Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 877: It is suggested to develop a space shuttle


Baihu Technology Company now has a strong ability to make money, Ye Zishu thinks that it can consider building its own headquarters, move out from this place, and don't stay here all day long.

In the final analysis, Baihe Software Company is a civilian enterprise, and it is appropriate to mix the two together. In addition, Baihe Software Company's business is gradually increasing, and the number of personnel is also increasing.

This time, their management didn't reject the proposal. They had been spending money before and didn't make much money. The building of the headquarters could still be delayed.

Now that I am making money, there is no need to procrastinate. Even if due to special reasons, it costs more to build the headquarters, it will not cost much. It is enough to spend 10 to 20 billion yuan to build the headquarters.

After the meeting with the management, Ye Zishu had dinner and immediately went to the R\u0026D center to learn about the progress of their various projects.

In the field of military industry, with his technical support, the research and development progress is quite fast. The army equipment research and development has completed the basic research and development, and has entered the research and development stage of various functional components.

At the same time, the construction of related factories is also underway. It is expected that all technologies and production systems will be completed around October, and the actual production stage will be entered by then.

Still in accordance with the model of naval equipment, they provide key components and technical support, and the complete production will be handed over to other companies.

For projects without his technical support, the research and development progress will be slower, such as the lunar probe and supporting engineering technology, as well as the Mars probe and supporting engineering technology.

These are also relatively urgent projects. Not to mention whether people can be sent up, at least the detectors must be launched first to collect enough data for follow-up research.

In addition, they also have many cosmic exploration research projects, such as various space telescopes and other space perception detectors, which are basic instruments and equipment for the study of cosmology.

Although others have launched the Hubble Space Telescope, we can only obtain second-hand information from others. Let alone whether it is accurate or not, it depends on other people's mood whether they are willing to give it.

If our country wants to become a space power, it is not just to build a space station, but also to launch a few probes to land on other stars. It must surpass all aspects, and all kinds of advanced instruments can only be more or less.

Only with enough advanced equipment can we have the foundation to cultivate a lot of advanced talents. Otherwise, no matter how good the talents are, they may be cultivated for others.

Therefore, the road we should take, in fact, cannot miss one step, unless we are willing to walk behind others, this is the reality, even if it costs a lot of money.

After taking a trip to the R\u0026D center, he found that the research on advanced space telescopes and detectors was far behind his imagination,

If they follow their progress, it is estimated that they will have to wait at least another five years.

According to ordinary people, this progress is actually not very slow. You must know that the Hubble Space Telescope took nearly 20 years from the start of the project in the 1970s to the actual launch.

Moreover, after the launch, it was overhauled five times before and after, and the cost of each cost was not lower than the total cost before launch, and the total cost reached nearly 10 billion U.S. dollars.

This is the extent to which the space project burns money. Spending billions of billions of dollars in the space project can't even make a splash. For slightly advanced projects, tens of billions of dollars are commonplace.

If Baihu Technology is allowed to do its own research, it's hard to say whether it can be researched, and it will definitely cost a lot of money. As an enterprise, increasing revenue and reducing expenditure can never be ignored.

He, who hadn't planned to get involved, had to provide them with technical support, so that they would spend much less time, and at the same time reduce R\u0026D expenses and production costs.

Ye Zishu glanced at the time, and didn't stay in the office any longer. He returned to the nearby residence, lay down on the bed after washing, and started to enter the virtual library.

Compared with the time spent on research by yourself, if you can find ready-made technology, not only the technology is more mature, but also more stable, and it takes less time.

The most important thing is that if his own research is based on his own knowledge reserves, the upper limit is already limited. If there are ready-made ones in the virtual library, the technical upper limit may be higher.

Based on the principle of doing big things with little money, we set higher technical standards in the early stage, so that we can do more things with less money, and save costs overall.

Ye Zishu found the space technology area. There are a lot of space technology materials here, many of which are very advanced. When designing the space station, it borrowed a lot of technology from here.

When he came to the space exploration technology area, Ye Zishu started to pick up the book and read it. With the increase of knowledge reserve, the reading speed was faster than before.

Now if it is not particularly complicated, or knowledge beyond his cognition, it usually only takes about 10 minutes to read and understand the content inside.

In addition, it is a comparative search, and it is not really necessary to learn all, so it seems to be faster. Only the technical information that he finds useful will be specially marked, and then continue to search.

In this way, he stayed in the virtual library and read books all night, and found a lot of useful technologies, but he didn't find a complete set of technologies that satisfied him.

The next day Ye Zishu inspected Baihe Software Company to learn about their operations this year. Actually, he was not particularly concerned about how much Baihe Software Company made.

Instead, we can see the progress of our country in the field of government modernization through the operation of Baihe Software Company. Generally speaking, the more modern the government is, the higher the transparency and the higher the operating efficiency.

The security monitoring system of Baihe Software Company has been developing smoothly as before. In fact, there are other companies that have launched security monitoring systems, but in terms of technology, this side is still thriving.

Perhaps for some reason, other companies were able to get some orders in this area, but most of the orders in the country still fell into the hands of Baihe Software Company.

There are many reasons. Among them, in the field of security monitoring, Baihe Software Company is so well-known that it can even be said to be synonymous with this field. When it comes to security monitoring, Baihe Software Company naturally comes to mind.

If there is no special reason, as long as Baihe Software participates in the bidding, there will be very few businesses that cannot be won, even if their price is higher.

In the field of government software systems, the speed of development is better than before. It is not a matter of money, but a wider range and more types of government software business. This is an obvious progress.

In the past, many of their government affairs were limited to simple information processing. To be honest, such a software system has no technical content at all, at least for Baihe Software Company.

Now he has started to develop in depth from the simple informatization field, and has begun to use artificial intelligence technology extensively to conduct data analysis and supervision of the entire system. This is the achievement that makes him shine.

However, these systems that use artificial intelligence technology in large quantities are all in cooperation with the top relevant departments and implement a top-down management model. Although local systems also use artificial intelligence technology, they are not critical systems.

The reason is actually simple, that is, once artificial intelligence technology is used, it means that all data is under monitoring, it is very difficult to operate in the dark, and it is very easy to find the victim.

This is also the reason why he believes that the higher the degree of intelligence in government affairs, the higher the transparency of government affairs, which will prompt relevant departments to consciously put power under supervision, which is conducive to the development of government affairs in the direction of cleanliness.

Finally, Ye Zishu had a detailed understanding of their smart city system construction, which is a major project they have undertaken and an important part of urban modernization.

At present, the high-rise buildings, wide and straight roads and public facilities in the city are all hardware modernization, but whether a city runs better or not, the software part can play an equally important role.

If a city fully uses the smart city system, all aspects of the city's operations will be fully digitized, and every data in the city can be analyzed in real time.

The most important thing is that it can be processed in a timely manner with the participation of artificial intelligence, and the processing method can even be fully automated if there are no special requirements.

With the help of this system, the city will run more smoothly, the coordination of all aspects will be easier to connect, the efficiency will be further improved, and the city will become more livable and more humane.

At present, their interface work based on the intelligent core has been completed, which means that the most critical part of their smart city system has been completed.

Next, you only need to continue to fill in the functional modules and realize the functions of various interfaces. This work is needlework, which requires more manpower and patience to complete slowly.

According to their plan, the intelligent core and functional modules are not only a unified whole, but also independent of each other. Unification means that data can be shared, and the intelligent core can be shared.

That is to say, the intelligent core can fully understand the operation of the entire city, and provide computing power and intellectual support for each functional module, making the functional modules more intelligent.

However, if the functional modules are really separated from the support of the smart core, they can also provide basic functions by themselves. In the event of a problem with the smart core, it will not paralyze the functions of the entire city.

At the same time, the data between functional modules will not be directly communicated. The purpose of this is to keep confidential, and all data will be summarized on the intelligent core.

Smart core data has a higher level of protection. If you want to view the data, you need a complete approval process to ensure the data security of the smart core with the greatest security measures.

Leaf Book recognizes their architecture design, which not only takes care of the current reality, but also provides possibilities for the future. It is a very advanced architecture design.

After inspecting Baihe Software Company, Ye Zishu went to inspect several important factories below, mainly to see the supporting production facilities of the space station.

He found that in key production parts, in addition to using fully automatic equipment, Baihu Technology also used general-purpose robots for quality inspection.

In the past, the quality inspection was also completed by fully automatic quality inspection equipment, but now a link similar to manual quality inspection has been added, which shows that they are very cautious about the space station.

This is different from a satellite. If a satellite fails, it only loses some money, but if there is a problem with the space station, there are likely to be casualties.

Moreover, the complexity of the space station is much higher than that of the satellite system, and every detail must be confirmed repeatedly to ensure that the ground link is foolproof, which makes people feel more at ease.

In the evening, he continued to go to the space technology area of ​​the virtual library to find suitable technologies. He had to ensure that the entire set of technologies would not be out of date for decades.

Of course, if it is really outdated, he will be happier instead, which means that the technological development of the outside world has far exceeded his expectations, which should be a good thing.

In the early morning of the next day, he met with some high-level executives of Baihu Technology Company and prepared to go to the launch center together. The group will stay there for a while.

Everyone drove there and arrived at the destination in the afternoon. Ye Zishu didn't bother to take a rest, so he inspected the launch facility here accompanied by the company's senior management and the staff of the launch center.

This rocket launch is very different from the past. The use of ion propulsion in rockets is an unprecedented pioneering work and a milestone for human space launches.

Ye Zishu inspected the maintenance center here, and looked at the rocket used for this launch. The rocket is still divided into three stages. The first stage rocket is completely propelled by ion propulsion, which weighs a lot less than before.

Both the second-stage rocket and the third-stage rocket use hybrid power. In the lift-off link, the second and third-stage rockets use chemical propulsion to provide power.

When returning, it is changed to an electric ion thruster. The main purpose of this is to be able to carry less chemical propellant and reduce the fuel weight of the rocket.

Of course, the result of such a design is that the complexity of the system is higher. If the technology is not provided by him, it would be impossible to develop it in such a short period of time.

The improved rocket can send hundreds of tons of materials into any orbit on the earth, but the rocket body is not bigger than before. This is the effect of the improvement.

So the cargo compartment of the rocket is much larger than before, taking up a huge part of the third stage rocket, and the big fairing looks more conspicuous than before.

After seeing the rocket in the maintenance center, Ye Zishu went to the ultra-high-power microwave power transmission center, which is not far from the rocket launch site. From a distance, he could see where two large, two small, and four pot lid devices stood.

Two small ultra-high-power microwave launch devices are used to provide power transmission for the rocket just after launch. The angle is more flexible and the distance from the rocket launch site is closer.

Two large ultra-high-power microwave transmitters provide power transmission for the rocket at high altitude. In fact, one is enough for use. The reason why there are two is mainly just in case.

Once there is a problem with one, the backup device can immediately and seamlessly take over the power delivery task, ensuring that the rocket can be foolproof whether it is launched or returned.

After reading these things, one day passed. When they returned to the launch center, the staff here had already pulled the rocket from the warehouse of the maintenance center.

The rocket must be installed on the launch pad tonight, and the final inspection work will be done. It will be inspected again before the launch tomorrow. Everything is fine. If the weather permits, it can be launched directly.

That night, Ye Zishu and the personnel at the launch center held a collective meeting to communicate on the launch arrangements to ensure that all launch tasks will be completed before June next year.

There are only about one year before and after, and the tasks are still very heavy. There are many launch tasks for each module of the space station, and there are various materials, equipment and experimental instruments that need to be sent to space.

In the middle of this, a manned launch experiment will be carried out, using the traditional spaceship manned technology, but at the meeting, someone suggested that Baihu Technology Company develop a space shuttle similar to the old M.

Ye Zishu promised to go back and think about it, but he didn't agree on the spot. At present, it is better to complete the spaceship manned technology as soon as possible. At least this method is safer and simpler.

If it is temporarily replaced by the space shuttle, the time may be too late, and the space shuttle needs to go through multiple rounds of tests before it can arrange real space missions.

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