Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 866 Live broadcast of the passenger plane's first flight


Huanyu Group understands the delaying tactics of the two aviation manufacturing giants at a glance. The development of super-large passenger aircraft takes a long time and costs a lot.

However, the proportion in the entire civil aviation market is not the highest. This market simply cannot accommodate so many models. If everyone does it, it can only end in disastrous failure.

And whoever develops it first will have an absolute advantage, and the orders will basically be taken by the company that has the first opportunity, and the companies behind are destined to lose money.

This is a dilemma. Regardless of whether the Huanyu Group is developing or not, they are not suitable for immediate follow-up. They can only wait and see for a while and do some investigations at the same time.

Just when the news about the ultra-large airliner was raging on the Internet, the first flight of the Huanyu Group's regional airliner also officially began in the form of live broadcast.

I heard that the number of viewers in the live broadcast room that day was very large, reaching tens of millions. Most of them were domestic viewers, and the proportion of foreign viewers also reached about 20%.

Since they were produced, they immediately entered the ground test phase. After the ground test phase was completed, the first flight was arranged immediately, and there was no time to train qualified pilots.

Like the pilot of the first flight, he not only needs to have a long-term driving experience, but also needs to know the first flight passenger plane well and be able to deal with any controllable emergencies.

If you switch to other airliners, there is plenty of time to train such first-flight pilots, but Huanyu Group's airliner does not have much time to build, and there is no time to train first-flight pilots.

So this time the first flight was carried out by the general-purpose robot they hired. The general-purpose robot does not need to spend too much time learning the knowledge related to this airliner, just input the relevant information directly.

As for the driving experience, it can be achieved directly through the background super quantum computer simulation, and even the situations in various environments can be simulated, which is definitely experienced.

Although the Huanyu Group is full of confidence in the airliner it manufactures, the ground test is also super satisfactory, and it has been carefully confirmed and checked before and after, but it is just in case.

Therefore, the first flight actually has certain risks. Hiring a general-purpose robot to perform the first flight, in case of an accident, it is only a loss of an aircraft, and of course the reputation will also be greatly lost.

Although Ye Zishu did not come to the scene in person, he also watched their first flight process through a live broadcast. He was not concerned about the success or failure of the first flight, and he was still confident in this point.

As long as Huanyu Group manufactures strictly according to his design, basically there will be no major problems. When he designs, he actually leaves allowances in all aspects, and the design will not be just right.

Although it is designed according to just the right standard, the cost can be effectively reduced,

However, once unexpected situations are encountered, accidents may occur, and the cost would be higher than savings in this regard.

The reason why he watched the live broadcast was mainly as one of the ways to relax. Life in the countryside is really boring. Apart from working, eating, and sleeping, there is nothing interesting.

Unlike other people, he likes to fish in the river, and he has no interest in fishing. Watching the live broadcast not only adds a little bit of fun, but also understands everyone's views on this airliner.

Sometimes these audiences without any professional knowledge will also put forward very interesting points of view. They cannot realize it, which does not mean that Ye Zishu cannot realize it, it depends on whether he is willing or not.

The live broadcast is at the Huanyu Group's test flight base, which covers a very large area. Except for the lack of a high-end terminal building at the civil aviation airport, other facilities are very complete.

However, there is only one runway, and the other places are all aprons. In the future, the planes produced by Huanyu Group will be parked here. This test flight base can park 500 passenger planes of various models at the same time.

The reason why they want to build such a large aircraft is that they don't know how their aircraft will sell. If they are difficult to sell after they are produced, they may be piled up here.

Even if a large number of orders are not received, it is impossible to stop the production line, and can only continue to produce, otherwise the entire industrial chain will be stopped, and the loss will be very large.

Due to the adoption of many advanced equipment of Baihu Technology Company, the production efficiency is very high, and a production line can produce a 500-seat passenger plane in as little as one week.

If it is the regional airliner that is currently flying for the first time, the production efficiency will be higher, and it will be produced at full speed. Such an airliner can be produced in four or five days, and the efficiency is much higher than that of the existing airliner manufacturing level.

The live broadcast screen showed the test flight field. In addition to a super-large and wide runway, it also explained the basic situation of the test flight field to the audience in detail.

Not far from the flight test field, there are super-large equipment workshops, but the camera did not zoom in, just said a little, and did not explain in detail.

It was also the first time for domestic audiences to know that Huanyu Group had quietly built such a huge production base, which shows that they planned this matter a long time ago.

If they had started last year when they announced their entry into the civil aviation airliner manufacturing business, it would have been impossible to complete it in such a short period of time, and it must have been much earlier than their announcement of entering into the airliner manufacturing business.

Even many netizens in Chengdu don't know much about it. Unless they live nearby, not many people really pay attention to the construction of this project, because no news has been disclosed.

Huanyu Group puts the production of most parts in the cities around Chengdu, and Chengdu only has the passenger aircraft fuselage, wing, engine and complete aircraft assembly business.

Moreover, the components needed for these businesses are also placed in the surrounding cities, which can drive the economic development of the surrounding cities and provide a large number of employment opportunities and fiscal revenue for the surrounding cities.

According to Ye Zishu's prediction, my country's annual demand for civil aviation passenger aircraft will be more than 500 in the short term. When a large number of airports are completed, the annual demand for passenger aircraft may reach about 1,000.

In the medium and long term, due to the construction of a well-connected rail transit network in China, which will form strong competition in the aviation market, the aviation industry is doomed to be reduced to a supporting role in front of the rail transit industry.

However, according to the population of our country and the income of the people in the future, it is still possible to reach the annual demand of about 1,500 in the future.

It’s just that not all of these needs are for such huge passenger aircraft. The proportion of private airliners, business airliners, tourist aircraft, and even personal aircraft, etc., will gradually increase.

In any case, as long as the income of the domestic people continues to increase, even if there is advanced rail transit, in terms of our population, our country is still expected to become the world's largest aviation market.

In the past, due to insufficient foreign exchange, our country did not purchase many passenger planes from abroad. Although the problem of insufficient foreign exchange does not exist now, the economic development time is still short, and all aspects have not kept up.

As a result, although our country has purchased some passenger aircraft, the number is very limited. The stock of domestic passenger aircraft is not high. Travel is still dominated by passenger cars and railways. The traffic situation is actually not good.

Now Huanyu Group has announced a huge passenger aircraft manufacturing plan, and the action is very fast, causing domestic airlines to enter a wait-and-see state again.

It's not that these airlines are willing, after all, for them, whoever sells their planes is for sale, and it won't make much difference to their operations.

But for the government, it is necessary to cultivate a weak domestic aviation manufacturing industry. If it is difficult for the country to take on the big responsibility, they have no choice but to purchase it from outside.

Now that Huanyu Group is expected to take on this important task, the government is still willing to wait, reducing the number of outsourced passenger planes for domestic airlines, and even some airlines have completely stopped foreign procurement.

Because they consulted Huanyu Group, Huanyu Group said that the three existing passenger aircraft will complete all the test projects as soon as next year, and will reach commercial operation conditions next year.

And in order to strengthen their determination, they said that if they place an order in advance, they will be sold at a discount. The discount is very high, directly starting with 10% off and up to 20% off.

For high-value airliners, this discount is very good. The more orders you place, the higher the discount, which is very attractive to domestic airlines.

And with such a high discount, Huanyu Group can still make a lot of money, and their production costs are much lower than those of the two giants.

One is that they don’t spend a lot of money on research and development, and the research and development cost allocated to each passenger aircraft is relatively low. This is the advantage of all his industries.

The second is that their staff costs are relatively low. Although he desperately raises the salaries of his employees, there is still a certain gap compared with developed countries, and labor costs can be saved a lot.

Third, the operation and technology of the entire industrial chain are all owned by themselves, so that they do not need to share profits with others, and all links can be independently controlled, and the distribution of benefits is relatively balanced.

Fourth, the manufacturing technology is more advanced. Both efficiency and production cost can be greatly optimized through the use of advanced technology.

Under the combined effect of these four advantages, the manufacturing cost of airliners of the same level of Huanyu Group is less than half of that of the two giants, and the ultimate cost is much lower than them.

However, their prices will not be very cheap. Compared to passenger planes of the same level, the price of Huanyu Group is slightly higher, because their passenger planes are more fuel-efficient.

After confirming that their passenger planes are safe and reliable, airlines can win the favor of airlines just by saving about 20% of fuel. The price is a bit higher but the overall cost of use is still much lower.

The pricing has been calculated in detail. It is necessary to maintain a comparative advantage so that one's airliner has strong market competitiveness, and to make as much money as possible, and the more the better.

The pictures of the leaders’ inspection and speeches were not shown during the live broadcast, and the person in charge of the commentary just walked around on the test flight field. It was relatively fresh at first glance, but after a long time, it felt a bit boring.

Fortunately, everyone was not kept waiting for a long time. Half an hour later, the live broadcast switched to the scene of the passenger plane leaving the warehouse. The door of a hangar was slowly opened, and a regional passenger plane was parked inside.

When the gate was slowly opened, the passenger plane started slowly, and drove out. At this time, the live broadcast screen should be shot by a drone, and the camera tracked the entire process of the passenger plane's movement.

When the passenger plane landed at the end of the runway and stopped, the screen glanced at the rostrum, and Wang Chuanfu, President of Huanyu Group, and two senior leaders who came to inspect all appeared in the camera.

This scene must have been approved, and it sent a signal to the outside world that the country is very supportive of the development of Huanyu Group's aviation manufacturing industry, otherwise two high-level leaders would not come all at once.

The Huanyu Group is an industry under Ye Zishu, and now the leader's public appearance in his subsidiary company has a very different meaning, as long as the political sensitivity is not low, people can understand it.

The passenger plane stopped at one end of the runway, stopped, and the live broadcast screen switched again. The previous narrator began to prepare for a simple tour and explanation of the internal cabin and cockpit of the passenger plane.

This approach is very bold. At such a tense moment of the first flight, the situation in the cockpit was broadcast live, which shows that Huanyu Group is very confident in this first flight.

The cabin layout of this airliner is relatively simple, with an aisle in the middle and three seats on both sides. The seats are slightly wider than the current civil aviation airliners, and the comfort is better.

Although the layout is similar to that of a common airliner, the interior decoration is much more high-end. For example, the seats are actually made of leather, and the ergonomic design is used, which is very comfortable.

There are also many small detail designs, such as the intelligent temperature adjustment system, so that guests in each location can obtain the temperature that meets their needs, and the dining table design is also more user-friendly than the current airliner.

After visiting the cabin, everyone found that the intelligent system and humanized design can be seen everywhere, and the toilets equipped in the toilets are all intelligent toilets.

Although I don't know if it was done this way because it was the first passenger plane to fly, but being able to achieve such details shows that Huanyu Group's design ability is very strong.

Due to time constraints, the explainer did not take everyone to see the cargo compartment. There are also many intelligent and automated designs inside, which make cargo handling easier and greatly improve efficiency.

Then I went to the cockpit. There was only one driver in it, but everyone didn't know that it was a general-purpose robot, and the explainer didn't know much about the situation in the cockpit.

For this reason, the driver gave a brief introduction to the front instruments and function buttons. After the brief introduction, he also specifically mentioned the smart driving mode, which is one of the biggest selling points and must not be missed.

When the audience learned that under the intelligent driving mode, the passenger plane can realize the whole process of unmanned driving, and even the take-off and landing can be unmanned, which shocked everyone.

Domestic audiences may not know much about this, but foreign audiences are no strangers to airliners, and they are very clear about what such intelligence means, and they already have a crushing advantage on current airliners.

Ultra-high intelligence means that it needs to be equipped with ultra-high avionics systems. Intelligent programs alone are definitely not enough, and must be improved in all aspects to achieve the best.

It may be due to the time, the introduction was just a hasty, without a deep understanding, after the internal situation was introduced, I got off the plane directly.

"Actually, none of the above introductions is the biggest highlight of this airliner. Have you seen any difference between the wings of this airliner and the wings of my common airliner?" The narrator said with a smile.

Hearing what the narrator said, everyone took a closer look at the wings and found that they were quite different. The surface of the wings seemed to be scale-like, or a bit like the wings of a bird.

"Everyone should have seen a little difference. This is the unique wing technology of Huanyu Group. We call it variable wing. Although it is not as flexible as the wing of a bird, it is not far behind.

The variable wing combined with the intelligent avionics system can make optimal adjustments according to the real-time high-air flow conditions, which not only makes the passenger plane more stable, but also saves a lot of fuel. "The explainer said with a smile.

After a pause, the explainer said with a smile: "Do you know how much fuel can be saved at most?"

The narrator looked at the barrage, there were all kinds of guesses, and then said with a smile: "You all guessed wrong, and you all seriously underestimated the technical achievements of our passenger aircraft in terms of energy saving.

If the high-air flow condition is the best, it can save about 40% of fuel. Fuel saving is mainly from two aspects. The first is advanced engine technology to improve the energy efficiency ratio of the engine.

The second is our unique variable wing technology, which can take advantage of the high air flow, which not only saves effort, but also achieves higher speed. "

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