Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 869: Research and development of bionic personal aircraft


There are many ways to develop personal flying devices. In previous lives, most of them used jet engines and propeller engines, which can only be done to that extent as technology allows.

The biggest advantage of personal flying vehicles based on jet engines is that they are simple and very fast. The disadvantages are that they are not very flexible, awkward in the air, and have a short range.

He doesn't think this is the best way for personal flying vehicles. Nature has given us good answers for the personal flying vehicles he is going to develop, such as dragonflies, butterflies and birds.

Each of these three has its own advantages. The wing structure of the dragonfly can ensure that the human body is very stable in the air, and it can be hovered and reversed, so the flexibility is much higher.

The butterfly's wing structure is less stable than that of a dragonfly, but its wings are larger, providing greater lift, lower vibration frequency, less noise, and lower energy consumption.

Both of the above are more suitable for low-altitude flight. If you want to achieve high-altitude flight, you must have a more suitable wing structure for birds. For example, eagles are the most labor-saving way in high-altitude flight. The gliding state basically consumes no energy.

These three typical flight characteristics, Ye Zishu did not have a headache for choosing, only children will choose, adults will choose all of them.

To manufacture these personal flying vehicles, in his opinion, three aspects need to be completed. The first is materials. Whether it is the materials needed for the wings or the equipment materials that power the wings, there are difficulties.

In order to realize these personal flying vehicles, the most important thing is the material, which must be light enough, flexible enough, and capable of micro-control, not too rigid, and at the same time insulated and waterproof.

The second is power design. On the basis of modern industrial technology, try to follow the knowledge of bionic dynamics to achieve the optimal solution while taking into account both function and cost.

The third is the flight control system. The personal aircraft must be flexible in control, and the pilot cannot afford to worry too much. The flight system will automatically realize how to fly.

For others, any of these three aspects of work is very difficult, but for him, it is not very difficult, and the overall effort will not be much.

According to the demand for materials, he can think of many research directions based on his previous knowledge reserve, but he thinks it is still time-consuming to do so.

It's not that he can't study it slowly, but it's really a waste of time, so he simply went to the virtual library and came to the bionic technology area, where there are a lot of bionic materials.

Insects and birds are big categories in nature. The knowledge about insect bionics and bird bionics occupies a large area in the virtual library, and there are various ready-made technologies in it.

Regarding dynamic design,

He didn't intend to bother with it himself, and directly handed it over to AI 3.0 to be responsible for the design. This is not too difficult for it, and it can come up with hundreds of design solutions in minutes.

However, he believes that the power design should try to get rid of the modern mechanical design. The reason is very simple, that is, the energy utilization rate is low, the loss is large, and the power may not be sufficient.

He hopes to use bionic dynamics as much as possible, not only to have its shape, but also to have its spirit. It is meaningless to pursue superficial bionic dynamics. It must achieve the same performance, even if it is almost, it cannot be too different.

As for the flight control system, he is in charge of it himself, mainly relying on brain wave control technology, eyeball control technology and body posture control technology, and these three aspects of technology are realized together.

Although the brain wave control technology is used here, compared with the virtual helmet, the technical content is much lower. It only uses relatively simple control instructions to realize the adjustment of the attitude in the air.

Worried that the simple brainwave control technology alone would not be able to achieve ease and ease, he also added eyeball control technology and body posture control technology, and the three cooperate to achieve the best effect.

In order for the experiencer to get started easily without relevant knowledge and training, they must be smart enough to use the equipment immediately without increasing the burden on the user.

Originally, according to this division of labor, it felt quite reasonable, but after seeing the life-release power device designed by artificial intelligence, he always felt that it was almost meaningless. After thinking about it, the reason was still the material.

So he simply gave up the original division of labor, and only let artificial intelligence help him write the flight control system. As for the design of materials and bionic power devices, he still does it himself.

This work is more exciting than his design of two super-large airliners, because he himself can't wait to realize the air flight, which should be everyone's dream.

So his mother found that her precious son began to sleep all day long again, as if he had returned to the way he used to go to school at home, feeling that he couldn't wake up every day.

Fortunately, she is used to it. As long as she is sure that there is no problem with her body, she doesn't have to worry about other things. It's just that she doesn't have the heart to take care of the vegetable garden, and she tries to make delicious food all day long.

His mother's cooking skills were not very high before, and she could cook home-cooked dishes. During this period of time, she learned a lot from Universal Robots, which made his father's living standard rise to a higher level.

Leaf Book is looking for the most suitable bionic materials in the virtual library. In fact, there are many materials that satisfy both lightness and toughness, but at the same time, it is necessary to achieve precise control, which greatly increases the difficulty.

After several days of continuous searching, he finally found the materials that fit his heart, including skin materials and skeleton materials. The precise control of the wings is mainly achieved through the wing skeleton.

After completing the collection of wing materials, Ye Zishu began to search for bionic power materials that met his requirements. After four or five days of continuous searching, he also found materials that met his requirements.

As for the power itself, he plans to use electric drive. If fuel is used as power, although the energy density is higher, the structure is more complicated.

According to the general rule, the more complicated the system is, the more likely it is to go wrong. This is flying at high altitudes. Once a problem occurs, it is easy to cause an accident. Safety always comes first.

The release power does not use the traditional mechanical structure, but an inductive power system, which stimulates the power material through electric current to form a state similar to muscle contraction, thereby providing external power output.

This kind of bionic power mode has much higher energy utilization rate than the traditional mechanical type, and it is not easy to break down, has a very long service life, and the structure is not particularly complicated.

As for the battery, instead of developing another one, he used an aluminum-air battery as the power storage device, and of course there is a better battery, which is the battery used by the universal robot.

The battery used by the universal robot not only has higher energy density, but also has better safety. Let alone a collision, it will not explode even if it is placed in a fire, and it can still be used normally when it is taken out to cool down.

However, the cost of this kind of battery is relatively high, and high safety is not so demanding. If there is a severe collision at high altitude, people will be gone before the battery explodes or is damaged.

The energy density of an aluminum-air battery per kilogram of weight is about 8 kWh, while an electric car consumes about 15 kWh per 100 kilometers. The energy consumption of an electric car is much higher than that of a personal flying device.

According to his estimation, carrying a kilogram of aluminum-air battery can carry a weight of 100 kilograms for about 8 hours, and the fastest flight speed can reach about 300 kilometers per hour.

In fact, it can fly faster, but if it is faster, the human body cannot bear it. Although it is fully armed, the high-altitude pressure formed is still unbearable, at least for ordinary people.

Moreover, the personal flying device is mainly used as a high-altitude tourism project, and there is no need to make it into extreme sports. To really experience high-altitude flight, the speed of 100 kilometers per hour is already very good.

It mainly uses personal flying devices, which allow people to fly to high altitudes, overlook the magnificent mountains and rivers, and observe our land from the perspective of God.

All the materials are found, and then the design is done. He adopts a full-coverage design, that is to say, the whole person is wrapped in this device.

There will be a safety helmet on the head, and the brain wave control system is inside the safety helmet. The helmet wraps the entire head, which can not only isolate the high-altitude wind, but also provide information display, and even provide beyond-the-horizon support.

People at a height of several hundred meters can’t see clearly what’s below. Humans’ visual ability is much worse than that of birds and insects. If we don’t provide additional beyond-the-horizon support, the fun will be much less.

Moreover, the eyeball control module is also built in, which can further understand the user's intention according to the user's eyeball movements.

Then there is the body wrapping device, which is in a flexible state as a whole. It looks no different from ordinary cloth, but it is actually very different.

One is that this kind of flight suit is more isolated from the air, and you can't feel it when flying at low altitudes. If you fly at high altitudes without insulating the air, accidents are easy to happen. This is a basic requirement.

The second is that it has the characteristics of inductive control. Although the general state is flexible, as long as a special current type is passed, the originally flexible fabric can be made hard, and it has the ability to control bending, and it is also locally controlled.

The purpose of this is to help users adjust their posture at high altitudes. Although human beings are very flexible on the ground, if they are placed at high altitudes, the human body will appear very stiff.

If there is no intelligent assistant to adjust the posture, a person can move only two hands, and it is difficult to move other parts of the body. If the force is used randomly, it is more likely to cause problems.

Moreover, when the human body is at high altitude for a long time, the blood flow is disordered, which will cause numbness of the legs and bring serious safety hazards to the landing.

The third is to achieve more precise and flexible flight control. Flight control is not only performed by the wings, but sometimes requires the cooperation of the legs.

When people are in high altitude, they will appear stiff below the waist, especially for those who are flying for the first time. At this time, the flight suit can help adjust the attitude and achieve better flight control.

The flight suit is divided into two layers, and many devices are placed between the two layers, such as the rapid inflation device just in case, to reduce the damage to the human body in case of an emergency landing.

Of course, the most important thing is to rely on the external parachute, but when flying at low altitude, the parachute sometimes does not work, and the parachute has not been opened before the person touches the ground.

In addition, in the energy storage device, the battery is distributed in a distributed layout mode, and is mainly placed in a position that does not affect the posture of the human body, such as the armpit and the non-joint outside of the leg.

As for other control devices such as chips, the same method is adopted, trying to make the user have no perception of these devices after wearing them, so as to increase the user experience.

However, after making these ideas according to him, I still feel that the experience is not good. These devices will make people uncomfortable in special postures.

After the test, he directly overturned his idea and planned to make changes to some hardware. For example, the battery did not plan to use the aluminum-air battery he gave to Huanyu Group.

Instead, it is going to use a special flexible battery, which is very soft, and its characteristics are like cloth. It is built into the flight suit, and the user is really unaware.

Even the chip is not satisfied with the current technology, and he is planning to adopt flexible chip technology. The external characteristics are also like cloth, and the experience is much more than that.

In addition, there are wires, electronic components, etc., which are all prepared to use flexible technology. In short, users should wear them without feeling these hardware devices.

After adjusting the technical route in this way, more black technology was born, such as flexible chips, TVs and electronic components, etc., which are definitely proper black technology products in this era.

After the adjustment, Ye Zishu personally experienced it in the virtual laboratory, and finally showed a satisfied smile. Putting on this personal flying device, one seems to be an air elf.

At first, he was not very used to it, but after a few tries, he gradually became free-wheeling. The longer he used it, the more comfortable he would be to use this device to perform high-altitude flights.

When designing the three sets of flying devices, he tried to be as versatile as possible, which can reduce the production cost, but in the end, he removed the personal flying device that imitated the flying bird through the use experience.

After thinking twice, he decided to remove the butterfly flying device, because he felt that the dragonfly flight suit was enough to meet the requirements. Although the noise was a little louder, it was still tolerable.

Ground personnel cannot hear the noise of high-altitude flight, while high-altitude flight personnel are fully armed and cannot hear the sound of wings flapping outside, so noise is not an unbearable shortcoming.

Originally, only one of the three sets of flying devices was kept, so that various equipment and production lines would not be required for production, and the cost could be greatly saved, which is more beneficial to commercialization.

However, he gave the three sets of personal flying devices to Kirin Basic Industry Group. Since the technology has been taken out, it is impossible to take it back. Giving it to Kirin Basic Industry Group may have other functions.

This time, the entire production chain was not separated, and it was planned that Kirin Basic Industry Group would be responsible for all R\u0026D and production, because there are many technologies in it, and other companies have no advantages.

For example, flexible chips, although they are also chips, are vastly different from traditional chips, and are technically not universal at all. If they are given to Xuanwu Technology Company and Qinglong Technology Company, they will not have much advantage.

When communicating with the person in charge of Kirin Basic Industry Group, both parties felt that the national demand should be around 100,000 sets, which are mainly used for experience activities in various tourist attractions.

Although many new technologies are used, the cost is not particularly high. If calculated according to the production of 100,000 sets, the average cost of each set is about 300,000 yuan.

What is expensive is not the cost of R\u0026D and material production, but the cost of building the industrial chain. No matter how many sets are produced, various equipment are indispensable.

As for whether he can earn it back, he is not worried. For such a black-tech device, 1,000 yuan for an hour of experience is definitely worth the money.

Each device can be used for 300 hours, and the cost can be recovered, and the rest is net profit, and the service life of his design is as high as 20,000 hours, which is definitely a burst profit.

By the time he handed over these technical materials to Kirin Basic Industry Group, the time had come to the end of March, and it took more than 20 days to finish it.

After checking the materials and research experience during this period, he found that the research in the field of bionics was very interesting, and he planned to focus on the next research, at least to prepare enough knowledge reserves.

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