Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 790: Cheap and easy-to-use particle collider


After Ye Ziqi went out, he didn't wait until the next year to discuss the matter with various universities, but directly took out his laptop and logged into the foundation's internal system.

It contained the contact information of various universities across the country. According to the contact information in it, she called the principals of each university in person and told them the news.

It's the end of the year now, and a lot of work has actually stopped. Calling them is to let them prepare in advance and select elite soldiers to participate in this matter.

At the same time, let them contact the top scientific research personnel of other scientific research institutes in China. In this regard, Ye Ziqi's energy is relatively small, and they need to rely on their strength.

In addition, she also called the leaders of the relevant departments of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. After all, such a large project, the Chinese Academy of Sciences cannot be ignored, and its energy is much greater than that of the foundation.

Ye Zishu was thinking about how the particle collider should work. He had many technical solutions in his mind, all of which could realize ultra-high-speed particle collision experiments.

It's just that what he needs to consider is not just to achieve it, but to achieve a higher goal at a limited cost, and at the same time reduce the cost of use.

Like the LHC (Large Hadron Collider), the energy consumption is too high. One experiment will consume the electricity of a small city, and the preparation time will take several months. The efficiency is too low and the cost of use is too high.

It would be best if one machine could be used for multiple purposes. After all, only one type of experiment could be carried out at such a high cost, which seemed a bit wasteful to him.

To be honest, he doesn't really need a particle collider to verify whether there are smaller particles, nor does he need to use this equipment to verify the Big Bang theory.

Because there are ready-made discourses in these virtual libraries, and virtual laboratories can also do such experiments, and the effect is much better than outside.

But these are only known to him. Even if he writes it into a paper, it is just an unconfirmed scientific guess. The so-called invisible is false, and experiments need to be used to prove its authenticity.

This is also the reason why he is too lazy to write a thesis. After writing it, he has to face so many people's questions. He dislikes troublesome and advanced theories, and others may not accept them.

What's more, the progress of the entire civilization requires a gradual process. Going too fast is not necessarily a good thing, and it may end in tragedy.

Ye Zishu intertwined various thoughts in his mind, and gradually integrated the originally scattered thoughts, and gradually became clearer. It only took him half an hour.

With a clear idea, it is natural to verify it, so he directly entered the virtual laboratory, and according to his idea, he built the experimental device in his mind in the virtual laboratory bit by bit.

Things that are extremely difficult outside, he can easily complete with just one thought in the virtual laboratory. It only took him an hour to build this kind of equipment.

The final set of equipment is actually not big, far less exaggerated than lhc, with a total length of only 1 kilometer, using adjustable stepless magnetic confinement technology and acceleration technology.

Accelerated collision experiments of all charged particles can be realized, that is to say, this device can complete both proton collisions and electron collisions, and even proton-electron collision experiments can also be carried out.

And there is no need to build it underground, because the outer layer of this equipment is wrapped with special materials, which can effectively prevent the intrusion of charged particles and play a very good anti-interference effect.

This special material is ready-made, which is the material used in the neutrino detection system of Baihu Technology Company. This material can even block neutrinos, let alone electrons and particles larger than electrons.

Therefore, this set of equipment does not need to be built 100 meters below the ground, it can be placed directly on the ground. At the same time, it does not need to use too many supporting devices, such as a low-temperature superconducting cooling system.

Because he has room temperature superconducting materials under his banner, he does not need to use liquid helium to cool and accelerate the high heat generated during the acceleration process like lhc, but uses more advanced super thermoelectric materials.

The generated heat is directly converted into electrical energy, so that during the operation of the whole device, the energy loss ratio is very low, and the use cost is greatly reduced.

In fact, what is more complicated is the detection system. For this reason, he needs to develop more advanced sensors to detect the operating status and collision effect, and the formed data can be analyzed by scientific researchers.

The entire experimental device is also very simple, with acceleration equipment at both ends and collision data detection equipment in the middle, in order to achieve the acceleration of different particles and the requirements for collision tests at different speeds.

Accelerators at both ends can be combined freely, as long as you want, you can infinitely approach the speed of light, but the object with rest mass needs more energy as it approaches the speed of light.

Although this system is very advanced, a large number of technologies are already mastered by his subordinate companies, or have similar technologies. He only needs to provide upgraded technologies.

Therefore, the ready-made industrial chain system can be used to produce a considerable part of the parts, and the cost will not be particularly high, not to mention the research cost is also saved a lot, because the technology has already been fixed by him.

Although he doesn't know the exact cost now, he roughly estimated that this set of equipment would only cost 5 billion yuan based on the production cost.

There are several reasons why it is so cheap. The first reason is that it makes full use of existing advanced technologies and products, and does not need to build additional supporting industries.

The second reason is that the research and development did not cost a lot of money, because these technologies are all provided by him, even if they are not ready-made, it does not need to cost too much money for him.

The third reason is that it is small in size, fully utilizes advanced materials and technologies, realizes dimensionality reduction of complex systems, and naturally lowers construction costs.

The fourth reason is that the conditions are not so harsh. There is no need to dig a hole, and it can be built directly on the ground, which can also save a lot of cost.

Without him providing various technologies and various ingenious designs, the cost of building this system from scratch would be much higher than that of a super-large device, because sometimes spending money may not be able to get it done.

According to the market price, it is absolutely no problem to sell this set of equipment for 50 billion yuan, and he also intends to claim 50 billion yuan. After all, his technology also needs to be calculated, so that the value of the technology can be reflected.

After the virtual laboratory was built, he personally conducted various experiments, then analyzed the collected data, and compared and verified it with the basic theories he had learned before.

After some comparison and verification, it was found that they were basically consistent, indicating that this device is indeed real and effective, rather than something that is not useful.

A great advantage of the virtual laboratory is that it automatically collects experimental data and organizes it into technical documents, so the device he built in the virtual laboratory does not require him to write technical documents himself.

When he read the automatically formed technical information from beginning to end, he found that there was no difference from the idea in his mind, and the language was more concise and organized.

When he left the virtual laboratory, the sky outside had already darkened, and he found that he didn't even eat lunch, and Ye Ziqi didn't call him to eat.

So he went out of the study and went downstairs, just in time to see his parents with Ye Ziqin and Ye Zihua moving in the New Year's goods from the car, but Ye Ziqi was not there.

Seeing him, Ye Ziqin immediately yelled: "Brother, I've been running for a day, and you came just in time, hurry up and help move things in."

After finishing speaking, regardless of whether Ye Zishu agreed or not, he just sat on the sofa, rubbed his calf, and looked like he wanted to rest, which made him feel very helpless.

He didn't have time to talk about her, seeing his parents and Ye Zihua's busy figures, he hurried forward to help, forgetting about Ye Ziqi not calling him for lunch.

After they moved all the things into the house and put them away, Ye Ziqi slowly came down from the stairs. When he saw Ye Zishu, he said embarrassedly: "Brother, I forgot in a hurry, I didn't cook at noon."

Hearing her words, Ye Zishu didn't mean to blame, but just said: "We are family members, it's okay to be hungry, and it's not good if the security guards are also hungry. Be careful in the future."

The duty of the security personnel is to be in charge of safety. As agreed at the beginning, food and lodging are included, and the security personnel do not need to help with other things, so the security personnel cannot be used as servants.

Moreover, he is not used to the presence of strangers in his life. He usually brings security personnel with him when he travels. When he is at home, it is best not to have security personnel appear in front of his eyes.

Just like when he and Pei Qing stayed in the capital, when the two returned home, the security personnel consciously went to the next room to stay, usually without any sense of presence.

Ye Ziqi nodded to show that he understood, and Ye Zishu didn't continue talking, but discussed about dinner. Hearing that his parents bought a lot of steak meat, he planned to eat fried steak tonight.

The main reason is that the parents have been busy all day, and it is tiring to cook meals for so many people. Frying steak is very simple, and this work is directly handed over to Ye Zihua.

After he was rich, he had eaten and cooked a lot of steaks, so it was most suitable for him to be the chef. Fortunately, Ye Zihua didn't object and accepted the task gladly.

His parents bought high-end steak meat produced by Qilin Agricultural Development Group, and it was specially produced according to domestic eating habits.

Domestic steaks like to be fully cooked, because if they are not fully cooked, they will have blood streaks, which is unacceptable to Chinese people. The biggest feature of this kind of steak is that it is still tender and delicious after being fully cooked, without a trace of firewood.

And it's very simple to make. Put it directly in the pan and fry until the surface is golden on both sides, which means that the inside is fully cooked and it smells rich in meat.

But the price of this kind of beef is not sky-high. A 250g steak costs only 50 yuan. Although it is much more expensive than ordinary beef, it is very common compared with those high-end beef.

And the quality of this kind of steak is better than other so-called high-end beef. If it weren't for the domestic dislike of eating raw meat, this kind of steak is the best raw meat without worrying about bacteria.

The reason why they are sold cheaply is that their production cost is very low, and they can be produced in large quantities. There is no need to sell such high prices. It is also a good choice for ordinary people to spend less money to enjoy top-quality meat.

If it weren't for the relatively limited production capacity and the fear of impacting the existing meat market, Kirin Agricultural Development Group could further lower prices.

In addition to producing this kind of beef suitable for making steaks, they also produce all kinds of beef used in Chinese food, and the quality is much better than livestock beef.

His parents not only sold a large amount of high-quality beef this time, but also sold a lot of mutton, the price was similar to beef, and it was also produced by Qilin Agricultural Development Group.

Because the price is more expensive than the current salary, most people just buy some to go home and taste. It is rare for him to buy dozens of catties like his parents.

Of course, there is no need to worry about not being able to finish the food. With so many people in the family, it is not clear whether it will be enough for the new year. In order to store these meats, I even sold a large freezer.

Ye Zishu didn't eat lunch, and ate four steaks for dinner, that is, two catties of beef. The security personnel who also didn't eat lunch ate more than him, with an average of 6 steaks per person.

Others also ate two to three pieces. The main reason is that the taste is very good. Even a well-cooked steak still has the feeling of melting in the mouth, and the smell of fried meat makes people want to eat it again. It is very delicious. appetite.

Ye Zihua was the last one to eat. After taking the first bite, he couldn't help admiring: "This taste is really good, even better than the top steak I ate before."

Ye Zishu said angrily: "I don't even look at who provided the technology, and I don't dare to do porcelain work without some diamonds. The Qilin Agricultural Development Group can become a giant just by relying on its meat production technology."

Ye Zihua is deeply convinced of this, and the Tidal Investment Company he manages has also invested a large sum of money, but it is hard to say whether he can get it back.

Nominally, it was an investment in the Kirin Agricultural Development Group, and the shares were calculated, but Tidal Investment Company did not have much supervisory power, and did not plan to manage the investment.

They didn't even plan to recover the investment. First, they thought the recovery cycle was too long, and there was no hope in the short term. Second, they were left-handed and right-handed.

If Ye Zishu said that the account was written off, it was really a write-off, and it would be regarded as giving the money from Tidal Investment to Qilin Agricultural Development Group.

At present, the calculation of shares is just a formality, just like other companies investing large sums of money in Wancheng Foundation, they have never thought about recovering the investment, and have already planned to treat it as a muddled account.

"It's just that this group spends too much money, and it should be in the foreseeable future to make money." Ye Zihua said while eating.

"This is also the current situation. In the future, the level of national consumption will be high, and the cycle of cost recovery will be greatly shortened." Ye Shu said.

Ye Zihua thought about it for a while, and this is indeed the truth. If everyone in the country can treat this kind of beef as daily meat, the meat business alone can earn several trillion yuan a year, not to mention other businesses are not bad.

As long as there is enough consumer market, Qilin Agricultural Development Group is really not afraid of other competitors.

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