Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 876: Baihu Technology Company finally started to make a lot of money


After the live broadcast, Ye Zishu was still reading at home. Pei Qing called several times to express that she missed him, but he was too lazy to leave. As long as he didn't go out, he really didn't want to care about the outside world.

The impact of this live broadcast is also greater than he imagined. The purpose of the original live broadcast, the first purpose is to warn the domestic economy and make everyone fully prepared.

The second purpose is to allow the domestic people to properly understand the status quo of his industries and what they are doing, which is conducive to establishing a good image.

The third purpose is to prevent everyone from falling into the carnival of being the number one in the economic world, but to focus on the future and how to take the next road. This is the most important thing.

There is no limit to development, surpassing other countries to become the number one in the world is a normal thing, with our country's large population, hardworking people, and the spirit of assiduous research, it makes no sense not to develop.

But after standing on the top of the mountain, the next ascent is even more difficult, because there is no ready-made road for us to refer to.

This means that society, politics, economy, humanities, art, etc. all need to incorporate our unique thinking, rather than blindly follow the path of others.

This live broadcast achieved his goal to a certain extent, but many people are thinking about the content of his live broadcast, and many people are yearning for his future imagination, and think it is possible to realize it.

Also, many people felt his sincerity from his few words. It turned out that he did such a thing in silence. If he didn't say it, not many people would know.

There are also people who want to analyze the way of doing business or the way to make a fortune from his words, but they don't know how many people can do it.

Whether it is improving personal abilities or improving personal cognition, it is not an easy task. It takes a long time to work hard, and it also needs to be spent on the right things to have better results.

There are also some people who felt his terrifying ability to organize from his words. Many things were arranged from the beginning, and when everyone realized it, they had grown into towering trees.

The reason why he achieved his goal to a certain extent is because there is no unanimous voice in the world, there are always people who have different ideas, and the impression of his live broadcast is not good.

Some people say that he is a moral hypocrite and puts himself in a very high position. Although he does not deny that he has done a lot of things for this, but saying this makes other businessmen feel embarrassed. Isn't this putting other businessmen in an embarrassing position?

Some people also think that some of his remarks are inappropriate. As a businessman, it is enough to do business honestly. It is not his turn to dictate many domestic matters.

of which he called the eradication of rich and poor and class,

Many people are very disgusted and think it is unrealistic. These people think that their hard-earned status and huge wealth are no different from others.

If they are really no different from ordinary people, what is the use of their power and wealth? They can't really just use them for food, they must want to bring additional benefits.

What's more, thinking of the previous history, he felt that he was turning back the clock and was a traitor among them. If he really followed his plan, everything they had now might be gone.

Of course, there are also those who want to see a good show. Since he has said so, as the undisputed richest man in the country, when it comes time to see the real trick, let's see if he is willing to give up these benefits.

There are quite a lot of people with this kind of thinking, and the scope is also very wide. There are ordinary people and businessmen with small fortunes. It is not surprising to have this kind of mentality based on the idea that when the sky falls, there will be tall people standing on top of it.

Of course, there are also people who are carefully analyzing every sentence he said. You must know that he can achieve such an achievement, and every sentence cannot be said casually, and there must be internal logic.

In particular, what he said is that a local financial crisis will occur soon, which will lead to a global financial crisis. This is very important for officials and scholars concerned with the economy, as well as trading companies and production enterprises engaged in import and export trade.

They must figure out how true what Ye Zishu said, and where the local financial crisis will take place first. If they don't figure this out, many people will not be able to sleep.

Of course, for weaker companies, there is no need for analysis, or you can just believe what he said, and then choose to operate conservatively and change the direction of operation.

Or don't believe his words and continue with the previous business strategy, because they simply don't have the strength to analyze the global economic situation and financial risks, which is not something ordinary companies can afford.

In addition to paying attention to the financial crisis, quite a few people are also seriously thinking about suggestions, considering the current domestic situation, thinking about how to carry out the next reform.

The problems he mentioned are not all lost. Some problems are already very obvious, but they can still be maintained at present, and they have not reached the point where they have to be corrected.

But he said very well that it is much better to change some things early than later, and when it has to be changed, it means that things have formed a serious obstacle.

What surprised him was that he thought someone would contact him, but he didn't. He didn't know the specific reason. In that case, he enjoyed the quiet and read and studied at home with peace of mind.

I read the knowledge of bionics for about a month before, and I was a little tired of reading it. This time I plan to read the knowledge of planetary transformation, which he is also very interested in.

In fact, there is no fixed formula for planet transformation, and different transformation strategies need to be formulated according to different planets, because each habitable planet is very similar, while uninhabitable planets are very different.

Although he said that he is very interested in transforming Mars, he is actually more interested in transforming Venus. Although Mars was very popular in research in his previous life, Venus did not receive much attention.

The reason is that Mars is easier to detect. With the technology of humans at that time, exploring Mars was the best choice. In contrast, the environment of Venus is much harsher.

Not only does it have super-high temperature and super-strong air pressure, but it is also full of high-speed airflow. Ordinary probes go to Venus and just meet each other, and it won't be long before they fail.

Although the environment of Venus is very harsh, its advantages cannot be ignored, that is, it is extremely close to the size of the earth. If it is transformed into a habitable place like the earth, human immigration will not be so uncomfortable in the past.

If it is Mars, even if it is modified to the extent that it can immigrate, since its mass is much smaller than that of the earth, it is not a simple matter to adapt to the gravity of Mars.

For him, changing the climate and environment of a planet, or even the soil structure, is not a difficult task. The difficult thing is to add mass to the planet.

According to the current observation data, even if all the asteroids in the asteroid belt are moved to Mars, it will be difficult to make Mars as big as the earth.

If the mass of the planet is too large, there are some ways to reduce it, but if the mass of the planet is too small, it is difficult to increase it, and there must be enough mass of celestial bodies around to fill it.

It’s too early for him to talk about transforming the planet, because we don’t know enough about some data, and we need to launch a large number of probes to conduct detailed detection of the target planet.

Even though the virtual world was written by him, which can simulate the entire solar system, in fact there are still too many unknowns about the situation outside the earth.

Just based on the general scientific laws and knowledge of microphysics, coupled with the existing macroscopic data, it is simulated by a super quantum computer, which does not mean that the degree of reality is very high.

This is why the reality of the virtual world is only 50%, because it requires too much data support, and it is not easy to simulate the entire solar system.

Fortunately, the most important function of the current virtual world is to simulate the earth. For space simulation, only the macro data must be matched, not every planet must be simulated in detail.

Therefore, the simulation of the earth in the virtual world is much more realistic. Although it does not reach 80%, it is relatively close, and people cannot feel the obvious difference.

What he is studying now is various technologies for transforming planets, as well as descriptions of various planet types. Only when he has enough knowledge can he formulate the best plan for transformation.

Although different solutions may achieve the same result, the energy and cost spent are very different. As a company, Baihu Technology Company definitely wants to complete the planetary transformation task at the lowest cost.

While he was reading a book leisurely, Baihu Technology Company issued an announcement on May 20, announcing the official launch of the space station assembly mission and the start of a crazy space station construction plan.

At the same time, I also called Ye Zishu and asked him if he had time to go and have a look. To be honest, Baihu Technology Company was not completely sure about such a difficult task.

Although the simulation results are very satisfactory, and the technology is provided by Ye Zishu himself, it is the first time after all, and it is so intensive at the beginning, if there are few mistakes, it will cause irreparable losses.

If he was sitting there, they would feel a lot more at ease. The closer the launch was, the more restless the relevant project team members and leaders of Baihu Technology Company would be.

Ye Shushu wanted to refuse casually, because launching a space station is a great thing for others, but for him, it is not that great.

But after thinking about it, he decided that it would be better to go there. After all, he has been at home for a long time, and at least he has to go out for activities, otherwise he would be even less willing to move.

And if you show indifference, it will definitely hurt their hearts. It turns out that the projects they work on day and night are not taken seriously by the boss.

Once such a concept is formed, it is estimated that they may slack off in the future. He also counts on the White Tiger Technology Company to carry out the planetary transformation plan, so they can't cool their hearts.

So he changed his mind and agreed, and told his parents about going out during the meal. His father felt that he should have gone out long ago, and it was not a problem to stay at home all day, but his mother told him to be careful.

He didn't delay either, and the next day he took his own security team with him, took the convoy to Xi'an by plane, and prepared to inspect the work of Baihu Technology Company.

The production work of the entire space station, and even the production work of the new rocket, is completed here in Xi'an, but the launch location is relatively far away, and it needs to travel long distances to transport it.

It was already four o'clock in the afternoon when we arrived at the headquarters of Baihu Technology Company. Ye Zishu held a meeting with the company's senior management while there was still some time after dinner.

In order to catch up with the progress of the space station project, the staff is very large, employing 200,000 general-purpose robots, 10,000 seconded personnel, and 5,000 people recruited by itself, adding up to 215,000 people.

Because the technology and the previous span are too large, far exceeding the current advanced level, it can almost be said that a whole new industrial chain has been built from scratch.

In addition to the technical support provided by him, the participation of more than 200,000 people is also indispensable for being able to complete this work in more than half a year.

In particular, general-purpose robots work almost day and night, which is simply impossible for ordinary employees. Otherwise, it would not be so fast to build a complete industrial chain.

Ye Zishu asked about the operation of the industrial chain. According to the high-level report, it is believed that the production link can keep up with the launch frequency. This is strictly calculated.

The launch process has also been well prepared. 10 new rockets have been produced, and all of them have been transported to the maintenance base at the launch site for standby.

The ultra-high-power microwave power transmission facility has also been completed. The test not only meets the rocket launch requirements, but also has a large margin, which is enough to support the launch of a larger rocket.

I would also like to thank Kirin Energy Industry Group for pulling a transmission line for them. It is difficult for ordinary transmission lines to support the electricity consumption here.

Of course, Kirin Energy Industry Group is not in vain. Baihu Technology Company needs to pay a part of the fee, because the demand for electricity here is very small except for the time of launch.

The cost is either added from the electricity bill, or the user pays a certain construction fee. According to the negotiation between the two parties, it is more cost-effective to decide to pay the construction fee.

At present, only the space station needs to be built, but in the future, the space station needs to be expanded into a space city. If the electricity price is increased, the cost may be higher.

For Kirin Energy Industrial Group, although increasing the electricity price is a good long-term benefit, they are currently short of money, and being able to recover the cost as soon as possible is conducive to their investment in other areas.

Now that all the work has been well prepared, the next issue is money. After hearing about their income, Ye Zishu is also relieved. This year's orders are much more than last year.

Not only have they received a large number of orders for air force equipment and weapons, but they have also received many orders for naval equipment. Many naval ships have already been built in shipyards.

They predict that this year's revenue may be around 400 billion yuan. Although they have lowered the price of domestic orders, the profits of military industry orders are still very high.

Since the entire set of technology is their own, and the key equipment is produced by themselves, the profit margin is very high, and the overall net profit margin is as high as 50%.

With such a high net profit margin, in addition to all its own technology and low R\u0026D costs, there is also the establishment of a fully automated production system, and there is very little demand for the number of employees.

In their entire system, they only need to pay for basic materials, and the rest of the links are transferred internally, and all the money earned is kept internally. This is the result of paying taxes according to normal enterprises.

However, although there is a lot of money, there are also a lot of places to spend money. Just a follow-up project of the space station costs astronomical figures, and it takes a long time to save money.

Of course, it may not be so high in the report, and the money earned will be apportioned to other projects, such as the current space station industry chain, army equipment research, and preliminary work for future electromagnetic orbital launchers.

There are also their unmanned equipment research, suborbital vehicle research, etc. The leaf book of these projects does not give complete technical information.

Although relying on the technical strength accumulated in the hands of Baihu Technology Company, it is not particularly troublesome to study these projects, but the cost is definitely much higher than his direct technology and design.

Leaving aside other things for the time being, as long as Baihu Technology's current profitability can support the construction of the space station, the preliminary work of the huge space program in the later stage can also be carried out smoothly.

Especially for various detectors, the sooner they are launched, the better, as they can provide him with more data support as soon as possible.

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