Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 775 These practices make him very pleased


The remaining White Tiger Technology Company and Tidal Investment Company, he knows the situation without looking at it, especially the White Tiger Technology Company, from the perspective of revenue, the data is ugly.

However, the purpose of this company's existence is not to make a lot of money, so he doesn't particularly care about their profitability. He can still afford a loss of two to three hundred billion yuan.

And looking at last year's economic data, this year's situation will definitely not be much worse. The economy is good and there must be a lot of funds for defense expenditures. He is not worried that he will not make money in the future.

Although the revenue of Tidal Investment Company did not look at the data of the fourth quarter, the revenue in the first three quarters was as high as more than 2 trillion yuan, and it is not difficult to reach 3 trillion yuan for the whole year.

When he looked at the report of Tidal Investment Company, it was indeed the case. The annual revenue reached 3.2 trillion yuan. The fourth quarter had the best performance, which may be related to the better financial market in the fourth quarter.

What he said is that the market is good, not because the stock market is soaring, but because the stock market fluctuates greatly. If Tidal Intelligent Investment System wants to make money, the stock market must go up and down. If it is relatively stable, it will be difficult to make a lot of money.

Just like the name of this system, no matter whether the stock market is falling or rising, this system can always make money from it. According to their trading data, it is basically in a positive profit state every day.

He also owns two non-wholly-owned companies, Juewei Food Company and Xingmiao Aquatic Products Company, which are developing well, especially Juewei Food Company, which doubled its growth last year.

Economic development has allowed people to have more money in their pockets, and they dare to consume if they have money. This kind of special food has naturally become a gluttonous choice for many people.

Last year, Juewei Food’s revenue reached 1 billion yuan, and the number of stores across the country exceeded 3,000, with an average revenue of more than 330,000 yuan per store.

This revenue is actually not very good. The main reason is that the number of stores opened last year has increased sharply, from more than 1,000 before to 3,000. The expansion speed is too fast, resulting in a decrease in average single store revenue.

Also because all the stores are directly operated, the operating profit is also extremely low, with a net profit margin of only 3%. At the end of the year, the shareholders paid 15 million yuan in dividends, which was half of the net profit margin.

As the company's largest shareholder, Ye Zishu distributed it alone, 95% of which was distributed, and the remaining 5% was distributed to other shareholders. On average, each shareholder received 30,000 yuan, and the remaining 24,000 yuan after paying taxes Yuan.

This part of his shares is held by his father, and the dividends are also held by his father. This amount of money is a huge sum of money to others, but it is insignificant to him.

His father is also very interesting, he thinks that his family takes too much money, although the rules are like this, it is impossible to directly send his money to others, that is not the way to get along.

So I thought of a way,

He left 10 million yuan in the dividends he received, and used the remaining 1.4 million yuan in public service expenditures in the village.

It includes the construction of public infrastructure in the village, and welfare subsidies for the elderly and children in the village. Although it is much less than what he received himself, this approach has won the respect of the whole village.

In the countryside, if you want to be smooth and tough, you need to be polite and disciplined in everything. Others can't find too much fault. Handling interpersonal relationships is both complicated and simple.

Complicated is that there are a lot of human interactions, and every little thing can't be ignored, otherwise it will cause great criticism, and there are many rules that need to be followed, and these rules are passed down from the ancestors.

Simple and very simple, as mentioned above, if everything is done with proper manners, there will be no major problems. Even if others have opinions and different views, there is nothing they can do.

Because justice is in the heart, everyone actually has simple values, and they can tell the difference between good and bad, not to mention that his father never only treats a certain family well, and everyone will benefit from what he does.

Don't underestimate the jealousy of rural people. We live together all year round, and we are all too familiar with each other. Comparison and jealousy are the norm. This is a difficult situation to get rid of. This problem will always exist in the society of acquaintances.

Therefore, if you want to live a stable life, it is essential to give benefits appropriately, but if you want a bowl of water to be level, so that others can't tell the fault, there is no reason to even gossip, and you will be looked down upon if you gossip.

If it is said that Juewei Food Company shares interests with the local people, then Xingmiao Aquatic Products Company shares interests with surrounding villages, which is equally important.

Although the connection between each village is usually not close, all the villages are inextricably linked, and the relationship inside is also very complicated.

Of course, he doesn't have to care about these things, but it is not unacceptable to share profits based on the principle that everyone earns money, and a good relationship is very helpful to solve some problems.

It's just that Xingmiao Aquatic Company's revenue is not yet comparable to that of Juewei Food Company, but the data is still much better than he imagined before.

The reason is that they don't raise fish as usual, but mainly raise shrimp. Compared with the price of fish, the market price of shrimp is obviously much more expensive.

For example, the overall market price of fish is about 2 yuan, while the price of shrimp is as high as 15 yuan. If the selected ones are of good quality, they can be sold for 30 yuan a catty, and the supply exceeds demand.

In order to prevent the fish from eating the shrimp due to the polyculture of fish and shrimp, they adopt the method of large-scale cage farming, and fish are raised outside the cage. This method is very effective.

Last year, a total of 10 million catties of fish were harvested. The average selling price was 2 yuan per catty, and the sales revenue was 20 million yuan.

But after all, they are raised in lakes. Compared with factory production, the density is still much lower. Like factory production, 50 catties of shrimp can be raised per cubic meter of water, which is obviously impossible in lakes.

In order to ensure the same quality as the naturally farmed shrimp, they have thought of many ways and used many new farming techniques, so that their shrimp production has reached 20 million catties.

Last year, the revenue scale reached 420 million yuan. It is already very good to be able to create such a high revenue without him doing it. This revenue is enough to satisfy all parties.

Just to ensure the quality of shrimp, the cost is relatively high. Xingmiao Aquatic Products Co., Ltd. has specially established a plankton cultivation plant, which is much more expensive than ordinary shrimp feed.

At the same time, it also allows farmers to plant fodder grass, which is relatively expensive, so the revenue is high, but the net profit margin is not as high as imagined, only 20%, and the net profit is 84 million yuan.

However, many jobs have been provided around these industries, and the surrounding farmers have obtained real benefits. The social benefits are very large, and the amount of money earned is not particularly important.

According to the rules, half of the net profit is used for dividends. He holds 50% of the shares and receives a dividend of 21 million yuan. The after-tax income is 16.8 million yuan. The money is also given to his parents.

When his father got the money, he didn't give it all to himself, but took out 6.8 million yuan of it and donated it to various schools in the village for school building construction, teacher subsidies and student lunch subsidies.

According to his father's intention, people should be happy when he makes money, and he can't keep all the money to himself, and their family doesn't need that much money, so it's not very useful to keep it in their hands.

He naturally supports his father's approach. This is actually the primary version of common prosperity, and it can also unite the village, which is also good for their family.

Seeing that the Xingmiao Aquaculture Company had a bumper harvest last year, the county government is also consciously promoting the development of the aquaculture industry in the county. It may have been difficult to manage without money before, but now that it has money, it is much easier to promote the development of the industry.

I just saw that Xingmiao Aquatic Products Co., Ltd. is very good in aquatic technology. Their plankton factory, the general enterprise really does not have this technology, and generally can only use feed to speed up the growth of fish and shrimp, but the meat quality is not so delicious.

Therefore, although the county government is not short of money, it still chooses to let Xingmiao Aquatic Products Company take this responsibility. The cooperation method is similar to the previous cooperation, except that the government no longer holds so many shares, and only retains 1% of the shares.

The reason for retaining 1% of the shares is because if you do not hold 1% of the shares, it means that the aquatic product company and the surrounding villages each hold 50% of the shares, and it will be difficult to resolve irreconcilable conflicts.

At this time, the 1% stake in the government's hands will play a role. Where the government leans, that side has the right to decide. The government can make considerations based on the overall interests, and which side it should support at critical moments.

Of course, this measure is just in case. Under normal circumstances, it will not happen that all shareholders unite. After all, each shareholder has different interests and considerations, and there are many ways to win over individual shareholders.

Now Xingmiao Aquatic Products Co., Ltd. has actually carried out reforms and established a company in the form of a project, so that everyone can carry out interest cooperation around this aquatic product project.

Ye Zishu asked his father to set up Yimin Aquatic Group, which held 100% of the shares, and then established many aquaculture companies under them, using subsidiaries to carry out cooperation.

For example, Xingmiao Aquatic Products Co., Ltd. is a subsidiary of Yimin Aquatic Products Group. Their county is located in the middle of Poyang Lake, surrounded by water on three sides, and has abundant aquaculture resources.

According to this cooperation model, the villages along the lake in the entire county can benefit from it, not to mention how much dividends they can get, even the industrial chain around the breeding industry can also make them earn a lot of money.

The government withdrew from the shares of Xingmiao Aquatic Products Co., Ltd., a total of 9% of the shares were given to the natural villages around Xingmiao Lake for free. In this way, Yimin Aquatic Products Group holds 50% of the shares, surrounding villages hold 49% of the shares, and the government holds 1 share. %.

In order to develop other aquaculture as soon as possible, the government proposed to provide Yimin Aquaculture Group with an interest-free loan with a term of 2 years, so that they have funds to carry out other cooperative projects.

The reason why the government does this is very simple, that is, it wants to enable more people in the county to achieve local high-paying employment and make more people profit.

Although the Taiji Group has greatly increased the government's fiscal revenue, the added value of the Taiji Group's industry is too high. Although the output value is large, the number of jobs provided is limited after all, and their industrial parks only provide more than 20,000 jobs.

Compared with the hundreds of thousands of people in the county, this number of employment is completely unsatisfactory, and the finances are very abundant. Using finances to increase employment is their best choice.

Regarding the county's approach, Ye Zishu agrees with it very much, and is also very pleased. It shows that the county has not drifted away because of the huge increase in fiscal revenue, and wants to use the money to do something real for the county.

For everyone in the county, if the increase in fiscal revenue cannot be fed back to them, it will not mean much to them, and they will not benefit much from economic development.

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