Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 786 Efforts to promote the construction of ultra-high-speed maglev transportation network

To be honest, he didn't have that strong desire to make a fortune from the financial crisis. With his current worth, he didn't need to do such a thing at all.

It's just that he wants to stir it up in order to let others not get it, and then those people have spent a lot of effort, but they don't get much in the end. This is his happiest place.

Of course he was happy to succeed, but it didn't matter if he didn't succeed, so he gave Ye Zihua a slap in the face to prepare him, so that he would be speechless if he was put on the same page.

As for whether it will happen, he doesn't have to worry about it. As long as there is a loophole, the capital will never let it go, and the variable will not change just because there are more of him.

After talking about this, Ye Zishu mentioned the matter of high-speed magnetic levitation. I had a chat with him a few days ago, but it's just that many things are not easy to carry out now.

He hoped that Ye Zihua could come up with a reasonable plan and think about the problem from the standpoint of both parties. Only when it is in the interests of both parties can it be easy to negotiate.

The perspectives considered by the government are different from those considered by investors. For the government, making money is not really important. What is important is the beneficial effect on the society, and at the same time, it is necessary for the government to have the ability to control.

Building a high-speed maglev will bring great benefits to the society. Now that the economy in the Mainland is difficult to develop, transportation has become an important obstacle. How to make it easier for passengers and goods to communicate is an urgent problem before us.

Therefore, there is no objection to the construction of high-speed maglev. After all, this is a visible benefit, and through the construction of high-speed maglev, it can also drive social investment, which itself has a great impact on the economy.

The problem facing the construction now is the problem of funds. The government certainly does not have that much money to build. If it insists on building, it can only borrow money to build.

Just to build an ultra-high-speed maglev network all over the country, at least 50,000 kilometers need to be built. Calculated at 400 million yuan per kilometer, this is an investment of 20 trillion yuan.

If all debts are used to carry out the calculation, based on the interest rate of 5 per year, the annual interest will be 1 trillion yuan. Whether the operating income of the entire high-speed maglev network can reach this figure is uncertain.

Even if the revenue reaches this figure, the profitability is not enough to pay the interest. It is precisely because of this that the relevant departments are hesitant.

As far as technology is concerned, ultra-high-speed magnetic levitation technology is definitely among the top rail transit technologies in the world, but the construction cost is too high, three times that of the previous high-speed rail.

This quotation is not random. The high cost is mainly reflected in three aspects. The first aspect is that the requirements for the road surface are very high.

Imagine that if you want a train to run at a speed of more than 800 kilometers per hour on the ground, it is no different from letting an airplane fly close to the ground.

If the road surface is not up to standard, accidents will easily occur, and in order to eliminate the impact of airflow caused by air compression and the impact of the generated sound on residents along the line, special guardrails must be built on both sides of the track.

This kind of guardrail can not only have a sound-absorbing effect, but also affect the airflow during the running of the train, so that the airflow seems to push the train forward, further reducing energy consumption, and at the same time making the train run more stable.

Especially in areas with complicated air flow, such guardrails are indispensable. At the same time, when two vehicles meet, the guardrails also play a great role.

Because of such a high speed, when the two trains meet, the relative speed exceeds the speed of sound, and a sonic boom will occur, especially when the airflow of the two trains affects each other, causing great damage.

The cost of this special guardrail is not low, it is not made of ordinary materials, and it also has high structural requirements, otherwise it will not be able to stabilize the train.

The second aspect is the cost of the permanent magnet track. The current maglev train is to lay coils on the track and form a magnetic field after electrification, which will fight against the magnetic field on the train and make the train float.

Although the cost of this approach is indeed low, the maintenance cost is high.

Moreover, electricity is also consuming electric energy every moment, which increases operating costs.

There is no such problem with the permanent magnet track. As long as the magnetism does not fade, it can be used all the time, and the service life is relatively high. It is the most ideal choice for the magnetic levitation track.

It's just that the current good permanent magnet materials require the use of rare earth elements, which are not only expensive, but also have very low reserves, which simply cannot support such a huge construction plan.

So he uses relatively common materials, but he just wants to achieve good results and has a long service life. The manufacturing process is quite complicated, which increases the overall cost.

Fortunately, the manufacturing process is complicated, and there is no problem of insufficient materials. As long as it is mass-produced, the cost may still be reduced, that is to say, the more you use, the cheaper it is.

As for the construction of a high-speed maglev transportation network, the single cost is the highest here. If the cost can be reduced in this link, the average construction cost may drop to 300 million yuan, or even lower.

The third aspect is that the cost of the train is very high. The ultra-high-speed maglev train uses a lot of new materials, because the general materials are not used at all.

The materials used above must first have sufficient strength and good tensile strength, and have high requirements for the ability to deal with vibrations. It can even be said that the requirements for materials are higher than those required by aircraft.

Because the plane only flies in the sky, but the high-speed maglev runs on the ground at the speed of the plane, the environment to be dealt with is more complicated than that of the plane, and the material requirements are naturally higher.

The second is that the weight should be light, which can not only reduce energy consumption, but also reduce the overall inertia, and perform better in terms of starting and braking.

The most important thing is to be able to use the special aerodynamic force formed by the special guardrail to drive the train with higher energy efficiency, which means it can run faster and save energy.

If it is a maglev train made of ordinary materials, it is very difficult to run at a speed of 800 kilometers per hour, not to mention their ultra-high-speed maglev train, which has a limit speed of more than 900 kilometers per hour.

If you don't care about energy consumption and other factors, it is also possible to run at a speed of thousands of kilometers per hour, but it is just not cost-effective to do so, and it is enough to reach a speed of 850 kilometers per hour.

In addition to the above-mentioned main cost factors, there are actually many other factors that lead to high costs, such as communication. We want to receive signals stably in such a high-speed environment, so that everyone can surf the Internet freely in the car.

Ordinary 3G communication networks are difficult to achieve, so special network communication equipment needs to be installed along the ultra-high-speed maglev line, and stable communication can be achieved through these equipment.

There is also the manufacturing cost of the whole vehicle. In order to achieve the optimal solution of aerodynamics, the manufacturing of the outer shell of the train is not so simple. They are all very particular and difficult.

Moreover, all kinds of electrical equipment used in it need anti-magnetic treatment, so that they cannot cause problems in use due to high-intensity magnetic fields, and at the same time, they can better protect the human body.

The magnetic field of the permanent magnetic track is still very strong. If it is not strong, how can it support such a huge object, not to mention that this is a permanent magnetic track for passenger and cargo.

The load capacity exceeds 30,000 tons, which belongs to heavy-duty rail transit. Long-term contact with the human body still has a certain impact on the body, which must be eliminated.

The electromagnetic coils in the train also use special room-temperature superconducting materials, which are more expensive than room-temperature superconducting materials used for power transmission and are more difficult to manufacture.

It can be said that the ability to make high-speed maglev run so fast and mature enough to achieve large-scale operation is behind the improvement of a whole set of industrial systems and technologies.

This requires a lot of investment in the construction of a complete set of industrial systems and technological upgrades, which will increase the cost of all aspects, so it is said that the more mileage is built, the more the cost will be reduced.

It is impossible for the country’s money to be used for only one thing. Money is needed in all aspects, and the funds invested in the ultra-high-speed maglev project are very limited.

Since it is difficult for the government to invest, if we want to accomplish this, we can only attract private investment, but private capital is not strong enough to allow foreign capital to intervene.

Therefore, his investment has become the key to the normal development of the project, and he is the only one who is the best partner, and there is almost no second candidate.

But if you want him to participate successfully, you must come up with a more reasonable plan so that each participant can obtain the interests he cares about, otherwise, no matter how rich he is, he will not want to get involved.

He thinks that the most important thing to accomplish this is to recognize their own positions. As actual investors, what they care about is the benefits brought by the operation.

What the government cares about is control. After all, such a transportation network is very important to the national economy and people's livelihood, and it is impossible for it to be completely controlled by a private company.

Therefore, it is necessary to classify management responsibilities and authority, hand over the highest management authority, and unconditionally cooperate with the government's relevant actions, even if it is to lose one's own interests.

At the same time, we must also accept the guidance of the government in terms of pricing. Under the premise of taking into account the reasonable interests of investors, the two parties negotiate pricing to achieve a degree of relative satisfaction for all parties.

To be honest, investing in the construction of an ultra-high-speed maglev transportation network does not make money. The model he most wants is to provide technical and equipment support in a stable manner, and earn much more money than operating this transportation network.

The most important thing is that there is no need to attract attention, everyone will only praise the technology of Huanyu Group, and there is absolutely no need to worry about the various possibilities caused by monopoly.

If it weren't for the fact that such a transportation network is so important to the country, after it is built, it will greatly stimulate the national economy. Everywhere in a huge country will become a development treasure.

He communicated his thoughts with Ye Zihua, and got Ye Zihua's approval, saying that they also thought the same way during internal discussions, otherwise the government would not trust them to manage it.

Moreover, Ye Zihua also added one thing, that is, to cooperate with the existing railway system personnel in management, and to make appropriate concessions in terms of interests, in order to obtain wider support.

Then Ye Zishu talked about his business philosophy. The first goal is to build an ultra-high-speed railway network to every prefecture-level city, so that each prefecture-level city has economic development potential and relieves them of transportation constraints.

The second goal is to realize the high-speed circulation of national cargo transportation. It is necessary to emphasize both speed and low cost, and to gain comparative advantages in many transportation fields.

The reason why he did this is that passenger transportation is not the main reason, but freight transportation is what he is very concerned about, otherwise he would not have designed such a high load capacity, it was just for freight transportation.

Although it was said earlier that it can achieve a load level of 30,000 tons, in fact he designed a maximum load of 50,000 tons. It is precisely because the standard is so high that the construction cost is also very high.

The third is to facilitate quick travel for people across the country. Compared with air travel, high-speed maglev travel has many advantages. If there is a choice, Ye Zishu believes that high-speed maglev travel is the best choice.

As for whether it will affect the air passenger transport market, he is not very worried. There is a large domestic population, and various modes of transportation have their own markets, so there will be no serious squeeze effect.

After chatting with Ye Zihua, let him formulate a negotiation plan according to his ideas, see if he can reach an investment cooperation with relevant departments, and make plans for various possibilities to avoid temporary confusion.

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