Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 880: The space station is off to a good start


After doing this, Ye Zishu immediately devoted himself to the research of space probes, moon landings and Mars landings. Like space probes, he will provide a full set of technology and design.

As for the lunar landing and Mars landing plans, he will provide the plans and key technologies, but will not provide specific designs. This part of the work will be completed by the scientific researchers of Baihu Technology.

In his view, as long as the key technologies are solved and the overall landing plan is in place, other tasks will be easy to do, and the complexity is not high. These researchers are fully capable of completing related tasks.

In addition to the popular Mars exploration program, he deliberately added the Venus exploration program. Compared with Mars, he is actually more interested in Venus.

Of course, with the current level of science, it is much more difficult to transform Venus than Mars. This is why many countries have become interested in Venus exploration since the 1980s.

As a result, everyone found that although the volume and weight of Venus are the closest to the Earth, other conditions are much worse than Mars, so there is no need to waste time on Venus.

He doesn't have a specific plan yet, but he just wants to get a clear picture of the various data of Venus. With more detailed data, he can have other plans.

In this way, I came to Xi'an at the end of May, and the busy work came to an end in August. However, looking at the results of my work, I still feel a sense of pride.

In fact, shortly after he confirmed that the White Tiger Technology Company was developing the space shuttle, the White Tiger Technology Company announced the space shuttle research and development plan, and even gave a rendering.

Compared with the old m's space shuttle, the space shuttle designed by Ye Zishu has a more sci-fi feel. It is not a fat body, but more streamlined and much larger.

Although the volume is larger, the weight is not necessarily much higher. The reason is the difference in materials, and there is also a huge difference in the launching methods of the two.

Baihu Technology Company has been a superstar in the aerospace field in recent years. It is quite strange that a private company can dance so happily in the aerospace field that is only dominated by the state.

It's just that they don't know that space projects led by other countries lose money most of the time, but projects led by Baihu Technology may not necessarily lose money, and may even make money.

The space shuttle research and development plan has just been announced here, and it is said that technical verification and reserves have been completed. It is expected that the first flight will be realized by the end of 1998. Many people are really shocked, and the efficiency is too fast.

Immediately afterwards, they released the space station cooperative scientific research plan, saying that their space station is an open and commercial space station, hoping to reach space station commercial cooperation with space agencies or enterprises of various countries.

According to the plan of Baihu Science and Technology Company, the construction of the space station will be completed by the middle of next year.

After debugging and other preparatory work, it may be officially put into use by the end of next year.

It is completely reasonable to start investment now, but the price has not been announced, and everyone does not know the specific regulations, all of which need to be discussed in private.

According to the plan of Baihu Technology Company, the round-trip fare for each astronaut is about 200 million yuan, and the daily expenses of astronauts on the space station are about 20 million yuan per person per day.

If it is calculated according to the full staff, it is actually very profitable. It can bring 750 billion yuan in revenue to Baihu Technology Company every year. With the blessing of advanced rockets, the operating cost is actually not particularly high.

Of course, this price is only tentative, and it is unclear how many partners there are. If there are fewer partners, the price may be lowered to increase the entry barrier.

If there are many partners, it is necessary to increase the price and increase the entry threshold. Since it is commercialized, it must be determined according to market conditions, and the price is definitely not static.

In addition to satisfying the space missions of various countries and enterprises, they are also preparing to carry out space tourism projects, spending about 200 million yuan to realize a one-day space tour.

If you are willing to spend a little more money, you can also live in the space station for a few days. If the space station is not full, you can even take a long vacation in the space station and enjoy a unique space vacation.

After the news was announced, space agencies of many countries asked about the price. After learning about the cost, many powerful space agencies expressed their willingness to cooperate.

This fee is actually very reasonable. According to their cost calculation, the round-trip cost and the cost of staying in the space station are not much lower. You must know that this side also bears the research and development and construction costs of the space station.

In contrast, if you build a space station from start to finish, you will spend much more money. It can be said that it is the most cost-effective deal to cooperate with Baihu Technology.

Of course, for the aspiring space agency, it is very entangled. If the space station is built by itself, the total cost will be much higher than that of cooperation with Baihu Technology Company, and the overall must be a huge loss.

If it is not built, it will not be able to reflect the strength of the space agency itself, and it will not be able to ask for more capital investment from the country. It is also difficult to master the core technology of building the space station.

Although they have the opportunity to enter the space station of Baihu Technology Company and understand some of its structures, they cannot directly contact the real details.

And unlike the International Space Station in the previous life, the maintenance work was completed by astronauts, the maintenance of Baihu Technology Company will be completed by general-purpose robots, which is more secure and more conducive to confidentiality.

With such advantages, the space agency personnel of some countries gave answers that they were willing to cooperate soon after returning. There are two reasons that make them have to cooperate.

The first reason is that currently only Baihu Technology has the possibility to build a space station. This is an exclusive business. As long as they want to do space research, they have to cooperate.

The second reason is the cost. The price given by Baihu Science and Technology Company is quite reasonable, and they don’t ask for extravagant prices just because the space station is the only one. This is something they are more likely to accept.

In just one month, more than a dozen countries have expressed their willingness to cooperate. Although no formal cooperation agreement has been signed, Baihu Technology has a bottom line in mind.

Before the space station is fully completed, it is difficult to sign a formal cooperation agreement, but disrupting the research and development and launch plans of the International Space Station can play a very good role.

The International Space Station has been researched for some time, and a huge amount of research and development funds have been invested. When the first space capsule was about to be launched, such a change occurred, which was a huge blow to the International Space Station.

Now there is a lot of controversy internally on whether to continue the construction. Most countries think that there is no need to launch it, because the follow-up cost is not low at all, even much higher than the research and development cost.

Moreover, after the research and development, the technology is also backward compared to Baihu Technology Company, whether it is the space size of the space station, the number of people it can accommodate, or the facilities and equipment of the space station, they all lag behind in all aspects.

There is no need to continue to spend a lot of money on the development of such a space station. The most important thing to do now is to stop losses in time instead of going all the way to the dark.

Due to economic problems, the second largest participating country of the International Space Station, its neighbor to the north, has already planned to withdraw from the cooperation with the International Space Station and is preparing to cooperate with Baihu Technology Company.

Although some other space agencies did not make a clear statement, they did not express that they would not cooperate with Baihu Technology Company, which made the number one player, old m, unable to sit still.

They paid the most and borne most of the expenses, but it turned out that the younger brother almost ran away cleanly, which really made it hard for them to get off.

They have invested a lot of money. If they don’t continue, they will lose the most. If they continue, they can only play stand-alone games by themselves.

They can see rockets take off from the land of our country almost every day, and then see the space capsules built together like building blocks, and the space station is growing day by day.

Only they can experience this kind of anxiety. There are not many choices before them. There are already some insiders who feel that there is no need to continue to implement the current space station construction plan, which is too far behind.

Now there are only two ways. The first is to choose to cooperate with Baihu Technology Company. Although it has lost a large amount of research and development expenses, it can be regarded as a timely stop loss, and there are not so many things in the future.

The second is to completely abandon the existing space station technology plan, formulate a new space station research and development plan, and prepare to develop a more advanced space station than Baihu Technology.

This can indeed boost confidence, and at the same time develop more advanced technologies, but the cost will definitely be higher, and it is not known whether they can afford it. Now they are no longer the number one economic power.

And they can't guarantee that what they develop is the most advanced. Baihu Technology Company has announced the construction plan of the space city, which is based on the current space station.

What if they worked hard to build a more advanced space station, only to find that they have completed the construction of the space city and are still lagging behind?

In such a situation, although they have not yet decided how to go, they still revealed to the outside world that they are willing to cooperate with Baihu Technology Company, which can be regarded as leaving a way out for themselves.

The space agencies of other countries saw that the old m's space agency was like this, and they didn't have the slightest scruples. They called Baihu Technology Company one after another to express their willingness to cooperate.

Now that the willingness to cooperate has been expressed, some things must be carried out in advance, that is, the training of astronauts. The space station of Baihu Technology Company is all in Chinese, and these astronauts have to pass the language barrier.

In China, since Baihu Science and Technology Company planned to build a space station, it immediately carried out the selection and training of astronauts, but due to the short time, it has only been trained for less than a year.

On the contrary, the first two aerospace powers already have quite a few astronauts. They only need to pass the language barrier and have a detailed understanding of the space station of Baihu Technology Company to carry out their missions.

Fortunately, Baihu Technology Company did not plan to send domestic astronauts there in the early days, but directly sent general-purpose robots to perform tasks, without delaying related research work.

Since the space station is developed and constructed by Baihu Science and Technology Company, their opinions are also respected in the training of astronauts, and the training base is placed in Tianwen Institute of Technology.

It is also this arrangement that allows Tianwen Institute of Technology to be directly promoted from the original second institution to the first institution, and it can also directly recruit doctoral students.

Of course, this is also related to the strength of Tianwen Institute of Technology. Although it has been established for a short time, they have money. The annual research and teaching funds are much higher than originally planned, reaching 80 billion yuan.

The school was originally funded by Qinglong Technology Company and Xuanwu Technology Company, and now Kirin Industrial Group has also begun to make large-scale profits, and has also begun to invest some funds to cooperate in running the school.

Wancheng Foundation is also considering investing a part of the funds in Tianwen Institute of Technology to obtain a directorship and train some top science and engineering talents for it.

Although Wancheng Foundation's main business is real estate, their business is very extensive, and they also have many scientific research projects, but they are not so well-known compared to other companies.

If they don't develop their own real estate, but concentrate on selling equipment or high-tech materials, they can also become well-established technology companies.

It's just that these lights are completely covered by their real estate business and infrastructure construction business, so many people don't notice that they still have many technology-based companies.

In addition, the Huanyu Group officially joined the cooperative education of Tianwen Institute of Technology last year, which is one of the reasons why their teaching and research funding has risen so fast.

The Huanyu Group is also the owner of the money. With the development of various businesses, the income is also increasing day by day. It spends 20 to 30 billion yuan for running schools every year, and there is basically no burden.

Due to the different demands of each enterprise, it has a certain impact on the content of the school, and the faculties are getting larger and larger, which leads to the increasing scale of the Tianwen Institute of Technology.

The year before last year, the undergraduate enrollment was only 5,000, but last year it was expanded to 7,000. This year, it plans to enroll 10,000. So far, the scale of undergraduate enrollment will not expand.

Due to the previous school qualifications, it was not possible to enroll graduate students. Now that it has obtained the qualifications for graduate enrollment, the number of students in the school is estimated to increase a lot again.

Closer to home, after Baihu Technology and the space agencies of many countries reached cooperation intentions, these countries sent some selected astronaut seedlings to Tianwen Institute of Technology for training.

After these astronauts have mastered the language and basic training subjects, they will come to the aerospace training center of Baihu Technology Company to continue training until they have mastered all the necessary knowledge and their physical fitness meets the requirements, even if they are qualified.

The training of astronauts is very expensive. It takes tens of billions of yuan to train a qualified astronaut. This is the total cost, including theoretical training, physical training, overweight endurance training, and weightlessness training.

These are all training programs completed on the ground. In addition, astronauts must be sent into space for practice. Only after going through all the links can they be considered a qualified astronaut.

The aerospace training center of Baihu Technology Company will build a set of 1:1 scale space station scene models, so that the training will be more effective. After entering the space station, you can immediately participate in the work.

The use of spaceships has higher requirements for astronauts. If the space shuttle designed by him is used, the physical fitness of astronauts will be much lower, because the launching methods of the two are different.

The space shuttle he designed can use microwave power transmission technology to fly below the ionosphere and accelerate the flight. The distance of false acceleration is much longer than that of direct acceleration, so as to reduce the pressure on the human body caused by excessive acceleration.

This feature is actually more conducive to the development of space tourism. At least there is no obvious physical problem, and they can easily enter space without strict physical training.

Of course, what really takes time to train astronauts is knowledge and theory training. There are too many subjects to learn, and relatively little time is spent on real physical training and weightlessness and overweight training.

In any case, Baihu Technology's space station project is off to a good start. As long as they maintain enough competitiveness, there is no reason for these interested partners not to choose them.

After Ye Zishu finished the work here, he immediately flew to the capital, stayed with Pei Qing for two days, and then went to Huanyu Group non-stop to inspect their super maglev project.

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