Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 778 Wancheng Foundation Received Another Difficult Task

On February 11th, the day before the new year, Ye Zishu held an online annual meeting. All the group leaders gathered together to report on the achievements of the past year and make plans for the next year.

Ye Zishu saw that everyone was smiling. Needless to say, the reason was that they achieved brilliant results last year, so they were naturally in a good mood.

Even Wu Chaoqiang from Xuanwu Technology Company wanted to take a break for a while before, but he didn't expect that after a few years, this wish would be realized in no time.

Xuanwu Technology Co., Ltd. was driven forward by the market, and they couldn't help but stop for a while. As a result, they rushed all the way and formed such a large industrial group.

It can be said that Xuanwu Technology Co., Ltd. is the most popular enterprise of many local governments. It can not only bring a lot of jobs, but also provide very good tax revenue.

Not to mention other companies, Taiji Group has not only made money, but also enjoys a high reputation around the world. It is simply a model of saving lives and healing the wounded.

With its outstanding performance in the field of consumer electronics, Qinglong Technology Company has become an absolute leader. Now its robots are also selling well all over the world, making its position as a high-tech enterprise even stronger.

The same is true in the field of communication. The mobile communication network has begun to be built around the world, allowing it to completely secure its position as the world's most advanced communication company, and the market is firmly controlled by them.

In the past year, the Huanyu Group was like a rocket. It has grown from an unknown car company to a car giant, and it can wrestle with its peers in the world.

Now it has conquered the manufacturing technology of ultra-high-speed maglev trains and has become the owner of the world's most advanced rail transit technology, with even greater potential.

Now it has acquired shipbuilding technology and aviation manufacturing technology. Once the development of related technologies is completed, it will be just around the corner to become the most influential transportation technology company in the world.

Not to mention Phoenix Technology, they have almost become synonymous with software and the Internet. As long as these two words are mentioned, the name of Phoenix Technology cannot be avoided.

Software and Internet applications have gradually penetrated into the blood of people all over the world. With the rapid development of the Internet, the future is also bright.

Shengshihua Group has more confidence in front of the big bosses. It is a symbolic significance for them to break through one trillion yuan in revenue, which means that they are no longer dispensable.

Of course, even if they do not break through one trillion yuan in revenue, they will not be disappointed because of this, after all, they are the first company founded by the boss, and it is the place where the boss started.

It can be said that without the industrial support of Shengshihua Group, although the real dragon of the boss will take off sooner or later, the development speed is definitely not as fast as it is now.

For this reason, no matter what, other brother companies will give a three-point discount, and now they are gradually catching up in terms of revenue, so they are naturally more confident.

As an education company, New Oriental Education Group has achieved a revenue of over one trillion yuan and has become the education company with the highest revenue in the world. It is not too much to be proud of.

However, Yu Minhong was the most low-key. After all, they thought that they contributed less to achieve this result and relied more on the technology provided by the boss.

Therefore, if they want to enhance their pride, they must do a good job in offline business. Whether it is basic education, vocational education, or higher education, they must be top-notch in the industry in order to hold their heads high and proud.

Wancheng Foundation can be regarded as an alternative among them. Due to the operation of the whole industry chain, the revenue is actually not low, but these revenues belong to their own money, so there is no need to emphasize this point.

Compared with other industries that emphasize revenue and profits, they emphasize the ability to spend money. Being able to spend money is their skill, and being able to spend every penny efficiently is their greatest compliment.

Last year, a total investment of 10 trillion yuan was achieved. This is not something that ordinary enterprises can achieve, nor can it be matched by factory assembly lines. It requires super-high management capabilities to achieve this goal.

In the past, everyone still had some opinions on Guo Dongmei's acceptance of this position.

But after a year, it has been proved that Guo Dongmei's ability far exceeds Guo Dongsheng's.

Since Guo Dongmei can manage Wancheng Jiye well, he can actually manage any other enterprise well. This is the idea of ​​all the people in charge. If Wancheng Jiye manages them, they may not be able to do well.

Wancheng Foundation is not only a technology company, but their construction machinery is in an absolute leading position in China, and they also have a certain reputation in the world, not to mention various advanced building materials.

There is also the anti-shock device that is still an unsolved mystery. So far, no one has figured out how to do it. After the RB people bought it back, they also tried to disassemble it to have a look, but it was impossible to assemble it back. People get numb when they see it.

Even the materials used, no one has been able to imitate them so far, not only has super high strength, but also has good toughness, and can also restore itself, with the characteristics of memory metal.

In fact, many countries want to import their anti-shock devices, especially for countries with frequent earthquakes, this technology is simply a blessing for them, but the price is too high, and ordinary people really can't afford it.

Wancheng Foundation has a huge demand, and the production capacity is too limited for its own use. It is impossible to sell it at a low price. If it is not for the sake of the high price, they would not bother to export it.

The requirements for the production of anti-vibration devices are very high, and it is not easy to expand production, but Wancheng Foundation has also achieved it, and the best proof is that it can meet the needs of its own business development.

Wancheng Foundation is also a traditional real estate company, and they are interested in even other businesses related to real estate. The complexity of management is not compared with other companies with relatively unified businesses.

It can be said that if you can lead the Wancheng foundation well and prevent it from collapsing, you are qualified to sit here, not to mention that the Guo brothers and sisters have done much more than the basic requirements.

Last year, not only completed the established investment goals in the real estate industry, but also completed the task excellently in the expressway business that we just set foot in. The expressway mileage that is being planned for cooperation has reached hundreds of thousands of kilometers.

Under Ye Zishu, being able to make money for him is certainly a manifestation of ability, but being able to achieve or even exceed his goals is even more a manifestation of ability.

At the meeting, Ye Zishu first affirmed the achievements of last year, and the year-end bonus will be very generous, which is definitely worthy of their hard work in the past year.

At the same time, it also puts forward the severe challenges that they will face in the future, especially in the context of large salary increases, how to curb inflation will be a key consideration for them.

In order to curb inflation and supply more products to the market, they will face another wave of capacity expansion. These tasks are also inexhaustible, and I hope they can prepare well.

While expanding production capacity, Leaf Book also asked them to make a more reasonable layout of industries, and not to pile up all industries directly for the sake of saving trouble.

Although from an economic point of view, it is the most reasonable to do so. After all, using the original base to expand, the cost is lower, and there are not so many troubles.

But from the perspective of balanced regional development, he hopes that each province has its own advantageous industries, so that local people can find employment nearby, so that local governments will not engage in short-sighted behaviors for the sake of development.

In addition to the need to expand production of industrial consumer goods, it is also necessary to prepare for the great development of the service industry. The heavy responsibility of this work is mainly handed over to Wancheng Foundation.

According to Ye Zishu's thinking, many of their projects are gradually being completed, and they are beginning to consider the issue of building a community service format, and to prepare supporting measures in advance and do a solid job.

In order to do this well as soon as possible and reduce the financial pressure on the community service participants, he plans not to follow the way he did in his previous life. Only collecting rent is simply too untechnical.

So he proposed a cooperative operation model, which means that Wancheng Foundation will provide the operator with the operating site and get dividends from the operating income.

The reason why I think this way is mainly because I feel that the rent pressure faced by these operators in the previous life was too great, which caused many people to lose their money. Although this is a market-oriented behavior, if the management is not good, they think they are unlucky, but it is very unlucky for small operators. friendly.

In some cases, it is not that the operating ability is not good, but that the cost of rent is too high, the landlord is greedy, and no matter how much money they make, they can't afford to go back and forth, so they can only move out in disgrace.

And this dividend model puts much less pressure on small operators, at least they won’t be overwhelmed by high rents, and they don’t have to worry about future rent increases.

This can provide a stable business environment for small operators. They only need to do a good job of service and increase their operating income. In case of special market conditions, they don’t have to worry about being overwhelmed by rent.

This is equally important to Wancheng Jiye. Although only collecting rent is the most trouble-free, it cannot maximize the benefits. If the rent is low, it means that one’s income will be reduced. Operators.

If it is an individual landlord, naturally there is no such problem. Wancheng Jiye is not a natural landlord. They not only have to consider their own interests, but also the entire community.

Moreover, it will soon face the challenge of online shopping platforms, and at the same time, online and offline platforms are also being built. As long as smart phones appear, these industries will develop like a raging fire.

At that time, it will be even more difficult for offline stores to survive. The proposed cooperation dividend plan can effectively deal with the severe challenges of online platforms, alleviate the serious inequality between the two, and achieve harmonious development.

For Ye Zishu, the palms and backs of the hands are all meat, and the online business is also their own. They can't be asked to take care of them just because offline survival is difficult, and vice versa. They must each rely on their own abilities.

In order to avoid serious confrontation, he proposed a model of integrated online and offline development, which can not only improve consumer experience, but also avoid binary opposition. This exploration is left to Lei Jun and Guo Dongmei.

Of course, it is not enough to cooperate with small operators just to pay dividends, because it lacks market competition. What he hopes to reduce is unnecessary competition, not that there is no pressure from competition at all, otherwise there will be no motivation.

For example, a person rented a house and negotiated a good dividend ratio. As a result, the other party did not seriously manage the business at all. For him, it was just a waste of time and cost, but for Wancheng Foundation, it was a waste of money.

Therefore, on the basis of dividends, there are also many restrictive clauses, and at the same time, it must be connected to relevant systems to supervise the operation flow, otherwise Wancheng Foundation will not be able to collect money at all.

The easiest way is for Wancheng Foundation to establish the Baiye Alliance.

Franchisees need to pay membership fees, and conduct performance appraisals every year. The better the business is, the more membership fees will be returned. This will motivate the operators to work hard, and they cannot hide their operating income.

Wancheng Foundation provides members with business premises, business guidance, and even the entire supporting service, which is more effective than simple dividends and terms and conditions.

These are some suggestions made by Ye Zishu. How to do it properly requires Wancheng Jiye to formulate a more detailed plan, so he doesn't have to worry about it.

At the same time, Ye Zishu also asked Wancheng Foundation to consider now. There will not be so many houses built in the future. How to arrange the current employees so that they can change careers safely.

Such a large number of employees can't be kept dry. No matter how big the business is, Wancheng Foundation can't afford it, but they just quit. Many people can only go back to their hometowns to work in agriculture, because they may not be able to do other things.

Although this matter is not very urgent now, he hopes that Wancheng Foundation will make preparations in advance so that these employees can change careers safely and find a way out for them.

When this task was thrown out, let alone Guo Dongmei, who was the person involved, felt a headache. All the other CEOs felt that this task was difficult to do, but it was difficult to persuade the boss that it could not be done.

Fortunately, this matter is not particularly urgent for the time being. The period of rapid development of domestic real estate construction will last for a period of time. At that time, it is unclear whether Guo Dongmei will be in office or not.

But she didn't dare to be perfunctory. The position of Wancheng Jiye's president is either her or her brother's. If there is no accident, this arrangement will not change.

Everyone has already understood the personnel arrangement of Ye Zishu. As long as you do your duty in this position, you will devote yourself to the development of the company, and you will not take the upper management at will.

If you want to better solve this problem in the future, you must start planning now. If you wait until the end of the day to do it, there will inevitably be a lot of mistakes.

At present, all she can think of is that the future property management can absorb some employees, and then the hundred industry alliance proposed by Ye Zishu can also absorb some employees.

In the end, Wancheng Foundation's sideline business can also absorb some employees. Guo Dongmei is not very clear about the number of remaining employees. After all, no one can predict the future.

However, there is a high probability that a part of the construction team will be retained for housing maintenance and urban expansion. Guo Dongmei looked at the other presidents, changed her mind, and said, "I need your support in the future!"

In front of the boss, the other CEOs had no choice but to comply. The reason why Ye Zishu did this was to force Wancheng Foundation to do a good job in the side business.

If you want to solve this problem, you still need to rely on diversified development, and each diversified industry must be bigger and stronger, otherwise it will not be able to accommodate many people.

Now their pressure mainly comes from the pressure of real estate construction. This kind of pressure is actually not too great, especially after they are on the right track, all they need to do is follow the rules and regulations.

This can be seen from Guo Dongmei's ability to easily support greater expansion, because Guo Dongsheng has already laid the foundation before, making it easier for her to take over, which is completely different from the operating pressure of various new businesses.

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