Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 781 Disclosure of news and follow-up arrangements in advance


The annual meeting with these high-level executives was over in one day. With the end of the annual meeting, this year has finally entered the end of the year. Except for the sales department, the work of other departments will be suspended for a period of time.

After the annual meeting, Ye Zishu is also preparing to go home. Although Ye Zihua and Ye Ziqi are also in the capital, they have already returned home.

The annual leave of Tidal Investment Company is longer, and the entire annual leave is as long as 30 days, which is the longest among all the companies under his umbrella. The reason is very simple, their main business does not require human operation.

Although they have many information collectors and acquisition personnel, these tasks are easy to arrange and do not need to stay in the company all the time.

The foundation managed by Leaf Chess doesn't have much to do. They only play the leading role in organizing larger projects, and usually communicate with the project teams of various universities through the management system.

The younger brothers and sisters all knew that he must be very busy at the end of the year, so they didn't bother him at all. They went back to their hometown together a few days ago, leaving him alone in the capital.

When Pei Qing came back in the evening, she mentioned one thing, that is, in view of the excessive salary increase this year, other companies need to be prepared to avoid problems.

If his industry is not large, no matter how much the salary increase is, there is no need to consider this issue. After all, the scope of influence is very small, but his industry employs hundreds of millions of people.

A large-scale salary increase for such a large group of personnel is a disaster for many small and medium-sized enterprises. If the news is not disclosed in advance, it will easily cause a large number of small and medium-sized enterprises to operate in difficulties.

He wants to benefit the society, not to shut down small and medium-sized enterprises on a large scale. After all, small and medium-sized enterprises are also the main force of employment.

Regardless of the hundreds of millions of people under his banner, the population of our country is 1.2 billion. Compared with the total population, the number of employees in this industry under his banner is not that many.

In the large-scale expansion of production last year, there are actually some redundant personnel, especially the enterprises under the Kirin Industrial Group, which actually have a lot of redundant personnel.

The reason is very simple, that is, the insufficient operating rate of the industry caused by the lack of energy, and the personnel cannot be dismissed casually, but can only be rotated to reduce the working hours of the personnel.

Regardless of the fact that the output value of his industries created a record high last year, the per capita revenue has actually declined. The per capita revenue in the previous year was more than 900,000 yuan, and last year it was only more than 700,000 yuan, a drop of 200,000 yuan.

It is not that their business operation ability has been reduced, but that the number of personnel is too large, and many personnel have not created due value.

Of course, the emergence of this phenomenon is also due to the excessive expansion last year. Although it did not cause serious management confusion, it was still somewhat affected.

So the revenue may be higher this year,

However, the number of personnel will not increase significantly, and the current personnel scale may be maintained to completely digest the current personnel.

Therefore, it is also very important to ensure that other companies can survive this special period smoothly. Now it is just before the festival, and disclosing relevant information to the outside world can help them prepare.

However, this is only a temporary effect. With the rise of labor costs in low-end industries, the lack of competitiveness will inevitably exist. Even if there is no bankruptcy this year, life next year will not be easy.

If these companies want to survive, they must be guided to transform into mid-end industries. If they really can't survive, they can only transfer to other countries with lower labor costs.

He has no objection to the transfer of low-end industries to other countries, but he must first establish a mid-end industry in the country to solve the employment problem.

If the mid-end industry has not yet been established, but the low-end industry has lost a lot, it will affect the jobs of many people, which he does not want to see.

How to guide the active transformation of domestic low-end industries is what he focuses on. If this problem is not resolved, it is meaningless to disclose the news in advance.

It will only make many business owners consider transferring their industries to Southeast Asia and other countries that are closer, and it will only accelerate the outflow of low-end industries.

Disclosing the news in advance is also time for governments at all levels to react. They discuss salary increases internally, but governments at all levels cannot receive information, and cannot formulate corresponding economic policies to ensure the smooth transition of other enterprises.

The ability of small and medium-sized enterprises to resist risks is very low. If they only rely on their own capabilities, it will be difficult to overcome them. If they want to overcome them, they must have corresponding policy support to achieve better results.

"Why didn't you say it at the annual meeting?" Ye Zishu said.

This remark did not mean to blame Pei Qing, but just said that if it is said at the annual meeting, everyone can discuss how to help other small and medium-sized enterprises to tide over the crisis.

"I do, but I came up with this idea on the way back, and I will tell you as soon as I get home." Pei Qing said angrily.

"I'm not blaming you. I just think this matter is suitable for discussion at the annual meeting. It's meaningless to call them now. We have to figure out a way ourselves." Ye Shu said.

"How can we care so much? Disclosing the news in advance is considered as the utmost benevolence. They are not our subsidiaries, and life and death have nothing to do with us." Pei Qing said indifferently.

"That being the case, even if their companies close down, they may be better off than ordinary employees. I am not sorry for these business owners, but worried about the loss of a large number of jobs.

Isn't one of the reasons why we work so hard to provide more jobs? If the loss in other aspects is serious, it can be regarded as a failure. "Leaf Book said.

"I don't think you need to worry at all. If that's the case, then let our companies take over. I believe we will not be bad at running these industries," Pei Qing said.

What Pei Qing said is also true. If this is really done, a company like Xuanwu Technology will have a larger business scope. It's just that this approach seems to be very good, but in fact there are certain problems.

In fact, low-end manufacturing relies heavily on other people's channels, and generally has a relatively fixed customer base. If the company closes down, this channel may be lost, and it will take much more energy to rebuild it.

Originally, the operating profit of this kind of enterprise is not high, and it takes more time and cost. It may not make money, but lose money instead. This business is also meaningless.

"You are thinking too simply. It is often a moment for a company to go bankrupt, but it is extremely difficult to establish and operate well, especially for this kind of business that is suitable for small and medium-sized enterprises.

Regardless of our smooth development over the years, it is mainly due to the characteristics of the industry we are in. If we follow our model, in the low-end industrial chain, we may not be able to make a couple of twists and turns.

Therefore, it is still important to maintain the stability of the existing industry. Don't think about taking advantage at this critical moment, and doing such an enterprise will not make much money. "Leaf Book said.

Hearing what he said, Pei Qing also felt that it made sense. It's a bit out of place to insist on working in low-end industries instead of doing easy business.

"Then what are you going to do?" Pei Qing asked.

"Now we can only take two steps. The first step is to do a good job in anticipation control, so that everyone is psychologically prepared for what will happen next, so as not to panic.

At the same time, the government should also introduce some stabilizing measures to support small and medium-sized enterprises, such as tax reduction and exemption, appropriate relaxation of credit and so on.

The second step is to help these enterprises transform into mid-end industries, increase product added value, improve product production efficiency, etc. To do this requires two elements, technology and capital.

In terms of technology, Xuanwu Technology can provide some support, tailor-made the equipment and production tools needed for the mid-end industrial chain for them, and grant them some technical authorization.

In terms of capital, Tidal Investment Corporation can increase investment in domestic small and medium-sized enterprises and support these enterprises to achieve transformation and upgrading. "Leaf Book said.

Tidal Investment Company has not yet received the funds for the fourth quarter, which means that it has not yet invested. Except for a part of Baihu Technology, the remaining part will be invested in domestic small and medium-sized enterprises.

As for domestic small workshop-style enterprises, there is no other way. Enterprises that can get investment from Tidal Investment Company must at least have a certain scale. They cannot invest in enterprises that are both bosses and employees.

If you invest in such an enterprise, people can run away at any time, and there is no guarantee of financial security at all for investing in such an enterprise.

Moreover, this kind of small workshop enterprise with one or two people does not have much investment value. It has neither technology nor assets, and its management ability is not necessarily strong.

People who run this kind of enterprise are generally courageous and want to take a chance in the wave of wealth, but they may not be able to do well when the enterprise is big.

At present, there are still many such enterprises in China, without much management experience. With their enthusiasm, individual workshop owners have a way of building relationships, know how to make money, and live well.

But he didn't know whether he could survive the changes that followed. Maybe rats have ways of rats, and people might have abilities, and he couldn't control it.

"Your two steps, I think it's okay, but does Tidal Investment Company have such a huge amount of funds?" Pei Qing asked.

"The funds should be sufficient, and not invested all at once. The entire investment will last for a whole year, enough for them to earn the insufficient funds." Ye Zishu said with a smile.

Pei Qing was actually very curious about Tidal Investment Company, but she never asked about it. Although he didn't expressly prohibit it, he should try to inquire as little as possible about things that are not under his jurisdiction.

"Tidal Investment Company makes so much money?" Pei Qing asked in surprise.

"It's okay. After all, I'm making money in the international financial market. If I'm not sure, I can't let my brother manage it. After all, he hasn't graduated yet." Ye Zishu said.

Tidal Investment Company has made a lot of money, but originally planned to save some money for domestic high-speed maglev investment, but this matter has not yet been written off, and there is no point in keeping funds.

Pei Qing doesn't know how Tidal Investment Company makes money. Does he have any means to make them make money in the international financial market without losing money?

You must know that investing in domestic small and medium-sized enterprises, although the investment scale of each enterprise is not high, a few million yuan is about the same, even if it is more, tens of millions of yuan is considered very high.

But the number is very large, and some industries still need to be consolidated to strengthen market resistance. Together, the scale of investment is not low, at least several hundred billion yuan, or even trillions of yuan is possible.

After these enterprises get the investment, they use it to purchase technology and equipment, improve the quality of products, or use it to make their own brands, design products independently, and so on.

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