Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 789 Building a Large Particle Collider


It took him a day, but he still didn't finish the design. If he wanted to use such a large area reasonably, he needed to do a lot of design, not to mention the construction of gardens on it.

He didn't even finish the design of the underground laboratory in one day. He felt that it was a waste of time to do this. After he planned to finish the design of the underground laboratory, he didn't plan to design the buildings above it himself.

In fact, he does not have high requirements for living. The reason why he wants to build such a luxurious building is that it is a pity to waste it, and since he wants to do it, he wants to do the best.

The above buildings are going to be handed over to the designers of Wancheng Jiye. Whether they are domestic or foreign, they have top designers to cooperate with. There is no problem in designing a garden.

After they finished their dinner, the person in charge of the next-door village finally called and asked his father to come over and have a talk tomorrow, and of course he readily agreed.

All day the next day, Ye Zishu still nestled in his study, designing the underground laboratory, and finally completed all the design work before dinner.

There are five floors in the underground laboratory, and each floor has its own purpose. For example, the laboratory used for biological experiments is at the bottom, which is much safer. The upper floor is the chemical laboratory, and the upper floor is the physics laboratory.

The upper two floors are more complicated, mainly doing applied experiments, and most of his future work will be done on these two floors, so the area of ​​​​the two floors is also the largest.

Strict isolation has been carried out between the laboratories on each floor, and the materials used are not ordinary reinforced concrete, but super materials, ensuring that no matter what happens, the laboratory is safe.

In addition to these, there is a very tight life support system inside to ensure that it can still live below for a long time without relying on ground support.

Not to mention fires, floods, earthquakes and other natural disasters, even if a nuclear bomb explodes above, it will not have the slightest impact on the below, and the safety factor is absolutely top-notch.

In addition, it is the security design, he does not know what experiments he will conduct in it, there may be a lot of confidential experimental data, so ensuring safety is an important consideration.

It's a pity that his father went there to negotiate the next day, but there was still no result, and his father's quotation was raised to 90,000 yuan per mu. Some people agreed, but some people strongly disagreed.

I don't know if the other party has discussed it well. If they don't agree, I'm afraid that his father may turn around and leave. Now this kind of part agrees and part disagrees, it will be difficult to get off.

On the third day, they called again and asked to go over to talk. His father felt that this was not going to work, and they might have been manipulated by them, so he planned to send Ye Zihua over to talk, but he didn't go.

One is that if he doesn’t go there, it’s just an attitude.

That is, he is very dissatisfied with the current situation, and sending his youngest son there is just to give them face.

The second is that the New Year is coming soon, and there are quite a lot of food at home, many of which are good things brought by Ye Zihua, but the necessary items for the New Year are not prepared yet, and they need to go to the county to purchase.

So that day his father took his mother and Ye Ziqin to the county to buy new year's goods, and there were only him and Ye Ziqi at home.

Seeing the two of them at home, Ye Zishu and Ye Ziqi communicated with Ye Zishu Foundation in the study, mainly looking at the results of the foundation last year.

Last year, a total of 50 billion yuan was invested in 100 colleges and universities, and the number of funded basic scientific research projects reached 15,000. Most of the research projects did not cost much.

On average, each project is only more than 3 million yuan. This kind of research funding is really not high in the field of basic research. As long as you do a little experiment, it will exceed the standard.

Ye Zishu didn't say anything about it. It doesn't mean that the higher the project funding, the better the results. Now domestic researchers are relatively frugal, and every penny is two cents.

Of course, these colleges and universities are not the only place where they receive money. The state is also gradually increasing the support for basic scientific research funds, and the total amount is even higher than what he gave.

In the previous life, the country gave greater support to applied science. The main reason is that our country is also backward in applied science. With limited funds, it is obvious that the input-output ratio of applied science is higher, and it is more conducive to domestic economic development.

The current situation is that domestic applied science is developing very fast, especially in his industries, where many unprecedented technologies and equipment have emerged.

The country feels that the scale of investment in the field of applied science does not need to be so large, and it is a matter of course to shift a considerable part of investment to basic scientific research.

And if you want to invest in basic scientific research continuously for a long time, only the state can do it. Not to mention our country, basic scientific research in other capitalist countries is also state investment.

Because capital is not willing to invest in the field of basic science, they all want to make money, and most of the research results in the field of basic science are shared by everyone, basically making wedding dresses for others.

Moreover, if the results of basic scientific research are to be applied, it often takes many years, and it may not necessarily bring obvious economic benefits for dozens or hundreds of years.

After all, basic scientific research is for the future, it is human beings' in-depth understanding of the world, it is an attempt to decipher the essence of the world, and it is not for making money at all.

As basic science researchers, when they do research, they rarely go to the application level, and even they themselves don't know what the research results are useful for.

As he expected, although there were some research results last year, there were no particularly large results. If it were someone else, they would probably feel that the investment was not worth it.

But Ye Zishu understands that this is a normal phenomenon. Basic research often takes more than ten years, constantly moving towards the goal, and even takes several generations to understand a problem.

Therefore, he is not discouraged. The purpose of investing in this project is not to make money, and he doesn't even care about the research projects, but wants to cultivate more talents in basic disciplines.

In fact, there is no shortcut to cultivate talents in basic disciplines. There is only one stupid way, which is to spend money continuously, so as to produce a large number of talents in basic disciplines and top-notch basic science talents.

The overtaking on curves that was often talked about in the previous life is still possible in the field of applied science, but in the field of basic science, overtaking on curves is basically impossible, and the only way to do it is to spend money desperately.

When we spend more money than any other country in the world, our achievements in basic scientific research must be more than any other country, and we must train more basic discipline talents than any other country.

When Ye Zishu proposed to continue to invest 50 billion yuan in the field of basic science this year, Ye Ziqi was surprised. She thought it was just a whim of her elder brother.

According to what he said, 50 billion yuan will be allocated to support basic scientific research every year in the future. She doesn't understand this kind of approach. This is not what an entrepreneur and businessman should do.

Seeing Ye Ziqi's doubts, Ye Zishu had no choice but to explain: "This matter seems to have nothing to do with me as a businessman, so it is a big mistake to think so.

If it is an ordinary businessman, there is no need to do this at all. If you are really involved, you are a fool, and you are just making wedding dresses for others.

However, the industries under my umbrella are very large, and the industries under my umbrella will benefit first or the most from breakthroughs in basic science.

What's more, the current domestic scientific research situation is far behind compared to foreign countries. The development of technology in these years is caused by special circumstances. Whether it can be sustained depends on whether the internal scientific research motivation is sufficient.

And if you don't invest in the field of basic science, the top domestic talents will just go to other places, and you can't let them waste their time in China, it would be a waste of their talents.

Even for the purpose of retaining top domestic talents, it is worth investing this money every year, because top talents can not only produce top research, but also cultivate top next-generation talents.

What's more, this amount of money is a huge amount of money to others, but to your brother, this amount of money is not very large, even if you invest it every year, you can still afford it. "

Ye Ziqi still doesn't know much about scientific research, although because she is the person in charge of the foundation, she is also dabbling in knowledge related to scientific research while studying this major.

But after all, she has only just entered university, and she is a complete newcomer. It is difficult for her to have a deep understanding of scientific research in a short period of time.

Now that the eldest brother has made up his mind, she naturally won't say anything, although she doesn't know how much assets the eldest brother has, and it seems that the second brother is not rich.

But she also understands that the second brother is actually taking advantage of the big brother's favor, and he can make so much money with a little light, and the big brother will only make more money, so there is no need to worry about him going bankrupt because of this.

"Then the money will be distributed as before?" Ye Ziqi asked.

Ye Zishu thought for a while, shook his head, and said: "Although this is okay, but only some small research projects can be carried out. I think that in order to speed up domestic basic science research, we need to build a group of advanced basic science research facilities. .

If the money is divided equally among schools as it was last year, it will be difficult to focus on major tasks, and basic scientific research facilities often cost a lot of money, especially in the most cutting-edge basic physics research field. "

Hearing this, Ye Ziqi almost blurted out: "I heard that Europe is carrying out the Hadron Collider project, preparing to conduct experimental verification of the basic physical model."

Of course, he had heard the news. After all, it was impossible for him not to pay attention to such an important news. The project was announced the year before last, and the idea of ​​building this kind of device had been conceived in 1980.

The research time of this project is very long, reaching 14 years. The first experiment was carried out in 2008. It is an important tool for the verification of modern physical models, and a large number of scientific research results have been born.

The reason why Ye Ziqi knew this was because after becoming the chairman of the foundation, he was very sensitive to news in the field of science, so he deliberately learned about this information in detail.

Under normal circumstances, his 50 billion yuan is not enough to build similar projects, and the investment of tens of billions of dollars is too huge.

But if he really wants to do it, he is sure that so much money will not be needed at all, because he can provide a lot of technical support and save a lot of money.

"You mean we can try to make one too?" Ye Zishu asked with a smile.

"I don't know, I don't understand these things, I just think that our country wants to make achievements in the field of basic physics, this is a good breakthrough, and it can also cultivate a large number of talents.

I just heard that it is very difficult to build such a device. Whether we have the ability to build it is also debatable. It is already later than their project approval. If the construction time is longer, we can only catch up with the soup.

In this case, is it worthwhile for us to invest? We can't verify what others have already verified. At that time, the results will be made by others, and no matter how much we toss, the harvest may not be great. " Ye Ziqi said.

It is not bad that Ye Ziqi has this understanding. Although the results of basic scientific research are shared by all mankind, there is still a big gap between who comes first.

If our country makes a lot of achievements in this field, it means that basic physics and high-energy physics talents from all over the world will flow to our country, which will bring many benefits.

"You don't have to worry about that, we are fully capable of building such a device, and the time we spend will be shorter and the equipment will be more advanced." Ye Zishu said with a smile.

Hearing his words, Ye Ziqi asked in an uncertain tone: "Brother, do you mean that we also invest in such projects?"

"That's what I mean. Although we also have scientists participating in their project, they are all marginalized. They are just to accumulate experience. It is almost impossible to get a lot of results based on this.

If we have such a device ourselves, then we don’t need to look at other people’s faces, and we can do whatever research we want. Even if our ability is a bit weak for a while, we can catch up in many experiments, don’t you think? "Leaf Book said.

"Do we have enough money? I heard that it will cost a lot of money to build such a device." Ye Ziqi understood it clearly, and raised his concerns.

"Don't worry about that, we just want to spend a small amount of money to accomplish big things, and 50 billion yuan is enough for us to build a collider device that is even more advanced than theirs." Ye Zishu is still very confident in this regard.

Since he said so, Ye Ziqi of course had no objection, and immediately said that he would go all out to try to establish this project as soon as possible.

Ye Zishu asked her to contact the 100 collaborating colleges and universities immediately after the Chinese New Year to jointly set up a project team, and then invite domestic talents related to basic physics and high-energy physics to participate.

And this project also needs to win the support of the state. After all, the construction of such a large-scale device requires a lot of procedures, and many things are difficult to do with them.

"As for the technology of building this kind of equipment, I will spend a little time researching it, and I will definitely not delay your business," Ye Zishu said.

Ye Ziqi heard that he was here to make it, and wanted to say something, but in the end, he swallowed it, nodded and agreed.

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