Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 875 Imagining the future


In the past, he would not have dared to say that, because all people may have selfishness, no matter how much the top management emphasizes, someone still has to do things below.

Now that general-purpose robots have fully settled in his industries, Taiji Group is more active in this regard, not only employing general-purpose robots for corporate supervision, but also employing robots to participate in core project research and production.

Even the key core links are controlled by general-purpose robots, with the purpose of further strengthening the control of special projects and reducing the possibility of technology leaks and product leaks.

A lot of preventive measures have been taken before, and the intervention of universal robots has further enhanced the company's confidentiality of special research projects.

Of course, these words are actually a warning to the companies under him. In his eyes, no company is too big to fail. If he can start one company, he can start another one.

The next question is that some people have read his "Madman's Lie" and thought that the book was written too fantasyly, but they found that the scenes described in the book are gradually becoming reality, or even too much.

For example, the book describes a high-speed rail train with a speed of only 300 to 400 kilometers per hour, while the super maglev train of Huanyu Group has come out, and its speed is as high as ** 100 kilometers per hour.

It is written in the book that every household has a car. Now many people in China have started to buy their first car, and it will become a reality in a short time.

The high-rise buildings described in the book, the bright lights of the city, and the wide and straight roads are gradually becoming reality. Therefore, many people are very interested in his predictions and ask him about his views on the future.

When I wrote this book, it was mainly based on the experience of the previous life, and the scenes described were naturally what happened in the previous life, but I didn't expect that the development exceeded his expectations, and it no longer completely followed the trajectory of the previous life.

"I didn't expect that there were people in the live broadcast room who read my "Madman's Lie", which was written when I was just in college. I had no money at that time, and I wanted to do something to make some money.

You also know that there are not many places where students can make money. Writing books is the most suitable choice. You only need to buy some pens and inks, and the cost is very low.

It was only later that I found that making music was more profitable than writing books, so I focused my work on making music, which allowed me to earn my first pot of gold in life. Here I would like to thank all my friends who have supported me.

This book was actually my vision of the future at that time. I felt that in the next 20 years, our country would be able to realize the scene described in the book, which was also the modern life scene in my mind at that time.

It's just that I didn't expect that the reality is more fantasy than what is written in the book. Judging from the current development speed, it will not take 20 years at all, and the scene described in the book can be completed in 10 years.

Looking back at this book,

In fact, it still means a lot to me, not how much money it makes me, but it sets a small goal for me, which is to do my best to achieve it.

Fortunately, these years have not been wasted. With the support of everyone, we are getting closer and closer to the scenes described in the book, and even some of the scenes have been realized and completed better. "Leaf Book said.

After he briefly narrated the ins and outs of this book, everyone had an understanding of the writing background of this book. It turns out that the richest man was too poor to reveal his past.

"As for my vision for the future, I am generally very optimistic. People's lives will be more prosperous, there will be more entertainment and leisure time, and the happiness index will become higher and higher.

If you want to be specific, you can talk about my views from four aspects: education, social governance, humanistic development, technological level, and living conditions.

In terms of education, our country still has nine-year compulsory education, but I think that the per capita education level will be greatly improved in the future, and university education will be fully popularized.

This is not my personal imagination, but a reasonable speculation about future development needs. In the future, assembly line workers will be completely replaced by robots, and ordinary manual labor jobs will disappear completely.

People will spend a large proportion of their time in receiving education throughout their lives, and strive to cultivate everyone into an elite, so that everyone has unlimited possibilities. "

Before Ye Zishu finished speaking, there were different opinions on the barrage. The reason is that it is impossible for everyone to be an elite, and society must be stratified, otherwise there would not be so many jobs suitable for elites.

"It is impossible to say that it is still in the current state of social development. As I mentioned earlier, the logic of the future situation will be completely different from the present.

We have to make bold assumptions and imaginations, and look for reasonable speculations that are logically self-consistent, so as to judge whether it is possible. If it is possible, and the probability will be better, we must work hard to realize it.

Instead of living in the current state, it is impossible to blindly conclude that it is impossible. That is an arbitrary and irresponsible approach. Only by surpassing the status quo can we achieve a leap forward and sublimate the entire civilization.

And we are not just talking about not practicing, but trying to achieve it. At present, New Oriental Education Group has kindergartens, primary schools, junior high schools, high schools, and even higher vocational colleges and ordinary colleges.

There are more than 150,000 educational institutions of all kinds, and soon there will be more than 300,000, so that every child has the opportunity to study consistently from kindergarten to university.

Although such a huge investment in education is a big burden for New Oriental Education Group, in order to achieve our goal, we will not hesitate to spend more money.

As for introversion, there is actually no need to worry, because in the future, even if everyone has no job, they will have no worries about food and clothing, and the extreme abundance of material will allow everyone to survive well.

The reason for investing in education in this way is to break the curse of a few elites, so that everyone can become an elite. As long as the country needs it, everyone can stand up and display their abilities. "Leaf Book explained.

If he hadn't said it himself, no one would have known that the New Oriental Education Group had such a large scale, with hundreds of thousands of schools, and the investment in building the schools alone was an astronomical figure.

Since Ye Zishu attaches so much importance to education, it is impossible for the school to be so shabby, and it must be willing to spend the capital. On average, each school should have tens of millions, which is several trillion yuan.

And as mentioned earlier, the basic education business of New Oriental Education Group will be non-profit, which means that the money earned in the future by New Oriental Education Group will not be able to get the headquarters, let alone enter the boss's private pocket.

To be honest, Ye Zishu's dedication to education shocked many people. Before, some people thought that his personal wealth was too much. Thinking about it now, it is not a bad thing for such a person to have such a huge wealth.

"Let's talk about social governance again. With the application of more technologies and the need for social management, a large number of intermediate links will be omitted and it will become flatter.

The operation of the entire society will be completely intelligent and digital. Non-critical security information will be almost transparent to everyone, and everyone will be able to see the details of national governance. "Leaf Book said.

Just when Ye Zishu was going to talk about the development of humanities, some people were a little dissatisfied with his simple description and urged him to explain it in more detail.

"I didn't want to say too much, but since everyone's request is so strong, I will simply say it, for example, the currency in the future must be fully digital, and it will no longer be the paper we use now.

You only need to touch the device to pay, and you can clearly see all the details of every penny you spend.

Once the digitalization of currency is realized, there are three major advantages. First, digital currency payment is more convenient. Whether it is online or offline, payment can be made without barriers, which will effectively promote further economic prosperity.

Second, digital currency is conducive to tracking the legitimacy of every penny and plays an irreplaceable role in combating illegal gains. Under artificial intelligence and big data, there will be no secrets.

The third is that digital currency is conducive to controlling the current economic situation of the country, formulating more reasonable economic policies and wealth distribution policies, so that everyone can easily obtain the allocated wealth.

As mentioned earlier, everyone will be able to live a good life even if they don’t work in the future. Where the money comes from, it must be allocated by the state. To achieve this, digital currency is an inevitable product.

In the future, administrative operations will inevitably be in the process of fully digital supervision, and even more radically, the entire administrative system will be fully supported and executed by artificial intelligence.

If these two parts are fully realized, it means that the whole society is basically in a flat state, there is no obvious gap between rich and poor, and there is no obvious class distinction.

Power and wealth will no longer be people's ultimate pursuit. Everyone's ultimate goal is how to realize the value of life and make their life more meaningful. "Leaf Book added.

"Good education makes it possible for people to realize the value of life, and good social governance makes it easy for everyone to obtain the material conditions for survival.

Although I cannot predict what everyone will pursue in the future, art, culture and science will surely enjoy unprecedented prosperity, and the field of humanities will achieve unprecedented development.

It is also based on this kind of thinking that all basic education schools under the New Oriental Education Group will offer a wide variety of interest classes in order to lay a solid foundation for future development.

Still the same sentence, we must be full of imagination for the future, but also work hard to realize it. If we just don’t want to do it, we will never have the possibility of realizing it. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step! "Leaf Book said.

"The things mentioned above may make people very confused. If you can get paid if you don't work, who will do the work? This is the power of technology.

I think the fundamental purpose of human beings' pursuit of development is to make life easier for themselves, and the ultimate pursuit is to obtain enough material enjoyment without working.

Everyone knows the robots of Qinglong Technology Company. Although these robots are very clumsy, they are still far from being usable.

If you think that it will take a long time to achieve a robot that meets human requirements, then it is a big mistake. In fact, we already have the technical conditions, but other conditions are not met.

Artificial intelligence, robots, and intelligent industrial equipment are the main axes of development in the future, and technology will also achieve unprecedented development due to technological breakthroughs in these three areas.

Before long, human beings will not be limited to the planet we live on, and we will transform other planets to make the planetary environment more suitable for human survival, and interstellar migration will become possible.

Land and resources will no longer be the constraints restricting the development of human beings, the survivability of the human race will be enhanced unprecedentedly, and human beings will completely become an interstellar race! "Leaf Book said.

Everyone agrees with his description of the future scientific level. After all, this is what human development will eventually achieve. If you stay on the small earth, if something happens, the entire human race is in danger of being wiped out.

Everyone is pessimistic about when interstellar immigration will be realized. The current technology seems to be very powerful, but it is still far from realizing interstellar immigration.

Leaving aside other things, it is Earth's neighbor Mars. It is not an easy task to transform it into a planet suitable for human habitation, let alone immigrating to other planets.

Faced with this pessimism, he was much more optimistic, and said with a smile: "I am much more optimistic than you. If the earth does not undergo major changes, I think the goal of immigrating to other planets can be achieved within 100 years."

Many people were surprised by his prediction and wanted to ask him the basis for making this judgment, but Ye Zishu didn't intend to elaborate on it in detail.

When to achieve interstellar immigration mainly depends on when he thinks it is appropriate, at least he thinks the current state is not suitable, even things on earth are messed up, let alone interstellar immigration.

"As for the future state of life, I think it is more free. This freedom does not mean doing whatever you want, but not doing what you don't want to do.

As long as the attribute of society still exists, everyone has their own rules, and absolute freedom will inevitably infringe on the freedom of others, so it is a false proposition.

The basis for realizing the freedom of "doing what you don't want to do" is that even if you don't work, you can get a lot of material conditions, so that everyone doesn't have to go against their own wishes for survival.

At present, we are trying to do this, for example, after serving the company for 20 years, we can retire early with pay, and we are also exploring the possibility of paid vacation.

The purpose of doing this is to gradually reduce the demand for manpower, whether it is possible to achieve high-speed operation of the enterprise, if a company cannot do it, it is impossible to achieve it at the entire social level.

We are willing to explore ahead of time when all conditions are not yet available, and we are also confident in completing this experiment to provide valuable experience for future social and economic governance.

As for other aspects, I will not go into details. For example, traveling will be the norm in life, and there will be enough time to enrich myself, and life will become longer and longer. "Leaf Book said.

Leaf Book depicts a future full of imagination for everyone, but to be honest, everyone has a different answer to whether it can be realized. Some people think that Leaf Book is serious, not just talking casually.

Some people think that it is unlikely to be realized. Although Ye Shu is very serious about it, some things can be done without seriousness. Too many interests are involved, and it is difficult for talented people to promote it.

However, compared with the "Madman's Lie" written by him, the future described now is indeed more desirable, and I hope it can be realized as soon as possible. This is everyone's beautiful vision.

"Okay, I only planned to broadcast one thing in the live broadcast, but after talking so much, today's live broadcast is over. As for when the live broadcast will be broadcast in the future, it depends on fate!" Ye Zishu said with a smile.

After finishing speaking, he ignored the barrage in the live broadcast room, and directly turned off the live broadcast, then put his phone aside, picked up the fishing rod next to him, and continued fishing.

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