Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 785 Prepare for the upcoming financial crisis


This is equivalent to the need for each household to have a surplus of 100,000 yuan per year. If it were the same as before, it would be very difficult to earn so much money.

But now it is relatively easy for them to earn this money. First of all, in the stewed food companies, each of them has shares, and last year each company paid 30,000 yuan in dividends.

Secondly, the grass that Xingmiao Aquatic Products needs to feed fish and shrimp is purchased from farmers. The price is not bad, and they can also make a fortune from it.

In the end, I can earn a lot of money by working, and this year's salary adjustment will make more money by working. As long as you don't be lazy, it is relatively easy to earn this money.

In fact, even after five years, if he still hasn't paid, as long as he explains the situation, his father will not really ask for their interest. This measure is just to prevent some people from cheating.

No matter where you are, you must not guard against gentlemen and villains. Necessary measures must be taken. Although his family is indeed rich, some places are still clearly distinguished.

The interest rate is actually not high, it is based on the bank interest rate, even if they really default, the interest they bear is not particularly exaggerated.

After everyone had left, Ye Zishu drove the car into the garage again, and just now he was only focused on chatting with everyone, but Ye Zihua told him that the garage was full.

Both Ye Zihua and Ye Ziqi drove back, plus his father's car, and his original car, there were already four parked in the garage, and the original garage was only designed to park four cars.

At that time, he didn't expect that there would be so many cars at home, and there were three cars in his group. He didn't let Ye Zihua and Ye Ziqi drive the car out, but let the car park in front of the door.

"Has anyone else in the village designed a garage in their home?" Ye Zishu asked curiously.

When I came here just now, I didn’t see any obvious garage. If there is no garage, everyone will have to park on the side of the road or on the village square in the future.

"Yes, there are, but they are used by everyone to put sundries." Ye Zihua said with a smile.

Ye Zishu nodded after hearing this, everyone doesn't need the garage now, it's just right for storing sundries, in the future everyone will be able to use it when they have money.

While chatting with the family, my mother cooked the meals, and my father just came back from the county, driving the Tianqiong car that Ye Zishu gave him.

It's just that there are so many people in the family now, and my mother is a bit too busy to cook alone. Just now, Ye Ziqin and Ye Ziqi helped, and the security personnel also helped.

There are 10 security personnel at home, including the family members, a total of 16 people, and a lot of cooking needs to be done each time.

Especially the security personnel, the appetite is relatively large.

And as employers, they can't be too simple. The workload of cooking is even greater. Although the mother seems to enjoy it, it is not an easy job.

It seems that the housekeeping robot mentioned above must first be arranged for the family, which can effectively reduce the work pressure of the mother. In the future, cooking and cleaning up the house can be done by the robot.

There are 16 people in the family, and they are divided into two round tables to eat. They are crowded together in a lively manner. It feels like celebrating the New Year in advance, and the atmosphere is quite good.

After dinner, my mother began to arrange rooms for the security personnel brought by Ye Zishu. They arranged rooms for two people. Fortunately, the house is still big enough to accommodate them.

The basement has been transformed into a gym for the security personnel to keep fit. Generally, when the parents are at home, it is quite safe, and there is no need to follow people around all the time, just take turns.

After dinner, Ye Zishu watched TV and chatted with his family. After 9 o'clock, Ye Zishu asked Ye Zihua to follow him to the study, and had something to say to him.

"I've been busy with my own affairs all year round, and I don't pay much attention to Tidal Investment Company. Tell me about the operation of Tidal Investment Company in detail." Ye Zishu said.

It is easy to understand the business situation of Tidal Investment Company on the surface, because it is reflected in the management system, but as a global capital tycoon, there are also some things that need to be done under the table.

This part cannot be reflected in the company's management system. Of course, it is impossible for him to let Tidal Investment Company do things that seriously violate the law.

It is impossible for him to put Ye Zihua in a dangerous situation for some money. Although there may be foul actions, there will definitely not be serious consequences.

Like their business intelligence collection work, a considerable part of it belongs to the work under the table, and various means are needed to achieve the goal. As long as they can't catch the handle, basically they will live in peace.

Ye Zihua knew that what he wanted to hear was not what could be seen in the management system, but what could not be reflected in the management system.

So he thought for a while and said: "We have established secret liaison offices in 102 countries around the world, with a total of 4,500 business intelligence contacts around the world, and an unplanned expenditure of 20 billion yuan.

The number of companies directly or indirectly held overseas is 5,635 companies, mainly for the convenience of investment, and partly for the convenience of intelligence collection. The number is 532.

You should also know that the total revenue last year was 3.2 trillion yuan. The company has 8,000 formal employees, including 5,000 overseas employees and 3,000 domestic employees. "

The above is the basic information, and then Ye Zihua explained the inside story in detail, and I didn't see him read it with a notebook, and recorded it all in his mind.

According to him, it is the safest thing to keep in mind, especially for secret online things, try not to leave any written records, even if it is a muddled account, it is much better than being discovered.

Fortunately, Ye Zihua's memory is very good, and he talked for half an hour, and the structure was still very clear. After Ye Zishu heard it, he felt that he had chosen the right person to entrust Tidal Investment Company to him.

After Ye Zishu learned about these things, he didn't give any instructions, just let them develop according to their original plan, and they are still doing very well so far.

After talking about this, Ye Zishu said: "Since the 1980s, the economies of Southeast Asia have been steadily improving, and some countries have even experienced very good economic development.

The main driving force for the economic development of these countries basically comes from external investment, and the endogenous development driving force is actually not strong. This mode of development with the help of external forces has advantages and disadvantages, and you should know the reason. "

"We are also studying the economic model of Southeast Asia, and a considerable part of our investment is in these countries with good potential, especially fixed investment, which has a very good rate of return.

However, we also have some internal analysis that this kind of economic stability is relatively poor. Once foreign capital withdraws, it will have a great blow to the economy and assets will shrink sharply.

It's just that when it will happen, we don't know. As far as the current situation is concerned, these countries are still worth investing in. "Leaf Hua said.

They have made so much money from the financial market, so naturally they will not invest the money in the financial market, but choose to invest in real assets. For the safety of assets, global investment is their inevitable choice.

So it is not surprising that they put part of their investment in Southeast Asia. After all, for a long time in the past, Southeast Asia's economy has performed very well, with a good economic growth rate every year.

And the long-term fundamentals of this kind of economy are good, and the result is that the fixed assets in many countries appreciate rapidly. This kind of market is very attractive to Tidal Investment Corporation.

Ye Zishu thought for a while and said, "I think if it wasn't for this year or next year, maybe Southeast Asia would be harvested by capital, after all, the crop of leeks is about the same size.

Especially since you have been tossing in the financial market for more than a year, you may have lost a lot of financial capital, and you must find a place to make up for it.

Among the many solutions for finding supplements, none is more profitable than harvesting one or more countries. Now they have searched all over the world, and only Southeast Asia is more in line with their goals.

One is that their economies are relatively close, and they only need to find the country with the biggest loopholes inside to kill them, and then they can attract a lot of international hot money to enter the market, forming a flood of capital.

When an ordinary country encounters such a torrent of capital, even if it is a country with a good economy, it will lose a lot of flesh even if it does not die. By then, after harvesting Southeast Asia, it can directly turn to East Asia.

Hong Kong, South Korea, Japan, and even our northern neighbors may also be overwhelmed by the torrent of capital formed by them. At that time, a double kill of stocks and exchanges will be inevitable. "

Ye Zishu actually said it according to the script of the Asian financial crisis in his previous life, but now he doesn't know when the financial crisis will break out, so he hasn't given a time point.

After hearing this, Ye Zihua was full of surprise. With these capitals, he was able to fight such a big battle? However, he thought of the events of the past few years, and immediately felt relieved.

Ordinary capital would not dare to do this, but the capital backed by a powerful force can be lawless. Coupled with the huge international hot money, there are many fishers in troubled waters, and the interests are very involved.

At that time, the country under attack can only use the current rules to resist, and these methods have been studied clearly before the attack, and these methods will definitely not achieve decisive results.

"This kind of financial crisis will happen either this year or next year. You need to prepare in advance and give priority to ensuring the safety of capital. Even if it doesn't increase in value, it's more cost-effective than losing a lot of money." Ye Shu said.

His meaning is very clear, that is, let him gradually withdraw his previous investment, keep the money in his hands, and not invest it lightly, at least until the situation becomes clear, this is the safest way.

"Part of the funds you have withdrawn can be invested in the country. Now the country is in the transition period of the low-end industrial chain, and there is a large demand for capital. The returns obtained from investing in the country are much higher than those in foreign countries.

The rest of the funds are kept in our hands and held in the form of cash. After all, a crisis is both a danger and an opportunity, and it depends on how we operate. "Leaf Book said.

Ye Zihua nodded, expressing that he understands how to operate, and the purpose of accumulating a large amount of funds is self-evident, that is to buy the bottom. After the asset price plummets, it is time for them to enter the market to harvest.

In the past, they will participate as international hot money. After reaching their psychological expectations, they will start to buy a large amount of suitable assets, because at this time, the prices of these assets are generally very low.

"This year, we can appropriately increase the harvesting efforts in the international financial market, weaken the overall strength of international capital, and prevent them from being too strong when they compete with us. This will also add more ammunition for us." Ye Shu suddenly added a sentence, Said.

Despite earning more than 3 trillion yuan last year, in fact, this amount of funds is not particularly large in the huge international financial market, and it cannot cause a huge reaction.

What's more, they all turned their investments into assets in a timely manner, and the funds obtained by those who sold assets returned to the financial market in various forms.

"Then how much strength should be controlled?" Ye Zihua asked.

"Just do as much as last year!" Ye Zishu said.

Hearing what he said, Ye Zihua couldn't help but said: "Isn't this kind of force too big? It will have a certain impact on the global financial market, and if it is still held in cash, the stock market will fall significantly."

"What we want is this effect. Capital strength mainly comes from financial market assets, because these are also the easiest to realize. If financial assets shrink, they will be dealt a relatively big blow.

Of course, we are not trying to create another financial crisis. If something worse appears, you just need to control it appropriately.

If it is really not feasible, it doesn’t matter if the goal is not achieved. We just do it conveniently. We don’t want to achieve the goal, and we focus on our own safety.

At the same time, it is necessary to formulate a more secretive method of withdrawing funds, and do not expose yourself too much, otherwise many things will be difficult to operate. "Leaf said with a smile.

Hearing this, Ye Zihua breathed a sigh of relief, the operation of the financial market cannot be justified, what is most needed is to assess the situation.

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