Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 782: Waves Caused by 1 Message


After dinner, Ye Zishu went back to his study and wrote an article on his domestic social account about the economic development situation this year, and said that he would greatly increase the salaries of his employees.

Although the entire article is written very implicitly, the main reason is that some things cannot be explained too clearly, but those who should understand understand it, and those who do not understand do not need to explain it in detail.

There are quite a few people who follow his account, but he usually does not update information on social platforms. In fact, many people have not noticed that they have followed his account.

When the information on his account was updated, the social platform immediately pushed it to all those who followed his account, and at the same time made a priority push on the recommendation information page.

So as soon as his message was sent out, a large number of people read it. Some people felt baffled and thought that a salary increase was a good thing. In recent years, everyone has clearly felt that the available funds in their hands have increased.

Moreover, a salary increase means that you have made money, which means that the economic situation last year was very good. Why do you say that many companies will face difficulties this year and need to seek changes and adapt to market changes.

Some people read it carefully to ponder the true meaning of his information. If ordinary economists say this, others will only think it is hype.

However, it was Ye Zishu who sent this message. Although the dragon always sees the beginning but never ends, his legends are spread everywhere in the country. Although it is difficult to distinguish the truth from the false, the influence can be seen.

What's more, he didn't need to sell anxiety to increase his popularity, so there must be a deep meaning behind what he said, but many people couldn't understand it.

Among these people, some people felt that it was not simple, but they couldn't analyze the meaning behind it, so they consulted domestic economic experts through various channels.

After all, many people in China are actually not at a high level, even some rich people, their real level is the same, but they made money by daring to work hard after the reform and opening up.

At that time, as long as you had the guts, you could make money in whatever you did. The times have created them, but it doesn’t mean that their level is very high, especially complex economic issues, they also can’t understand.

Regarding the news he sent, domestic economists naturally interpreted it immediately. People like him generally do not send messages. Since they sent messages, it means that they are very important, and it is still at the critical period of the end of the year.

The New Year is coming soon, and everyone is immersed in a joyous atmosphere. His article is like pouring cold water on it, and it doesn't match the economic situation last year.

The major economic experts, relying on their own knowledge, interpreted the reasons behind this information from various angles, which brought them a wave of traffic.

Of course, the most direct way is to ask him, his comment section is only an hour long,

There are tens of thousands of comments, most of which are asking what this means.

It's a pity that Ye Zishu ignored the comments and turned a blind eye to the comments. After sending the message, he closed the webpage directly, so naturally he couldn't see the comments.

This message was reposted by foreign media in just three hours after it was sent, and experts were invited to interpret the meaning of this message, hoping to find something from it.

You must know that being able to ponder his thoughts means that you are one step closer to wealth. This has become the consensus of many people at home and abroad. However, if you want to get in touch with him, you can't find an opportunity.

It's not that there are various forums to invite him, and there are even various awards to be awarded to him, and various titles that want to be given to him, but he just doesn't get involved, and doesn't get involved at all.

If you want to let him go there, then don't talk about it. At most, you can arrange someone to go there to do it for you. This approach makes many organizations very helpless.

Especially for some activities, the organizers originally wanted to use his fame to increase the reputation of the event. Under such circumstances, the idea naturally fell through.

This is still a bit weighty, not weighty, let alone Ye Shu, even the person in charge of liaison has ignored it, there is absolutely no need to waste time on it.

The reason why his message is difficult to interpret is that it was sent out under the sound domestic economy. It is naturally more difficult for people with no economics level to interpret it.

But for the top think tanks in the hands of the country, it is not that difficult to interpret it. You can think of something just by seeing a big salary increase.

What's more, they can directly ask the parties involved. Less than an hour after Ye Zishu's news was sent, he was called by the relevant department, asking him to explain in detail the reasons for writing this article.

Naturally, he would not conceal the inquiries from the relevant departments, and told them the extent of the salary increase in his industries. When he heard that the average salary would be adjusted to 7,000 yuan, the other party was shocked.

According to his salary increase rate, it won't be long before the salaries of his industry personnel will catch up with the level of developed countries, isn't it a bit too fast.

Ye Zishu naturally explained why he did this. He is not a money-spreading boy, and he insists on throwing out his money, but it has reached the point where he has to do it.

After some explanations from him, the other party realized many problems, that is, the economy has developed to a certain stage, but all aspects of society have not kept up.

The reason is very simple. It's not that other people's reaction is slow, but that the industry under his banner is developing too fast. It can only be said that the plan can't keep up with the changes, resulting in some disconnection.

But they can't let the industries under Ye Zishu stop and wait for them, because the industries under him are all high-quality industries, and rapid development is a good thing, and there is no reason for them to stop and wait.

Ye Zishu also talked about the problems that such a large-scale salary increase may bring about on the phone. The purpose of this article is to prepare small and medium-sized enterprises, especially small and medium-sized enterprises in low-end industries.

At the same time, Ye Zishu also mentioned the necessity of transformation and upgrading, and clearly told them that there may be a round of large-scale salary increases next year, and the salary may increase to more than 10,000 yuan.

The specific increase depends on the development of the industry under this year. If the development is good, there is a high probability that the increase will be more than 10,000 yuan, and the salary increase will gradually stabilize in the future.

After all, the economic growth in the past few years is not a normal phenomenon. After the volume increases, it is impossible to achieve the economic growth rate in the past few years, even if he uses black technology to promote the development of the industry.

The fundamental reason for the sharp rise in salaries this year is to allow employees' salaries to adapt to economic growth. At least the salaries of his employees must adapt to the development level of their industries.

We are all smart people, and there are some things that need not be explained too clearly. After listening to his narration, the other party realized the seriousness of the problem and hung up the phone hastily.

Economic development generally consists of a troika, investment, export and consumption. In the past, domestic emphasis was placed on the first two, especially export, which was the main driving force of my country's previous economic development.

In the past two years, Ye Zishu has emphasized investment. A large amount of funds have been injected into Wancheng Foundation, and with the investment of its own industrial enterprises, the total investment scale is very large.

Although investment is still going on, not only will it not slow down, but will continue to increase, but the economic volume has reached a certain level, and it is obviously difficult to achieve the previous growth rate relying on investment and exports.

Therefore, consumption must now be regarded as the main driving force for continued economic development, especially as his industries are highly competitive, and the money sent out will naturally be able to earn back.

Moreover, the money distributed to employees will be multiplied several times through the social and economic system, and the result is that his industries earn more money.

After finishing these things, Ye Zishu didn't plan to continue working, but went back to the bedroom to sleep. Pei Qing was still lying on the bed and reading, which had almost become her habit before going to bed.

Seeing Ye Zishu coming in, he immediately put the book aside and put his hands on Ye Zishu's neck. It's hard to describe what happened next, and Ye Zishu could only accompany him to his heart's content.

While eating dinner, I said that I plan to go home tomorrow, and I don’t know when I will come back after this departure. For people who are passionately in love, even a short separation is a long torment.

The two of them slept very late that night, and both wanted to turn the sorrow of leaving into a tangled storm and release themselves to their heart's content.

When Ye Zishu woke up the next day, Pei Qing had already packed up the things he was going to take away. Except for the laptop and the new virtual helmet he had to bring, the rest were clothes and the like.

Originally, Pei Qing wanted to buy some gifts for his parents, but was stopped by Ye Zishu. First, he hadn't reached that point yet, and second, his parents didn't lack anything now, and he didn't know what to buy.

Although Pei Qing was a little disappointed, she didn't say anything. At least the two of them are still getting along very well, and they are still full of confidence in the future development of their relationship.

After the two of them had breakfast, Pei Qing accompanied him to the airport. While waiting for the plane at the airport, Pei Qing had the air of a little girl, immersed in the atmosphere of parting.

After he boarded the plane, Pei Qing still didn't leave, as if she could see what Ye Zishu was doing through the window of the plane.

Ye Zishu saw Pei Qing who hadn't left outside, but it was easy to see the outside from the inside, but it was not clear from the outside. Seeing Pei Qing in such a state, he wished he could get off the plane and say, I'm not going back.

After the plane took off, Pei Qing got into her own car and left the airport. Her expression changed from the charming look just now to that of a strong woman.

Maybe only in front of Ye Zishu, she will have this face. In front of outsiders, she is the president of Taiji Group, and the image of a strong woman must be established.

Ye Zishu's plane landed in Wuhan, Ye Zishu got off the plane and went to Kirin Industrial Group, where he had a small meeting with various departments within the group.

In the evening, Online held an internal annual meeting with the heads of each of its sub-groups. Due to the many issues discussed, the meeting lasted until one o'clock in the morning.

At the meeting, he mentioned the production of universal robots, and the person in charge of Kirin Basic Industries Group, who took over this business, was naturally very happy.

Then around the robot business, everyone started a detailed discussion, supplemented some details, and also allowed the Basic Industry Group to make some preparations in advance.

As for the detailed preparations, we have to wait for him to complete the technical materials. This is something that will happen after the next year, and the Chinese New Year is coming soon, so giving them the materials now will not be of much use.

Early the next morning, after breakfast, he didn't delay, and drove directly to his hometown with the security personnel.

Because he went back to his hometown for the New Year, he gave half of the security personnel annual leave, leaving only half of them with him, because his parents and younger siblings also had security personnel around him.

If you bring them all back, there will be too many people. Although there are many rooms in the house, they can't be arranged, and some people can take advantage of the annual leave to rest for a period of time.

The way back to my hometown has not changed much. The expressway built by Wancheng Jiye has not been completed. If I want to go back to my hometown by expressway, I guess it will not be possible until next year.

After all, the construction of expressways is very complicated. It is not simply paving the road. It is really time-consuming work to open roads when encountering mountains, building bridges when encountering water, and elevated roads can be seen everywhere.

Due to too many trucks on the road, the traffic jam became more and more serious. It was already 5 o'clock in the afternoon when the group arrived home, which was several hours later than before.

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