Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 830 Artificial Intelligence 3.0 Ru0026D completed


After the press conference, Pei Qing was busy again. A large number of new medical technologies were displayed at this year's conference, which attracted the attention of the global medical industry.

Many large medical institutions and even national representatives came to discuss cooperation one after another. Taiji Group has certain support and preferential policies for third world countries.

However, the previous discounts are only applicable to the previous pharmaceutical and medical equipment products, and new negotiations are required for new products, so every country pays more attention to this.

If the negotiations are good, not only can you get preferential prices, but you can also get a part of free assistance, which is very important for countries with underdeveloped economies.

In developed countries, medical institutions usually come to negotiate on their own, but they are not entangled in price. After all, Taiji Group can generally make a final decision on this aspect.

After all, for such advanced medicine and equipment, there is no other company except Taiji Group, which is a monopoly operation, not to mention that Taiji Group has a good sense of proportion, and everyone can accept it without a big mouth.

They came to negotiate mainly to get more goods. After all, the initial output is still very limited, but the market is often very large in the early stage, and the output generally cannot meet the market demand.

If they can get more goods, it means that they have more markets, and some medical institutions even offer higher prices, hoping to give priority to supply.

Some of these cooperations require Pei Qing to participate in the negotiations in person. Even if the negotiations are completed, she will be busy just signing in the past.

Moreover, it is not suitable for her to use a substitute to replace herself on such a grand occasion. It's fine if she doesn't know. If the other party finds out, she will feel disrespectful to them.

These cooperations are generally negotiated a few years ago, and will be officially supplied to the market after the next year, so Pei Qing is still quite busy in the past ten days or so.

Ye Zishu continued to invest in the research and development of artificial intelligence 3.0. Sometimes he felt that he had fallen into a dead end, but he couldn't find a way out.

He can only bite the bullet and find solutions to the existing problems one by one, but artificial intelligence 3.0 is still not what he imagined.

But this stupid method finally had some effect. After more than half a month of hard work, he barely achieved the effect he wanted to see, at least it was enough for now.

Ye Zishu originally planned to enable artificial intelligence 3.0 to think metaphysically, "metaphysical" is called "Tao", and "metaphysical" is called "device".

If AI 3.0 achieves "metaphysical" innovation capabilities, it means that AI 3.0 will completely surpass humans and become the most powerful tool.

Obviously, it is very difficult to achieve this effect.

During this period of time, he felt that he had lost a lot of hair, and he still hadn't solved this problem. He could only have a super innovative ability at the "physical" level of "tools".

The difference between the two is very big. Taking medicine as an example, Western medicine often focuses on the treatment of a certain disease, and develops therapeutic drugs and methods that can target this disease.

In his opinion, this kind of research method is actually a "physical" research, which can only solve a certain problem, but cannot solve a certain type of problem, or the overall problem.

Once you encounter a disease that does not have such symptoms, you will be helpless, and you will not be able to get guiding opinions from the existing theories. This is the disadvantage of Western medicine.

In fact, Chinese medicine has a bit of a "metaphysical" taste. It treats the human body as a whole and gives a complete set of theoretical knowledge, rather than being entangled in a certain disease.

Although doing this requires a high degree of innate talent to learn it, once you learn it thoroughly, you will not only be able to treat one or two diseases, but will have a certain ability to diagnose and treat almost all diseases.

In the face of the "metaphysical" "Tao", the "metaphysical" "apparatus" is obviously inferior, just like his "Systematic Medicine", which is actually a summary of the "metaphysical" of medicine.

Therefore, what everyone sees and understands from the book "Systematic Medicine" is different, and they will improve their respective medical field levels according to their different understandings.

Of course, there are also a large number of people who can't understand the meaning of this book at all. Since it has guiding opinions on the whole medicine, it is also written in a very abstract way, so it is naturally difficult to understand.

If artificial intelligence has the ability of "metaphysical" innovation, it is equivalent to holding a "dao instrument" in his hands, and the meaning of its existence goes without saying.

It’s just that after unremitting efforts, with his current ability, he still can’t do this. The current artificial intelligence 3.0 can only be said to have reached the peak of the “metaphysical” and has never been able to break through to the “metaphysical” “Tao” realm.

He thought it was not his own technical problem, but a problem of thinking or thinking, and he didn't understand the key point, so he simply gave up, so let's leave it at that.

He has thought about all kinds of methods. After the algorithm design failed to meet expectations, he tried to use human philosophy books to train artificial intelligence, hoping to be effective.

In fact, it is useless. After the artificial intelligence learns, although it can use these philosophical ideas proficiently, it is powerless to let the artificial intelligence create a set of philosophical ideas by itself.

However, it does have the ability to innovate on existing philosophical ideas and extend existing philosophies, but what he wants is not this, but artificial intelligence can create a new set of philosophical theories by itself.

The former can only show that artificial intelligence is very successful in learning philosophy, mastered it proficiently and can innovate on the basis of predecessors, while the latter shows that artificial intelligence has the ability to think truly intelligently, and the two are not at the same level.

Enlightenment is very illusory. If the opportunity does not come, even if you think about it all day long, you may not be able to figure it out. If the opportunity comes, you may be enlightened and enlightened at a certain point.

Now that he didn't understand the key point, he simply stopped digging into the dead end and put the matter aside, maybe one day he will be able to understand the key point.

So he had no choice but to designate the artificial intelligence with "metaphysical" ability as version 3.0. When he suddenly realized in the future, let artificial intelligence have "metaphysical" ability, and set it as version 4.0.

When the new artificial intelligence comes out, it is natural to make a major update to the artificial intelligence used by its industries. He temporarily deploys artificial intelligence 3.0 on the super quantum computer of Baihu Technology Company.

Then arrange for Baihu Technology to produce a super quantum computer for each of its major groups, so that there is no need to worry about leaking secrets, and it can bring a certain amount of income to Baihu Technology.

The price of a super quantum computer is very expensive, and the price of one is as high as 10 billion yuan. Of course, if it is sold to the outside world, it is estimated that each 100 billion yuan will be flocked to by people.

As for the supercomputers originally used by these groups, if they are still needed, they can be kept, and if they are useless, they can be sold, and they can get a sum of money back.

After all, the supercomputer they are using is still very advanced in the market and can be sold at a good price. It can also be processed domestically at a low price, and it can also enhance the strength of various domestic fields.

With super quantum computers in each of his companies, it means that they have strong productivity. With artificial intelligence 3.0, he can't even imagine the future results.

To be honest, with the combination of super quantum computer, artificial intelligence 3.0, and universal robot, he can actually no longer use ordinary employees under his banner.

Through these three, his huge industry can be operated, and at the same time, the efficiency is much higher than now, and the development momentum is definitely stronger than now.

It's just that his idea is not easy to realize. At present, there is no perfect system to guarantee the interests of ordinary people. No matter how advanced the technology is, he must ensure that the lives of ordinary people will not be affected.

Otherwise, no matter how advanced technology is, it will lose its meaning. Technology serves people and technology serves society. This is the true value of technology. If it is just a money-making tool in the hands of capital, it will lose its meaning and there is no need for progress.

Ye Zishu was also thinking about this issue when he was resting during this period. It stands to reason that he already has advanced productivity, but it is a pity that he cannot be better utilized for various reasons.

He believes that even if the employment of employees is guaranteed, it should not be at the cost of inefficiency. With such advanced productivity, it is better to let employees go home, and the company will give them free money every month.

In this way, the company can run more smoothly, be more efficient, and generate higher value, and employees don't have to come to work every day, so they can live comfortably and be good to everyone.

But he also has a worry, that is, whether doing so will cause human degradation. If human beings do not work for a long time and do not worry about survival, they will not have the motivation to work hard.

He only eats, drinks and plays all day long. Over time, degeneration is likely to occur. This is obviously not what he wants. Technology serves human beings, but it does not intend to completely replace human beings. There is still a difference between the two.

The best result he hopes is that human beings will get rid of the predicament of survival, and everyone can freely study the knowledge they are interested in, so as to realize the overall progress of the whole society.

But whether it will develop in his ideal direction, he is not sure, anyway, he put himself in his place and thought about it, if it was the previous life, if he was comfortable at home and could get money every month, he would definitely be so comfortable.

And human beings are also sailing against the current in nature. In this process, they must be accompanied by pain. If there is no pain, there will be no progress, because every time of pain is a time to break through oneself.

Just like human learning knowledge, if there is no pressure to survive, the meaning of learning knowledge will be gone, because the fundamental purpose of human learning knowledge is not to understand the splendid galaxy, but to survive better.

It can be said that the learning behavior of all animals is for better survival. Without the pressure of survival, there will be no motivation to learn, and without motivation to learn, it will inevitably degenerate gradually.

What he wants now is a system that can ensure that human beings are generally positive and show great innovation capabilities, and at the same time, they don't need to be all for livelihood as before.

This is a question he has been thinking about for a while, and there are some results. He can't wait until the high-level annual meeting to announce the new system.

According to his original thinking, he never thought that it would take at least 20 years to develop so fast and enter a production society dominated by artificial intelligence, so that he would have time to make adjustments.

Now he is getting technology a little faster. In a few years, super quantum computers, artificial intelligence 3.0 and universal robots have appeared.

If there is controllable nuclear fusion, human society already has the basis for change. Although he has not yet come up with controllable nuclear fusion, super solar power generation technology has a certain degree of substitution to a certain extent.

Especially in a big country like ours, there are too many places where solar power generation facilities can be installed, and currently only solar power generation facilities have been built in Qinghai.

In fact, if all the vast land in the west is covered with solar power panels, the power generated will not be less than that of controllable nuclear fusion, and it will be able to continuously deliver energy to the entire society.

The only difference is the cost issue. Although he has reduced the power generation cost to the extreme, it is still a bit expensive compared to the power generation cost of controllable nuclear fusion.

With so many advanced technologies, no one can't help but want to take a few steps forward. This is like a person with a lot of money, but eats chaff all day long, how can he not feel uncomfortable.

It is difficult for him to reach a consensus with the whole society. After all, society is not dominated by him. The more interests involved, the more troublesome it will be, and there may even be things that he doesn't want to see happen.

So now he can only promote reforms under his own banner. As long as more people gather under his banner, things will be easier to handle. At that time, he will be able to achieve what he wants without wrangling.

Baihu Technology currently owns three super quantum computers, two of which are used by Baihu Technology and one used by him, but it has been empty before.

Now he deploys artificial intelligence 3.0 on this super quantum computer. As for the other two super quantum computers of Baihu Technology Company, let them run artificial intelligence 2.0.

After the deployment of artificial intelligence 3.0, the actual environment test was carried out, all of which achieved the design effect, and the powerful ability made him, the creator, feel a little shocked.

And his test is very simple, that is to let artificial intelligence simulate a virtual world by itself, and the degree of reality must exceed 50%, reaching the level of the virtual world he developed before.

He still remembers that in order to develop the virtual world, he spent a lot of effort and suffered a lot of crimes to simulate the reality of the virtual world to a level of 50%.

While artificial intelligence 3.0 is simulating the virtual world, it seems that the antelope is hanging horns, and it is very easy. It only took 3 hours to simulate a virtual world.

And the degree of reality is even higher than the virtual world he developed, reaching 55% of the degree of reality. If artificial intelligence 3.0 is allowed to continue to simulate with the help of super quantum computers, the reality of the virtual world will continue to increase.

It's just that the higher the level, the more difficult it is to simulate. It may be more than 80% of the simulation, and the progress will be very slow. Even with super quantum computers and artificial intelligence 3.0, it is difficult to go further.

Even he does not know if it is possible to simulate it to 100%. If it is possible, he is not sure how long it will take. Maybe it is meaningless to simulate millions of years.

However, seeing that artificial intelligence 3.0 has such a powerful ability to build a virtual world, he decided to let it continue to simulate. If it can reach 80%, it means that the virtual world effect he wanted before will be achieved.

In addition to allowing AI 3.0 to simulate the virtual world, he also allows it to establish connections with other AIs, and can follow the guidance of AI 3.0 in daily tasks.

That is to say, he arranged a leader for AI 2.0 to guide the 2.0 version of AI to work better, especially the work that requires innovation.

Artificial intelligence 2.0 can serve as a loyal executor, able to execute part of the instructions of artificial intelligence 3.0 well, so that it can better serve the society.

The artificial intelligence installed on the general robot is version 1.0, but he changed it slightly to make the original 1.0 artificial intelligence more suitable for robots.

After all, the computing power of robots is limited. How to use the limited computing power to make general-purpose robots behave more like humans. Human behavior is the main content of his upgrade to version 1.0, and the algorithm has been optimized.

After the 3.0 version of artificial intelligence is connected with the 2.0 version of artificial intelligence, this work is finally completed, and the subsequent work will be completed by each enterprise.

The upgrade of artificial intelligence needs to be accompanied by a series of tool upgrades. Originally, these tasks could be done by artificial intelligence 3.0, but in order to find something for the people below, we had to give up.

There are so many programmers in Phoenix Technology, if everything is done by artificial intelligence, they will have no work to do, and they must not panic, after all, they may be laid off if they do not have work to do.

After the upgrade, Ye Zishu held a short video conference with the heads of various companies under its umbrella, mainly talking about the upgrade of artificial intelligence, and asked them to make adjustments and arrangements.

For the current ordinary work, before the intervention of the general-purpose robot, the impact will not be great. The previous intelligent management system is sufficient and does not need to be adjusted too much.

What really needs to be adjusted is the systems related to R\u0026D in each enterprise. With the participation of artificial intelligence 3.0, the efficiency and level of R\u0026D will have a qualitative improvement.

When Ye Zishu told these business managers that the upgraded artificial intelligence has real scientific research capabilities, they were still shocked. They really couldn't imagine that artificial intelligence could do this.

If it hadn't been for Yeshu's strong research and development capabilities and never making jokes casually, everyone would have thought he was joking.

If artificial intelligence has real scientific research strength, what is the advantage of human beings? Like the top management of Kirin Basic Industry Group, they were lost in confusion.

Human beings claim to be the primates of all things, and now the pride of being the primates of all things has been replaced by the tool of artificial intelligence. As long as it is an individual, it will cause such confusion.

Since they even have scientific research capabilities, it means that they also have management capabilities. Will their managers face elimination? Even if they can continue to be in office, they will not be able to become an indispensable existence.

No wonder the boss doesn't care so much about the company they manage, and he doesn't check and balance them, as if everything in the company is entrusted to them, and they are here waiting for them.

With such excellent artificial intelligence and general-purpose robots, if something happens, it can take over at any time, and it will not have much impact on its industries.

Ye Zishu naturally understood their thoughts, so he took out what he had said to the senior management of Kirin Basic Industry Group, and said it again to reassure them.

As long as they work hard, he has no reason to target them, hello, hello, hello, everyone is better, there is no need to go to war.

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