently, it will reduce a lot of markets, not only reduce a lot of income, but also give many competitors a chance to survive.

In the front market, competitors are powerless to fight back, but in the secondary market, if they do not pursue high profits, they still have room to survive.

By doing this, the Taiji Group is tantamount to denying these low-revenue markets to competitors. It is not that no one has protested, but the Taiji Group still insists on doing so.

The reason is also very simple, that is, under the condition of guaranteeing the interests, let the technology serve the human beings as much as possible. This reason is very noble, and no one can tell if it is wrong.

We must take human lives in underdeveloped regions seriously, and take proper care of developing countries, which just reflects the great love of Taiji Group.

After the meal, Ye Zishu helped wash the dishes, and then chatted with Pei Qing for a while. This time, they went out for more than a month, and the two of them had a little farewell better than a newlywed, so naturally they wanted you to talk about it.

If it wasn't for the two of them just finished eating, it's not suitable for strenuous exercise, or else the two of them would have a stomach war, and now they can only sit on the sofa, cuddle up to each other, and chat while watching TV.

The two chatted, and they also talked about work matters. Taiji Group is definitely a super successful company in terms of revenue. No one can deny this.

But in terms of their ideals, there is still a certain gap. The reason is very simple, that is, they are still unable to provide help to most disabled people.

The number of disabled people in the world is very large, accounting for about 15% of the population. That is to say, based on the current 5.7 billion people in the world, the number of disabled people is about 800 million.

Disabled people generally have obstacles in body, language, hearing, spirit, and intelligence, which make them lose certain social abilities and basically become marginalized people in society.

If Tai Chi Group can make a huge contribution in this regard, it will not only increase revenue substantially, but also help these people to live a normal life.

Pei Qing doesn't know what Ye Zishu's plans will be this year, but she still hopes that he can make achievements in this area. After all, if he wants to solve these problems well, he has to be involved.

After hearing Pei Qing's words, Ye Zishu felt that it was necessary for him to spend some time to solve these problems. It was a good thing both public and private.

Regardless of the variety of types of disabilities, there are actually only a few types of disabilities, which are nothing more than three types: damage to body tissues, problems with the nervous system, and hypoplasia of tissues and organs.

Pei Qing also mentioned the issue of the disabled before, but Ye Zishu didn't have the energy to take care of it at that time. In his opinion, as long as there is no danger of life for the time being, it can be postponed for a while.

Now his work efficiency has been significantly improved, and he can take a short period of time to deal with it. It is not a special delay, but the benefits are very obvious.

Seeing that Ye Zishu was thinking carefully, and the time was not short, Pei Qing asked, "Is it difficult?"

"It is definitely difficult, otherwise there is no good solution until now, but it is still possible to overcome it if you spend some time researching it." Ye Zishu said with a smile.

"I knew it wouldn't be a problem for you!" Pei Qing held his face, looked into his eyes, and said with a smile.

"You shouldn't be too optimistic. In fact, most of the disabled are located in relatively poor countries. Even if there is a treatment, it is difficult for them to afford the cost of treatment." Ye Shu said.

Pei Qing didn't care much about this, and said with a smile: "What you said is the truth, but we can't pursue absolute popularity, we can only pursue relative popularity. Some is better than nothing."

Both of them are very clear that even if there are medical treatments, they will not be very cheap. As long as they are not free, some people will not be able to obtain these resources.

So they can only make a good balance from it. Even gods can't save all sentient beings, let alone a company, which must consider its own interests and do things that are beneficial to society and mankind.

What's more, if you are kind to others, you may not be remembered by others. They may turn around and deal with the company that saved them. They know this truth very well.

For them, it is enough to make it as popular as possible in the country. They can't control so much. There are thousands of sufferings in the world, and it's not their turn to work hard for it.

During the chat between the two, Pei Qing mentioned something that surprised Ye Zishu, that is, the customs of a certain country openly participated in the drug smuggling of the Taiji Group.

If you want to obtain relatively cheap medicines from Taiji Group, you need to sign an agreement with the country where you are located and Taiji Group. After reaching an agreement, you will provide products at a lower price.

In the agreement signed by the two parties, there is one item that if large-scale smuggling occurs, but the customs of the host country do nothing, the agreement will automatically become invalid, and there may be a punitive price increase.

Although the possibility of a punitive price increase will not be great, because it will damage the reputation of Taiji Group, but the restoration of a unified price is enough for some countries to drink a pot.

This time, the Tai Chi Group obtained sufficient evidence that their customs officers were openly involved in smuggling, because the profits were so huge that people couldn't help but be greedy.

Faced with the conclusive evidence presented by the Taiji Group, the other party has to deny it in every possible way. The reason is very simple. Once the normal supply price is restored, their government may face the blame of the voters. If it is serious, it may be dismissed.

In response to this situation, Taiji Group will not tolerate it, because once the hands are soft, things cannot be dealt with later, and everyone thinks that Taiji Group is a soft persimmon.

So no matter how the other party argued, Taiji Group directly canceled the previously signed agreement, not only restored the original price, but also increased some prices.

The reason is very simple, if it is private smuggling, Taiji Group will not be punished by increasing the price.

This time, the Taiji Group increased the price by 10% on the basis of the normal price based on the idea of ​​killing chickens and monkeys. At first they wanted to boycott Taiji Group and threatened the market.

It's a pity that Taiji Group doesn't take this at all. Their products are in short supply all over the world, so they don't have to worry about no market at all. The lack of such a small market does no harm to Taiji Group.

The two sides had been in a stalemate for a month, but the other party still couldn't suppress the domestic public opinion and had to accept this punitive clause, which lasted for three years. If the performance was good, the normal price would be restored.

As for when to enjoy the preferential measures again, it depends on the Taiji Group's thinking. Although this approach seems a bit domineering, everyone can't tell the Taiji Group's faults.

After all, they violated the agreement first, and the Taiji Group acted according to the terms, so there was no way to criticize them, but this matter also had a relatively far-reaching impact.

There are good and bad, but Pei Qing believes that the good influence is greater than the bad influence. In fact, the Taiji Group has found out that there are small-scale private smuggling in many countries, but the scale is not large, and they don't plan to control it.

This time, it was mainly because of the official participation that the Tai Chi Group couldn't bear it anymore. This time, these developing countries had to step up their smuggling and crackdown activities on such products and cracked a large number of cases.

What's interesting is that their government gave all the stolen money obtained from cracking the case to Taiji Group as compensation for Taiji Group's losses, and their attitude is quite good.

The downside is that the Taiji Group has fully demonstrated its strong monopoly capabilities, which has made some ambitious countries feel sympathetic. Although the Taiji Group is currently performing very well, in case of what happens, no one can predict what will happen in the future.

Pei Qing knew it would bring about such unwarranted guesses from the very beginning, but she still handled it this way, because it is impossible for them to pretend to be a white rabbit, unless they don't care about global interests at all.

In the handling of international affairs, it is not appropriate to follow moral etiquette. In fact, everyone is still obeying the law of the jungle. Blindly giving in will only make you fall into a dilemma.

What's more, even if these countries have ideas, they must have the ability. If there is no means, Ye Zishu will not be able to sell them carelessly. Let alone research and development of new drugs, it is difficult to imitate their drugs.

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