Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 872 You can make money, but you can't be a slave to money

After catching the fish, quickly use the bucket to get some water, and then put the fish in the bucket. If the fish is dead, it will not taste fresh.

After dealing with it, Ye Zishu glanced at the live broadcast room, and it turned out that the question mark was temporarily at the top of the barrage list, and many people might not understand him when he suddenly issued a warning.

In recent years, my country's exports have been very good. Coastal export processing enterprises and trading companies have made a lot of money. Now there are no major incidents abroad.

"I'm not ignorant of what I said. It won't be long before there will be a local financial crisis, which may lead to a global financial crisis, and the consumption power of foreign countries will drop significantly." Ye Zishu said.

What he said made people feel even more confused. A financial crisis must have a symbolic precursor event, and no one has seen such a warning event so far.

There are a lot of bullet screens asking Ye Zishu to talk about the financial crisis in detail, and want to hear how he came to this conclusion, Ye Zishu just smiled at this and said: "If you want to hear the analysis, you need to find an economist Already!"

Not to mention that Tidal Investment Company is involved, even if there is not, he will not explain in detail, just be prepared if you believe it, and it doesn't matter if you don't believe it, it means that someone will never be there.

Of course, there are also impatient people who, when they heard what he said, said directly: "If you don't analyze it, then you are still talking!"

Although only a few people said this, he just happened to see it, which made him a little dumbfounded, and said: "I didn't plan to say it at first, because if I said it, no one would listen.

It's just that this financial crisis may make it difficult for a large number of companies that were not very profitable to operate, and there will be a large number of unemployed people.

As for whether the bosses make money or not, I don't care. I just feel sorry for these unrelated ordinary migrant workers. They usually don't make much money. They are the first to suffer from the deterioration of the economic environment.

The main purpose of this live broadcast is to talk about this matter. If you believe it, go back and prepare. If you don’t believe it, then it’s okay. Individuals have their own personal experiences, so you can’t force them! "

After saying this, all kinds of barrages increased. Everyone made a judgment based on their own situation. Some agreed and some disagreed. This is normal.

But there are also some who are more rational, no matter what he said is right or wrong, they also hope to get a solution from him. If it is true, they can also have a clear countermeasure.

"What does Boss Ye think he should do to avoid losses?" Someone asked.

"How can we avoid losses? Isn't it obvious? Stop production capacity expansion, find new markets, stabilize the company, and prepare more funds for the winter.

As for individuals, it depends on the situation. If the business is running well and the export business does not account for a large proportion, the impact will not be great, and there is no need to save excessively.

If the job itself is unstable, the company’s profitability is not good, or the proportion of export business is too large, you should make plans early and reserve more funds if you can, so as to avoid the family’s life from being in trouble.

When the cold winter comes, although we must be cautious, we should not be overly cautious. Once there is a problem with the economic operation, no matter how good the response is, there will be no good results.

But what is certain is that the possible global financial crisis this time will have relatively little impact on the overall domestic economy, and most people can still live with peace of mind. "Leaf Book said.

Speaking of this, Ye Zishu didn't wait for everyone to speak, and prepared to download it, so he said: "This is the important thing to talk about in this live broadcast. I'm done talking here, and I'm ready to download it!"

How can it be done, I finally seized the opportunity, there are too many questions I want to ask, if I let him go like this, I don't know when I will have such an opportunity in the future.

As a result, there were a lot of urging voices in the barrage. After all, it was a rare opportunity for many people to hear how the richest man understood the economy and some problems.

Faced with a large number of retaining barrage, Ye Zishu thought about it, and decided to continue broadcasting for a while. The reason is that he wants everyone to understand him better, and creating mystery will only bring about counterproductive effects.

So he said kindly: "It seems that everyone is still very interested in me, so let's chat with you for a while, and if you have any questions, just ask, I will definitely say what I can say.

Because there are too many barrages, it is impossible to give direct answers one by one. We can only answer them one by one according to the questions on the list of barrage questions. "

After finishing speaking, the original barrage ranking has undergone a huge change, and it has become a barrage question ranking, which is adjusted by artificial intelligence behind the scenes.

The artificial intelligence will classify and count according to the questions sent by the barrage. The more similar questions, the higher the list will be, so that it will not look so chaotic.

After Ye Zishu finished speaking, he pulled the hook out of the water and put the fishing rod on the ground. It would take a lot of time to answer these questions, and it was impossible to fish at all.

When he was ready, he looked at the barrage rankings and found that the number one question on the list was actually about his wealth.

It seems that everyone is more concerned about his wealth, but he is not very clear about his wealth, because it is increasing every moment, and there is no way to count it.

Moreover, the amount of wealth doesn't mean much to him. He can't move these wealth personally. The only thing he can move is the money earned by Tidal Investment Company, and he can't use that much money himself.

"It seems that everyone is so enthusiastic about wealth. To be honest, I don't know how much wealth I have, because it is difficult to count accurately, and I don't particularly care about it.

As I said before, if you hold a small amount of wealth, you have full power to make decisions. When the wealth reaches a certain level, the wealth does not belong to the individual.

Because the wealth at this time already has strong social attributes, how to make these wealth create more social wealth and benefit more people is the real destination of these wealth.

It is also based on this concept and spirit. Although my industries make a lot of money, in fact, I have never received a penny from these industries, not even a salary.

This is not hypocrisy, nor is it for tax avoidance, but the consensus reached at the beginning. If I really want money for myself, I don’t need to take money from these industries. I have plenty of ways to make money legally.

It is precisely because of this consensus that the industries under my umbrella develop so fast, because they do not simply work for me, but work for themselves and the society.

Although the created wealth belongs to me in the name of the law, as long as everyone strictly abides by this consensus, in fact the wealth does not belong to me, but to employees and society.

As for the amount of these nominal wealth, although there is no specific statistics, it should be larger than the number mentioned in that report. After all, we have done some work and achieved good results over the years. "Ye Zishu said with a smile.

Although what he said earlier may not be fully understandable, but what he said later, everyone can only worship. 5 trillion US dollars is enough, and he even said that there should be more.

Many people don't know how much wealth is exchanged for banknotes, but they can be sure that it will take a long time to pull it by train. Fortunately, they are also envious, and there are not many people who are jealous.

It is no longer a matter of luck that people can make so much money, but with their strong strength. Facing people with absolute strength, few people feel jealous.

This question is over, and the second question is to ask him what he usually does. This question is something he didn't expect, probably because of curiosity.

"Many people may think that I am either busy making money or on the way to make money, but I am not. I seldom participate in the specific business affairs of the industries under my umbrella.

Think about it, if I want to manage such a huge industrial system, I can't manage it at all. It will only happen that I don't care about my head and don't care about my body, making things worse and worse.

So only in the early stage of entrepreneurship, I would do some practical work. At that time, the industry was not big enough, and I could handle it by myself.

Now basically deal with some retreat work, research and formulate industrial development strategies, and think about future economic and social development.

This time I went back to my hometown for the New Year, and I haven’t been out of the house until now. I just stayed at home, read books, and did some research, which took up most of my time.

Instead of being busy for wealth, I would rather spend more time learning new knowledge and researching some interesting science projects, which are much more interesting than pure pursuit of wealth.

I know that everyone was afraid of poverty before, and there is nothing wrong with wanting to earn more money. The economic base determines the superstructure. Without money, it is difficult to move forward. I still understand this truth.

After all, before I went to college, my family was relatively poor. The situation of my family changed only after I went to college. I also have a deep understanding of what it feels like to have no money.

However, I don’t agree with the social use of wealth as the criterion for success. There are many criteria for success. More money only means that you have more social resources, that’s all.

Although money can buy 99 things, the most precious things are often not what money can buy, and the 1 that cannot be bought is often the true meaning of human existence in the world.

Like me, I feel that the significance of learning knowledge and doing research is far greater than the significance of making money. It can even be said that most of my current wealth is an accessory to my previous work.

Of course, the above are all based on solving life problems. It doesn't mean that I look down on making money. Making money is not shabby.

As I said before, the economic base determines the superstructure, but I hope not to be addicted to money and become a slave to money. All values ​​revolve around money.

This is good for stimulating domestic economic development in the short term, but in the long run, it is not a good thing, and it will cause capital to alienate humanity and society. "Leaf Book said.

Regarding what he said, opinions are not unified. Although it seems that there is nothing wrong with it, everyone has their own ideas. For example, some people say that as long as the money can buy 99 things, it will be fine.

There are also people who think that as long as it is not illegal, making money is not a big problem. These statements are true, but there is still a big question mark whether it can be recognized by everyone.

Originally, this question was stopped here, Ye Zishu thought about it, and said: "Look, some people say that money can buy 99 things.

That depends on personal values. In my opinion, wealth is the easiest to earn and also the easiest to lose, because the essence of social operation is to prevent wealth from belonging to oneself or the family forever.

Some people say that as long as you don’t break the law, it’s fine. This seems true, but the law is only the bottom line of morality. Obeying the law does not mean that you are a good person, it only proves that you are still a person. "

He sees more meaningful issues, which are much more meaningful than focusing on his wealth.

"With regard to the future development of the domestic economy, this is a relatively big issue, and it cannot be explained clearly in a few words, but we can be sure that we will face more tests in the future.

We have just achieved the first goal, which is to become the country with the largest economic aggregate, but it is much more difficult to move from the largest economic aggregate to the largest per capita.

Therefore, we must be proud of the achievements we have made so far, but we should not be obsessed with them, because we still have a lot of work to do to achieve the first per capita economy.

I have four thoughts on this, and I may be able to throw bricks to attract jade. The first aspect is to further improve the institutional construction, which is one of the keys to the continued economic development.

At present, there is a bit of excessive superstition in the market economy in China. I think it is inappropriate, especially in the case of technological innovation and more management methods, innovation must be made.

And some things are not suitable for market-oriented operation, such as basic education, basic housing, and basic food, because these are the key to the survival of the people.

Fairness and popularization of education is to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to participate in social competition, it is the basis for ensuring the vitality of social development, and it is also the basis for ensuring the progress of civilization.

I don’t know if you have heard of the Le Project. It is a policy of obscuring the people implemented by a group of Western elites, making it difficult for ordinary people to obtain the same education as the elites.

Emphasis on happiness education for ordinary people, the result is that high school graduates may not even be able to understand simple arithmetic, while the children of elites go to elite private schools, which has nothing to do with happiness education.

As a result, it is easy to know that class mobility has become more and more difficult, wealth and resources will always be concentrated to a small number of people, and it is also very simple to achieve this, that is, marketization.

Because the tuition fees in elite schools are so high that ordinary people can't afford them, they can only go to public schools, where most of the people are just dawdling.

If someone wants to marketize education, we need to be vigilant, because the result of this is that it will be difficult for the children of the poor to stand up, and there will be natural stratification, and the class will become more and more solidified.

According to the custom in our country, it is easy to get married when you have your own house. If housing is completely marketized, there will be a large number of young people who will not be able to get married and will not be able to have children.

The consequence is that many people will lose the meaning of life and have no motivation to struggle. It will also cause a phenomenon of declining birth rate, the aging of society, and the gradual loss of social vitality.

It is also easy to understand that basic food cannot be marketed. It is necessary to ensure that the people can obtain food and clothing at the least cost. If this cannot be done, there is something wrong with society itself.

These are the rigid needs of the people. If marketization can indeed bring great benefits, it can create a lot of GDP, but what is the meaning of such a GDP?

Taking the people's rigid needs as the driving force for economic development is the practice of cutting off children and grandchildren.

What we want is a meaningful GDP, and what we want is a GDP that can make people feel happy. This is the fundamental purpose of our economic development, rather than just looking at the growth of GDP figures.

If we just look at the numbers, we will feel that the economy has been developing, but everyone will be more and more unhappy, even more tired than when the economy was underdeveloped.

In the past, we all learned from foreign countries. Before we had no experience, it was understandable to learn from others, but in the future, we still blindly learn from others, which may not work. "

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