Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter seven hundred and sixty first has a strategic view


The advent of the Internet era has changed many rules of the game, not only in industries directly related to the Internet, but also in traditional industrial products.

Qinglong Technology Company is a company that stands on this trend. The rapid development of the global Internet promoted by them personally, and keeping up with the pace of the times, launched many products that fit the times, and naturally made a lot of money.

The first business is communication equipment and services. In the past year, the two Internet equipment companies have created a total of 3 trillion yuan in revenue, and the development is unstoppable.

In the past two years, some countries were still hesitant about the development of the Internet. Now, as long as a sensible person can see the situation clearly, no matter how slow the move is, it will never be able to catch up.

That's why last year was truly a year of great global Internet development. Both the total purchase of Internet equipment and the number of users connected to the Internet have reached new heights.

With the help of the development of the Internet, not only Qinglong Technology has made a lot of money, but also the economies of almost all major countries in the world have grown to varying degrees.

In the final analysis, economic development depends on the quantity of products supplied. Although the equipment is supplied by Qinglong Technology Company, providing more consumer products to citizens of the country can also increase the size of the economy.

Of course, their communication business has achieved such a rapid growth. In addition to the traditional optical fiber network equipment business, the sales of mobile Internet equipment also contributed.

Both types of Internet are developing rapidly, and there are only two companies in the world that provide equipment supply. It is not surprising that such performance can be achieved, and it can be said to be a normal performance.

As long as the two networks are still developing, they don't have to worry about this aspect of their business, and their performance in this aspect will not decline in the next few years, and they still have strong revenue capabilities.

The second business is smart home. As smart home is gradually gaining popularity, innovation under the Internet thinking has given a new interpretation to these traditional products.

The home appliance industry has ushered in a wave of updates, among which the performance of smart TVs is particularly prominent. As long as the family is connected to the Internet, it will consider buying a smart TV.

With the help of advanced artificial intelligence technology, smart home has become a popular choice for home in the new era. In order to control the market as much as possible, Qinglong Technology Company has launched different grades of products to meet the needs of different consumers.

In the entire smart home field, Qinglong Technology Company is in an absolute dominant position. Although some companies have launched similar products, the effect is completely incomparable.

Last year, their entire smart home business revenue reached 2 trillion yuan. The reason why it is so high is mainly because the wave of replacement is happening.

The third business is the computer business. Last year, 400 million personal computers were sold.

Tablet PC sales also reached 200 million units, and the total personal business revenue reached 3.8 trillion yuan.

In the field of servers, their situation is completely different from before. After all, the times are developing, and the outdated servers before are rapidly withdrawing from the market.

Although Qinglong Technology Company is considered a newcomer in this field, their technology has surpassed by a large margin, causing the server replacement market and incremental market to be their world.

Last year, they earned a total of 500 billion yuan in revenue in the field of computer servers and computer room equipment. Although it is incomparable with personal business, this achievement is quite impressive in the server field.

In addition to servers, their supercomputers are also sold globally, but the price is much higher than the domestic price, and the price of each computer is as high as 10 billion yuan.

Such a high price did not stop everyone's enthusiasm for buying this supercomputer. The reason is very simple, that is, the computing power is high enough, much higher than their supercomputers.

If calculated according to the unit computing power, it is very cost-effective to purchase the supercomputer of Qinglong Technology Company, and the unit cost is much lower than their own products.

So last year they sold a total of 50 supercomputers to the world, and as long as the country can afford it, at least one has been purchased.

Because supercomputers are so useful, whether in the field of scientific research or in the field of weather forecasting, a supercomputer with higher computing power means higher efficiency.

In the field of supercomputers, they achieved a revenue of 500 billion yuan last year. In the field of supercomputers, they have temporarily gained a foothold.

For this situation, some countries are unhappy, but the technology is not as good as it is, so they can only choose to buy it. Some countries are happy about this, because they can finally buy this kind of weapon.

Supercomputers are super-production tools, but such tools are indispensable for a country that wants to achieve certain results in the field of scientific research.

In the past, it was not so easy to purchase such equipment. Not only was it difficult to buy advanced supercomputers, but there were also many restrictions on use, and various overlord clauses were endured.

The most typical example is that Mr. M exported our supercomputer, and asked them to arrange personnel to keep it, and he was not allowed to engage in certain scientific research projects, and using the things he bought was like a thief.

In this regard, Qinglong Technology Company will not make any restrictions. They don't care what customers do when they buy it back.

In the entire computer business field, Qinglong Technology Company has achieved a total revenue of 4.8 trillion yuan. Compared with the previous year, it can also be described as a leap forward.

The fourth business is sensors. Originally, this business was a niche business, and basically it would not be counted separately. However, this business was very good last year, so it was listed separately.

The development of their sensor business has benefited from the development of smart devices, among which high-standard agricultural temperature control systems, robots, video surveillance equipment and autopilot are the most in demand.

Last year, it achieved a revenue of 150 billion yuan in this field. Although it is incomparable with other businesses, Yeshu is very optimistic about the future development prospects.

Especially when the communication satellite system is established, the development of the Internet of Things will have a certain foundation. By then, sensors will be everywhere, and it is not impossible to achieve trillions of dollars in revenue.

Therefore, this is a business worthy of continuous attention. Qinglong Technology Company did not ignore this business because of its low revenue, but instead attached great importance to it. In the future, many technology products will be based on advanced sensors.

The fifth business is the robot business. This is a new business, but its development is surprisingly good. Although it was released in September last year, the global sales volume has reached 5 million units.

According to this development speed, this year's sales will create a new height, and the annual sales volume is expected to reach 20 million units, becoming the world's largest robot company.

Although the price of the robot is cheaper than many robots in the previous life, the minimum price is 100,000 yuan, which is not particularly cheap in this era.

Customers can order robots of various grades according to their own business needs, so the average price has reached 200,000 yuan, and many robots worth millions of yuan have been sold.

Even many local tyrants bought tens of millions of robots, not to use them for work, but as their own toys, which Ye Shu could not understand.

The robot business will become a new business growth point of Qinglong Technology Company in the future, and perhaps in the future, the robot business alone will be able to achieve a revenue scale of 10 trillion yuan.

But now is the early stage of development, and it is already a remarkable achievement to be able to achieve a revenue of 1 trillion yuan. No one thought that a business that was not very optimistic at first could achieve such a result.

If this year's expectations can be realized, this business can bring about 4 trillion yuan in revenue, which will be very scary, and it can be said to be their fastest growing business.

The sixth business is digital picture and video business, including digital camera, digital video camera, digital broadcasting system, video surveillance camera and so on.

In the business fields listed above, Qinglong Technology Company is in an absolute leading position, and some have even reached the level of monopoly, such as digital broadcasting system.

It's not that their technology is irreplaceable, but that if they want to cooperate with Phoenix Special Effects Company, they must access the digital advertising platform of Shengshi Advertising Company.

And if you want to access the digital advertising platform, you must use the digital broadcasting system of Qinglong Technology Company, and Phoenix Special Effects Company has reached cooperation with 80% of the world's TV media.

This means that these TV stations must replace the equipment of Qinglong Technology Company. Such equipment costs several million yuan at a cheap price, and high-end complete equipment can cost hundreds of millions of yuan. It depends on their needs and strengths.

Together, the revenue of these businesses has reached 1 trillion yuan. This is mainly because these businesses are considered to be at the top of the industry, and even reached the level of monopoly.

The rest of the business is more complicated, and the revenue of each business is not very large. There are also hundreds of millions of yuan, and there are also tens of billions of yuan, but they still cannot meet the requirements of separate items.

So to put it all together, the drones released last year belong to this category. Generally speaking, businesses that do not reach hundreds of billions of yuan in revenue are niche businesses.

To be honest, Ye Zishu doesn't know how many small businesses there are in this category. In order to stimulate the creativity of R\u0026D personnel, they are allowed to carry out interesting research after completing the assigned tasks.

If the research achieves certain results and earns income, the R\u0026D personnel can get additional rewards. This kind of measure is not only available in Qinglong Technology Company, but also in other companies.

As for non-scientists, they can also submit a new project proposal. As long as it is adopted, no matter whether it is successful or not, they can get a reward. If it is successful, they will be rewarded again.

This can be regarded as a system that is compatible with the internal entrepreneurship plan he mentioned before, but it is not as drastic as he imagined. Maybe these high-level executives are afraid that moving too fast will cause too much impact.

At present, they are in a state of rapid development as a whole, and the reform is not so urgent. Therefore, it is relatively safe to take small steps to reform, and it will take a long time to carry out slowly.

Although the revenue of miscellaneous businesses is not high individually, they together have achieved a revenue of 200 billion yuan, of which the drone business accounts for the largest proportion.

After reading these data, Ye Zishu did not expect that Qinglong Technology Company's revenue was no worse than Taiji Group's. Last year's annual revenue was as high as 12.15 trillion yuan.

Last year's revenue was 2.7 times that of the previous year, but the net profit margin dropped significantly, only 25%. The net profit was 3 trillion yuan, and the net profit margin dropped by 5%.

The main reason for the decline in net profit is the loss of profits to Xuanwu Technology. Behind their huge revenue is Xuanwu Technology's support.

In order to support the market needs of Qinglong Technology Company, the investment scale of Xuanwu Technology Company is very large, so the two parties reached a relevant profit sharing agreement, leaving more profits to Xuanwu Technology Company.

In addition to this reason, Qinglong Technology Company also understands that they don't need to use so much profit, and they will still be taken away by the boss at the end of the year.

Instead of this, it is better to give the profit to Xuanwu Technology Company, at least Xuanwu Technology Company is their most steadfast partner, far more than other brother companies.

Moreover, giving the profit to Xuanwu Technology Company is also a preparation for increasing the income of its employees. Lao Ren still has a big structure, and he is also planning for the future.

Although the salary of employees has increased very fast in recent years, it has not yet reached the standard enough to support the domestic demand market, so a larger salary increase will definitely be carried out in the future.

The personnel of Qinglong Technology Company are all scientific researchers, and others are also highly educated talents. Although the per capita income is relatively high, the number of them is not large.

Relying on these people is unable to support the huge domestic market. More people must make money, and only when they have money can they consume and drive market development.

At present, there are quite a few enterprises employing a large number of employees under Ye Zishu, and Wancheng Foundation bears the brunt. Last year, the number of employees reached 60 million, making it the world's largest enterprise employing workers.

The second is Xuanwu Technology Company. After so many years of development, their industrial scale is getting bigger and bigger. Now even Ye Zishu can't figure out how much business they have.

The number of employees has also reached tens of millions, exceeding 30 million. The industrial layout has spread from one place in Guangdong to all parts of the country, which has driven the economic development of many places.

Then there is Kirin Industrial Group, whose number of employees has also reached tens of millions. As of the end of last year, the total number of employees has just exceeded the 10 million mark.

The rest of the companies are all million-level, like Taiji Group, their production tasks are completed by themselves, instead of being handed over to other companies for OEM, and the pharmaceutical products can only be assured under their noses.

Last year, their number of employees reached 5 million, and the number of medical staff alone reached about 1.8 million. With the increase of the market, the number of employees in other businesses is also increasing rapidly.

Compared with these large employers, Qinglong Technology Company pales in comparison, giving up more benefits and benefiting more people is crucial to their own industrial security.

Lao Ren is the most strategically thinking executive under him. He has long noticed that the current state is not normal, so he made some targeted adjustments, which coincided with Ye Zishu's thinking.

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