Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 881 The global financial situation is under control


When Ye Zishu was doing research in Xi'an, he didn't pay much attention to the outside world. After "leaving customs" and going to the capital, he learned more about the outside world.

At the beginning, many people were skeptical about the financial crisis he said, and some people didn't even make any preparations at all. As a result, in July, as in the previous life, international capital carried out a financial harvest.

It is still the same formula and the same taste. After Thailand exhausted its foreign exchange reserves, it announced that it would abandon the fixed exchange rate and switch to a floating exchange rate. The Thai baht immediately depreciated sharply.

In fact, this action started in June, but at that time the two sides were still fighting fiercely, and the winner had not yet been decided, and ordinary people were not sensitive to the shadow of the sword.

It was not until July that the winner was completely determined, and many people were bewildered. After Thailand's exchange rate fell, the confidence of international capital led by Soros increased greatly, and they began to adopt the same operation, sweeping Southeast Asia.

This has led to huge losses in Southeast Asia and other countries. Some countries that use Southeast Asia as their export market also face huge losses. Exports are blocked and exchange rate losses have exacerbated their own economic crises.

In particular, countries that have developed their economies with high debt will be hit hard by this. The most typical example is South Korea, whose high debt management has made it the country with the worst losses outside Southeast Asia.

Since June, Tidal Investment has quietly transferred funds out of the financial market without affecting the main financial market.

However, the operation of the smart tidal investment system did not stop, and the result was that the withdrawal speed was not as fast as making money, which was unexpected by the tidal investment company.

The reason is that the financial war in Southeast Asia has affected the international financial market. Although there has not been a sharp drop, the volatility is relatively severe. This is a very good operating environment for the smart tide investment system.

The more violently volatile the financial market is, the more Smart Tide Investment Company can give full play to its advantages. On the contrary, in a calm financial market, the ability to make money will be poor.

It is already August. According to the original plan, Tidal Investment Company will withdraw from major global financial markets on a large scale by September, holding a large amount of cash in its hands.

It’s just that the cash scale is a bit large. Last year’s 7 trillion yuan was in hand very early. This year, due to increased operations, more money was earned. As of August, the scale of financial book profits reached 15 trillion yuan.

However, the withdrawn funds are only 7 trillion yuan, and 8 trillion yuan are still in the major financial markets, which makes Tidal Investment Company a bit difficult. If they withdraw quickly, this part of the funds may suffer huge losses.

This information was reflected in Ye Zishu. After thinking about it, he decided not to care so much and let Tidal Investment Company increase the shipment.

If you operate well, not only will you not lose money, but you can also make a wave.

In the past, the investment strategy of Smart Tide Investment Company was very careful, making money in a semi-passive state. Only when the fluctuations were not good, would it take the initiative to operate, causing fluctuations in the financial market.

In this special financial environment, there is no need to have so many worries, and the stock market will rise at a faster speed, attracting more financial investors to come in and take orders.

Didn’t you say that there are 7 trillion US dollars of international hot money? The surge in major financial markets must have attracted a large amount of international hot money to invest. They are like a bunch of sharks, running wherever they smell blood.

So much international hot money is actually a huge harm to the global financial market, which just further consumes the strength of international hot money. After this loss, it is estimated that it will take a long time to recover.

Although Tidal Investment Company may not be able to get out of the whole process, by virtue of the short-selling operation, not only will there not be huge losses, but it may make a small profit overall.

Now that the boss has said so, Tidal Investment Company naturally has no objection. When Ye Zishu went to the headquarters of Huanyu Group, the world's major financial markets unexpectedly rose slightly.

Many people believe that this is a large-scale escape of safe-haven funds from the financial vortex in Southeast Asia, looking for a more stable financial market for investment. Such speculation has attracted a large amount of capital into the market.

Follow-the-trend speculation exists in any financial market, and it is also the only way to make money quickly. How much money can you make by holding it for a long time? For many people, following the trend is the easiest way to make money.

In addition, the major financial markets have been in a steady decline over the past few years. The sudden increase this time is also understood to be that the Southeast Asian financial crisis has made a lot of money from international hot money. The money has returned to the major financial markets, causing financial The market rises.

In order to simulate such an effect, Tide Investment invested funds in major financial markets from accounts in Southeast Asia or other countries. From the data analysis point of view, this guess is further confirmed.

In the past few years, many people have suffered heavy losses in the financial market. When they suddenly encounter such a situation, they naturally want to make a lot of money, and the sooner they enter, the more they will earn.

So there was a weird scene, Tidal Investment Company was letting funds flow from all over the world to the major financial markets, but at the same time it was rhythmically selling a large number of securities in these financial markets.

The major indexes have also entered a fluctuating rising state from a continuous rising state. This situation further reflects the authenticity of the stock market and strengthens the idea of ​​some people wanting to come in and get a share.

The outflow of funds in the financial market is normal. As long as the inflow of funds is higher than the outflow of funds, the overall trend will still show an upward trend. In addition, securities companies that have not performed well before have joined the ranks of advocacy, and the heat is even higher.

Tidal Investment Company made so much money, most of it was earned from these securities investment companies, and a small part was earned from retail investors.

It can be seen how serious the losses of these securities investment companies are. This time they finally saw hope, so they naturally want to advocate and attract more funds to enter the market, so that their performance will be even better.

This can be regarded as a great help to Tidal Investment Company. In addition to continuing to cooperate with the entry funds, it is more confident and bold to withdraw funds from the financial market.

Later, I heard that such an operation really achieved the effect he wanted. Some international capitals who followed behind without even drinking soup turned around and headed to these financial markets instead of staying in Southeast Asia.

There are even a lot of hot money that can drink soup or eat meat in Southeast Asia. Based on prudent considerations and considering that there is not much oil and water here, they have also begun to enter these major financial markets.

Under the effect of these huge hot money, there really was a scene of prosperity, which not only allowed Tidal Investment Company to evacuate safely, but also made a lot of money.

When these international capitals entered the market, Tidal Investment Company stopped the fund entry operation, and these international capitals replaced the role of this part of funds.

It was originally planned to spend more than three months to withdraw these funds, but it only took one month to withdraw the remaining 8 trillion yuan in September.

After ensuring the safety of this part of the funds, the smart tidal investment system began to operate frantically for the purpose of making money, because it further consumed the strength of international capital.

Although 8 trillion yuan is a lot, it is actually less than 1 trillion US dollars. Compared with the amount of funds owned by international hot money, it is nothing. The financial market is still on the rise.

This is very unfavorable to Tidal Investment Corporation, because they still have a large number of short contracts. If the financial market continues to rise, these short contracts will cause Tidal Investment Corporation to suffer heavy losses.

Since they have so much money entering the market, they use the Tidal Investment System to earn these funds into their own hands, and they don't let the funds stay in the financial market like before.

Instead, he withdrew as much money as he earned until the financial market collapsed completely. This process lasted until November. Under the crazy operation of Tidal Investment Company, he finally couldn't bear it anymore.

During this period of time, the financial market was really ups and downs. One side made large-scale profits and withdrew funds, and the other side invested money in to operate and increase in order to avoid losses.

However, the intelligent tidal investment system does not fight head-on, but operates whichever makes money. Even if they lose money, they can temporarily short to make money.

As long as the scale of funds in the entire financial market is constantly shrinking, no matter which stocks are promoted by other capital, they will eventually be affected as a whole, and they will not be able to pull them up if they want to.

In fact, by October, the international capital had already shown a decline, and the investment was desperately raised, but the effect was not great, and it did not meet their expectations at all.

Some wise capitals feel that it is dangerous to continue, so they start hedging operations, but some capitals are not willing to see the Yellow River and are still blindly increasing their positions.

The final result is that it lasted for a month, and finally couldn't bear it anymore, and they sold the stocks in their hands one after another, and they no longer paid attention to any methods and methods, as long as they can be sold, so that they can get some money back.

The massive selling of these large capitals resulted in the spread of pessimism in the entire financial market, causing more and more institutions and retail investors to join the ranks of selling, and the squeeze effect was formed.

How they watched the excitement in Southeast Asia, even Japan and South Korea at the beginning, was how they were watched by others. As the saying goes, the law of heaven is reincarnated, and it is finally their turn to be harvested.

The funds withdrawn by Tidal Investment Company are not idle, and they conduct short-selling operations in major financial markets around the world, especially the already miserable stock markets of Japan, South Korea and Southeast Asia, which have become even more miserable due to the impact of the global financial situation.

Interestingly, at the beginning, some hot money believed that the financial markets of these countries had bottomed out and started to go long. This kind of bottom-hunting practice was a common financial operation method for them.

However, when the global financial market is not good, their so-called bottom-hunting is not at the bottom, but at the middle of the mountain, so that these hot money that don't join in the fun also suffer heavy losses.

That’s not to mention, some hot money feels that they can’t make much money just by buying bottoms. When Tidal Investment Company began to short these financial markets, they seemed to see a more profitable way.

So they began to reach contracts with the capital of Tidal Investment Company. If the financial market continues to go down, they will lose a lot of money. If the financial market rises, Tidal Investment Company will lose a lot of money.

If it is a real bottom, such an approach can indeed bring them huge profits, as if it is a business that is sure to make money without losing money.

It's just that things exceeded their expectations. The major financial markets, which had performed fairly well and even experienced a wave of rising prices, turned out to be unstoppable like they had taken laxatives.

Their thinking is actually correct, but they were affected by the global financial environment. Their so-called bottom-hunting, on the contrary, prevented many frightened capital from greater losses, withdrew from the financial market one after another, and dared not operate anymore.

In the case of large-scale blood loss in the financial market, their so-called bottom-hunting is really speculating on the mountainside, making it hard to get off the tiger, and they will face huge losses immediately if they sell. If they don’t sell, according to the current situation, when will it pick up?

Moreover, they are also facing huge losses in long-term betting contracts. If they cannot complete them, they may face the danger of bankruptcy, and even their stock assets will be involved.

As a result, these capitals had to be sold and used to complete the contract with the short sellers. Not only did they lose all the money they earned before, but they also invested a huge amount of money, resulting in heavy losses.

This is pretty good, at least they haven't gone bankrupt, and at least some funds have been saved. There is hope for a comeback, but some of the capital went bankrupt directly. They are already insolvent and have given up struggling.

Of course, there are also very cautious capitals. After making a small amount of money, they realize that something is wrong, so they hold back their greed, and the losses are much smaller.

It's just that the amount of this part of capital is not large, and capital is inherently greedy. If you are not greedy, how can you make money? Moreover, no one has thought of such a situation, which is completely beyond their common sense of finance.

By the end of December, all operations of Tidal Investment Company had completed the delivery, and the cash scale in its hands was as high as 40 trillion yuan, while the global financial market was wailing.

No matter how strong the financial market is, it has shrunk by 50% at this time, and it will be cut in half. The even worse financial market has even fallen by 70%, and it will lie flat.

A large number of securities companies and banks went bankrupt, and at the same time, a large number of companies were also greatly affected and encountered operational difficulties, either facing huge losses or filing for bankruptcy.

Faced with such a situation, in fact, it is very difficult for these countries to rescue the market. They can only rescue some key enterprises. A large number of financial institutions and enterprises have been abandoned and left to fend for themselves.

In this case, the valuation of financial assets was completely at the bottom, so they began to invest these funds in the financial market to buy bottoms, and at the same time they used them to buy companies with acquisition value.

With the entry of these funds, and countries are also trying to rescue the market, the financial market, which was slowly falling at the bottom, finally began to stabilize and no longer continue to fall, but it is also very difficult to pull up, and it is in a state of hovering at a low level.

For Tidal Investment Company, holding a large amount of cash is completely unnecessary, and the global economic downturn will not do any good to the industries under Leaf Book.

Therefore, they must spend the money they earn as much as possible to purchase a large number of assets, which is conducive to the resumption of work and production of these valuable enterprises, reducing layoffs, and allowing enterprises to operate normally.

In this financial crisis, those enterprises that were not well managed or of little value, and a large amount of international capital, really fell down.

As Tidal Investment Company's funds flowed back into financial and real companies through various channels, many companies that were on the brink of death have finally survived the catastrophe.

Although losses are inevitable, as these companies continue to operate normally, the global unemployment rate is not as bad as imagined, but the economic indicators of various countries are estimated to be ugly.

Even so, Tidal Investment Company only invested the money it earned this year. As for the money it earned before, it was used to buy gold, because at this time, the international gold price was at its lowest point in history.

Only when there are more funds in the world, the price of gold will rise. When the world is short of funds, the price of gold will naturally fall sharply, and many institutions will sell their gold.

After the gold is purchased by them, it is deposited in their own bank. Whether it is used as a reserve gold or as an operating gold, it is a good choice.

The price of gold at this time was not high, about 100 million yuan per ton, equivalent to 100 yuan per gram. It was a good time for Tidal Investment to buy gold while there were a large number of sellers selling gold.

Throughout the second half of the year, the global economy was in turmoil. Ye Zishu's words in the live broadcast at the beginning finally let everyone know the weight. Even those who believed in his judgment did not expect it to be so serious.

Although China has not been directly impacted by the global financial market, a large number of enterprises have also encountered operating difficulties due to the impact of the global economic environment.

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