Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 777 Confused Pei Qing


Seeing this, Ye Zishu went back to the study, sorted out the idea, and then sent it to Guo Dongmei, asking him to take this element into consideration for overall planning.

After he finished his work, Pei Qing just came home, and before putting down the bag in her hand, she said, "I saw your salary increase plan, is it too fast?"

Ye Zishu understood what she meant. She definitely didn't mean that the employees were given too much money. Taiji Group made so much money that there was no pressure to pay more to the employees.

She is still worried that such a large salary increase will cause a series of social problems. After all, the society needs time to adapt. If there is too much money, but there is not enough goods to consume, it will cause serious inflation.

Most of the previous investments were focused on the basic industry and export business, and they were not well prepared to deal with the rapid increase of the domestic market.

In fact, domestic prices have risen in the past two years. Fortunately, the increase in prices is not as fast as that of wages, and the common people can accept it. But if we work harder, there will really be problems.

"I have restrained myself. According to my opinion, the average salary of our employees should be increased to 8,000 yuan or even more. This is not a question of willingness, but a must."

Ye Zishu took the bag from Pei Qing, helped her put it away, and then said the above words, Pei Qing was a little puzzled after hearing this, feeling like he was being chased by someone.

Seeing her puzzled eyes, Ye Zishu sat down on the sofa and explained: "You are reading the annual report of Taiji Group, but I am reading the annual report of the entire industry.

I don't know much about things outside my industry, but through the annual report of my industry, the information I know reflects some things. "

"If possible, I would like to hear it!" Pei Qing said.

"Last year, my total revenue exceeded 70 trillion yuan, my net profit was as high as 30 trillion yuan, and the GDP I created was also 50 trillion yuan. Think about it, what does this represent?" Ye Zishu asked.

When Pei Qing heard this number, she was also shocked. She already felt that the Taiji Group had developed explosively last year, which can be said to be a miracle.

I didn't expect that the other industries under his banner were not bad at all, and the overall growth was doubled. This is indeed a bit scary. This should be a good thing. Why does he look worried.

"What does it represent?" Pei Qing asked.

"This means that our country's import and export trade is unbalanced. We have earned a lot of foreign exchange, but the people do not have enough consumption power to buy imported products.

A short-term trade imbalance is not a big problem, but a long-term imbalance will cause many problems, at least two of which are imminent.

The first is the increase in trade frictions, which is very unfavorable to us. We do business globally. If international trade frictions increase, our losses will definitely be huge, let alone other low-end industries.

The second is that the common people cannot enjoy the dividends brought about by economic development, which will lead to increased social dissatisfaction, which is not a big problem in a short period of time, but will definitely cause problems in the long run.

In the face of the two choices of continuing to increase investment and improving consumption capacity, I chose to increase consumption capacity. This is the most direct and effective way, and it will also allow the people to enjoy more development dividends.

In addition, the increase in the income of domestic residents is also conducive to balancing our economic growth mode. At present, we are overly dependent on export business, which is an extremely abnormal phenomenon.

The products we produce, the domestic people can't afford to consume, and the things we produce can't be used by ourselves. Don't you think it's ironic?

In order to get rid of this embarrassing situation, it is necessary to increase the income of the people so that they can enjoy the fruits of their labor, so that a benign domestic economic structure can be formed.

The third is to continue to increase the interdependence of the international economy. If we do not buy or buy less from others and sell more to others, it means that the degree of mutual dependence is different.

It is necessary to strengthen the degree of mutual dependence, and there may be problems when the degree of industrial dependence is strengthened, but the increase in the degree of market dependence is generally beneficial to us.

Because many of our products are not highly substitutable, and as long as the middle and low-end industries have funds, they can copy a set in China at any time. In this case, how should other countries consider?

The fourth is to reduce the stock of foreign exchange. In the past, there was a shortage of foreign exchange. Of course, the more foreign exchange the better, this is also related to our like to save money, but there is no benefit to having too much foreign exchange, and we may even face heavy losses.

What we have worked so hard in exchange for are paper money printed by others effortlessly, and even the printing is saved, just typing a few numbers in the system, do you think this is reasonable?

Therefore, we have to exchange for the things that others have worked so hard to produce. Only when an exchange of equivalent value has the meaning of international trade can international trade cooperation continue.

If we hold on to the money, the people have no money, they want to import other people's products, and they don't have enough money to consume, it means that the way to digest foreign exchange is cut off.

If we just increase investment, it is difficult to achieve the above points at the same time. You should also know that we can actually manufacture everything by ourselves, and imports only need to import mineral resources and other products.

This has greatly suppressed the import of goods at the consumption level, and the international economic impact formed is relatively limited. After all, mineral resources are almost monopolized, and the impact on the social level of various countries is still relatively limited.

Of course, it doesn’t cost much to import mineral resources alone. Our industry has already formed a scissors gap in terms of technology. Importing resources alone will only increase our foreign exchange reserves. "Leaf Book explained.

I didn't expect Ye Zishu to have such deep thinking. When professional managers like them are still in a good mood for the high revenue and profits, as the boss, he has to think about the problems behind it.

This is exactly what the sentence said, the level of the station is different, and the issues considered are completely different. Now he is not thinking about the gains and losses of the moment, but thinking about the overall situation of the economy and people's livelihood.

As he said before, with so much money to his level, it is no longer money in the eyes of ordinary people, but thinking about the economic and social operations behind the money, and even more complicated issues such as international relations.

Although Pei Qing lamented the gap between the two sides, she was not disappointed because of it. After all, she did a good enough job in her position.

Although the technology is provided by Ye Zishu, it takes a lot of talent to use the technology well. Taiji Group has handled all aspects very well. At least Pei Qing has played her role well.

"Then how to solve the problems caused by it?" Pei Qing asked.

According to the strength of his wage increase, inflation will definitely happen, but the extent is not yet easy to predict. If you don’t ask, and wait for the market to adjust itself, it is not a good choice.

Hearing her words, Ye Zishu smiled and said, "Actually, you don't have to be so nervous, it doesn't matter if supplies go up a little bit, as long as the price of food is relatively stable.

In order to ensure the stability of food prices, it is necessary to ensure sufficient supply of commodities. I think this should not be difficult. You just need to increase production capacity.

The products you produce are all high value-added products, which were unaffordable to domestic people before, and you have specially launched brands exclusively for domestic use in order to lower prices so that domestic people can afford them.

If people really have money, your high value-added products will become their first choice, which is enough to absorb a considerable part of their funds.

If it still doesn't work, I'll come up with some novel gadgets so that everyone has a reason to consume. I still have this confidence.

If you have more money, then sell big items, such as cars, which cost hundreds of thousands, which is enough to digest their savings for a year or two.

If there is more, then sell the house to them. This will cost more, and it will be enough to absorb the funds they have accumulated for a long time. There is always a way. "

Hearing what he said, Pei Qing also laughed. Ye Zishu was really willing to pay his employees high wages, but he was not polite about wasting everyone's money.

After laughing, Pei Qing asked curiously: "Didn't you say that Wancheng Jiye's house will be rented out? Why are you planning to sell it again?"

"The situation is always changing, according to the previous thinking, renting out is the best solution to the urban housing problem, which is positive in a certain period of time.

If people really have money, why should we prevent them from buying a house? There is no reason for this. However, at the current stage, I think the main thing is to rent out.

Because the overall supply of urban housing is insufficient at present, if it is sold, it will cause housing shortages, and the rent will rise sharply, which is very unfavorable to farmers who have just entered the city. "Leaf Book said.

Although what he said made sense, Pei Qing still didn't understand something, so she asked, "It doesn't seem to be contrary to buying a house. The two can be done at the same time, so that Wancheng Jiye can save more money. Own development."

Ye Zishu touched his forehead, organized his words, and said: "You are right, there are four main reasons why I insist on doing this:

The first reason is whether Wancheng Foundation is busy enough. They have already expanded rapidly. If they continue to expand, will there be any problems? As a boss, they have to consider this.

The second reason is to curb the growth of land prices. For the government, the easiest way to get money from selling land is faster than developing any economy. This is what I don't want to see.

I hope that people can live a relatively easy life whether they are renting or buying a house. Excessive land prices will seriously reduce the space for people to spend in other areas.

The current focus on leasing means that there is no complete marketization, and real estate prices are in an abnormal state. Although land prices have risen, the increase is not large.

The third reason is that people’s wages have not increased for a long time, and their savings are not enough to buy big-ticket items such as houses with full payment. The opening up is only cheaper for the rich, and has little to do with ordinary people.

I think rich people should stop competing with ordinary people for ordinary commercial housing, and should buy villas that suit their status, don’t you think?

The fourth reason is that the current relevant system is not perfect enough. It is best to wait until the system is relatively perfect, which will benefit both buyers and sellers, so that there will be no unclear problems. "

I didn't expect Ye Zishu to think so much about this issue, but every point is actually on point. Ordinary real estate developers don't need to think so much, because they themselves are not big.

For a giant like Wancheng Jiye, it is necessary to consider things as comprehensively as possible and take into account the interests of all aspects, otherwise it is easy to go wrong.

To take the simplest example, if Wancheng Jiye really releases a large number of properties, it means that other real estate developers will directly lose their profits, and Wancheng Jiye's comprehensive cost is incomparable to them.

Wancheng Foundation can wait. Anyway, it is developed with its own funds, while other real estates are developed with borrowed money. If they cannot be sold, it means that the cost of capital is getting higher and higher, and bankruptcy will become an inevitable choice.

Of course, Wancheng Jiye keeps these real estate companies, not to insist on taking care of them, they have no reason for Wancheng Jiye to do so.

The fundamental reason is the problem of marketization. The real estate projects of Wancheng Jiye are not completely market-oriented. From an internal point of view, it is difficult to price the houses.

With the presence of these real estate developers, the market pricing will be much more accurate. If they sell at a high price in the future, no one will say anything, because the market is like this.

Without these real estate developers, it would be tantamount to losing the market guide price. If Wancheng Jiye sold at a higher price, it might be sprayed to death by spit stars.

And when the housing price is too high, exceeding Ye Zishu's psychological expectations, Wancheng Jiye is allowed to lower the housing price, and the people will definitely applaud.

Although this kind of practice is a bit unethical, and it means to use colleagues as gunmen, but even if they know about it, they are happy to be gunmen. After all, they are also profitable, and it is better than being fucked to death.

And to do good deeds is to pay attention to the method and method. Only when there is a reference point, others will know that you are doing good deeds. If there is no reference point, others will think that doing good deeds is eating human blood. This is human nature.

Although he doesn't need others to sing praises for him, he doesn't want his blood to be treated as a donkey's liver and lungs. He still needs to use the means that should be used, as long as the purpose is good.

"Then what good things are you going to make next?" Pei Qing asked.

After Ye Zishu heard this, she felt a little depressed. She caught her just bragging, so she had no choice but to say, "Get the housekeeping robot out first. As for the rest, we'll see the situation."

Seeing his expression, Pei Qing couldn't help laughing, she didn't look as high-spirited as before, now he has a little conditioned reflex to her words, it's really interesting.

However, this conversation with Ye Zishu solved a lot of confusion in her heart, and she didn't pursue his excuses anymore.

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