Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 870 Create a new industrial development model around banks


In April, the first flight performance of Huanyu Group's 300-seat mainline passenger plane was held as scheduled. This model is a circle larger than the previous 150-seat passenger plane, but the first flight performance is still exciting.

With the first flight of the 300-seat mainline airliner as scheduled, the outside world has no doubts about the strength of Huanyu Group. Everyone also thinks that there will be no problem with the subsequent 500-seat mainline airliner.

The benefit brought by the great confidence in Huanyu Group is that the order volume has increased significantly, and the number of domestic airlines' reservation orders is increasing.

The number of pre-orders for 150-seat passenger aircraft has reached 500, and even the number of pre-orders for the 300-seat trunk liner that has just flown for the first time has reached 200, and the development momentum is somewhat unstoppable.

Of course, the number of pre-orders does not count as an official order, and the airline does not need to pay a deposit, and Huanyu Group has not announced the price to the public, and both parties can go back and forth at any time.

Although the reservation order is not considered a formal order, it also reflects the airline's confidence in each model of passenger aircraft. As long as the conditions in all aspects are suitable, it will generally not regret it.

The increase in the number of pre-orders has directly boosted domestic confidence in the development of aviation business, and various local governments have accelerated cooperation negotiations with Wancheng Jiye on airport construction.

As all parties have made relevant preparations, most of the negotiations went smoothly. In just one month, Wancheng Foundation reached cooperation with 200 cities in airport construction and operation management.

It’s just that the investment scale is a bit large, which makes Ye Zishu feel a headache after reading it. The investment amount is as high as 6 trillion yuan, and the average investment for each airport is as high as 30 billion yuan.

According to the plan, every provincial capital city will build an airport according to the 4f standard. In the future, super-large passenger planes can land at such airports. Otherwise, Huanyu Group's super-large passenger planes will be difficult to sell in China.

The construction standards of airports in prefecture-level cities are different, mainly determined according to the population size of prefecture-level cities, and generally constructed according to 4d and 4e standards.

Ye Zishu was also a little surprised to see this number. You must know that there are still some prefecture-level cities negotiating with Wancheng Jiye. If the same goes well, the total number may reach more than 250.

Even if the construction period takes several years, the annual investment scale is still not small. If it weren't for the huge amount of funds in hand, Wancheng Foundation would not be able to bear it even his boss.

After the contract is signed, the next step is to consider how to build it. If the airport wants to make a profit as soon as possible, it must increase the throughput. Under the condition of certain hardware conditions, it can only improve the software strength to achieve the goal.

Leaf Book asked Wancheng Jiye to take the lead and organized several brother groups to discuss and build a fully intelligent airport software system. First, it can improve the service experience of passengers, and second, it can increase the flight density and management efficiency of aircraft.

He is not worried about the lack of passengers on the plane,

As long as everyone has money in their pockets, going out by air is the same as taking a taxi. I believe everyone is still willing to take it.

The main business of Wancheng Foundation should also gradually shift from the current real estate industry to other infrastructure industries and service industries, so as to avoid excessive reliance on real estate business.

According to the investment progress of Wancheng Foundation, the real estate industry is estimated to have a development period of 5 years. By then, almost every household in China will be able to live in a new house, and the urbanization rate will reach more than 80%.

The whole society will enter the post-infrastructure era. It is not too early to start preparing for the future. At present, it is just preparing for their super logistics system.

They have invested in many domestic ports before, and it is not surprising that they invest in airports now. Their ocean transportation company is also in the process of being established, and they have already placed many shipbuilding orders with Huanyu Group.

The shipbuilding technology mastered by Huanyu Group can meet the needs of Wancheng Foundation for any ship. The orders they have received, large and small, have reached 10 million tons.

Mainly container ships, followed by ore ships, there are also several large fuel oil carriers, and there are also several lng natural gas ships.

These ships are all used by Ye Zishu’s industries, not to mention container ships, ore ships will be used for seabed mining in the future, even if they transport other people’s ores.

Energy transport ships are mainly prepared for Kirin Energy Industry Group. Although they do not plan to export energy on a large scale, they will still export some energy.

According to their current construction speed of solar power generation facilities, it will not be long before there may be a certain amount of surplus electricity, which will be consumed only after the further development of the social economy.

Before that, the remaining electricity will definitely be used to produce fuel oil or natural gas. Anyway, these energy sources will always be sold in the market, so there is no need to worry about not being able to sell them.

In addition to these cargo ships, Wancheng Foundation also entrusted Huanyu Group to help build super cruise ships, which are mainly used for tourism business, which is also one of Wancheng Foundation's businesses.

In addition to cruise tourism projects, there are many offshore tourism projects that require a lot of private yachts. They also entrust Huanyu Group to help design and build them.

It's just that Huanyu Group's shipbuilding business has just started. Although it has technology and funds, it will take time to expand the supporting production capacity and train skilled workers.

The order volume of 10 million tons of freighters is already the limit they can achieve this year. Other businesses that are not particularly important can be designed first, and it is not too late to build them when there is spare capacity.

It's a pity that the Huanyu Group's shipbuilding business is in full swing, but it has received little attention from the outside world. Compared with their aircraft manufacturing business, the popularity is not at the same level.

On April 15th, the banking procedures for Tide Investment Company's bid finally came down, which will inject new vitality into the development of his industry, which is of great significance.

If it weren't for the fact that he is not as urgent as before to develop his business, it is definitely worth his mediation in terms of importance, but his mentality is different now, and he is more indifferent than before.

This may have something to do with his creation of universal robots and artificial intelligence 3.0. Although the two are not real life, they are very close.

It gave him an added taste of the Creator. Although he did not completely break away from the scope of human beings when looking at things, it was also different from the past, at least his mentality had been greatly sublimated.

After the Tidal Investment Company's bank bid, the artificial intelligence business plan should be the first to benefit. The tens of thousands of projects previously planned have all been confirmed.

The investment of 4 trillion yuan will be spent one after another, but there are definitely more than tens of thousands of projects planned by artificial intelligence. If you want to continue investing, you must either take money or get a loan from the bank.

He didn't have his own bank before, so he allocated funds by himself, so that he could bypass the bank and provide support for the development of his industries.

Now that he has a bank, he doesn't plan to play like this anymore. He plans to use this bank as the central nervous system for the funds of his properties. In the future, the money earned by his properties will be deposited into this bank.

If the development of the subsidiary industry needs funds, if you have money in the bank, you can use the money you have deposited in the bank. If you have no deposit in the bank, you can take a loan from this bank.

In this way, he saves himself the trouble of allocating funds, and at the same time can accelerate the speed and efficiency of the development of his industries, which is much better than before.

The previous industrial development was top-down. He decided which industry to focus on this year, and allocated funds to that industry to accelerate the development of that industry.

The top-down development model in the early stage was indeed much more efficient, because at that time the industries he developed had clear goals and he knew which industries to invest in.

Now that its industries are getting bigger and bigger, it seems powerless to adopt a top-down development model. Apart from grasping the general direction, he doesn't know much about many details at all, and he is unwilling to understand.

At this time, it is necessary to adopt a bottom-up development model to allow the bottom to form an endogenous expansion drive, and the endogenous expansion drive requires huge financial support.

In the past, he mobilized a lot of funds from various industries under his umbrella. Many industries wanted to continue to expand and develop, but they also had to consider whether the funds were sufficient, and some of them had to give up.

It’s different now. As long as I feel that there is a prospect for development, I can obtain funds from the bank. I am no longer seriously troubled by funds. As long as I meet the bank’s loan requirements, I can basically get a loan.

In order to strengthen capital supervision and avoid blind expansion of projects, whether it is using deposits or borrowing from banks, Tidal Investment Company will send general-purpose robots to follow up on each project.

In addition to supervising the use of funds, it also escorts the smooth development of the project. Behind the general robot is artificial intelligence 3.0. With the ability of artificial intelligence 3.0, the success rate of the project can be greatly improved.

After so many years of development, the industries that were easy to make money in the past have been almost occupied by him, and many of the remaining industries are actually hard-earned money.

Unless he is only satisfied with profitable industries, he must also invest in less profitable industries, and these unprofitable industries have higher requirements for management, marketing, market strategies, etc.

If some aspects are not done well enough, there may be a risk of failure. It is very necessary to conduct appropriate supervision on such projects.

If it is to send ordinary employees to supervise, it is very likely that there will be a situation where the success is not enough and the failure is more than the failure. Sending a general-purpose robot over there will not have such troubles.

Universal Robots does not have as many thoughts as humans. Everything is aimed at improving the success rate of the project, and everyone is more at ease when dealing with things in a realistic manner.

In the initial stage, the bank of Tidal Investment Company will not provide loans to enterprises other than other industries for the time being. There are two reasons. The first reason is that the bank needs to straighten out business relationships and establish a complete and advanced management system.

Before it is fully prepared, the risk of external business is too great. It is the safest way to start the internal business of the industry in the initial stage. Anyway, private banks have much greater autonomy, and this right is still there.

The second reason is that there will not be a lot of initial funds. His industrial funds will be transferred from other banks to Tidal Investment’s banks. It will take a long time to transfer slowly to avoid financial turmoil.

And his industrial investments are often large-scale. Not to mention other industries, the scale of funds consumed by the artificial intelligence business plan alone is very large.

Don't think that 4 trillion yuan is a lot. This is just the beginning. With the help of super quantum computers, artificial intelligence is constantly deducing economic development models and exploring more development projects.

At present, the number of accumulated projects has reached millions. Even if the combination is optimized in the later stage, there will be hundreds of thousands of projects. Each investment is 100 million yuan, which requires tens of trillions of yuan.

Of course, some of these projects will be canceled according to the current economic situation. Any business project needs to be developed according to the time and place. Some projects look good now, but they will not be suitable in a few years.

For example, Leaf Book requires the basic education schools under the New Oriental Education Group to set up interest courses in addition to the normal courses, and children can choose freely.

Such a decision will inevitably lead to the development of art education such as dance, music, and art. Dance requires dance clothing and training equipment, which can form a huge industrial chain.

Learning music requires a large number of musical instruments, including Western musical instruments, Chinese musical instruments, and even new musical instruments. Such a huge demand will also give birth to the development of the musical instrument industry.

The same is true for the increase in art courses, not to mention brushes, drawing paper, etc. The economic scale brought by the pigment industry alone is not a small number.

In the past, the items needed by these industries had to be imported from abroad. There may be some in China, but the quality may be poor. Even if there are high-quality products, the price is very expensive.

Now facing such a high demand, on the one hand, it needs to be met from the output, and on the other hand, it is necessary to reduce the price while improving the quality, at least the price of the middle and low end.

Otherwise, if the price is still high, although there is no additional tuition fee for interest courses, many families are discouraged by these consumables alone, which is contrary to his educational philosophy.

If boys want to learn martial arts routines, New Oriental Education Group will also offer relevant interest courses. It is hard to say how good the Kung Fu of Universal Robots is, but it is definitely no problem to play martial arts routines.

The projects in the artificial intelligence plan are mainly based on three points. The first point is to meet the market demand. As mentioned above, it belongs to the new market demand. This is one of the mainstream methods.

The second point is to create demand. Just satisfying demand will always be saturated. If there is only the first mode, economic development will encounter bottlenecks sooner or later.

Therefore, projects that create demand must also occupy a certain proportion. For example, the seismograph mentioned above belongs to the creation demand.

Therefore, the creation of demand often occurs against the background of the birth of new technology, or the new application of old technology, which is why technological development is the main driving force of economic development.

The third point is industrial upgrading or consumption upgrading. For example, only bicycles like the Sanba Dagan can meet the needs before. Now that life is rich, everyone needs better bicycles.

So carbon fiber bicycles appeared, and the price has changed from a few hundred yuan to at least tens of thousands of yuan, and there are also hundreds of thousands of yuan. This is a consumption upgrade.

Ten or eight of such industries in a county are enough to promote the development of the county economy. If valuable products are sold in the county, there will be money to buy goods from outside for consumption, thus forming a virtuous circle.

In the previous life, a large number of industries gathered in big cities, resulting in the hollowing out of the county economy. There were not enough job opportunities, and people could not be retained. After the artificial intelligence entrepreneurship plan, it will be greatly improved.

According to his idea, the county economy will account for about half of the domestic economy in the future, and there will be no obvious gap between the income of residents in big cities and the income of county residents.

Since he has such an idea, he must work hard to realize it. It is impossible to expect his employees to realize it. They all work with wages, and it is impossible to let them start a business for him.

It is even more impossible to expect other businessmen to achieve his goals. They have no obligation to help him achieve his goals. Basically, he can go where there is interest. Everyone has their own ideas.

So this burden falls on artificial intelligence 3.0 and general-purpose robots to help them achieve their goals. Therefore, money must be supplied in sufficient quantities, and money cannot be held back.

Therefore, the banks under Tidal Investment Company need to give priority to satisfying the development of its industries, and will only make loans to individuals or third-party companies unless the bank has sufficient funds.

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