Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 873 Words and deeds match, making it hard to find fault


It stands to reason that he should not have said this, but he still said that whether it is education, housing or food, it is all related to his industry, and marketization is actually more beneficial to him.

But he understands very well that obtaining benefits depends on things. His industries are engaged in these businesses, but the fundamental purpose is to improve and make them better.

Of course, after he finished speaking, someone said in the bullet screen that the current domestic housing prices have risen sharply, but his Wancheng Foundation is holding on to the house and not selling it.

This has invisibly raised housing prices, which is inconsistent with what he said above. Faced with such doubts, he has long been aware of this.

"Wancheng Jiye does have a large number of houses in its hands. It's not that we don't want to sell them, but that it's too late. There are two main reasons why we plan to hold these properties first.

The first reason is that urban housing is currently tense. If it is sold out, it will become more and more difficult for a large number of migrant workers to rent housing, and the rent price will skyrocket.

Rather than safeguarding the interests of those who can afford a house, we are more willing to protect the interests of most people who cannot afford a house. We must ensure that they can rent a house at a suitable price.

And not only to ensure that they can rent a house, but also to ensure that the children who follow them into the city can enjoy high-quality education, for which we have spent a huge price.

The land that could have been used to build housing, we have to use to build a large number of kindergartens and schools, so that everyone can equally enjoy high-quality educational resources.

And we also spend a lot of money to build medical institutions. If we maximize the benefits, we don't need to build so densely. This is all for the convenience of urban residents.

A city is not simply about working and living, but also meeting the needs of all residents, including schools, hospitals, cultural and sports venues, and so on.

The second reason is to avoid the formation of alternative exploitation, that is, rich people buy a large number of properties, resulting in a shortage of housing resources in the market, thereby raising property prices.

If you feel that the current housing prices are high, you can wait for a while. In a few years, Wancheng Foundation will be able to build enough housing and supporting facilities.

If the market price remains high at that time, we will sell at a reduced price to ensure that everyone can sell a suitable house, even if they are renting a house, they can enjoy the same urban benefits.

We believe that the housing price per square meter should not exceed the average monthly income of the city. If it is higher than this price, it means that the housing price is too high.

If you live in a rented house, the rent of an ordinary house should not exceed 20% of your household income. If it exceeds this figure, it will give people a serious sense of insecurity.

If you are worried that you will not be able to pay the rent due to unemployment or income decline, you can choose to purchase housing insurance, which also has a guarantee against unpredictable risks in the future.

Of course, no matter how much fairness is taken into account, high-quality resources are always limited. It is normal for housing prices and rents to vary in different parts of the same city. Everyone needs to choose according to their own needs and capabilities. "Leaf Book said.

His explanation, no matter whether everyone believes it or not, at least it can be regarded as an official announcement of the reason for doing so. Anyway, after a few years, it will be possible to verify whether what he said is true.

But when we talked about education just now, some people think that the membership fee of Tai Chi Medical Group is too expensive. For high-income people, the membership fee of 500 yuan is not high, but for low-income people, it is a heavy burden.

Among them, the agricultural population is the most important. They do not have a lot of income, and they live in rural areas, and it is relatively far to go to the hospital. Now there are no people who buy memberships, and the rural population accounts for a very large proportion.

In response to this question, Ye Zishu also showed a helpless expression, and said: "There is no way to do it, Taiji Medical Group has actually been losing money year after year, and the membership fees it collects are strictly calculated.

You can't expect one company to take all social responsibilities. If you want to do a good job in medical care and let the whole people want to enjoy high-quality medical resources, you need to work hard in many aspects.

In fact, if the membership is not launched, Tai Chi Medical Group will earn more and not lose so much, but the consequence of doing so is that more people will not be able to enjoy special medical resources fairly.

For example, the longevity medicine launched by Tai Chi Group, if calculated according to the market price, 20% of the medicines are affordable in China, which is very good, and most of them cannot afford it.

This is obviously not what we want to see. The more urgent the public is for resources, the more we must pay attention to fairness and avoid serious consequences.

We still take the longevity medicine as an example. If the rich people use it, their life expectancy will be greatly extended, while the life span of other people will not increase much, it will cause serious social tearing and form a dual society.

This is just the beginning. There are still many medical resources with special effects that must be guaranteed to be enjoyed fairly. Only through the channel of membership, try to make it as popular as possible.

Although Tai Chi Medical Group is a subsidiary company of Tai Chi Group, Tai Chi Medical Group is very independent and is essentially an independent unit responsible for its own profits and losses.

In order to ensure that medical resources serve the public, Taiji Group has decided that even if Taiji Medical Group makes money, it will not be taken away by the headquarters to ensure that the medical group can continue to operate steadily.

As we said earlier, some resources are not suitable for full marketization, such as education, housing, and medical care. If you feel that Tai Chi Medical Group makes too much money, we can also change it into a non-profit organization.

Just like the basic education institutions under the New Oriental Education Group are gradually changing to a non-profit model, this is our attitude towards special resources, which absolutely does not include lakes! "Leaf Book said.

"Come back to business, the second aspect is to build and improve the basic transportation network. If you want the economy to have a sustainable development momentum, you must ensure the exchange of people and goods.

In terms of highways, it is necessary to connect counties and counties. This is the basic condition for the development of the county economy. Even the most basic highways are not connected, and the economy of this county is destined to not be particularly good.

Rail transit must be accessible to every prefecture-level city. The rail transit network is the main artery of the national economy, carrying a large number of people and goods on land.

Given the population and density of our country, it is very necessary to build a denser rail transit network, which is of great benefit to economic development.

Water transportation must be determined according to its own geographical conditions. If possible, try to communicate with various water systems so that water transportation can cover a wider area.

Water transportation is very important for the transportation of bulk commodities, and it is an important guarantee to ensure that various places can enjoy the same commodities at similar prices.

There is also the air transportation network, so I don’t need to go into details here. In short, if you want to get rich, build roads first. This is the inevitable way for economic development, and it is of great significance.

The third aspect is that resources need to change from the centralized supply in the past to a fair competition model. In the past, domestic resources were limited, and we hope to develop several large cities to play a leading role and participate in global trade competition.

This approach was undoubtedly correct before. In the case of insufficient resources, it is definitely not possible to spread the pie. But now that we have entered a new stage, it is not necessarily appropriate to still adopt the previous concentration of resources.

This is not only related to the issue of sustained economic growth in the future, but also the issue of everyone enjoying the dividends of economic development equally. To be honest, I don't like the super-large construction of various cities.

In my opinion, any city with a population of more than 10 million will inevitably lead to big city diseases, such as the tight allocation of urban resources, prominent traffic problems, weak ability to withstand stress, and other problems will be exposed.

Although big cities are conducive to the allocation of resources and improve the efficiency of resource flow, they play a very important role in economic development, but there are always disadvantages when there are advantages.

Especially in the future, there may be unpredictable risks. Economic concentration will cause heavy losses, but economic decentralization can be dealt with calmly.

I can understand everyone's obsession with big cities. Many people think that big cities are the symbol of modernization. If they think so, it shows that their understanding of modernization is very superficial.

I think that in the future, economic development needs to be biased towards economically underdeveloped areas, as well as the development of county economy, so that every county economy that is becoming more and more empty can be rejuvenated.

In the future, the county population will account for about half of the total domestic population, and the county economy will account for about half of the domestic economy, so that everyone can find suitable jobs nearby as much as possible. "Leaf Book said.

For the second aspect, the live broadcast room is fine. For the third aspect, some people disagree. They think that the current economy is too fragmented, which is not conducive to the construction of the industrial chain and is not conducive to international competition.

Moreover, for countries with insufficient per capita resources, the development of big cities is the right way to develop. The most successful is rb's tokyo, which has a huge population and economic volume, which has played a major role in rb's economic development effect.

What's more, developing the county economy is easier said than done, because capital is profit-seeking and will flow to places that are most conducive to resource allocation.

In response to these problems, Ye Zishu explained: "The so-called industrial chains are also different. Some industrial chains are very large and require a lot of cooperation. It may be more appropriate to put them in big cities.

And some industrial chains are not large, and the population of a county may just be able to operate. Whether it is an industrial chain or an industrial cluster, it needs to be adapted to local conditions and cannot be generalized.

In fact, most of the industries with special emphasis on industrial clusters are low-end industries. Due to meager profits, they can only rely on the construction of industrial clusters to minimize the cost of each link.

The economic industries placed in the county area are not necessarily low-end industries, but may also specialize in high-end industries. To make an industry the world's top is successful.

As for the notion that per capita resources are insufficient, it depends on how you understand it. If you simply refer to the resources endowed by nature, no matter how rich they are, they will be exhausted sooner or later.

The real way to solve the shortage of resources is to use technology to create resources, such as grain and oil, dairy products, textile materials, sugar, etc. under the Kirin Industrial Group.

They are all examples of using technology to solve the shortage of land resources. Since there is a shortage of land, we can produce the materials we need without relying on a large amount of land, and it is better than that produced by land.

Another example is the lack of water resources in the north and south of our country. I thought of the south-to-north water diversion before, and now Kirin Environmental Industry Group is developing the technology of water diversion in the air. I believe there will be good news soon.

This plan is to use related technologies with the southern high-altitude government to drive to the arid and less rainy areas in the north to land, and to establish an aerial rainwater transportation channel.

In this way, the southern region does not have to worry about floods during the rainy season, and the northern region is arid and less rainy, with a substantial increase in rainfall, and the ecological and domestic water can be more satisfied.

The same is true for energy issues. Now that solar energy can be used to generate electricity, it is not far from using electricity to produce other energy products.

Natural resources have never been the main factor that restricts us, but technological innovation capabilities are the main factor that constrains us. We must have a clear understanding of this.

Capital naturally flows to more profitable places, and it is generally established. Therefore, I don't expect domestic capital to participate in the development of county economy.

Of course, I don’t just talk but don’t practice, that’s fake. I just realized the importance of developing the county economy. Since last year, I have started to make preparations. This year, I have started to promote the county economy investment plan.

At present, we have raised 4 trillion yuan for the economic development of counties and remote areas. In the future, this number will increase until we create a sustainable economic system for each county and form local economic characteristics.

Let the per capita income of each county be no less than the residents of big cities, and even some county economies have higher per capita income than big cities due to industrial reasons.

Again, it is not our original intention to develop the economy that a small number of people are rich or a small number of regions are rich. It is our goal to make everyone rich and all parts of the country rich.

If it is only for profit, it is an ordinary businessman. Even if the business is very large, it is actually not in the mainstream. A real businessman should use his ability to change the status quo and make the impossible possible. This kind of person can be called an entrepreneur. ! "

Although his words revealed a deep disdain for ordinary businessmen, but there is no way to refute them. That's what they do. They are completely consistent with their words and deeds, and they are not fooling people at all.

Ye Shu ignored their thoughts and continued: "The fourth aspect is to gradually eliminate local protectionism, reduce the number of zombie enterprises, increase the efficiency of resource allocation, and create a better business environment.

I can still understand local protectionism. After all, resources are concentrated in big cities. If there is no protection at the local level, the economy will plummet even more.

But this situation is definitely not normal. If local protectionism is pursued, it will be difficult for enterprises in each locality to grow bigger and stronger, and huge waste of resources will also be generated.

What we think about is not over-protecting existing enterprises. The flowers in the greenhouse will not last long. What local governments should think about is how to cultivate new industries and create a group of enterprises with strong domestic and global competitiveness.

I hope that through hard work, a number of competitive industries can be cultivated for each county, so that each place can abandon local protection measures and participate in national and even global competition.

As for the issue of zombie companies, it will also be a problem that we must face. How to reduce the number of zombie companies through various methods while ensuring employment as much as possible is a test of everyone's wisdom and courage.

I don't need to say more about the latter two. Everyone understands their importance. Whether the local economy will develop well in the future is inseparable from these two factors.

The above four aspects are relatively important in my opinion, and there are still many areas that need to be improved. To be honest, the size of my country's economy does not match many supporting measures.

If these obstacles are not reduced, it will become more and more difficult for the economy to continue to thrive in the future. As the saying goes, if you forewarn, you will stand;

Now that you know which factors will become obstacles, you must start to solve them in advance, and you can't just think about solving them when the problem is imminent, because no one knows when the problem will be considered imminent.

Often when you realize that you have to solve it, in fact, these hindering factors have already formed negative effects for a long time, but they are easily covered up by the glamorous surface. "

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