Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 762 Adapting measures to local conditions and uniform rain and dew


The performance of Qinglong Technology Company is so good, and Xuanwu Technology Company will not be far behind. The manufacturing revenue related to Qinglong Technology Company has reached 7 trillion yuan.

That is to say, Xuanwu Technology Company has obtained about 60% of the income from this industrial chain. It can be seen that Qinglong Technology Company is still quite generous, and it has indeed given a lot of profits to Xuanwu Technology Company.

Manufacturing is not a profitable industry, but the cooperation of the two companies has made manufacturing quite profitable, and large-scale intensive production has minimized unnecessary costs.

In addition to the business related to Qinglong Technology Company, Xuanwu Technology Company also has its own business, and there are quite a lot of them.

Xuanwu Technology's independent business includes mechanical equipment, instrumentation, display industry, digital storage industry, electronic semiconductor, high-end materials, foundry business, parts manufacturing, etc.

The industries involved include high-end manufacturing, such as CNC machine tools, chip manufacturing, instrumentation, etc., as well as low-end manufacturing, such as the manufacture of various daily necessities.

Their high-end business was basically established under the attention of Ye Shu, and only Ye Shu can help them establish these industries, while many low-end manufacturing industries were established by their own expansion of industries.

The low-end manufacturing industry mentioned here refers to the manufacturing industry whose product technology content is not very high, but the manufacturing process is not necessarily low-end. For the same product, the technology content involved in the production process is completely different.

Thanks to the rapid development of my country's manufacturing industry, the demand for manufacturing machinery and equipment is very strong. As one of the best, Xuanwu Technology Company has eaten the richest cake.

The field of manufacturing machinery and equipment alone has brought them 4 trillion yuan in revenue, becoming the largest manufacturing machinery and equipment company in the country and even the world.

Their instrumentation industry has received special attention from Ye Zishu, especially in the field of laboratory equipment, which is unrivaled in the world.

Among them, scientific instruments have the fastest development speed, and this business alone has reached 200 billion yuan. my country has changed from its previous obscurity in this field and has become a global competitive power.

In terms of other instruments and meters, it has also created great achievements, and it also has a revenue of 200 billion yuan. In addition to its technological leadership, the biggest reason is the result of the rapid development of my country's manufacturing industry.

The display industry mainly refers to liquid crystal displays, and they are still leading the world in this field. Last year, with the rapid development of computers and smart TVs, this business has also grown by leaps and bounds, with a revenue of just over 1 trillion yuan.

After two years of promotion, liquid crystal display technology has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and the old display technology has been eliminated on a large scale, becoming the first choice for all display devices.

Although there are other companies that have launched their own LCD technology products,

However, it is still incomparable with Xuanwu Technology Co., Ltd., and their company alone monopolizes 95% of the global market share.

In the field of digital storage, their market share is even more exaggerated than that of the display industry, accounting for 98% of the global market share, including mechanical hard disks, high-density storage tapes, memory chips (flash memory chips and memory chips), etc.

The market size of this business is much higher than that of the display business. Last year, Xuanwu Technology brought 2 trillion yuan in revenue. This achievement is still due to the rapid expansion of the Internet and computer markets.

Electronic semiconductors mainly refer to chip manufacturing. Originally, they were the largest chip manufacturer in the world. The introduction of 28nm chip manufacturing technology last year allowed them to secure the top spot in this field.

28nm is an important watershed, which has greatly expanded the scope of use of chips and allowed the development of the chip industry to further explode.

Of course, other process chips also have a huge market size, and 90nm chips still occupy a large market share, and not all chips require such an advanced process.

Xuanwu Technology's chip manufacturing, in addition to the chip foundry business, also has self-designed chips, which are mainly concentrated in the industrial field. After all, they have a huge industrial industry, and their own design is more suitable.

Therefore, the chips of Qinglong Technology Company only occupy a part of their business, and the chip manufacturing business has brought them 1.5 trillion yuan in revenue.

In the field of materials, since many businesses have been handed over to Kirin Basic Industry Group, the business revenue in this area has shrunk a lot, and only high-end materials closely related to this industry have been retained.

Therefore, the revenue in the field of high-end materials is not very high, but it is not very low. Last year's revenue still reached 200 billion yuan, and it is not too bad to get the outside world.

The foundry business is a major feature of Xuanwu Technology Company. Although it is not the first company to eat crabs, it is the fastest growing company in this field, occupying the number one position in the world.

They not only OEM for Qinglong Technology Company, but also for other companies. As long as there is a need, they can provide customized services according to the needs of customers at any time.

Relying on its own strong technical strength and industrial foundation, unlike other foundry companies, Xuanwu Technology has a relatively high bargaining power and can guarantee reasonable benefits.

However, most of the revenue comes from the OEM entrustment of Qinglong Technology Company. The reason is very simple. Xuanwu Technology Company’s OEM cost is relatively high, and the general manufacturing industry is a meager profit. After handing over to them for OEM, the remaining profit is not much up.

Last year, the foundry business alone created 7.5 trillion yuan in revenue for them, of which 7 trillion yuan was contributed by Qinglong Technology, and the remaining 500 billion yuan was also commissioned by closely related companies.

The parts business, including their own advantageous electronic components, and the processing business of various mechanical parts, has a total revenue of 300 billion yuan.

Last year was their first foray into the manufacture of daily products, and their revenue was not too much, only 100 billion yuan. I really don't know what they will develop in the future.

Last year, the total revenue was 17 trillion yuan, the net profit was 5 trillion yuan, and the overall net profit margin was around 30%, basically maintaining the level of last year. The main reason for being able to achieve this level is that the technology is our own.

Even among the many products designed by Qinglong Technology Company, Xuanwu Technology Company's technology is widely used, resulting in the fact that even if it is an OEM, the profit margin is not very low.

As for the independent business, since it is a development model of the whole industry chain, the profit margin will be higher, which is much higher than that of other manufacturing industries. If the investment part is excluded, the profit margin will be even higher.

Ye Zishu left 2 trillion yuan in profits for Xuanwu Technology, and the remaining 3 trillion yuan was handed over to him. The remaining 2 trillion yuan in profits was enough for them to deal with most of the problems.

In terms of industrial layout, almost all of Xuanwu Technology's electronic semiconductor manufacturing industries are located in Guangdong, and the machinery and equipment manufacturing industry is basically located in the Bohai Bay area.

The instrumentation business is basically located in Fujian, and other businesses are not very concentrated. They are distributed in various regions, but most of them are still distributed in Guangdong, Guangxi, Fujian, Zhejiang and Jiangsu.

In particular, the foundry industry needs to be placed in coastal areas, so that it can be exported directly after production, and with the support of preferential policies, higher profits can be obtained.

Ye Zishu is quite satisfied with their vigorous development of the machinery and equipment industry in the Bohai Bay area. The reason is that his industrial layout in this area is not very large, which can effectively bridge the gap between regional economies.

Although his main business is still in the southern region, he doesn't want to cause too much economic gap between the north and the south. It is necessary to arrange industries in the north according to their characteristics.

In the past, most of the heavy industry bases were in the north. Xuanwu Technology Co., Ltd. put the machinery and equipment industry in the north, which not only took care of the local economic development, but also adapted measures to local conditions.

In fact, the layout of industries in the northern coastal areas still has great advantages. It is more difficult to deploy industries in the northern inland areas.

Naturally, there are disadvantages in terms of traffic conditions, and there is no Yangtze River waterway in the southern inland area. The transportation cost is very high, which is very unfavorable for the layout of the manufacturing industry.

The most neglected one is Shanxi. Although they have a lot of coal mine resources, Ye Zishu really doesn't have much demand for coal mines, and their college resources are also insufficient, so they often become neglected.

To improve Shanxi's economy, it must be a manufacturing industry with high added value, and it is not particularly dependent on traffic conditions, which can reduce traffic costs to a minimum.

At the beginning, he wasted a lot of brains on this, and after much deliberation, he still felt that Taiji Group had established a complete pharmaceutical industry chain in Shanxi, making it the center of the northern pharmaceutical industry.

Although the headquarters of Taiji Pharmaceutical Group is in Xunyang, the pharmaceutical companies established in Shanxi have established independent subsidiaries with independent legal persons and tax payment qualifications, so that taxes can stay in the local area.

Compared with other manufacturing industries, the profit margin of pharmaceutical products is high enough, and the weight is not very large, and the requirements for transportation time are not very high, which is very suitable for the geographical layout in Shanxi.

In the past, there were not many deployments in Shaanxi. Now, with the efforts of Baihe Software Company and Baihu Technology Company, large-scale investment here, although it cannot solve a large number of employment problems, the tax revenue created is not low.

When the government has money, using this money to build public utilities can also provide a lot of employment. Don't underestimate the employment effect brought about by public utility expenditures.

For example, they can use financial funds to support afforestation. There are too many places in Shaanxi that need greening. This task alone can support many people.

There are also some businesses that belong to the model of equal exposure to rain and dew. For example, the meat production of Qilin Agricultural Development Group will build production bases in almost every province in the future.

One is that it can be transported nearby to reduce transportation costs, and the other is to break down market barriers, especially for industries like this that have no threshold and exist in every province.

Local protectionism is relatively strong. Every local government wants to protect local interests, and restrictions on similar foreign products are very common.

Unless it is an industry that cannot be done elsewhere, such as the electronic semiconductor industry, it is possible to concentrate on building an industrial base and be able to market it nationwide. Traditional industries such as tobacco, alcohol, agricultural and sideline products, etc. have certain market barriers.

In addition to these industries, the fuel oil and natural gas industry of Kirin Energy Industry Group will also establish a branch in each province and establish a local production base.

The main reason is to save transportation costs, and at the same time to open up the energy markets of various provinces, especially the gas market. The local government must provide convenience, otherwise many tasks will not be easy to do.

This kind of layout model with even rain and dew will be more common in Kirin Industrial Group, especially for industries involving traditional industries. It is the best choice to do so.

In addition to establishing a better relationship with local governments, it is also for the sake of industrial safety, such as rice, meat, food processing, energy, etc., which are different from ordinary commodities.

If the bases are built in a centralized manner, once force majeure factors are encountered and the normal operation fails, the whole country may suffer. In this way, if the bases are built separately, even if there is a problem in one place, it will not affect the overall situation.

The epidemic situation in the previous life is a good example. For basic livelihood industries, decentralization is the best choice. Although it increases the difficulty of management, it is necessary to be cautious.

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