Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter seven hundred and eighty third different ideas


Going home this time, the biggest feeling is that there are too many changes. The road has become flat and wide. This is his first impression when he enters the county. Driving on such a road is much more comfortable than the national road.

The houses in the countryside on both sides are no longer the same adobe houses as before. A large number of brick houses are under construction, and some of them have already been built and the exterior walls are being worked on.

There are a large number of stores open on both sides of the road near the market town, especially during the Chinese New Year season, when people come and go very lively, and everyone is buying new year's goods.

Coming to the county seat is even more eye-catching. The main roads that cross horizontally and vertically divide the entire county into four parts. The new city of Wancheng Jiye occupies the northwest corner, which is currently the most beautiful place in the county.

Taiji Group's industrial park occupies the southwest part. After years of expansion, it covers an area of ​​10 square kilometers, and there is no longer only Taiji Group.

The old city is located in the northeast, and it is still as prosperous as usual. Now the new city has not been fully completed, only the main construction and exterior wall painting and decoration work have been completed.

The interior decoration, water and electricity, supporting facilities, etc. have not yet been completed, and the external greening and road cleaning work has not yet been completed. After these are completed, it is time for the old city to move here collectively.

Wancheng Foundation does not just build a rough house and finish the work. If the house has been allocated to someone else, the other party needs to propose a decoration design, and directly help the other party to complete the house decoration.

Of course, this additional decoration design requires users to pay extra. The reason for doing this is not only to earn decoration fees, but the most important thing is to reduce the disturbance caused by later decoration.

If the user does not need additional decoration, Wancheng Jiye will provide the basic simple decoration, that is to say, the inside is scratched and white, the floor is paved with tiles, and heating and gas supply and other facilities are prepared in advance.

After these are completed, users can move in directly. Compared with the decoration team hired outside, the service and decoration quality provided by Wancheng Foundation are much better.

The cost of simple decoration is actually not very high. For the current residents, it is the most cost-effective to choose simple decoration. Many people choose this kind of decoration. When they have money, they may not be very satisfied with this kind of decoration.

This year, there is a high probability that the old city will be relocated collectively, and then Wancheng Foundation will push all the old city to rebuild and plan more rationally.

The southeast is still a rural area, but planning has been carried out here, and other urban functions are planned to be placed in this area, such as sports venues and cultural venues, high-end residences, parks, etc.

The high-end residences mentioned here are single-family villas and townhouses, and only some high-rise commercial facilities will be built. With the help of better environmental facilities here, the value of high-end residences will be enhanced.


The other high-rise residences are not bad. In fact, the houses in the county are very large, with 160 square meters as the standard, and 200 square meters as a large proportion. There are also duplex buildings everywhere.

The height of high-rise buildings is not very high, generally around 10 floors, and there is no need to build buildings with dozens of floors like in first-tier cities.

The price of land in the county is relatively cheap, and the supply is very sufficient, and there are enough conditions to provide a better living environment. Moreover, a county like theirs has a good industry, and the per capita wealth in the future will not be worse than that of big cities.

Therefore, the construction of large-scale housing is affordable for everyone. People earn money for food, clothing, housing and transportation. If they have the conditions, everyone wants to live well, wear well, eat well, and drive higher-end cars.

The construction of Wancheng Foundation in this way is for future considerations. You don’t need to change it frequently after buying a house. Such a large area is enough to meet the needs of most people. In the future, you only need to do higher-end decoration.

Even most of the residences implement the design of one household and one elevator, which is very convenient to go upstairs and downstairs. Each community has an internal activity place, with a large green area and a very high level of comfort.

Wancheng Foundation has a different attitude towards properties in big cities and county towns. In big cities, the property is mainly rented out and assisted by sales. There may be changes in the future, but such a strategy is basically implemented now.

The county town is basically mainly for sale, and there will not be so many houses in hand, because there will not be a serious problem of insufficient living space, and there will not be too many migrants, so the willingness to rent houses is very low.

If you still want to rent a house in the county, you might as well go back to the countryside to live. Anyway, it only takes tens of minutes to drive back to the countryside, and the shortest distance only takes more than ten minutes.

Therefore, it is very difficult to rent out houses in the county, and the price is not high, so it is completely unnecessary. The main reason why they want to rent out is to alleviate the living conflicts, so that the migrant population can afford to live well.

The reason why they are keen on building big houses is not only more comfortable to live in, but also another consideration, that is, the bigger the house, the higher the consumption demand of residents.

In fact, the houses built by Wancheng Foundation in big cities are also not small in area, generally more than 100 square meters, usually 120 square meters, which is the indoor area.

The sharing area of ​​the previous life was introduced to the mainland in December 1995, that is, the past year. In fact, some real estate companies were promoting this last year, hoping to form it into a system.

However, Wancheng Foundation, as the largest real estate company in the country, did not choose to join forces with them, insisted on calculating according to the inner area of ​​the apartment, and exerted its own influence.

Therefore, after struggling for a while, other real estate companies did not reach a consensus. Naturally, it was difficult to form institutional documents, and the calculation is still based on the area of ​​the apartment.

There are many problems in the pool area, which will cause great troubles for future management. Naturally, Wancheng Foundation is not willing to do this in order to make more money.

The strategy adopted by Wancheng Jiye is that buyers only buy the inner area of ​​the apartment, and the rest of the public area inside the house and the public areas such as community greening, roads, parking spaces, etc. outside belong to Wancheng Jiye Property.

House buyers or renters only have the right to use these public areas, and must pay additional usage fees for the public areas every year. This is different from the property fee, which is the cost of maintaining these public facilities.

It seems that home buyers still need to pay for these every year, which seems to be expensive, but in fact it is not, because this part of the cost is put aside, the unit price of the apartment area is naturally cheaper, and more people can afford houses.

Moreover, the public area usage fee also increases the cost of residents holding real estate. It is good if they can be rented out.

Those who want to speculate in real estate or invest in real estate need to weigh whether it is cost-effective. These fees need to be paid regardless of whether there are people living there or not.

The advantage of doing this is that apart from the above, there is another advantage, that is, there will be no disputes in management, and the public area belongs to Wancheng Foundation, which means that it has absolute management authority.

In the future, they won't be directly kicked out by the owners. There were too many such disputes in the previous life, which would make a company like Wancheng Jiye fall into a passive situation.

Small businesses leave after grabbing a hand, while Wancheng Foundation considers long-term operation, so that itself and the owner can achieve harmonious coexistence, and what they do is long-term business.

Of course, Wancheng Foundation was able to do this because they were too big, and they had absolute influence in the three-acre area of ​​domestic real estate.

The method they formulated will actually become a common method across the country. Whether other real estate companies are willing or not, they must gradually approach Wancheng Foundation.

Of course, there are also many real estate companies who insist on following their own methods, and Wancheng Foundation will not take care of it, leaving time to prove which one is good and which one is bad.

In fact, I can understand the practices of these real estate companies. After all, the funds they develop are borrowed money, and they need to pay expensive interest. They dare not take too many properties in their hands, which will make them unaffordable.

But Wancheng Foundation does not have this trouble, all the funds are its own, and holding these properties will not cause continuous bleeding, and it will earn long-term money, so there is no need to pursue a wave of blood recovery.

Knowing the difficulties of other real estate companies, Wancheng Jiye will not criticize their practices, although it is different from them in forming a system for unreasonable places.

As long as the buyers are willing to play according to their rules, the market will decide which one is better. Anyway, Wancheng Foundation has enough determination to stick to its own approach.

In addition to the above reasons, there is another important reason, that is, the housing construction cost of Wancheng Jiye is relatively high, which is much higher than that of other real estate companies.

There are two reasons. The first is that their houses basically use anti-vibration devices. The price of this device is not cheap, and other real estate companies are useless at all, so they save a lot of money.

The second is that the materials used to build the houses are different. The houses built by Wancheng Jiye have a very long service life. Even in the natural state, they can maintain normal use for four to five hundred years.

If regular maintenance is carried out, it will not be a big problem to use it for thousands of years, while the houses of other real estate companies are basically built according to general standards, and it is very good if they can be used for hundreds of years with repairs.

But Wancheng Foundation can't say anything about their practices, because they are built according to national standards, and Wancheng Foundation is built according to their own standards.

It's just that one has just reached the national standard line, and the other is far beyond the national standard line. There is no right or wrong here, but their respective concepts are different.

Wancheng Foundation is implementing the concept of Ye Zishu, and believes that the service life of houses is too short, which will cause a large amount of urban waste in the future. The large number of houses built now may exist like slums in the future.

The concrete is difficult to reuse, and it will be demolished and rebuilt in the future. Such a large amount of concrete will cause serious environmental damage, and it is also a huge waste.

Now using a slightly higher cost, but being able to avoid this situation, in his opinion, is a very cost-effective deal, and it is also worth doing.

But for other real estate companies, the cost of doing so is too high, and they themselves have high capital costs. If they do this, they will not have market competitiveness.

And what they emphasize is high turnover rate. Only when the selling price is cheap can the turnover rate be increased. If it is too expensive, it will take a long time to sell and all costs will rise rapidly.

As for the use of anti-vibration devices, it depends on each person's opinion. Anyway, Ye Zishu believes that the cost of using anti-vibration devices is a bit high, but it can make urban residents feel more at ease.

Regardless of whether there will be an earthquake in the future, they don't have to worry about it. As long as there is no devastating earthquake, the general earthquake will not have any impact on their houses, and their property can be kept safe.

It is precisely because of these various measures that Wancheng Jiye’s house prices are higher than those of other real estate companies, and additional public land use fees have to be paid.

As a result, the houses of Wancheng Jiye are not very popular in the market at present, because everyone cares about the price now, and the pursuit of quality is not so high.

Wancheng Foundation is not worried, and believes that the current phenomenon is only temporary. When the people become rich, they will naturally have higher pursuits, and the housing prices at that time are enough for Wancheng Foundation to make money.

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