Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 770 Reaching trillions of cultural industry achievements


It may be due to economic development, or it may be due to the accumulation of a large number of popular IPs. The performance of Shengshi Toys last year was also very good, with revenue reaching 50 billion yuan.

Although it is incomparable with other companies, it is quite remarkable to be able to achieve such a result in the toy field. After all, the industry is like this, and there is no competitive advantage that people cannot surpass.

It is basically impossible to achieve monopoly as easily as in other industries. The purpose of establishing this enterprise at the beginning was to solve the problem of IP conversion and extend the industrial chain.

It is quite remarkable that they can get to this point in just a few years. In terms of toy revenue, they are actually the largest toy company in the world.

In the past few years, they have been building their own toy brand, made many attempts, and launched a series of brands with global influence.

At present, it has a total of 8 series of brands, involving puzzles, handcrafts, dolls, figures, fun, home, games, and adult categories, with a complete range of categories.

Every brand series can compete with other toy companies. This achievement is very remarkable, and it is also the reason why they can generate such high revenue.

Moreover, their annual revenue growth rate exceeds the industry average. This year's revenue has increased by two-thirds compared with last year, and their development potential is even greater.

There are many reasons why they can achieve such success, and it is also inseparable from their own efforts. No one can deny this, after all, business operations need people to implement them.

But relying on this alone, it is impossible to achieve such brilliant results in a short period of time, because other companies are not just decorations, but also work hard. In fact, everyone's starting line is similar.

The reason why it can develop so fast is that additional factors play an important role. The first reason is abundant resources. It has the big backer of Shengshi Cultural Group and the support of numerous IP resources provided by Phoenix Technology.

Whether it is channels, content, marketing, financial support, etc., you can get the support of many resources. As long as the management ability is not too bad, the development of the entire enterprise will not be too bad.

The second reason is the application of advanced technology. Traditional toy design mainly relies on the creativity of designers. Often a creative toy requires a long period of accumulation.

Even some toy companies only focus on the development of one type of toy, and the new products they launch are just slightly modified from the previous version, and the innovation is not very high.

my country's toy design talents are even more scarce. If they only rely on artificial creativity, they will also face the dilemma of lack of creativity, and they will definitely not be able to develop so fast.

When they developed the fastest, it was actually after the introduction of artificial intelligence technology.

Using artificial intelligence technology and advanced computing power support, it has greatly improved its efficiency in terms of market demand, scene simulation, toy design, etc.

Before any product is released, it is difficult to predict whether it will be successful or not, so market demand analysis is always the key factor for success, and it is the first thing to consider.

Relying on advanced information analysis capabilities and huge data sources, Shengshi Toys can get close to the market and launch toy products that the market needs.

Scene simulation and toy design are inseparable parts. Each toy must have a clear position when it is designed, and always consider why consumers buy their toy.

If you can't give an answer, it's just luck, but they don't need it. For all scene simulations, artificial intelligence will automatically simulate the scene needs based on market demand analysis.

Even toy design is mostly done by artificial intelligence, and most of the toy designers in their company are in a subordinate position to complete the follow-up links.

The educational toys they launched are the most popular brand series. Whether it is a three-year-old child or an adult, even a high-IQ group, there is always an educational toy that makes them want to stop.

Of course, this excludes those who are completely unwilling to use their brains. They are naturally resistant to educational toys, and such toys themselves are not prepared for them.

Now they have completed the participation of artificial intelligence in the whole process, and they are among all the toy companies with the most advanced technology application, even the manufacturing process is the same.

In the past, they also entrusted other toy production factories to produce. Since they made some money, they began to build their own factories to ensure that the quality of toy production is controllable.

Although this may increase operating costs, the entire process can be controlled, especially some toys are very difficult to manufacture, and ordinary toy factories are very difficult to manufacture.

For example, their model toys are very finely crafted and can reflect all the details, and the tools used to produce such toys are 3D printers, which are very advanced in technology.

Ordinary toy manufacturers do not have this kind of technology at all, and the current advanced 3D printing equipment is not sold at all, and the production cost is very high using traditional methods.

Leaf Book is very optimistic about their future development prospects. Compared with traditional toy giants, their brand currently does not have an absolute advantage.

The reason why it has achieved such good results is that it has a complete range of products, and at the same time has an advantage in design and manufacturing. In the final analysis, it wins by virtue of product quantity and quality.

As more and more people come into contact with their brand, the brand value will also increase, and the sales it brings should be even better than it is now. This is the main reason he is optimistic.

Because their potential has not been fully realized, and there is still a strong stamina that has not been used. In addition, the domestic economy is getting better and better, and the market capacity is also increasing. These are all favorable factors.

Although their toys have low, medium and high grades, the overall net profit margin is not low, reaching 60%, and the net profit is 30 billion yuan, which is even higher than the previous year.

Shengshi Media Group is a relatively different existence under Shengshi Cultural Group. They have no revenue pressure, and being able to break even is the biggest requirement for their profitability.

In fact, Shengshi Media Group is naturally not reconciled to being supported, and is also aggressive in business. At present, their business scope is very extensive.

They can be found in newspapers, graphics, periodicals, magazines, books and online news, with more than 50 brands to meet the needs of consumers from all walks of life.

Their ability to develop so fast is naturally inseparable from their hard work, but it is also inseparable from the natural resources they possess. After all, the boss has so many resources, it is a waste to not use them.

For example, in the field of news resources, they have shared resources with Kunpeng Information Technology Company. The two sides have carried out more in-depth cooperation in this area, which can obtain more exclusive news and enhance the authority of the news brand.

The industry under Ye Zishu is a huge economic system. They have a natural advantage in the field of financial news, and they can obtain a lot of news information that others cannot obtain.

The same is true in the field of science and technology. It is very difficult for the outside world to inquire about the technological progress of Ye Zishu, and the confidentiality work is still very good.

Shengshi Media Group has the advantage of being close to the water. If they want to disclose information to the outside world, they are always the first to go to them, and the information disclosed is often explosive.

Many technology and investment companies, in order to be able to understand the progress of global technology, have to subscribe to their technology magazines and newspapers, otherwise they have to read second-hand news.

Therefore, their influence is not limited to the domestic market, but has global influence. Many brands have been able to compete with traditional giants.

Once the platform is completed, it is natural to find a way to realize it. Shengshi Advertising Company has played an important role in this process, so that they don't have to worry about advertising issues at all.

In the network news exhibition, Kunpeng Information Technology Co., Ltd. gave special attention to them, allowing them to obtain good income from the share of network news.

It is the blessing of so many advantages that allowed them to achieve a revenue of 40 billion yuan last year. It should be the media company with the highest revenue in China, and it can also be ranked internationally.

It's just that the traditional newspaper business is gradually declining, which cannot be changed by manpower. The revenue mainly comes from periodicals, books, and digital news advertising revenue.

Their current affairs, financial and technical periodicals have great influence, and their global sales are very high, because they have an advantage in these three categories and can always obtain a lot of first-hand information.

In the field of book publishing, relying on the text content platform of Kunpeng Information Technology Company, there are countless content for them to choose from, which is an advantage that other publishing companies cannot match.

In the field of digital news, the advantages are also very obvious. The support provided by brother companies allows the value of each piece of news to be reflected, resulting in a very high share of digital news advertising.

Now they are cooperating with Tai Chi Group in the field of fashion magazines, and they have gradually gained fame, and their resources in the field of fashion have gradually been enriched, which is expected to become a new revenue growth point in the future.

As for the net profit margin, it is much lower than that of its brother companies, only 20%, and the net profit is 8 billion yuan, which is a negligible proportion in the entire Shengshi Cultural Group system, so this money does not need to be handed over.

The previous business of Shengshi Entertainment Company was a bit marginalized. An entertainment company opened an Internet cafe, which seemed a bit nondescript, but its profitability was not weak at all, but the investment was a bit large.

Last year, they actively entered the business of bars, clubs, and traditional culture, and invested 300 billion yuan. It is very difficult not to develop rapidly.

Most of them are still occupied by traditional cultural business, because the fixed investment is too high because of the need to build a special business place.

But the investment in other fields is not low. Just, they have opened 10,000 stores across the country, the number of bars is similar, and thousands of clubs have been opened across the country.

In addition, they are also planning to build a large number of amusement parks, which may be planned this year. In short, the money they earn must be spent and not keep too much in their hands.

They opened so many business places, which also solved many property rental problems for Wancheng Foundation, and reduced a lot of troubles in attracting investment.

Of course, investing in these industries during this period is actually very profitable. People who have just started to get rich are still very enthusiastic about it and are willing to pay for it.

Last year, the total revenue reached 300 billion yuan, and the actual loss was 200 billion yuan. The main loss is the traditional cultural business, and this situation may last for a while.

After reading all the data of the Shengshi family of companies, he was very satisfied. Last year, the total revenue reached 1.21 trillion yuan, breaking through the threshold of one trillion yuan in revenue.

The total net profit is 362 billion yuan, and the overall net profit margin is 30%. With so much profit, they will develop faster this year.

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