Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 831 There is no suitable villa to buy


Time has entered January, and his properties are taking stock of the past year's operations, and it won't be long before they submit their annual financial reports to him.

Pei Qing, who was originally busy, suddenly became idle after January. She basically stayed at home and arranged for a double to handle her daily work.

Although there are still two months before the Chinese New Year, his industries are preparing for the end of the year, and grassroots employees often need to work overtime to stock up at this time.

Because the Chinese New Year holiday lasts for at least half a month, and during this half-month, the company's industries are basically at a standstill. Except for a small number of employees who are left to maintain basic operations, everyone has to go home for the New Year.

The Chinese New Year period is often the peak consumption season, and the requirements for material supply are higher. This leads to a mismatch between the market and production capacity, and it is necessary to prepare for stockpiling in advance.

Moreover, letting grassroots employees work overtime at the end of the year also allows them to get more salary before going home for the New Year. The overtime salary is twice the usual salary, and the income is still considerable.

For many grassroots employees, they are still willing to work overtime, but Ye Zishu is very strict with overtime requirements, and would rather hire more people than see employees often work overtime.

Drought to death, waterlogging to death, on the surface the salaries of its employees are high, but in fact they all work overtime in exchange for their bodies. No matter how high the salary is, it cannot cover up the fact that it is a sweatshop.

For other companies, there is a large gap between high and low income, which is easy to motivate employees to work hard for the company, but in his company, this is not necessary.

Especially now that we have super quantum computers, artificial intelligence 3.0 and universal robots, the previous concepts have to be completely changed, and productivity will not be the limiting factor under his banner.

What lies ahead now is to increase the purchasing power of the people. The future of economic development will depend less and less on productivity, but on the consumption power of the people.

If the people do not have enough consumption power, it means overcapacity. If the productivity is too high, it will lead to an economic crisis, and the economic operation mode will be fundamentally changed.

In the past, our country has been improving social productivity and neglecting the consumption power of residents. If he hadn't tried his best to raise the salary of his employees in the past few years, it is estimated that the domestic consumption power would be even worse.

Of course, this is also related to our country's previous economic development model, which relied on foreign trade to develop the economy, ignored the domestic demand market, and paid less attention to people's salary increases.

Because for the bosses, what they care about is to produce products at a lower cost, and then sell them to foreign customers, so as to obtain higher market competitiveness for the boss.

As for whether the employees can afford the goods, it is not within the scope of the bosses' thinking. This situation lasted for decades in the previous life. When technology and funds were expensive and scarce,

There is indeed some truth to this.

No matter what the social system is, in fact, the process of primitive accumulation involves blood. Especially when technology, capital and resources are not dominant, we can only sacrifice the physical labor of the majority of workers and exchange their bodies for wealth.

For him, these situations do not exist. Before, he only had technology but no capital, and he was still subject to certain restrictions. Now he not only has technology, but also has capital.

Although there are no resources, he can use technology to create resources. Although it cannot completely replace natural resources, it also reduces the dependence on natural resource endowment attributes to some extent.

So what he wants now is not how much money he can make from the external market, but how much money the people have to consume. If the people have money, his property will be more stable, instead of walking on one leg like before, and sooner or later he will fall.

"I've saved some money in the past few years and plan to build a villa!" Pei Qing said suddenly while eating.

He didn't expect Pei Qing to say this suddenly, which stunned him for a moment. He felt that the current situation was good and thought she was very satisfied, but he didn't expect that she would want to have her own villa.

Now her salary plus bonus is tens of millions of yuan every year. If she has no expenses, she should have saved about 50 million yuan.

It is enough to get a villa with a small area, but it is not enough to get a villa similar to the one Ye Zihua built in the capital.

He suddenly realized that Pei Qing didn't seem to get much benefit from following him. Even what he usually ate and drank was paid by Pei Qing. He didn't have much concept of money, and rarely spent money on his own.

He can have everything he wants, but he can't ask the people around him to be the same as him. If he has such thoughts, it will be very dangerous. Even if he is the person next to him, he can't ask her to live according to his own will.

The house they live in now is not small, with 200 square meters, which is much better than ordinary families, but compared with rich people, it is very different.

Now that Pei Qing told him that it is very rare to want to spend his own money to build a villa instead of asking to spend his money, he is a little fortunate that intellectual women in this era are still very independent.

"Why did you suddenly have an idea?" Ye Zishu asked.

"I used to be very busy. My home is just a place to go home and sleep. The requirements for living are not so high. Now that I have a robot substitute, I will have a lot of free time.

You are so housebound and stay at home all the time. The current house seems a bit small. If you stay at home for a long time, you will inevitably suffer from illness. If you change to a bigger house, the location of the house will not matter. "Pei Qing said.

Hearing what she said, it seemed that she was right. He was quite homebound in his previous life, and he was always working while staying at home, so he didn't feel bored.

Pei Qing is different, she is not a very homely person herself, now she stays at home with him whenever she has free time, it is entirely for his sake, not because of her nature.

Realizing that he had ignored Pei Qing's feelings, Ye Zishu still felt a little guilty in his heart, he actually didn't want others to change anything for him, he wasn't that overbearing yet.

It's just that he knows it's useless to say so, she will definitely stay at home with him, which is obviously unfair to her, and if she can't change her mind, he can only try to give her better conditions.

So he said: "I understand what you mean. I'm also thinking about building a villa during this period of time. You should keep your money for yourself, and you may use it in the future."

Although Ye Zishu tried to be as euphemistic as possible, because she was afraid that Pei Qing would think that she bought the villa because of her, but Pei Qing still felt a little uncomfortable, thinking that Ye Zishu had misunderstood her meaning.

"It's not what you think, I really want to change the villa by myself!" Pei Qing hurriedly explained.

Seeing her like this, Ye Zishu stood up and sat beside her, hugged her in his arms, and said: "I didn't misunderstand you, but you misunderstood me.

Although we didn't get a marriage certificate, as long as you believe that I am your man and you are my woman, and we are husband and wife, we should be connected in the same way.

It is completely unnecessary to divide the house so clearly. You may think that I am stingy. That is because I believe that the company's property belongs to the society and the general public, and I dare not use it for personal affairs casually.

As for the money in my personal account, you and I don't need to divide it so clearly, so you don't have to have too much psychological pressure, which will affect our future relationship. "

When Pei Qing heard what he said, she calmed down from her agitated expression. She lay in his arms, turned her head and gave him a kiss, and the two hugged each other, unable to separate for a long time.

Ever since Pei Qing talked about building a villa, Ye Zishu also kept this matter in mind, but building a villa is very troublesome and takes a long time to complete, obviously they can't wait that long.

So he looked through the asset information of Wancheng Foundation to see if they had any suitable villas under their umbrella.

The villa must meet at least a few requirements. The first requirement is a good location. It doesn't mean that it should be surrounded by mountains and rivers, but that it should be closer to the city center.

To him, this is actually not important, but to Pei Qing, it is very important. If you live in the suburbs, it is inconvenient to commute to get off work, and life is not very convenient.

The second requirement is better privacy. Even if it is in the urban area, it cannot be easily detected by the surrounding area. This is related to the safety of him and Pei Qing, and it is also conducive to the development of security work.

If you want to do this in the city center, you must have no tall buildings around, so you can't be in a particularly prosperous commercial area, but it can't be too deserted, which is relatively difficult.

The third requirement is that the area is large enough. Unlike other commodities, the house will be used for a long time, and he does not plan to change the house frequently. Naturally, the bigger the better, anyway, he is not short of money.

And no matter how big the house is, they don't need to clean it up, and they don't need to hire too many people to take care of it. They can all be taken care of by general-purpose robots, and they are not afraid of too many people disturbing them.

He is even considering whether to replace the current security team and use general-purpose robots to take care of his daily security work, after all, he has a higher degree of trust in robots.

And in comparison, when the robot is really in danger, it is less afraid of death and danger, and it can faithfully perform its duty of protecting him. As for other security personnel, it is hard to say.

Of course, if the security personnel are replaced, they will not lose their jobs. It is not difficult for him to arrange for them to be reemployed. As long as they can do the jobs under his banner, they can be arranged.

The fourth requirement is that the design should be very good. As mentioned earlier, living is a long-term thing. If the design is not satisfactory, living will not be very comfortable.

In fact, he doesn't care, but this villa is going to be given to Pei Qing, so naturally he can't be sloppy, every detail must be done in place, so that Pei Qing is absolutely satisfied.

After these four requirements, Ye Zishu looked at the properties under Wancheng Jiye, and found that none of them satisfied all of them, which made him a little depressed, but thinking about it, he took it for granted.

The current main task of Wancheng Foundation is to meet the housing needs of ordinary people. Although there are high-end residential projects and villa residential projects, the overall price is not very high.

There are indeed rich people in China, but there are definitely not many. No one is willing to spend hundreds of millions, or even more than one billion yuan, to buy a house. Villas that are too high-end may not necessarily be sold.

Therefore, the total value of the villa projects in their hands is less than 100 million yuan, which is already very high-end in China, but in his eyes, it cannot be called high-end.

Because Wancheng Foundation's current so-called villas are actually for the rich who have just become rich, and their tastes are not necessarily high.

Therefore, villas are basically townhouses, and single-family villas are also large-scale products. In his eyes, such villas have no characteristics and are not worth buying at all.

Not to mention that Pei Qing is satisfied, but if he lives in such a villa, he might as well live in the current flat floor, which may be more comfortable than these villas.

Moreover, the locations of these villas are relatively remote. It is impossible for Wancheng Foundation to build villas with a large amount of land in the city center. It is not a question of money, and the city government will not agree to them doing so.

Therefore, the villas in the city center are destined to be customized and developed in a fragmented state, so it is not surprising that there is no villa he likes, after all, the needs are different.

Just when he was about to shut down Wancheng Jiye's management system, he suddenly remembered that Ye Zihua had asked Wancheng Jiye to build a villa for him last year, and it was said that it had cost more than a billion yuan.

With so much money spent, it should be much more advanced than ordinary villas. At least a designer will be invited to design alone, which is very different from batch design.

The villa painted by Ye Zi was built by Wancheng Foundation. Naturally, there is information about this villa in Wancheng Foundation's database, and Ye Zishu found it.

After looking at it, not to mention, the taste of Ye Zihua is still in place. The villa covers a large area, reaching 10 mu of land, and it is located near Ditan Park on the North Third Ring Road.

There are no tall buildings around, privacy can be guaranteed, and it is near Ditan Park, and the air quality is also very good.

It is already a very good location to get a piece of land to build a villa on the North Third Ring Road, and it is such a large piece of land, it probably took a lot of money to get it.

The design style is generally modern, but it retains some styles of ancient houses, allowing the two to coexist in perfect harmony. The visual effect is very good, and the designer has profound design skills.

And it is not a single-family villa, but composed of five villas. In fact, each villa is very well designed, but the villa where the main family lives is more eye-catching.

It is also not clear why Ye Zihua designed five relatively independent villas, because usually there are not so many people living there, which is a bit wasteful.

But overall he thought it was pretty good, but after thinking about it, he still gave up the idea of ​​letting Ye Zihua sell it to him. Ye Zihua must have put a lot of energy into the villa with such care.

As the saying goes, a gentleman does not take away people's love, let alone his own brother, who almost built the villa with great difficulty, so he took it over, which is really unreasonable.

Although Ye Zihua definitely wouldn't say anything, but it was inevitable that he would have a knot in his heart. It was completely unnecessary to cause family disharmony for a house.

The second is that although the location is close to the city center, the location is very good, but it is a bit far for Pei Qing, because her place of work is in Haidian, and it takes a lot of time to drive.

It doesn't matter if it's inconvenient for him, after all, he doesn't need to go to work often, he stays at home all day, it doesn't matter where he lives, but it's not very convenient for Pei Qing.

Third, he was not sure whether Pei Qing liked it, and if Pei Qing knew that this villa was taken from Ye Zihua, it would be a great psychological pressure for her.

Moreover, it is so simple and rude that it cannot show that he attaches great importance to this matter, and no matter how high the value of the gift is, it cannot reflect his sincerity.

So he took a look, turned off the management system of Wancheng Foundation, and then called Guo Dongsheng, asking him to help him find a suitable place to buy a piece of land and build a villa by himself.

Guo Dongsheng grew up in the capital since he was a child, and is very familiar with the capital. Although he is not the president of Wancheng Jiye now, he has been there for a year or two anyway, and he still has a discerning eye for places.

Moreover, he has a wide network of contacts. As long as he has his eyes on a certain place and is willing to spend money, it will not be a big problem to get it. What's more, buying land for him is not a problem for many people. up.

The reason why they didn't look for Guo Dongmei was mainly because Wancheng Jiye was already very busy with his affairs, so there was no need to bother her about this matter, Guo Dongsheng was good enough to do this matter well.

Ye Zishu expressed his thoughts over the phone, and at the same time raised his requirements. As for the funds, there is no upper limit for the time being. For him, the amount of money to build a villa is also very limited.

Guo Dongsheng was very happy to take over this task, and promised to finish it well around the Spring Festival. Anyway, he didn't have much to do now, and he had enough time to be busy with it.

At the end of the phone call, Ye Zishu asked Guo Dongsheng to consider building a villa for himself. Although the courtyard house they live in is very nice, young people may not like it.

In the future, his wife and children may not be used to living in a courtyard house. If he can buy a piece of land now, he should hurry up, otherwise the price may be very high in the future, which will put him under great pressure.

Guo Dongsheng readily accepted his suggestion, saying that if there is a suitable one, he would also buy a piece of land to build a villa. After all, for him, there is still money to build a villa.

Not to mention the salary of him and Guo Dongmei, the courtyard house he invested with Ye Zishu is now worth a lot. A good courtyard house has already risen to hundreds of millions of yuan, and there is still room for improvement.

There are two main reasons. The first is that there are more and more rich people, and the capital is the best place in the world, which naturally has the effect of gathering wealth. Rich people all over the country want to go here.

The second is the scarcity of resources. After the large-scale construction of Wancheng Foundation, many courtyards with no historical value in the city center have also been demolished, and the rest are courtyards with historical significance.

And these courtyard houses are basically in the hands of him and Guo Dongsheng. If you have money, you may not be able to buy them. Naturally, if you want to buy them, you have to pay a high price.

It's just that both of them are not short of money, and they are not in a hurry to sell these courtyard houses. Even if the buyer is willing to pay a high price, it will be difficult to buy what they want in the market.

The third is the good location. The courtyard houses are all located within the third ring road, and there are even a large number of courtyard houses located in the first ring road. Every inch of land here is expensive, which further leads to high prices.

After hanging up Guo Dongsheng's phone call, Ye Zishu began to think about where the money would come from. After so many years of accumulation in his personal account, it was only about 300 million yuan, mainly from music revenue and book publishing revenue.

The income from music is getting less and less now. The reason is that there are more and more music, and the quality is not bad. His music, which was very popular before, has become less outstanding now.

On the contrary, the "Madman's Lie" written before is selling better and better, because his popularity is getting higher and higher, and this book is his only work, and it is an important way for many people to understand his thoughts.

In addition, the things written in the book are gradually becoming a reality, so this book is now not only a bestseller in China, but also a bestseller abroad, bringing him a lot of income.

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