Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 867 Thrilling Air Flight Show


The narrator's words are so magical that many people are a little unbelievable, especially those with some professional knowledge. It's not that they can't. The energy consumption of birds flying is so low because they know how to take advantage of the situation.

But passenger planes are not birds after all. With such a huge body size, if you want to achieve the flexibility of bird wings, you need materials to withstand super-strong structural stress, which is not something ordinary materials can do.

What's more, the stability of the airliner is the first element. If it is guaranteed that the main body of the cabin will not be disturbed during the wing deformation process, and it will not be sensitive to the adjustment of the external attitude, it will also be a very technical test.

If it is as the narrator said, it can be said that it is a revolution in the field of aviation manufacturing, which directly raises aviation manufacturing technology to a new level.

However, Huanyu Group has only been established for a few years, and it is not easy to manufacture passenger planes. If it can realize flexible and variable wings, it will be hard to believe.

Seeing a large number of people posting "bragging" subtitles in the barrage, the narrator was not angry, because she knew that this was not bragging, but the truth, so she was very calm in the face of such teasing.

The narrator smiled and said, "Am I bragging? You may see it later, and everyone should know that Huanyu Group is owned by Boss Ye!"

When the narrator said this, everyone seemed to think it made sense after listening to it. His major is playing with technology. If he didn't have two brushes, how could he develop so much in such a short period of time.

However, the barrage found a point of interest. Someone asked, "Is Boss Ye really as rich as the media said?"

He also asked: "Why didn't Boss Ye show his face? I didn't see Boss Ye on the rostrum just now. Is there something wrong?"

Someone also asked, "Did Boss Ye participate in the research and development of the technology of this airliner?"

There are many kinds of questions. Everyone was never so curious about Ye Zishu before, because since he quit the music scene, he has almost disappeared. Except for a few limited interviews, he has never seen him in public again.

The role of the commentator is not to make the live broadcast room too boring, so that people will not be retained, so they need to respond to some questions, so as to produce a strong interactive effect.

Regarding the first question above, the commentator did not hide anything, and said directly: "I definitely don't know how much money the boss has, but I don't think it's surprising if there are more than 40 trillion yuan.

You can imagine how many industries he owns. These are high-quality industries, basically all of which are top in the world. If he doesn't make money, other companies will not make money.

But these are all the company's money. As for how much money is in the boss's personal account, I naturally don't know, but I heard that the boss has never taken a penny from these companies into his own account.


To be honest, this is actually a bit of a taboo. No boss likes the employees below to discuss their own net worth, especially at this juncture, try not to have a sense of presence if you can.

Sure enough, as soon as the commentator finished talking about this question, someone shouted in the bullet screen: "You are so courageous, I am not afraid that the boss will fire you!"

Faced with this kind of barrage, the commentator didn't take it seriously, and said, "I think you're overthinking, if Boss Ye only had this much capacity, he wouldn't be able to make such a big business.

Let me tell you about an unwritten rule of my boss, that is, as long as you complete the assigned tasks on time, with quantity and quality, and follow the instructions, you don’t have to worry about getting troubled.

I heard that this was a regulation made by the boss at the beginning. Although the purpose is not very clear, I think there must be his intention. At least we employees don’t have to be careful in the company and feel very free.

I think this should be one of the reasons why the boss formulated this rule. If a company has a strict hierarchy, it is destined not to have much creativity, because everyone wants to please the superior.

People have a compensatory mentality. If they follow the leadership, they will get it back from the subordinates, and the subordinates will suffer accordingly. Over time, psychological problems will also appear.

Such an enterprise will definitely not be able to retain talents after a long period of time, and those who remain will be flatterers. From this perspective, the boss is still very forward-looking. "

Some of the people who watched the live broadcast were employees of Yezishu. They hadn't thought about it before, because they had been like this since they joined the company, and they were used to it, and they didn't think there was anything wrong.

Now that the narrator has said this, it seems very reasonable. Some of them are office clerks, some are front-line grassroots personnel, and some have already become middle managers.

They have the same feeling that working in the company is very comfortable, and colleagues get along very well. Although there is competition among colleagues, it is also a healthy competition, and there are not so many intrigues.

The audience who are not his employees are a little envious after hearing this. Now many business owners in China always feel that they have hired employees to give them meals, and they should be grateful to Dade.

There are also some business owners who like to be treated differently, and want to show their status everywhere, as if they can't establish their dignity and manage the company poorly if they don't do this.

They used to think this was normal, but now after hearing what the commentator said, they realize that their boss is nothing but rubbish, not to mention the low wages, and they have to be careful, as if the employees are the boss's slaves.

Ye Zishu only smiled when he heard this, but the commentator observed very carefully. Of course, these words also helped him a lot. At least after listening to the explanation, even if he is a small belly, he shouldn't openly seek trouble.

It's just that among these audiences, there are also journalists and other media practitioners. The information they heard is not this, but that he didn't take a penny from the company for private use. It's a bit unexpected, and this is a proper news selling point.

As for why he didn't show up in public and whether there was something wrong, the narrator wanted to explain even more, and she said: "As a small employee, I definitely don't know the reason why the boss doesn't want to show up in public.

But what I can be sure of is that my boss is fine now, and I have been in the company for a long time. I haven’t met my boss once until now. It’s normal if you can’t see it. "

Speaking of this, it seemed to be an interesting topic, and he couldn't hold back a smile on his face, and said in a low voice: "I heard that our president doesn't see you a few times throughout the year!

Our Huanyu Group is indeed a large enterprise in the eyes of outsiders, but we don't know what its status is in the boss's mind. It may be one of his humble industries. "

Even Ye Zishu can hear this kind of gossip. Although Huanyu Group is indeed not particularly outstanding among the many industries under his umbrella, it also has its special significance and cannot be judged simply by the scale of its output value.

Facing the screen full of disbelief, the narrator only showed a helpless expression. Some of what she said had some grounds, and she didn't dare to say anything that was completely unfounded.

The Huanyu Group was already a giant enterprise, and she didn't know much about the group's affairs, let alone the other industries under the boss, and she couldn't explain it, so she could only sulk herself.

Not to mention her as an ordinary employee, even their president, she only saw the situation of the boss's other industries, and she didn't know much about it.

Skipping over this topic, the narrator seems to have a special channel for information about whether Ye Zishu is also involved in the research and development, and said: "The topic just now is over, actually I don't know if the boss has participated in the research and development of the airliner.

Only the people in the R\u0026D department or the president know about this. I guess the boss should have participated, and only a genius like the boss can develop such an advanced airliner. "

Hearing what she said, the barrage didn't know if it was intentional, or if they really thought so. They said that the flattery made the boss feel very comfortable, and he would definitely give her a raise in the future.

Just when the narrator wanted to explain, he realized that the passenger plane was about to take off for the first time, and he couldn't continue chatting with the audience, so he quickly stood up from the grass and ran towards the passenger plane with the live broadcast equipment.

At this time, the announcer's words came from the loudspeaker, announcing the official start of the first flight, and then the ground commander waved the signal flag a few times, and the commentator hurried to the side of the runway.

The airliner started slowly, and the narrator in charge of the live broadcast was relatively close to the plane, but there was no common roar of a huge engine, and the sound of the live broadcast was still relatively quiet.

The audience, who knew how bad the noise of the plane was, was more sensitive to it and found it very strange, so they asked, "Why is the engine so quiet?"

"You don't know this. I heard that the engine uses a special noise reduction technology, which reduces the sound of the engine by more than 90%. The purpose of this is to reduce the noise around the airport." The narrator explained.

Just after the narrator finished speaking, the passenger plane on the runway immediately turned on the acceleration mode. It was thought that it would need to taxi for a period of time before taking off, but unexpectedly, it only taxied for about 200 meters before taking off.

The reason lies on the wings. During the acceleration process, the wings are gradually adjusted, so that the aircraft can obtain the best lift, and the aircraft can take off at a greater distance and at a lower speed.

This technology can greatly reduce the requirements of passenger aircraft on the runway. If it is used on carrier-based aircraft, it is simply a magic weapon. However, fighter jets often need to cruise at supersonic speed, and it needs better materials to make it into a variable wing design.

At present, all kinds of aircraft of Baihu Technology Company use variable wings. It is not impossible, but it is not necessary for the time being. With the performance of their aircraft, it is not so troublesome to use it.

The biggest function of the variable wing is to save labor. The consideration is economy. If this factor is removed, it will not be so cost-effective compared with the cost. Fighters cannot simply stack technology, but also consider cost performance.

If it is really needed, it will not be too late to launch it in the future. Military industrial technology not only depends on one's own needs, but also refers to the level of other countries, as long as it is higher than the level of other countries.

After the passenger plane took off, it did not disappear from everyone's sight immediately, but circled a few times in the air, and then made various actions, such as lateral movement in the air.

Generally, only some fighter jets can do lateral movement in the air, and it also needs a lossy engine. This airliner can do it completely by relying on variable wings.

The two wings can change their states according to the current airflow conditions to achieve the purpose of lateral drift in the air. The biggest use of this action is when landing.

Generally, if a passenger plane encounters low-altitude high-speed airflow when landing, the passenger plane cannot align with the runway, so it can only take off again, and find a good time to try to land again.

And this passenger plane has the ability to traverse in the air, and can adjust its landing posture in a very short time, so that the passenger plane that is about to land can return to its normal state without taking off again.

In addition, the passenger plane also showed a rapid climbing action. The passenger plane presented a 60-degree angle and swooped up to a high altitude. In fact, it could climb at a larger angle.

It's just that in actual operation, it is impossible to climb at such a large angle, so that passengers can't stand it, and generally the climb will not exceed 30 degrees.

The rapid climbing action is not very remarkable, but their free fall and take-off action has blinded many people. Is it necessary for the airliner to perform such a difficult action?

However, it can be seen from this performance that the engine technology of this airliner is excellent, the control system is also very powerful, and the various sensors used are also very powerful.

The most powerful thing is turning in circles in the air. To do this action requires one engine to stop, and the other engine continues to work, and it also needs to increase or decrease thrust according to the air environment.

The wing on the side where the engine is stopped needs to be adjusted to a special state. Using air resistance, the aircraft can neither produce obvious roll nor cause the aircraft to lose control.

Under strict technical conditions, let the aircraft rotate in a circle with one wing as the center. The purpose of performing this action is to demonstrate the good control and coordination ability of the wings, and also to demonstrate the advanced flight control system.

When the audience saw these actions, some applauded desperately, while others screamed in fright.

In the barrage in the live broadcast room, there was also a lot of amazement, and many people asked such questions: "If I didn't know that this is our passenger plane, I must think that aliens flew the plane to attack the earth!"

Some people couldn't understand the doorway inside and asked: "As an airliner, is it necessary to show off so much? It doesn't work!"

In response to such problems, there will naturally be people who will popularize science with him, which may not be used in normal times, but the technology displayed in these actions is an important guarantee for aircraft safety.

For example, traversing in the air can improve the safety of landing, and even at the edge of high-altitude turbulent airflow, it can allow the passenger plane to escape from the turbulent airflow in a short time and improve the safety of the passenger plane during flight.

The example that everyone knows is to avoid flying birds in the air. Although the probability of encountering them is relatively low, it is still a problem that must be faced. With the horizontal movement in the air, you can avoid the impact of birds in the air in time.

In short, the completion of several actions has fully demonstrated to everyone the advanced engine technology, variable wing technology and flight control system of this airliner. All three are indispensable, otherwise none of the actions can be completed.

Of course, these actions can only be done by general-purpose robots. If you switch to an ordinary driver, you really dare not do these actions casually, especially the air parking performance.

If this performance is not well controlled, it is likely to lead to the destruction of the plane and the death of people. Without a strong psychological quality, even if you have learned it, you dare not try it lightly unless it is absolutely necessary.

The rear passenger plane continued to perform actions, mainly around the stability of the flight in the air, which was not as exciting as the front, and only professionals can see the way.

After completing the scheduled actions, the airliner briefly disappeared from people's sight, then began to appear in the field of vision again, and then landed beautifully, ending this first flight with a serious performance nature.

When the passenger plane landed on the runway, everyone saw obvious changes in the wings, especially after a full landing, the wings presented a larger resistance surface, allowing the passenger plane to slow down in a short distance.

Seeing this, Ye Zishu feels that Huanyu Group has fully realized his design goal, and the whole process is very exciting. It is estimated that these performances will cause huge repercussions if they are spread out.

It will definitely become the focus of tomorrow's news, and no one will doubt the strength of Huanyu Group.

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