Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 774: The Crazy Expansion of


The catering group "China Little Master" currently has its main business overseas. Ye Zishu counts it separately and does not mix it with domestic industries.

However, their development last year was still very good. They were given an investment of 10 billion yuan, and they did not put it in the bank to earn interest, and opened stores all over the world like crazy.

Now they have more than 20,000 stores worldwide, forming 8 brands, of which 7 are fast food brands and 1 is a high-end catering brand.

There are only 200 high-end catering brands in the world, and the rest are fast food brands. The seven fast food brands have their own main signature categories, forming differentiated competition.

For example, the fried rice fast food brand mentioned above is still very popular in Asian countries and has a wide distribution. However, although there are stores in European and American countries, the number of stores is relatively small.

Compared with Panda Express, which is an improved Chinese-style fast food in the Western style, they all operate pure Chinese-style restaurants, and the two still form a situation of dislocation competition.

In fact, they don't know what catering products have sales potential in a certain country. They rely on quick adjustments to achieve their goals and form the most suitable catering types for local operations.

Ye Zishu took a look at their fast food brands, which mainly include the following categories. The first brand is the fast food brand that mainly deals in various fried rice as mentioned above.

The second brand is a fast food brand based on dumplings and chaos, and the third brand is a fast food brand based on various noodles. It brings together the main noodle foods in my country, and also sells various rice noodle foods.

The fourth brand operates a fast food brand that focuses on Chinese-style barbecue. In order to do this, they also specially customized a special barbecue device, which can realize automatic barbecue and speed up meal delivery.

Although their barbecue is said to be Chinese-style barbecue, it is not suitable for charcoal grilling, because charcoal grilling is too slow, and long-term eating is not good for health, and the appearance of the grill is not good.

So they actually use electric grills, but they use special electric grilling equipment to make the grilled taste better and improve the consistency of the taste.

The electric grill itself has better controllability, coupled with the use of intelligence, the taste of the copied food is very stable, and it does not require employees to stand by the side all the time, saving a lot of cost.

And their so-called Chinese-style barbecue does not grill other weird things, mainly mutton barbecue, but provides a variety of mutton barbecue condiments to make the taste more diverse.

The fifth brand deals in Chinese-style cold dishes. It is said to be fast food, but it is actually more like dim sum. With the various cold drinks they prepare, it is still very popular and has become a must-go place in summer.

In winter, they will change food varieties,

Switching to cold-dispelling foods and providing a variety of prepared hot drinks at the same time, the revenue is also good.

The sixth brand deals in Chinese-style snacks, with more diversified flavors and relatively more varieties. This category is the most popular in the world, and it also has the most stores.

The seventh brand is a relatively formal Chinese food brand, which deals in home-cooked dishes, but does not deliberately improve them according to local tastes, but chooses dishes that meet local tastes.

Their fast food restaurants are generally not very popular at the beginning, because they are making many things for the first time, and they don't know what the locals like to eat, so they provide a relatively complete range.

This leaves more choices for local people. In order to attract local people to come and spend more times, they have launched a lot of discounts, which makes many people can't help but want to take advantage.

When these consumers come to consume, they actually provide them with consumption data. It only takes one month to basically figure out the local situation.

Then cancel the food with poor consumption data, keep the more popular head food, and launch new products every week. On the one hand, it is to change the taste, and on the other hand, it is to prepare for enriching the product pool.

Through this method, although it may not necessarily become the most popular fast food in the local area, it will definitely not lose money. Most consumers believe that their business is getting better and better, and the food they launch is more and more in line with their tastes.

In addition to the efforts made in product categories, they are also continuously strengthening and optimizing management to improve consumer user experience, and have also achieved very good results.

For example, they are the first fast food restaurants to use smart wearable devices for payment. Now more and more people use Tai Chi Group's smart wearable devices, and those who can afford them are all people with good family backgrounds.

After they buy food, they scan it directly with the smart wearable device to know how much it is, and then when they pay, they scan it against the machine to complete the payment.

This convenient payment method greatly reduces the queuing time, and also makes the traditional fast food industry more high-tech.

This is only one aspect of the application of technology. The entire technology element has been integrated into almost every link of them, and it is far away from other fast food, and it is more distinctive.

Of course, this is done to improve the service, but it also has the meaning of helping the boss's companies to promote their business. This kind of cooperation is a win-win situation for all parties.

For example, fast payment, in the past, it was difficult for Danque Financial Services Company to promote abroad, because it involved the interests of financial companies, and at the same time, merchants had to replace equipment and systems, which required additional costs.

However, with the upgrading of their side, other restaurants are also thinking about whether to keep up with the pace of the times, and it is also a good way to promote it in this way.

In fact, not only the stores under the "China Xiaodangjia" catering group, but also all the consumption scenes under his system are changing to such payment methods.

Since it is difficult to ask others to do things, we can only force others to change in the direction they want. When the other party is at a disadvantage in competition, they will follow suit.

In addition to the companies under his system doing so, the sales terminal companies invested by Tidal Investment Company are also being actively persuaded to change to this aspect, the reason is to improve user experience.

Take the supermarket as an example. When consumers buy goods, they only need to scan the barcode with a smart wearable device to know the detailed information of the goods and record the goods in the shopping list.

When consumers have scanned all the products they have purchased, it is equivalent to counting all the products, and go directly to the channel specially opened for them. After passing through the special channel, they swipe the smart wearable device to complete the payment.

The result of this method is that consumers do not need to queue up to check the shopping carts, which improves the work efficiency of the supermarket and reduces the time wasted by consumers.

And people who buy Tai Chi Group's smart wearable devices can always feel that they have become fashionable and avant-garde people in front of the people around them, which enhances their loyalty to the brand.

This has also greatly expanded the use scenarios of Tai Chi Group's smart wearable devices, making their sales performance better and better, and becoming more and more necessary personal equipment for everyone.

The best way to sell equipment well and last longer is to make it a necessity. Just like mobile phones have become personal belongings after the emergence of mobile phones, they also want to make their smart wearable devices a portable item for everyone. Taste.

In addition to the fast food chain business, their high-end catering business has also achieved good results. Last year, 200 stores turned losses into profits and made a lot of money.

The people who can come to their high-end brands to consume are all people from the upper class. If it were changed to the past, it would be very difficult for the upper class people all over the world to accept the high-end Chinese food brands.

However, in the past few years, my country's economic development has advanced by leaps and bounds, which has caused a great shock to the upper class. Understanding our country's culture has become an inevitable choice for the upper class, otherwise it will be out of touch with the fastest growing economy in the world.

To understand the culture of a country, you can either understand it from the text, but it takes a long time to ponder over it slowly, or you can understand it from the catering culture, which is much faster.

In order to satisfy the thinking of the upper class, their high-end catering staff must also learn the allusions of each dish and explain the ins and outs of each dish clearly.

This operation makes each of their high-end dishes imply a profound cultural heritage, and instantly makes consumers feel that what they are eating is not a dish, but a cultural heritage, and they think it is worth paying for the high price.

If you want your product to sell at a high price, you have to tell a good story. If you only pay attention to the use characteristics of the product, you can only sell it at a price that is similar to the value of the product itself.

If the story is told well, the product is not just an ordinary product, but has cultural value and significance, which immediately loses its actual value and doubles its value.

The most typical is antiques. In fact, antiques have no practical use, or the price of the purpose is very low. It is because a famous person has used it, or it represents the advanced productivity at that time, and has historical value, so that the old things become valuable. million gold.

The Japanese themselves like to tell stories, and they have long been familiar with this marketing method. Coupled with our country's profound historical and cultural heritage, and in line with the current economic development, stories are very easy to tell.

In order for these foreigners to learn to use chopsticks, they also specially prepared special chopsticks, which can be used easily without special learning. After a long time, they can also use ordinary chopsticks.

If there is a dedicated luthier playing Chinese musical instruments for consumers, that kind of antique Chinese culture will permeate in an instant, which will improve the whole level of people.

We have never lost when it comes to eating, drinking and having fun, but modern conditions do not allow it, most people can only run around for their lives, but the style, we are still worthy, picking it up can still make people feel fresh and new.

The average order price of their high-end catering is as high as tens of thousands of yuan. With 200 stores, they have created a revenue of 50 billion yuan, but they have no plans to continue to expand the store.

The reason is simple. First, the market is temporarily saturated. After all, there are a lot of rich people. If it continues to expand, it is likely to reduce the profitability of a single store, and it will not be able to create scarcity.

The second is that they will soon focus on the domestic market. As a large number of commercial facilities of Wancheng Foundation are about to be completed, they need to make preparations for this in advance.

Even overseas Chinese fast food restaurants are not pursuing rapid expansion like last year, but are preparing to stabilize and focus on natural expansion, depending on the market.

However, their fast food business is not bad, with an average single store revenue of 4 million yuan and a total fast food business revenue of 8 million yuan, which is a good start.

In fact, many of their stores have only been in operation for half a year, because expansion also takes time. If they hadn't made some preparations for this the year before last, it would have been impossible to open stores so fast.

Of course, being able to open a store so quickly also has the support of the entire system, such as their ingredients, many of which are provided by Qilin Agricultural Development Group.

Especially high-end brands have high requirements for ingredients, and some ingredients are even difficult to find. With Yuko Ogura's ability, there is no way to solve it.

Therefore, even if their overseas stores do not expand next year, their operating income will naturally increase by at least 25%. This achievement makes Ye Zishu think it is very good.

However, although the total revenue has reached 130 billion yuan, the net profit margin is only 10%, and the net profit is 13 billion yuan. This level of profit is within his expectations.

The catering industry itself is not a profiteering industry. It is already a remarkable achievement for them to be able to make a profit in such a short period of time.

According to their investment income ratio, it is actually very scary. He only gave a total of 10 billion yuan, and he was able to earn back 13 billion yuan. That year, he paid back his capital and made some money.

With the gradual optimization of configuration in all aspects, there is room for further improvement in net profit margin, but it should not be particularly large. 15% is already very good.

Their money just happened to be invested in China this year, so he didn't need to inject capital for them separately. Anyway, they didn't buy properties, they rented them all, so the cost of opening a store was lower.

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