Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 780 There is no trick, and I will not launch new technologies casually

This quantity is what he has thought about for a long time, and he thinks it is a more suitable output. First, the cost can be afforded. 1 million units only need to cost 1 trillion yuan at most, and this investment Kirin Industrial Group can afford.

The second is that this amount will not have a great impact on the society. The mismatch of labor force in various industries in our country will definitely exceed this number, and it will not affect the existing labor positions.

The third is that it will not cause social panic. Although he said here that the cost can be controlled within 1 million yuan, he must say that it is much higher than this.

Propagating the price higher will not only help to increase the rental fee, customers will be embarrassed to bargain based on the cost price, as long as the rental fee is within their acceptable range.

It can also reduce the panic of the social labor force, and everyone can settle accounts. Once they find out that they are still very competitive for a period of time, their mentality will be much more stable.

However, the emergence of general-purpose robots will inevitably lead to social changes. Physical labor and even simple mental work will be replaced by robots, which will become a social consensus.

Regardless of whether it is official or non-governmental, such expectations will inevitably be formed. Everyone can understand that the initial cost of a technology is high. As time goes by, it is inevitable that the cost will be reduced to an acceptable level.

To meet this challenge, we must first solve the problem from a higher level. The learning of advanced knowledge will be an inevitable result, and education reform will become the primary goal.

Secondly, to explore social governance issues in the context of general-purpose robots, the discussion of relevant policies will be put on the table, and similar discussions will inevitably arouse at the social level.

Universal robots can be called a revolutionary technology, and they will definitely not be used if they are not used. What's more, the emergence of this technology is generally beneficial to society, and even beneficial to everyone.

It is just that a more reasonable benefit distribution system needs to be established. It is no longer as it is now. The current benefit distribution system cannot meet this challenge.

Then there is the development of irreplaceable jobs for robots, which will become the goal pursued by everyone, and scientific research jobs are bound to be sought after, and creating an innovative society is an inevitable choice.

What is certain is that in the process of this round of technological change, everyone must benefit, but those with the ability will benefit more, and those without the ability will benefit less.

But it must be ensured that everyone's benefits are higher than before, otherwise the full robotization will not happen. If this requirement cannot be met, Ye Zishu will not dare to mess around.

Don't think that he is awesome now. If too many people's interests are really touched, he will be the first to be unlucky. He must have this awareness and understanding.

This is different from the large amount of benefits he is earning now. Although his industrial interests are large now, it has not touched the interests of too many people, but only touched the interests of some businessmen.

The interests of the vast number of people at the bottom have been greatly reaped because of his property, and the benefits of every common people related to his property are increasing visible to the naked eye.

The government also benefits from his industry. Any place with his industrial layout can get a lot of tax revenue, and at the same time, it can also drive local employment. The entire economic environment has undergone earth-shaking changes.

However, the interests of businessmen in our country are not very big, and they are still in the low-end industrial chain. He can even avoid the low-end part in the development of industries, and the damage to the interests of businessmen in the country is actually not high.

This is also the reason why he can still be stable while creating such a huge wealth. Everyone knows that he has made too much money, but there is no reason why he must be taken down.

The reason is very simple, the contribution of the wealth he created to society is far higher than the occupation of social wealth, and the overall advantages far outweigh the disadvantages. Whether it is the high-level or the social level, everyone has their own best interests to weigh.

If only 1 million universal robots are produced a year, and only 10 million units are produced in 10 years, it will have a certain impact on society.

He believes that through 10 years of continuous small-step reforms to society, there should be great results, and when it is truly influential, it will generally remain stable.

What's more, he also has a super killer weapon, that is, the simulated world. If there are really difficult to reconcile contradictions, he will directly use the virtual world for civilian use.

Distributing real wealth through the virtual world can solve many problems. The first is that it will not cause serious damage to the real social order, which is very important.

The second is that everything in the virtual world is a new start, no matter whether it is the super rich or ordinary people in the real world, they are all newbies in it.

To distribute wealth in such an environment is to rely on one's ability, which will cause a large number of ordinary people to stand up. I believe everyone will support this new distribution model.

At the same time, through the virtual world, the most basic reality security system can also be built to provide everyone with the most basic supplies of living materials. Only when this basic interest is guaranteed can everyone compete fairly in the virtual world.

It is very difficult to overthrow and start over in the real world. If it is really overthrow and start over, it will cause huge losses, but the virtual world is different, and it is the best place to resolve conflicts.

The third is that artificial intelligence obtains a great source of creativity from the operation of the virtual world, and innovations in the virtual world can be fed back to the real world through artificial intelligence.

This factor is also very important, that is to say, the virtual world can actually create wealth, otherwise it will only create virtual wealth but not real wealth, which will still have a negative impact on the overall development of society.

No matter how amazing the development of the virtual world is, it must be supported by the real world. Only when the real world can absorb nutrients from the virtual world can it continue to support the development of the virtual world.

If the virtual world develops rapidly while the real world stagnates, the virtual world will inevitably collapse one day. Just like the virtual economy formed by finance, it must have the support of the real economy to be more stable.

How could Ye Zishu dare to take it out without a second hand? Of course, these ideas are the ideas he got from the science fiction he saw in his previous life, but he didn't expect to practice them by himself.

When the real economy reaches a certain level, it is actually very difficult to improve. If you want to continue to improve, you must find new economic growth points, and new growth points must get rid of the shackles of the real economy.

In the previous life, we generally relied on finance, and everyone was playing the game of money making money. In fact, these money making money games are essentially just a digital game, which has been seriously divorced from the real economy.

As finance becomes more and more outrageous, the real economy and the financial economy will become more decoupled. In the end, the real economy will suffer a huge impact because the game of money making money has been played for too long.

This is how old M played in his previous life. It’s not that old M doesn’t want the real economy, but that the real economy has entered a dead end. It’s too difficult to improve. Obviously, finance is easier.

And they naturally have the capital to play finance, because their currency is an international trade currency, and they can nourish themselves by harvesting global wealth by playing finance.

This kind of game looks very good, but it will be fun after all. No country is willing to be in a state of being harvested. As long as there is a fuse, it will definitely detonate.

Even if it does not detonate and is suppressed, the cost of maintaining this state will become higher and higher, until finally when the maintenance cost cannot be afforded, it will still collapse.

That's why weird things appeared later, such as virtual currency and metaverse, they were all looking for new breakthroughs.

It's just that the technical level is not enough, and these new things that are regarded as breakthroughs are difficult to be widely accepted. It is not surprising that more strange new things will appear in the future.

If you really find a breakthrough, you will naturally be able to turn the crisis into safety. If you can't, everyone just needs to wait. When they can't continue playing, it's time to leave the game sadly.

Although our country has not yet reached that point, at the current speed of national economic development, the real economy will face the same predicament before long.

He raised the salary of his employees to 7,000 yuan this year, and it may rise to tens of thousands of yuan next year. By then, a large number of low-end industries will become more and more difficult to survive.

But not raising wages is definitely not enough. For ordinary people, salary income is almost all their income. If wages are not raised, it means that they cannot enjoy the dividends of development.

Moreover, rising wages is not only a matter of enjoying the dividends of economic development, but also an important way of benefit distribution, an important way of maintaining social stability, and an important way of international trade balance.

Now that he has to raise his salary, it is not a question of whether he is willing or not, but an inevitable choice for the economy to develop to this point, and no one can suppress it.

If it is really suppressed, it will only rebound on himself in the end, causing more damage than the salary increase. The decision to make a large-scale salary increase is just following the trend.

Our country does not have the ability to play finance for the time being, even if it is Tidal Investment Company, it is only tossing around in other people's territory, and it is actually not really playing finance.

How to continue to promote the development of the real economy in the post-entity era and continue to make the cake bigger and stronger is also a question that he must consider.

Universal robots are a very good technology in his opinion. As long as the problem of wealth distribution is solved, the economy will have the power to continue to develop, and the growth of per capita wealth will not be significantly reduced, let alone retrogressed.

With the help of the virtual world, there is even more room for unlimited growth. As for how far it can develop, even he can't imagine it now.

These can only be considered by his boss, and only people with a huge economy like him need to think about them. The people in charge on the scene have no such worries.

They still feel a little pity that the general robot business has not fallen into their own hands. After all, they only need to be responsible for the enterprises they manage, and other things are not their need to consider.

During the meeting with Lei Jun, President of Phoenix Technology, Ye Zishu learned about their cloud-based software work and preparations for the arrival of the mobile Internet era in detail.

No matter what this year, smart phones must be introduced to the market. How to seize this opportunity and achieve better growth is the top priority of Phoenix Technology, and there must be no sloppy.

Fortunately, several years ago, Ye Zishu mentioned that Phoenix Technology has been investing in these things, and the situation is very good. Lei Jun is full of confidence in this.

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