Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 776: It’s time to plan how to spend money again


After reading all the annual reports, Ye Zishu made some arrangements for the funds. Although many group companies made a lot of money, only four companies actually turned over the funds.

They are Taiji Group, Phoenix Technology Company, Qinglong Technology Company, and Xuanwu Technology Company. Among them, Taiji Group contributed the most funds, followed by Phoenix Technology Company, followed by Xuanwu Technology Company and Qinglong Technology Company.

The scale of the handed-in funds was as high as 15 trillion yuan, all of which he gave to Wancheng Foundation. The investment scale of Wancheng Foundation this year was 2.27 times that of last year.

Among them, 1 trillion yuan is used for the construction of high-speed kilometers, which is also one of the more important tasks, and it is particularly important for the national economic integration.

Moreover, the development of expressways is also very important to the development of my country's automobile industry. He owns the automobile industry, and he is naturally very interested in promoting the construction of supporting facilities for the automobile industry.

In addition, 1 trillion yuan will be used for the development of urban service industries, including commercial supermarkets, hotels, resorts, tourism development and other service industries related to real estate.

Although they also had these businesses before, they did not invest too much money because their main business is still real estate. As long as real estate can cost enough money, they will not think about investing in other industries.

This time, Leaf Book asked them to further clarify their industrial layout, and each industry line must be bigger and more refined, so that it has sufficient competitiveness both domestically and internationally.

The remaining 13 trillion yuan is used for real estate-related industrial construction funds. Urbanization is still the current top priority, and the funds will only increase and not decrease.

However, although the capital has doubled compared with last year, the construction area is not necessarily higher than last year, because the labor cost is more than three times that of last year.

After the funds are expanded through internal circulation and use effects, the total investment scale is about 25 trillion yuan, which is also very impressive.

Other groups under him have enough profits to support their own development, especially Kirin Industry Group, whose profit scale was also very large last year, reaching 6.68 trillion yuan.

It's just that Ye Zishu didn't let him turn over the money, even though he allocated a batch of funds to Qilin Energy Industry Group, Qilin Agricultural Development Group and Qilin Food Industry Group.

In fact, there are still more than 2 trillion yuan of funds remaining, but such a large group enterprise must have sufficient fund reserves to deal with unexpected risks.

Although Kirin Industrial Group has advanced technology, most of their businesses are traditional businesses, and no matter how advanced the technology is, they still cannot get rid of the competition pattern of traditional businesses.

It means that Kirin Industrial Group will be greatly involved in the interests of various parties.

I am not afraid of pure market competition, but I am afraid of unpredictable risks from other aspects. It is always right to save more money.

What's more, if their subsidiaries need it, they can also provide timely support, especially for energy. If they can do it, it is also possible to increase it appropriately on top of the plan he made.

Anyway, no matter how much energy is produced, it can be digested. If industrial and residential electricity consumption cannot be digested, fuel oil and natural gas can be synthesized and sold for money.

After last year's lessons, Ye Zishu feels that it is necessary to build ahead in the energy field. When the energy is not enough, you will find that you are constrained by the energy shortage everywhere, and only the company involved knows the pain.

Last year, many industries under Kirin Industrial Group were limited by energy shortages, and many production capacities were not realized, resulting in serious waste.

Since Kirin Industrial Group has such problems, other domestic enterprises also have more or less energy shortage problems, and the situation of residents' electricity consumption may be similar.

According to the calculation of my country's population of 1.2 billion, if the per capita power consumption reaches 10,000 kWh, it will reach the level of developed countries, and the total power consumption will reach 12 trillion kWh.

However, the annual output of my country's power production facilities is less than 2 trillion kilowatt-hours, and the gap in the middle is very large. It is necessary to speed up the speed of energy production facilities.

He doesn't know what the GDP of the whole country is, but judging from the data of his companies, the GDP created by his industries alone is as high as 50 trillion yuan.

In terms of the production value created, his industry alone has reached the second highest level in the world, surpassing the second-ranked rb, and it can be called a super-giant existence.

According to this data, even if the overall economic volume of our country does not exceed that of old m, it is not far behind, because the total economic volume outside his industrial system should not be as high as his industrial system.

The reason is simple, that is, although his industrial system has capital overflow, it generally operates within the entire system, and the value created is also reflected in the system.

In addition, most of the high-tech products they produce are mainly for export, and the contribution of the domestic market is relatively low at present, so he estimates that the domestic gdp is about 7 trillion US dollars, and it is difficult for him to guess the exact amount.

As for the size of old m's economy, it was 7.64 trillion U.S. dollars in his previous life, but now many high-tech industries have been occupied by him in advance, so the economic development is definitely not as fast as in his previous life. He estimates it to be around 7 trillion U.S. dollars.

They have lost their competitive advantages in many high-tech fields, which has had a great impact on their economic development, but their financial industry has developed faster than in previous lives.

Relying on its status as a global trade currency, it has natural advantages to expand and strengthen the financial industry, but its economy has not suffered a devastating blow because of his intervention.

If it is really hit, other countries will suffer first, especially countries without resources and industrial advantages, which will be hit harder economically.

In short, "rats have their way, and people have their way." Every country has its own survival skills and endowments, and it will not stop developing just because it occupies a high-tech industry. The economies of all countries are still developing in general.

It's just that the development of his industries is a bit extraordinary, even more exaggerated than taking Dali Pills, but this increase is generally very beneficial to the growth of the world economy.

The whole world is a whole. The economic growth of our country will inevitably drive the economic growth of other countries. The global economy is in the process of dynamic adjustment, and each other will adapt to new changes.

It is precisely because my country's economic growth is so fast that the WTO negotiations, which have not been very smooth before, have become extremely smooth, and it can even be described as entering the WTO.

Although our country has earned so much money from the international market, these products are valuable and necessary for their market, and can even be described as indispensable.

We always have to buy things with the money we earn, and it is impossible to save it all the time, which means that our country itself is a huge market. If we turn a blind eye, it will be a loss for these countries.

The reason why I said so much is that from the perspective of industrial competition, the industries under Ye Zishu are dangerous and have become a thorn in the eyes of many countries.

But from the perspective of global trade and economy, the great development of my country's industry will be welcomed by many countries. After all, we are also a huge market for them.

Just from the perspective of international politics, a multi-polar world is always more friendly to small countries than a unipolar world, so that many small countries have the foundation to have both sides, and they can always gain some benefits by maneuvering left and right.

Of course, there are many things that have nothing to do with him. He only needs to make his business bigger and stronger. Although international political relations will also affect his business, these things are not his concern.

In the end, he sent a notice to all the group companies under him, informing them of the salary adjustment plan, so that they could prepare for the implementation of the salary adjustment plan after the next year.

He hopes that this year the per capita monthly salary of his industrial staff will increase to 7,000 yuan. If even his employees cannot get high salaries, it will be even more difficult to increase the per capita income outside the industry.

He hopes that through the increase in the salaries of his employees, he will drive the development of the economy outside the industry and improve the salary level of employees outside the industry. Therefore, he should not be stingy in salary adjustments, but be more proactive.

After sending the salary adjustment plan documents to the various groups, Ye Zishu turned off the computer and came to the living room. Pei Qing hadn't left work yet, and she was getting busier towards the end of the year.

Turn on the TV, tune to the news channel and watch it. When Pei Qing is around, the two of them will still watch some TV dramas. If they are alone, neither he nor Pei Qing will watch TV dramas.

For people like them, watching TV series is actually a waste of time. Even watching TV is mainly based on news channels, especially CCTV news. It is very important to understand major national news decisions.

However, this period of time was during the Harbin Winter Games, and a lot of news revolved around this report. After all, the holding of the Games is of great significance to my country's winter sports activities.

When Ye Zishu saw the news, he didn't care who got good grades, but realized that our country lacked investment in sports, and the sports industry should have a lot to do.

If you want to develop the sports industry, you need soil. This soil has two important components. The first is that the construction of sports facilities must be sufficient and the cost is relatively low.

Without sports facilities, it is difficult to develop the sports industry, but the cost of use is too high, and most of them cannot participate. How to develop sports facilities suitable for all people will be very important.

Wancheng Foundation actually builds some sports facilities in every residential community, but most of them focus on the construction of basketball courts and provide equipment for residents' activities.

However, the per capita ratio is actually not very high. It is certainly no problem to meet the current needs, but whether it can meet the needs of the future is a question mark.

Now the people are still in the stage of pursuing food and clothing to survive, and everyone needs to run around for their lives, but this situation will not last forever. When the demand increases, the current construction facilities will not be enough.

Moreover, the sports facilities currently built by Wancheng Foundation are relatively low-level and unprofessional. They can only be used for residents' physical exercise.

He believes that it is necessary to build a large number of high-quality professional sports facilities in advance to provide residents with higher physical exercise services and promote the development of the entire sports industry.

The second is the sports training system. He does not refer to the training system for official competitions. The country naturally has its own training system, but refers to providing residents with moderately priced and scientific training guidance services.

Most people actually don’t know how to exercise to make their bodies better, and if they want to reach a higher level, it is difficult to find channels, so they can only explore by themselves.

Wancheng Foundation can rely on its own sports facilities to carry out such services, which is of great significance for improving the overall quality of physical exercise.

At the same time, it can also solve the work problems of many retired athletes. The country will definitely give priority to the arrangement of champion talents, at least those who are at the top of the country.

But many people are actually good, but they are just unlucky. It is more than enough to guide folk sports exercises, so that more sports talents have more relevant employment opportunities.

As long as he continues to develop, he is confident that everyone can live a relaxed life. Isn’t the free time just for eating, drinking and having fun? At most, he spends some time studying. Residents have enough time to participate in sports hobbies.

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