Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 850 Annual meeting with the management of Baihu Technology Company


After the meeting with the management of these companies, Ye Zishu asked Pei Qing when she would be home, and when she heard that she would be back soon, he asked the robot Xiaohe to start cooking dinner.

He will also have a meeting with the management of Baihu Technology Company at night. Due to the special nature of this company, it is not convenient to hold a meeting with these companies, and a lot of information needs to be kept confidential.

Seeing that the robot Xiaohe was busy, Ye Zishu returned to his study and began to study artificial intelligence economic development simulation technology to promote intelligent entrepreneurship. Artificial intelligence alone is not enough.

It is necessary for artificial intelligence to understand the essence of human social and economic operations, and at the same time, it is necessary to understand human needs for products and technologies, so as to develop and produce products that meet market needs.

At the same time, it is still necessary to get through all the data of his industrial chain. Although it has done well enough before, there are still some that have not been digitized.

Artificial intelligence 3.0 is already intelligent enough, so it is not difficult for him to do these tasks. It only needs to let artificial intelligence fully understand economic knowledge and the existing world technology system.

Then run a simulation based on this knowledge, and he just needs to track the problems encountered in the simulation process and correct them so that the economic development model works in the best way according to his will.

In addition to these technical problems, in actual operation, general-purpose robots will be integrated into all walks of life in society, with the purpose of understanding all walks of life and the market.

The market will not remain static, and artificial intelligence cannot make judgments based on data alone. If so, it will be no different from building a car behind closed doors, and the products produced may not necessarily be what the market needs.

This is why he never thought of using artificial intelligence to simulate economic development before, because the results of such simulations can only be macroscopic, and will not help the development of individual microeconomics.

The macroeconomic simulation technology is available in the smart tidal investment system, which is not too complicated, and artificial intelligence 3.0 will naturally have these skills.

The computing power of the super quantum computer is amazing, and the simulation speed is very fast. Ye Zishu stayed in the study for 30 minutes, and the artificial intelligence simulated no less than 10 versions from all angles.

However, from these simulated versions, Ye Zishu always feels that something is wrong, and it always feels almost meaningless. It seems to be all right, but it can't be said.

He asked the artificial intelligence to stop simulating, but to think about what he had overlooked, but when he was about to think, Pei Qing came back.

Ye Zishu had to stop and went outside. The robot Xiaohe had already prepared the food, and Pei Qing also went to the bathroom to wash her hands and prepare to eat.

Since having the robot Xiaohe, the food at home has been greatly improved, and I cook it in different ways every day,

It's almost impossible to repeat the same.

During the meal, Ye Zishu asked Pei Qing: "What do you think is the least labor-intensive way to develop the economy, and what is the most suitable way for the common people?"

When Pei Qing heard what he said, she felt a little baffled, but he definitely wouldn't let it go. Now that she asked, Pei Qing also put down her job and thought for a while.

Then he said: "I think it should be adapted to local conditions!"

Seeing Ye Zishu looking at her, Pei Qing said with a smile: "The so-called 'relying on mountains to eat mountains, relying on water to eat water', people in every place are familiar with making full use of the resources around them.

For example, in places with abundant water resources, the proportion of people who can fish must be high. In places with abundant mountain and forest resources, the people will know more about the animals and plants on the mountains.

In order to survive, the people in these places definitely need to make full use of these resources. The most labor-saving and comfortable economic development is to give full play to the local strengths.

In this way, the construction of the industrial chain is faster, and employees do not need to relearn, and can do it after getting started. Do you think this is the best effect? "

Hearing what she said, it is true. In the past, Ye Zishu has always emphasized reducing human dependence on natural resources, and if it can be solved in an industrialized way, it should be solved in an industrialized way as much as possible.

This way of thinking made it difficult for him to react for a while. It is the most comfortable for human beings to make full use of natural resources. This is the root of adapting measures to local conditions.

"You're right, I didn't even react to this!" Ye Zishu laughed at himself.

"You think about so many things every day, it's normal that you don't think about them for a while, otherwise there would be no saying 'three cobblers are better than Zhuge Liang'!" Pei Qing said with a smile.

"You are not a 'cobbler'. Not only are you beautiful, you are also understanding, and more importantly, you are also smart!" Ye Zishu broke down severely.

Pei Qing was obviously very happy when she heard it. Although she knew that the words were a little deliberate, everyone loved to hear them, not to mention that when someone she liked said it, it was as sweet as drinking honey.

After eating, the time was close to 7 o'clock. Ye Zishu and the management of Baihu Technology Company agreed that the meeting time would be 7 o'clock, because they didn't know how long it would take, so they should start early and end early.

Talked to Pei Qing, then went back to the study, waited until 7 o'clock, the management of Baihu Technology Company participated in the meeting in the company's conference room.

First of all, I asked about the current projects of Baihu Technology Company, mainly the research and development progress of the space station, the research and development of naval equipment, and the preparations for the research and development of army equipment just given to them.

The space station is considered to be the most important thing on their face, and the time frame is relatively tight. It is best to complete it according to the time frame, so as to fully demonstrate the company's strength and have greater influence on the outside world.

In the past, our country's influence in the global media circle was relatively weak, and they had some ways to block news. Now the Internet media under the Kunpeng Information Technology Company are all over the world.

The result is that the traditional media, which originally held the absolute right to speak, can no longer cover the sky with one hand as before, and they cannot decide whether it is black or white.

If our country really achieves world-renowned achievements in the aerospace field, it will not be long before it will be able to form a wide range of influence around the world. This influence can bring many benefits.

Many economic and political interests are involved, and the overflow of benefits brought by top technology will not only benefit the technology itself, but the whole country will benefit from it.

When it came to the space station project, the management present had a lot to say. They praised the scientific research capabilities of Universal Robots, which far exceeded their previous cognition.

Due to the addition of these general-purpose robot scientific research troops, the technology research and industrial construction around the space station seem to be straightened out at once, and all the work is proceeding in an orderly manner.

According to them, their space station will definitely start launching around June this year, and the technical verification and industrial construction will be carried out simultaneously without any delay.

The research and demonstration stage of naval military equipment technology has ended, and a complete industrial chain has also been built, and the construction is now being communicated with relevant departments.

Although Baihu Technology Company is not responsible for the specific construction, they have participated in the construction of the entire industrial chain throughout the process. Otherwise, it would take a long time for technology alone.

Moreover, as a technology provider, it is impossible for them to give all the technology to one company, which is separated. For example, a shipyard obtains design information and overall manufacturing-related technologies.

The companies that provide shipbuilding materials only get the production technical data for the part of the materials they are responsible for, and the relevant equipment data for the production materials are in the hands of other companies.

The basic technology of hull manufacturing is basically given to his subsidiaries. Weapons, functional equipment, avionics systems, etc. are all produced by Baihu Technology Company itself, and then provided to the other party.

Only the integration part is handed over to the state-owned enterprise, because the benefits of this part are actually not much, and the design fee and technology authorization fee of Baihu Technology Company have to be paid.

But this kind of cooperation is still a good choice for many people. It is much better than catching all of Baihu Technology Company with one hand. Anyway, something leaked out from between the fingers.

As for the R\u0026D and manufacturing of Army equipment that he just gave not long ago, the R\u0026D team is still being formed, and some of them have already started basic technology research and development.

Due to the large variety of equipment and the large gap in technology, there must be no unified completion time, and when the equipment is developed, testing and industrial chain construction will start.

Then he asked about the military's evaluation of the use of the virtual world. The virtual world is the largest single income of Baihu Technology, and it is also a continuous income.

This can greatly reduce Baihu Technology's dependence on the sale of weapons and equipment. As long as this system is still needed, it means that Baihu Technology can continue to operate forever.

Therefore, he is very concerned about the user's evaluation. If the evaluation is very high, the number of leases may be expanded in the future, and Baihu Technology's revenue will also increase a lot.

"Their evaluation is very high!" The executive responsible for the operation of this project said with a smile.

Hearing this comment, Ye Zishu felt much more relieved. Although he was very confident, he was not the user after all, and he considered the problem from a different angle, so he couldn't use his cognition to conclude that others thought the same.

The executive continued: "In the beginning, everyone was not used to the simulated drills in the virtual world, and only conducted small-scale tactical drills. After getting familiar with it, the scale of the drills became larger and larger.

In order to make full use of this resource, they have now started the rotation drill mode of the whole army, and even the people in the cooking class have to participate in simulated actual combat drills. "

Hearing this, he felt that this was the right thing to do. After all, he had spent so much money on rental, and if he didn't make full use of it, he would be sorry for the money spent. If he was a little more ruthless, he might just change people and not change phones, and make arrangements day and night.

There is no such opportunity in the real world, only the virtual world can carry out various drills unscrupulously, and the soldiers trained in this way are the soldiers who can fight a hundred battles.

"However, there are some problems, that is, the simulation of the virtual world is too real, causing many fighters who are undergoing high-intensity drills for the first time to have different degrees of psychological problems." The executive continued.

Ye Zishu thinks this is normal. War is not a game. If it is not true, it cannot reflect the cruelty of war and cannot stimulate human potential.

As for psychological problems, Ye Zishu asked: "Ask them, do you want to hire a general-purpose robot to act as a psychological counselor?"

Ye Zishu seems to have found a business opportunity again. Artificial intelligence has a very strong ability to deal with psychological aspects, otherwise Fengming Technology Company's psychological counseling would not be so popular.

It shows that the psychological counseling service of artificial intelligence has been widely recognized by the market and can effectively solve the psychological problems of patients. He thinks this business can be done.

"Let me ask later." The senior said.

"Have they ever thought about expanding the number of rental virtual helmets?" Ye Zishu asked.

"Thinking about it, after all, it's so easy to use, but we just need to wait until the budget comes out. We don't know the joints here very well." The senior executive said.

Now that he said that, Ye Zishu didn't ask in depth. With the military expenditure fixed, there will be a lot of places to spend the money in the future.

The purchase of all kinds of advanced equipment alone requires a lot of money. It is estimated that the number of rental virtual helmets will not be expanded in a short time.

If only for tactical drills, the number of rental virtual helmets is sufficient. Only large-scale battle drills will require more virtual helmets.

Before all kinds of new equipment are fully understood, small-scale tactical drills are enough to meet the requirements. This is his judgment on this matter.

As for the procurement of other military equipment, Ye Zishu didn't bother to ask, and the specific figures were not suitable for such an occasion. After all, these high-level officials were responsible for different parts.

At the end of the meeting, Ye Zishu began to explain the future plans of Baihu Technology Company, so that it could prepare in advance, so as not to be in a hurry.

"Although your space program is a bit unimaginable, I think it is possible. You can follow this plan and develop step by step.

Next, I will introduce some new missions that you will start soon, maybe after your space station starts construction, that is, after June this year.

First of all, you need to develop advanced weather satellites, and have stronger detection and calculation capabilities for global weather data, which is related to another plan.

This is to achieve artificial rainfall in the western region, promote the ecological development of the western region, and alleviate the water shortage problem in the western region. This project can be called the "Tianhe Project".

The Kylin Environmental Industry Group will be responsible for the project, and they will pay for the procurement of the meteorological satellite system, and you will be responsible for the operation, and they will not miss you in operating expenses. "

Speaking of which, Ye Zishu stopped to inquire about the research and development of the resource detection satellite system. When he learned that the technical problem is not serious, but the arrangement of the launch needs to choose the right time, which is still uncertain.

The reason is that the construction of the space station takes up a lot of rocket launch capacity, and we can only take time to see when there is a margin, and arrange for the launch of resource detection satellites.

After listening to this, he continued: "The second is to do a good job in the pre-research of the next generation of equipment, we can't rely on the current technology and equipment to make money.

The pre-research work is very important. If you have any technical difficulties, you can come to me. As for the next-generation equipment, you need to judge.

In this regard, you can fully communicate with the relevant departments. You should not work behind closed doors, but comprehensively analyze the opinions of all parties, analyze the technical feasibility, and make a comprehensive judgment.

The last is to carry out the pre-research work of suborbital and aerospace integrated equipment. The development of science and technology cannot be achieved only by technical strength, and a richer imagination is also needed.

If you have technical difficulties that are difficult to overcome for a while, you can ask me. I will never refuse when I have time, but I hope it is a problem that you cannot solve after thinking and hard work. "

The meeting with Baihu Technology Company ended at 9 o'clock and lasted for two hours. Today's work was finally completed.

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