Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 849 Supervision System, Smart Entrepreneurs and Early Retirement System

When talking with Pei Qing, the person in charge of the Taiji Group, Ye Zishu didn't say anything about their group. He already knew enough about the group, and he said everything that should be said.

Just so many people gathered together, Ye Zishu reiterated the matter of promoting employee medical insurance. As I said before, it is doing well, but in the face of new business and new formats, there may be some new changes.

For example, in the Hummingbird Life Service Company under Phoenix Technology, the delivery staff are not necessarily full-time employees, and there will be a large number of part-time workers. How to ensure their legitimate interests has become a problem that must be considered.

For these part-timers, other insurances are available in accordance with the law, but medical insurance must be purchased as a Qiangua member of Taiji Medical Group.

The safety risk of delivery workers is relatively high, running on the road all day, and the traffic management is not as strict as in the previous life, so it is very troublesome if there is a problem.

In addition to this, there are more or less part-time employees and interns in many of his industries, and it is difficult for these personnel to enjoy the benefits of regular employees.

He did not require that these employees receive the same treatment as regular employees, but the necessary benefits must still be in place, among which medical benefits are the most important.

After talking with each group individually, Ye Zishu began to talk about the important topics of this year's annual meeting. The above content is just to express his concern for each group, and it is not a big problem if he doesn't say anything.

"Everyone should know that Kirin Basic Industries Group has been able to mass-produce general-purpose robots, and the effect is very good. I have asked them to expand the annual production to 5 million units.

Each group can hire these general-purpose robots according to their own needs to do some jobs that are in short supply, or work that is relatively hard.

Just to prevent everyone from getting used to using general-purpose robots, the employment price is generally much higher than that of ordinary people, so you must be mentally prepared. "Leaf Book said.

Everyone knows this, and even some companies have hired some general-purpose robots, but the price is much higher than that of ordinary people, at least 50 more.

The employment price is determined according to the position. For example, the general robot hired by Baihu Technology Company pays 15,000 yuan per month for each robot. In fact, this is still a preferential price.

Civilian companies like them hire and participate in scientific research, and the price will be higher, starting at 20,000 yuan. Unless it is absolutely necessary, it is generally more cost-effective to hire ordinary employees.

After announcing this matter, Ye Zishu continued: "You also know that I rarely pay attention to your specific operations, and used to rely on management systems and intelligent management systems to promote the development of its industries.

At present, it seems that there are no problems encountered, at least few problems have been reported to me, which shows that everyone has done a good job and basically developed according to my ideas.

But it's really no problem at all, and I don't believe it. Such a huge industry, with countless employees and various interests involved, is not a problem but has a problem. "

Speaking of this, everyone at the scene looked a little serious, especially when he said there was no problem but there was a problem, as if he was certain that there must be a problem inside.

But as managers, they can't guarantee that there will be no problem at all, and it may not be in front of them.

"I'm not saying that you guys are not doing well, it's that people inevitably lack energy, no matter how strict the system and management are, there will be loopholes that can be exploited, and there is no perfect system in the world.

In the past, I didn't have a good way to do this. I also thought about setting up a supervision department to supervise the operation of its industries and maintain the healthy development of the industry.

It's just that everyone has desires, and if the supervisors have too much power, it will inevitably have a great impact on you, and may hinder the normal operation of the company, and you will all be in danger.

The power of the supervisors is too small, and it is useless to go there. Either they can't manage things, they are easy to be ignored, or they are in the same boat, using small powers to benefit themselves, but it is even more chaotic.

The appearance of the universal robot this time,

It can be regarded as a perfect solution to this problem. I am going to send general-purpose robots to your various groups and subordinate groups to act as supervisors.

These general-purpose robots will hold some executive positions in various departments, such as executive vice president, executive deputy manager, etc. In addition to being responsible for supervision work, they will also undertake business work.

The management of these general-purpose robots is all in charge of the background artificial intelligence. If I have time, I will also look at the relevant data.

As long as you follow the rules and seek development for the company, you can be treated as normal colleagues, and you don't have to worry about interfering with your work for no reason. "Leaf Book said.

I thought this approach would cause violent reactions. After all, these general-purpose robot supervisors are like emperors in various companies and departments.

I didn't expect everyone to hear his arrangement, but there was no reaction. Some people in charge even agreed with it very much. This was beyond his expectation. Could it be that everyone is so impartial?

"If you have any opinions and suggestions, as long as you are public, you can mention them!" Ye Zishu said with a smile.

Guo Dongmei was the first to speak and said: "I think it's good to do this. I used to supervise

Especially for a company like Wancheng Jiye with a large number of employees and a lot of business, supervision is a very troublesome thing, and it is also a very necessary thing, otherwise problems will easily arise.

In the past, we relied on on-site photos and videos, and supervised and inspected the site through artificial intelligence. Although it has achieved good results, it is absolutely impossible to achieve perfection.

Mr. Ye's doing this can be regarded as solving our big problem, and we can sleep peacefully in the future, and we don't have to worry about it all day long! "

Guo Dongmei's words were a bit exaggerated, because of this, she wouldn't be afraid to sleep unsteadily, otherwise Guo Dongmei's complexion would not be so good.

If it was Guo Dongsheng, it might still be like this. After all, his management ability is a bit weak, so he can only rely on stupid methods to ensure

"I think it's pretty good. To be honest, the scale of the company's business is getting bigger and bigger, the number of employees is getting more and more, and the business is located all over the world. It's a huge test for offline management.

If it weren't for the support of the intelligent system, it would be absolutely difficult for us people to control such a huge situation. As Mr. Ye said, the fact that there is no problem on the surface does not mean that there is really no problem.

Maybe there are problems beyond our control that have not been discovered. If we can have a group of inspectors who go deep into all levels, many things will be simple, and we, the management, can feel more at ease. "Pei Qing said with a smile.

The two people who were close to him both spoke and expressed their support for his decision. No matter whether the others are willing or unwilling, they cannot object at this time.

Opposition needs a sufficient reason. If real people are sent as supervisors, it can also be said that it may affect the normal operation of the enterprise.

Now the general-purpose robot is dispatched, which can completely represent the will of the boss, and there will be no such thing as a general-purpose robot using power for personal gain, which makes them unable to object at all.

Could it be that the boss doesn't trust him? If they really didn't trust them, they wouldn't be able to be presidents for such a long time. It was precisely because of the trust of the boss that these industries were completely entrusted to them.

Since this is not a reason, it should be a good thing for these high-level executives to have these inspectors stationed in the company, allowing them to

You must know that you have to bear certain responsibilities, and finding problems in the bud is also a kind of protection for them.

Seeing that everyone agreed to this arrangement, Ye Zishu was obviously very happy, and expressed his gratitude to everyone for their support for this system, and said that there were only advantages and no disadvantages for them.

The next step is to discuss how to arrange it. The number of employees in his entire industrial system is as high as 200 million, and how many supervisors can be arranged to play a role.

After discussion, and the current output of general-purpose robots is not very high, it is planned to arrange according to 1:1000, that is to say, the entire industrial system needs to arrange 200,000 robot supervisors.

Wait until there are enough general-purpose robots in the future, and then further increase the proportion. At present, the proportion is a bit small, and only key positions can be arranged.

In the future, this ratio may reach 1:500, preferably 1:100, so as to basically achieve absolute control over the entire industry.

Since these robot inspectors are also involved in specific work and not only do inspection work, they are not entirely a burden, but can also create real value for the enterprise.

However, since these inspectors have special tasks and cannot be treated completely like ordinary employees, the cost of hiring these general-purpose robots is based on the actual post salary, and does not need to be paid higher than the salary of ordinary employees in the same position.

However, the various welfare expenses that should be paid to ordinary employees must also be paid. Anyway, the cost of using general-purpose robots for these companies cannot be lower than that of ordinary employees in the same position.

If this is not done, it is estimated that many ordinary employees will be replaced by general-purpose robots in a short time. This phenomenon must be avoided before they are ready.

After talking about this matter, Ye Zishu continued: "These industries have achieved tremendous development under your leadership, and I have seen the dedication of you and all the employees.

However, the fields you are engaged in are relatively fixed, and they are all industries with large output value. It is difficult to achieve the goal of common prosperity only by relying on these industries.

Even if we give employees more salaries, it can only benefit these employees. There are still many people outside the industrial system who work long hours with low salaries.

You also know that I don’t really value money very much. The reason why I have to work hard to develop industries is to achieve common prosperity so that everyone can live a good life.

I am not very worried about the employees in our industrial system. As long as we maintain the current momentum of development and maintain our leading position in the world, we can guarantee the interests of these employees.

There is one thing that you may not be very clear about, that is, Baihu Technology Company has developed a super quantum computer, the computing power has reached a terrifying level, and even the entire solar system can be perfectly simulated.

With the blessing of artificial intelligence, super quantum computers and universal robots, the previous economic, technological and social development models will undergo tremendous changes, and we cannot think about problems based on traditional experience.

For example, this time I plan to send a large number of general-purpose robots to start businesses in various regions of the country, so as to drive the economic development of regions where you have not yet carried out industrial layout.

I call it the Smart Entrepreneurship Plan. This matter seems to have nothing to do with you, but in fact it has everything to do with you.

It is mainly reflected in two aspects. The first aspect is that smart entrepreneurs may cooperate with them and use your mature industrial system for development.

This should be a good thing for you, it can bring them more income, expand the radiation boundaries of your existing business, and have more partners.

The second aspect is that it does not rule out the relationship of competition. After all, the leader of this plan is not me, but artificial intelligence. I don't have the energy to take charge of this matter.

Although I will let artificial intelligence try to avoid the business you already have, it does not rule out that they will engage in joint business of your existing business, which will have some impact on your industrial development.

But generally speaking, the advantages to your existing industry should outweigh the disadvantages, and it will be of great help to expand your domestic business. I hope you can carry out more extensive cooperation.

Of course, the cooperation between you can be carried out according to the normal cooperation method without special care, but some precision equipment that was not sold to the outside world before, you need to open them for sale. "

Although Ye Zishu has said so much, everyone can't keep up with their brains. Can artificial intelligence start their own business now? This subverts their three views.

Entrepreneurship and being an employee are two different things. Entrepreneurship requires keen market insight, understanding of the world, being proactive, and being able to find solutions to problems in a timely manner.

It is not so troublesome to be an employee. You only need to complete the tasks assigned by your superiors step by step. It is understandable to use robots to do such work.

Seeing their expressions, Ye Zishu also knew what they were thinking, and said with a smile: "Although I don't manage the properties under my banner very much, I am not idle, and I still do some things.

Under the continuous iterative upgrade of artificial intelligence, the current capabilities far exceed your imagination, and you will gradually realize the beauty of it in the future. "

He also ignored the thoughts of these responsible persons, and continued: "Since artificial intelligence already has such a powerful capability, plus general-purpose robots can completely replace human labor.

Things have changed a lot. In the future, it will be less and less necessary for humans to participate in basic labor, but humans must be allowed to work, otherwise it will be divorced from reality.

So we need to make changes gradually, how to enjoy the fruits of advanced technology while ensuring human creativity, and make everyone's life easier.

I have made a decision here, that is, all employees who have worked for us for 20 years can apply for resignation in advance, and before reaching the national statutory retirement age, they can receive a pension equal to the average salary of their company.

However, after applying for resignation, they are still employees of the company and cannot work in other companies. If the company needs them, they must be available at any time.

When conditions permit in the future, the weekly working hours can also be reduced, from the current five-week break to three-four breaks, further reducing labor hours.

The above is my personal opinion. You can conduct research on it and implement it according to your own situation. After all, each company has its own actual situation, and it cannot be generalized. "

Regarding this regulation, everyone present thought about it, and felt that it was not a big problem. If they had worked for 20 years and applied for retirement, they would generally be in their 40s or 50s.

At that time, in addition to their rich experience, their energy was actually not as good as before. In addition, their children were grown up, so it was a good choice to leave their jobs to enjoy the blessings.

This year's annual meeting did not disappoint them. Each of the following three things has a great impact.

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