Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 771: New Oriental Education Group’s Generosity


The New Oriental Education Group also carried out a major construction project last year, which was even more exaggerated than Ye Zishu’s plan. His plan was to expand the number of schools to 1,000 so that more students could enjoy more professional education.

With the use of automation equipment and robots, manual labor will be quickly eliminated. Although there is no such danger now, with the speed of technological development, this stage will come soon.

To plan for a rainy day, there must be enough schools to train the next generation, even if they are raised in vain, and let them become a person with a foundation of creativity.

New Oriental Education Group obviously understands his spirit, and understands that the next era will be very different from the past, so it appears to be much more radical.

Last year, they built 2,000 vocational schools across the country, and the number of schools that have been built before is as high as 2,500, which is an astonishing number.

Moreover, each school is built on a larger scale than before. On average, each school can accommodate about 15,000 people, and it can enroll 4 to 5,000 people each year.

When the plan was first formulated, Ye Zishu naturally knew about it, but he didn't say anything about their aggressiveness, because he couldn't predict many problems.

Whether there are so many students, he is not particularly worried, the main reason is that whether their teachers can keep up will become a big problem.

To be honest, he is not particularly satisfied with the level of teachers in vocational schools under New Oriental Education Group. Fortunately, with the support of the intelligent education system, the overall level is still acceptable.

Under such hidden worries, the main reason why he didn't stop it was that this was the future trend. In this case, it doesn't matter much about the current construction, and it should be regarded as a fixed investment in advance.

Of course, carrying out such a huge infrastructure plan requires a lot of financial support. When they formulated this plan, they must have estimated whether their own financial resources could support it.

The investment in vocational schools like this has now risen to an average of 1.5 billion yuan, and the newly built 2,000 vocational schools cost 3 trillion yuan in investment.

This standard is completely invested in accordance with university standards, which is higher than that of the previous batch of vocational schools. In addition, the cost of manpower, materials and other aspects has risen, resulting in a soaring overall construction cost.

Therefore, in order to complete this construction plan, they plan to spend 5 years to complete it, and the annual investment scale is 600 billion yuan, which is very stressful for them.

In addition to building vocational schools, they also took over a large number of basic education schools and preschool education places last year, because many projects of Wancheng Foundation have entered the final stage one after another.

According to the original agreement, the school education building built by Wancheng Foundation,

All will be taken over by New Oriental Education Group and will pay for all the construction costs of Wancheng Foundation, which alone will cost as much as 50 billion yuan.

The basic education mentioned here refers to the 9-year compulsory education and high school education. When Wancheng Foundation was built, it was built according to the straight-through standard, that is to say, it can allow students to study from elementary school to high school.

Moreover, the construction standards of these schools are also very high, and the facilities are very complete. There is not only space for teaching cultural courses, but also space for teaching various interest courses, resulting in very high construction costs.

This is also the implementation of Ye Zishu's idea, that is, there will be no problem of high school entrance examination in the future, to prepare for the inclusion of high school education in compulsory education, and to provide quality training other than cultural courses in the education process.

Fortunately, the schools that are already in operation don't need them to continue to pay for it, but don't even think about making money, they don't care about that profit at all.

Calculated in this way, the investment scale last year was as high as 650 billion yuan. They can invest with confidence, and they didn't let Yeshu continue to invest a penny. Naturally, they have the confidence.

After the fermentation of the previous year, the status of the intelligent education platform in the hearts of global customers has been greatly improved, and the educational services provided by the system are highly recognized.

As a result, last year, the number of users of their smart education platform ushered in explosive growth around the world. The total number of users reached 200 million, of which the number of domestic users exceeded 150 million, and the number of international users also reached about 50 million.

The smart education platform is free for domestic basic education services, but the higher-level education platform is not free. It also needs to pay fees, but it is much lower than the international fees.

The average domestic user needs to pay 2,000 yuan per year. According to the current economic conditions, this price is not very high, and many people can still afford it.

For international services, whether it is a basic education platform or an advanced education platform, you need to pay a fee. The basic education platform needs to pay an average of 20,000 yuan per year, and the average high-end education platform needs to pay 50,000 yuan per user.

Therefore, domestic education services have created 40 billion yuan in revenue for them, and foreign users have created 1.3 trillion yuan in revenue for them, adding up to a total revenue of 1.34 trillion yuan.

Putting aside investment, all net income is 1 trillion yuan, including investment, the net profit margin still reaches 26%, and the net profit is 350 billion yuan.

Their operating costs are very low. They only need to pay for servers, energy consumption, and network costs. The cost of personnel is negligible, and the profits are frighteningly high.

Using their intelligent education platform, personal abilities have been greatly improved, and the effect is very significant. Even people who don't like learning very much become willing to learn.

In view of such good results, some countries have started cooperation negotiations with New Oriental Education Group, preparing to fully introduce the basic education platform in their compulsory education stage.

There are two reasons for negotiating rather than paying directly. The first reason is to want to lower the fee so that they can be less financially burdened.

The second reason is to provide local characteristic educational service content. Currently, the educational services provided by the education platform are all regular subjects, and there is no characteristic educational content for a few countries.

Of course, for some countries, it is also necessary to provide educational services that are in line with their own political systems, otherwise they will not feel particularly at ease.

It's just that New Oriental Education Group is not very interested in lowering the fee standard. For foreign business, they are not interested in popularizing it. They use it if they can afford it, and forget it if they can't afford it.

This is completely different from the domestic practice. Domestically they hope to make it as popular as possible, but due to various reasons, it is still difficult to achieve it for a while.

However, the number of domestic users has reached 150 million, which is considered a very good figure. They believe that it will be popularized in a year or two, and the first stage goal has been completed.

Therefore, New Oriental Education Group has made appropriate concessions on the second point of these two negotiation points. If they cannot reach an agreement in this regard, it is very likely that they will be banned from operating business in the country.

Putting aside the obstacles that may be caused by political factors, New Oriental Education Group does not have to worry about not having international users at all, and good products will always be the object of pursuit.

In the past, New Oriental Education Group would yell once or twice to attract users with advertisements. Now that they have such a huge user base, their advertisements have been greatly reduced, and they can naturally increase a lot by relying on word of mouth.

There are also some countries that are planning to introduce subsidy policies, and this New Oriental Education Group can't control them. Anyway, as long as they have a lot of money, the rest is none of their business.

New Oriental Education Group did not spend too much energy on exploring the international market, and put most of its energy in the domestic market, because the domestic stalls are too large, and their number of employees is not very large.

Now they have taken over a large number of basic education schools, which will be put into use one after another soon, and they need to make preparations in advance. These things are enough for them to be busy.

Among all the preparations, the most difficult thing for them is the preparation of the number of teachers. For a period of time, the number of teachers in the country is constant, and it is impossible to increase suddenly.

Moreover, it is impossible for them to just recruit someone from the society to be a teacher in order to start school. Teacher is a very professional job, and it cannot be done with knowledge, especially for minors who are not mature enough. teacher.

In order to solve this problem, they thought of two methods. The first one is to poach people.

The second is the coordination of educational resources. Poaching people is not a long-term solution, and it is easy to cause tension, so the second method is their main way.

Through the local education department, we cooperate with all local schools. They provide subsidies to the cooperative schools, and the cooperative schools provide them with redundant teacher resources, usually in the form of supporting teaching.

These can only solve the problem of the current shortage of teachers. In fact, the overall teacher resources in our country are in a state of shortage, and this alone cannot solve all problems.

Cities are slightly better. In rural areas, there are more than 60 people in a class, and there are no redundant teachers to teach other courses, so they can only provide cultural courses.

As the population gradually migrates to cities, the shortage of urban educational resources will inevitably occur. This is not a problem that can be solved by building more schools.

In fact, many rural teachers do not have a teacher qualification certificate, commonly known as barefoot teachers. It is difficult for such teachers to find positions in urban schools, and they cannot do so.

You can't dig rural teachers just because you need to take care of urban students. Rural students also want to study and need teachers to teach. No matter how rich New Oriental Education Group is, it can't do this.

It is because people cannot be dug casually that there is a second solution. The above two solutions may not necessarily alleviate the problem of insufficient teachers.

In their annual report, they clearly wrote out the problems they faced, and if Ye Shu saw them doing this, it meant that the problems in this area were already serious and could not be solved by them.

If they can solve it by themselves, they will not mention difficulties in the report. After all, face is still important. It is normal to report good news but not bad news in the annual report. How can they expose their shortcomings by themselves.

But according to the conventional method, Ye Zishu can't solve this problem. He is not a god, so it is impossible to conjure up a teacher for them. This is an unsolvable problem.

However, he has already planned to take out the housekeeping robot, and he doesn't mind launching a teacher robot. If he wants to alleviate the shortage of teachers in the short term, this is the only way to do it.

It's just that the housekeeping robot he planned to launch before seemed a bit crude, and it looked like a robot at first glance. Since it only provided services, there was no need to make it so luxurious.

But teacher robots can’t do this. If children look like robots, it may be difficult to establish authority. There will never be a shortage of mischievous students. The authority of teachers is very important.

In order to solve this problem, the teacher robot must not be seen as a robot, which is relatively difficult, and the manufacturing cost is also very high, at least the cost of conventional manufacturing methods is very high.

It’s no use if you can’t afford it after it’s built. Not to mention the cost of tens of millions of yuan per unit, even if it’s a cost of millions of yuan, you can’t afford it. want to see.

Keep this question in mind, and look back to find a way to achieve the goal while reducing costs so that New Oriental Education Group can afford it.

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